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So Dark the Night

Page 23

by Elle Cross

  I smiled to myself, and I think that did something to the thread that we shared between us, because it was almost as if I could feel his hand stroke my cheek like he liked to do. Almost. And then he retreated. Just like that.

  I wondered if it was like that with all the men. Because one by one, I felt them come and go in my mind, and with each one, I could feel who they were individually. It was as if their personality, scent, even touch lingered and trembled over this connection of ours.

  I waited until the last one retreated—Ranek, the latest of the men to bond with me—and then I realized that it had gone quiet in the bathroom. It didn't feel like a lot of time had passed, and indeed it was barely a minute, but a minute was a long time when someone was just looking at you.

  And indeed it was hilarious because when the person waiting on you is the Queen of Nightmares and Death, there's no telling what is going on in her mind as she stares at you. Starlight shimmered in her eyes, a sort of dreamy look.

  "You have bonded with your men, my love. More than what I ever hoped for, for you." She was solemn.

  "Well, yeah, isn't that what you'd mentioned?"

  "Tsk, I know what your version of bonding is, and this was not what I expected. This is true bonding, and I'm so happy for you. And happy for them." And then she bit her lip, as if she were unsure. I'd never seen her unsure before. Ever. "You are…happy, aren't you my love?"

  Words cluttered behind my teeth, and washed back down my throat. It was hard to tell her what I really felt.

  Of course I was happy. I always felt happy. But if I were happy why would I have felt the need to pretend to die? Why had I felt the need to run away?

  But perhaps it wasn't just the idea of happiness that she was asking. Maybe what she was really asking, and what I needed to ask myself: was I doing what I wanted to do or living someone else’s expectations?

  "Yes. I'm happy." The words burned in my throat, and my eyes blurred. I thought I would cry and was mortified for a moment, but realized that it was okay to feel emotion. To feel something. Anything.

  I didn't realize that I was being slowly rocked back and forth between warm bodies until I heard my mother's voice, warm and sing-songy. "I'm happy you're happy, my darling. This is what I have always wanted for you. Not death. Not even power. But happiness. Love.

  “I'll leave you in their tender care."


  WE LEFT THE VAGARI stronghold to good cheer. Lord Basilius saw us off, and kissed me on both of my cheeks. He presented a gift from the court: beads of crystal. "For the journey," he said.

  I wrapped the beads around on my wrist; I felt a bit of power thrumming from them. As if there was energy imbued in them on reserve. The court’s spell casters and magic weavers gathered the bits of power left over from the revel.

  The moon would be full tonight. It was the first of the three days of the full moon. We would need to get to the River STX within that window to ensure that we could get in—and more importantly, get out.

  "Are you ready, your grace?"

  "As I'll ever be."

  I put my hand in West's, Enver at my back. Though Ranek was the Prince of Straits, my bond with West would be stronger, and could weather a lot of onslaught in case we came under attack. At least with Ranek's powers combined with West's and Havoc's, we were able to travel the shadow paths together.

  We were spit out at a familiar club at twilight. Even the scent was familiar.

  It felt like we'd been away forever, but it had only been one day in our time. The air felt colder, though. More crisp. “Was the Vagari stronghold in an Ever Now?” I asked Ranek.

  "No, it's not an Ever Now, but time flows separately from here. I believe that we'd been away for a few days here, even though we were gone basically one day there."

  A few days? Does that mean that we missed the window? I looked to the sky, and even with the twilight, I could see the moon full and heavy on the horizon.

  Shit. "Does that mean that we only have tonight to get to the River STX?"

  "It appears so."

  Dammit all to hell and back.

  Grim, we pushed into the club.

  The music was loud and thumping and I swore it was even foggy in there. Really? Indoor fog? As if there weren't enough ways to hide yourself from your would-be conquests.

  I wanted to go upstairs the way it had been in my dream, but Ranek nudged me to a separate holding. It was a little elevator.

  "Okay, we can't all go up."

  Enver wasn't pleased. Almost immediately, he grumbled in his throat. "I am not leaving my queen's side. Nor will I be allowing her safety to be entrusted to just you. No offense."

  He perfectly meant to be offensive, but I think he wanted to tell him that he shouldn't be offended for calling him out on it. Or something.

  I didn't want to interfere with that kind of planning. It was usually up to the queen’s Consort or Primus, whichever one she had, to figure out the politics and the nuances between the men, and I realized that I hadn't really chosen my Primus. Was that a bad thing? Was that why there was latent division and strife? Testing?

  I kept all that to myself, I didn't want them to worry. "I have a feeling that at this moment, it makes the most sense for me to go with Ranek, and only him. The plan will work."

  Enver wasn't pleased. At all. But he deferred to my judgment. I opened myself up to him, concentrating really hard on our bond.

  I realized that within the astral plane that I shared with all my Inner Circle, we were in a kind of quiet space where it was just the two of us. It felt like a sanctuary of sorts.

  He looked around as if this was new to him as well. "My queen?" It was like he couldn't see me.

  I reached out and grabbed his hand, and he blinked as if I had just appeared in front of him. Instead of words, what felt the most appropriate were actions. I wrapped my arms around him, hugged him and reassured him that I wasn't choosing Ranek over him. I was making the best decision with the information in front of me, that was all.

  He cupped my face, and touched our foreheads together. "I apologize if I was acting in such a way that you felt the need to reassure me like this. Like I was some newly blooded warrior."

  I remembered when he was newly blooded. Even then, he was sure and confident and ready for war. "No, not newly blooded. But, newly bonded, and unsure of your role and position with your queen. That I understand, and I'm sorry it has taken me this long to give you what you need."

  He dipped his head down, capturing my lips as if to erase my words. "You never have to worry about my needs. I only care for your needs."

  "I am your queen, and part of being queen is to worry about those who choose to be loyal to me. Please let me tend to your needs."

  A sly grin spread across his beautiful face. "I would never deny you that, my queen."

  I poked him in his rock hard stomach, something I instantly regretted since he was wearing body armor. "Snort, keep that up, and I won't be very attentive any time soon. I meant this." I allowed power to pool in my hands until it was like I was cupping liquid flame. I centered my left hand over his heart and placed my right over my heart. And then, I let the power flow over both of us, sealing us in. Then I said the words that bound him to me as my Primus.

  "You are my Primus, my first in all things, and the shadow at my back. Do you accept?"

  The heavens shimmered and danced in his eyes, and his smile captured the sun. "Yes."

  Ribbons of power wrapped and weaved itself around us and settled as a scrolling glyph on the curve of my breast. Enver would have a matching symbol on his body as well.

  "Good. Now that that's settled, please stop being jealous of Ranek."

  He gave me a deep kiss. "What's there to be jealous of?"


  I kissed him once more.

  "I don't have to be jealous of him though to be worried for you." Darklight danced along his skin, ready to unleash hellfire on anything th
at would seek to harm me.

  "I know. It's sort of your job to worry. But please know that I'm not some weakling, okay? I think I'm starting to get the hang of this queen stuff."

  He cupped my face in both of his hands and then kissed my forehead once more, sealing in our bond. I felt the tingling first. I wondered what markings I would have across my forehead now. I could still feel the scroll work etching itself into my skin, a funny sensation like someone was tickling me with a feather, even after we parted.

  With one final look at him, I broke my concentration, and blinked us back into a more public forum.


  West came closer and traced his finger feather light across my forehead. "You leave for a second and come back with markings of power." A curious look came over him. "And bonded again?" He sniffed again, as if the scent between Enver and I were unusual.

  "Yes. Enver, Prince of Darklight is also Primus of the Queen of Shadows."

  The rest of the men touched a closed fist lightly to their hearts as a salute. Then they broke off into a quick hug. I took that moment to slip away from them, and linking hands with Prince Ranek, we slid into the elevator to face the Power Broker.


  THE WHITE ROOM WAS aptly named. Everything was white. And bright. So much so that I couldn't figure out the angles of the room, the layout or anything.

  How Ranek knew how to cross from one side to the other without wandering forever was beyond me.



  He lifted my hand to his lips for a quick peck before trudging forward toward a door that I hadn't seen just a few moments ago.


  I took that all in. For some reason, I tended to attract a lot of travelers to my group. Or those who were gifted with transportation, portals, pathways. I never realized that it was such a rare gift, so rare that there were whole means of travels that were left forgotten.

  We arrived at the door, which felt at times like it had been walking farther away from us the more we walked to it, but it was within reach now. Ranek placed his palm on it and pushed the door in.

  We stumbled into another elevator, nearly exactly what we had exited from. I blinked the shine out of my eyes. When the elevator door opened, the bell chimed and it was something cheery. So randomly out of place there where I was convinced that I'd never hear or see anything ever again.

  It was like a worse sensation of snow or sun blindness, both of which I'd experience thanks to my sister and her friends meddling with me when I was younger.

  Warmth spread in my chest to counteract that cold memory. An acknowledgment from Ranek that I was untouchable to those who would bully me.

  He squeezed my hand. "Now, remember the plan. Just keep looking down, and don't say anything."

  "Ugh, I hate this man already." A surge of protective anger spread over my skin through my bonds. We wouldn't be able to finish the plan if my Inner Circle kept trying to reach out and place protective wards on my skin.

  He lifted my chin up so that we could speak eye to eye. "It's only for a moment. And know that I don't agree with him or his manner toward women." He kissed me hard and sure. It was a "let's do this" final hurrah.

  He waited until I looked dutifully at the floor, and then placed a gauzy veil over my head. And then we pushed through the receiving doors.

  We had wanted to be inconspicuous, at least that was the hope. But as soon as I crossed over the threshold several alarms buzzed throughout the great hall, alerting all the guards that were standing at attention in the perimeter. From the supplicants to the soft man sprawled lazily across his throne stood at attention.

  Great. So much for subtlety.

  "I guess there's no need for a lot of fanfare after all that," Ranek started. "May I introduce Karina, the Queen of Shadows."



  I despised him with every fiber of my being. His reputation preceded him, of course, but I didn't really understand the depths of how vile he truly was until I was near enough to smell him.

  Gods above and below, I wanted Karina out of here, away from him and his leering stare. She only needed to be surrounded by those who would love her and cherish her. Not this bullshit of a man breathing the same air as she.

  Her veil trembled with each exhale. I wanted nothing more than to hug her to my body, and take her straight back to her Primus.

  Funny. I wished for nothing more than to serve at her court. If I were asked, I would have said that I would kill to be her Primus. But, once she had made her choice, I felt great about it. Like there was some tension that had eased out of my body. I knew where I belonged, knew my place in her court. I would be part of her Inner Circle, and that above anything else was the most precious thing to me.

  I hoped to make her proud today.

  And in so doing, save Raya.

  We had walked the entire length of the hall. Silence answered as we passed. Conversations stopped mid-sentence. Mouths gaped. Food ignored.


  I gauged Karina. She didn't sound frightened. Just seemed to be stating a fact.

  "Lord Brakka," I started out, as respectfully as I could. "This conversation should be handled in private.”

  Without taking his eyes off Karina, Lord Brakka, the Power Broker of the Midwest, signaled for the room to clear. I shot a look around the hall as the assembly seemed to wink away. Nothing stopped Lord Brakka from coming closer.

  He circled us both.

  I pivoted, kept myself in front of Karina. "We had a deal, Lord Brakka."

  "Well, well, isn't this a surprise. A Vagari Prince, looking to pay tribute finally."

  The man fingered the chain around his neck. The chain that held the key to get into the River STX. My fingers curled into fists at the sight of it. "Were you here for new business or old business?"

  The man was ridiculous. He knew that I had brought a queen to him, and not just any queen, the Queen of Shadows. Something he'd wanted for so long that he had stolen my sister as collateral to ensure that my kingdom would pay this tribute.


  Of course. How stupid of me. My anger was my weakness. It made me make rash decisions, things I often regretted. I didn't want to do that now. I was not about to shame and disappoint my queen.


  I didn't have to do that. I just needed to think something, anything, her way. But I needed to let her know that I was with her and that I could be counted on.

  I spoke the words again, with shade in my voice. "We had a deal, Lord Brakka."

  For the first time since he was aware of her, Lord Brakka tore his eyes from Karina, and raked his gaze over me. He stepped closer, allowing the mass of his rippling power to trail around us, wisps of which trailed around Karina's ankle.

  She tiptoed closer to me, and I wrapped my arm loosely around her to keep her close. In the circle of my power, the tendrils couldn't cross.

  The Power Broker threw every bit of anger and bile toward me. It felt like a thousand different papercuts raked across my skin. As soon as the sting of them hit me, they seemed to have gotten soothed away.

  Karina. Wasting power on me. I asked her to stop, but the warmth grew, so I ignored it.

  He was threatening me, but I wouldn't budge. Whether or not she was my queen, and I would keep her safe was moot. As a business deal, this would be the way of it anyway. An exc
hange. A bartering. One man trying to up the other.

  When I wouldn't yield to his intimidation tactics, Lord Brakka finally relented, breaking the silence. "Very well." His voice pitched low and threatening. He snapped his fingers and summoned a keeper.


  I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to let her know that everything was going according to plan. I wanted to tell her all these things, but I'd also promised never to lie to her.

  That was the only thing that I could disclose without completely lying.


  An involuntary tremor shook through my body at that tone. That was a queenly tone, one that brooked no argument. One that said that I could place my head up my ass if I felt like doing so as well.

  The Keeper had arrived with a jar.

  "Your sister, was it?" Lord Brakka's tone was slimy.

  I wanted to punch those sharp teeth of his down his throat. The feeling that I got from my queen through our bond was that she would fully support that decision.

  “Good timing, too, since we were about to sojourn into the River STX for another bit of deposit.” He leered at Karina once more. “I would have to let them know that I had something come up last minute that needed my personal attention.”

  The Keeper extended the jar to me. As I reached out to grab it, the bastard took it out of my reach. "We're not stupid, warrior. We know you can leave whenever you want. Deliver the queen first."

  "And have you screw me over? Gentlemen please."

  Lord Brakka snarled in frustration and grabbed the jar from his Keeper, and placed it in my grasp. At the same time, he grabbed hold of Karina's upper arm and pulled her to him. "There. Our bargain is done. Fate is sealed."


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