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The Boy Next Door (Falling for You Book 1)

Page 7

by Danielle Lee Zwissler

  “I’m so glad that you’re here.”

  “Me, too. Mind if I sit for a bit?” Payton asked. “It’s been a long day.”

  “Yeah, of course. My bed’s here. We can share it,” I said, before thinking of the way that sounded.

  Payton’s eyes widened slightly and then he shook his head. “Just like the fort.”

  “Oh, yeah, of course. Same thing as an air mattress, and a sleeping bag.”

  “Yeah, of course,” Payton agreed. “Except it’s not.”

  “Yeah.” I walked over to my bed and sat down. “I was sleeping, so sorry about the messy covers.”

  “That’s not a problem. You don’t mind that I’m here, do you? I mean, I could get a hotel room somewhere around here, if you want.”


  Payton laughed at the quickness to my response. “Well, okay.”

  “I’m glad that you’re here.”

  “Good. Would you mind if we slept for now? I’m exhausted.” Payton looked as though he’d pass out any minute.

  “Yeah, that’s fine,” I said, as I lay back in bed. Payton did the same.

  A moment of awkward silence later, and we were both asleep.

  Chapter Eleven

  *Second Base*

  I woke up with a heavy arm draped around me and an erection firm against my backside. I tried not to breathe, as I didn’t want to alert Payton that I was awake. Things were feeling good, I had to admit, and my feelings toward him were anything but innocent. I couldn’t help it, I arched my back a little. I heard his sharp intake of breath.

  “Good morning,” I said, sleepily, yet fully aware.

  “Go—good morning,” Payton stammered. His arm twitched a smidge, and I turned my head slightly. His lips were near my ear. I sighed.

  “You feel good,” I said, brazenly. Wondering if I was doing this whole seduction thing the right way or not. More than likely not.

  “God, Keri, you,” he said, as his lips touched the skin behind my ear.

  I flinched, and his teeth nipped at me lightly. Oh hell. I pressed back once more, and felt his arm move so that his hand was on my hip. He moved his fingers up so they were under my tank, and he skimmed my skin with his fingertips.

  I sucked in a small breath, and my heart did flops in my chest.

  His mouth nibbled little kisses on my neck, and then my ear, and oh, God, did it feel good. I moaned again, and he answered it with one of his own.

  And then his hand moved up.

  I waited, hoping that he would touch me, feel me some more.

  “I want you so badly, Keri. It’s… this… You.”

  “Kiss me,” I begged. “Everywhere.”

  Payton moved his body over mine and placed his lips at the base of my neck and started kissing down, while moving his hands up my sides toward my breasts. I sucked in air in small gasps as every sensation was like a lightning bolt to the area between my thighs. I could only imagine the way I looked, all strung out on Payton, as if he were the best kind of drug in the world and I was immersing myself in him. He was my catnip.

  His hands made their way to my chest, and I arched into them and moaned, and of course, as luck would have it, we heard the jingle of keys in the door, and then I heard Payton’s new famous expletive “fuck”.

  Payton quickly moved to my side and covered us both up before the door swung open and Alexis walked in. I was breathing so hard now, and I was so completely turned on by my first heavy session of making out.

  Payton’s hand moved to mine and he twined his fingers with my own. I flinched, and I opened my eyes slightly to see if Alexis noticed anything.

  She did.

  The brat had a huge grin on her face with her thumb up in the air. Good lord.

  I remembered when we were at the stickball field and she said she’d watch if I had a boyfriend, kind of like a live action romance.

  I snorted, then erupted in laughter. I don’t think Payton knew what to do, as it took him a few minutes to catch up. He then tickled my side, and we settled in to the more comfortable best friend mode. The way my life was going, I would probably be a virgin forever.

  “You coming up for air anytime soon?” Alexis asked, jovially. “You do know you have class in thirty?”

  “Shit,” I said, as I went to climb over Payton. He groaned softly as I was nearly square on his man parts.

  “Sorry,” I whispered as I leaned in to kiss him full on the mouth.

  Payton answered with a laugh.

  I stood at the edge of the bed now and looked down into Payton’s eyes. He was smiling, and looked way more relaxed than I had ever seen him. I put that look on his face, and that made me pretty proud of myself.

  “I shouldn’t be too long. Though, it will probably feel like forever,” I said as I went over to my dresser and pulled out some clothes. I went to strip off my tee, when I realized Payton was still in the room and Alexis was waiting.

  “Oh come on,” Alexis said, nearly laughing.

  I reddened as I was probably being pretty ridiculous. I didn’t want my first time stripping in front of a guy to be in my dorm room with my roommate as the audience. “Uh, it’s okay, I’ll go into the bathroom and change.”

  Alexis shook her head as if I didn’t know how to do college, and I was a total lost cause. I had to agree, I was completely in left field here. And technically, Payton and I weren’t even boyfriend and girlfriend.

  I worried my lip for a minute with that thought, and Payton, of course, caught it right away. He moved the covers on my bed and stood. He walked over to me and put his arms around me and leaned in for a kiss.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “This is going to sound really dumb, but…”

  “What?” he asked, his lip quirked up at the side a bit, and his dimples popped. He was really adorable.

  “Are we, you know, a couple?”

  Payton smiled and leaned his forehead against mine once more. It was sort of our thing, getting all close, and invading space until one of us would pop.

  “I think we’re definitely a couple. You know how I feel about you, and I won’t say the word, because you know how that makes you feel. So, yes. You’re my girlfriend.”

  He kissed the tip of my nose and moved his hands up and down my back, just caressing me. I smiled, and tilted my head back so I could kiss him.

  “Okay. Good.”

  I heard Alexis say “Aw!” And then I laughed, and so did Payton.

  “We’ve gotta go, Ker,” Alexis said, as she looked down at her cell. “We don’t have a whole lot of time.”

  I nodded and took my key off my ring. “Here,” I said to Payton, “take this so you can get back in later. I have an extra. I’ll be gone til around 2. Then I have a break, and we can do lunch. This is my busiest day, so we’ll have plenty of time the rest of the week.”

  Payton nodded, taking the key. “I’ll meet you back here at two.”

  “See ya.” I walked out of the room in my pajama pants and tank, looking pretty ridiculous. I completely forgot to change.

  The walk across campus to my class was a long one, and of course Alexis wanted details. I never realized how different a girl/boy friendship vs. a girl/girl friendship was. Payton would tell me little things, and I was satisfied with what he gave me, and he was with what I gave him, but with Alexis, it was a whole new ballgame. If she asked me for details she wanted everything from the time, down to if he shaved his toes or not. What guy shaves his toes?

  “So, did you see it?” Alexis asked, and put her hand up to her mouth and giggled.

  It was the most embarrassing thing I had ever heard come out of her mouth, and that was saying something.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I asked, laughing. “No, I didn’t see it.”

  “Damn, I was hoping you did. He is huge. Tall. And his hands are enormous.”

  I don’t know why, but her talking about Payton like that set me on fire. “Why do you need to know about my boyfriend?”

; “Chill, killer, it’s just something girls talk about. I keep forgetting that you’ve never had a girlfriend. Okay, so did you kiss?”

  I rolled my eyes and shook my head. “You saw us kiss.”

  “Well, okay, that’s my way of asking how it was.”

  “It was awesome.”

  “Really? That’s all you’re going to give me. Come on! Tongue or no tongue?”



  “Some,” I said, and then could feel my face redden.

  “I like licking,” Alexis admitted.

  I laughed because I was so nervous. “Yeah.”

  “Does he bite?”

  The question nearly made me convulse. She made him sound like a crazy, rabid dog.


  “He’s not a Doberman!”

  “You know what I mean.”

  “He nibbled a little, here,” I said, and I touched my ear and a little of my neck.

  “Oh I love when Todd does that. My ears are so sensitive.”

  Apparently, so were mine. “It was awesome.”

  “So, how’d his hands feel?”

  “They were—”

  “Oh, hey! I’ve been looking for you,” Chad called from a few yards away.

  I looked over in shock. He was coming straight toward Alexis and me, and Alexis’s mouth was gaping open a bit.

  “Shit, he’s hot,” she whispered.

  She was right, he was.

  “Hey, Chad,” I said, trying to ignore him. I didn’t need any problems.

  “Do you want to study tonight?”

  “No, I’m sorry, I’m done with the whole tutoring thing.”

  Chad looked a bit miffed at that. “Really?”

  “Yeah, I…”

  “I’ve been tutoring her, and we’re roommates, so it just works out better.”

  “Oh,” Chad said, and then grinned. “Roommates. I’m Chad,” he said, and then held his hand out for Alexis to take. She didn’t bite.

  “Sorry, boyfriend. And this one’s taken, too, I’m afraid.” Alexis grabbed my arm and tried to pull me away. I didn’t move.

  Chad’s eyes rounded as he looked at me. “Well, okay then.”

  “Sorry, Chad, buh-bye,” Alexis said. She was downright bitchy.

  Chad gave us both a look, and I waved, embarrassed.

  “What was that?” I asked, as I finally turned toward where she wanted to go.

  “That guy is hot, and he’s trouble, I can tell you that right now.” Alexis looked like she was ready to throw down.

  “He’s fine…” Though after I said that, I didn’t really believe it.

  “Now, where were we?” she asked.

  My ADD couldn’t remember anything past the buh-bye. “No idea.” I looked down at my cell, and said, “We better haul ass.”

  “You’re right.”

  Chapter Twelve


  Remember those famous last words of mine to Payton? The “We’ll have plenty of time the rest of the week.” Yeah, well we didn’t. Class was all consuming, and the tests were hard. Luckily for me, I had Payton there as my main man and math tutor. I know what you’re thinking, did you guys make out? Well, duh. We slept in the same bed all week, but then again, we were next to the lovebirds, Alexis and Todd, too. It was weird. It reminded me of some Reality TV show where there were just people making out everywhere and nothing really got done. It was nice, but there were other things to do…unfortunately.

  I spent most of the week learning Payton’s lips, and the feel of his hands on me. We didn’t get past second, which was really frustrating, but I did get an ass grab or three in on him. He had great glutes. I mean, really, hard-ass farmer/cowboy glutes.

  We were now on the plane together on our way back home, and I couldn’t wait to hang out with him in the tree fort. He was holding my hand, finding any excuse he could to touch me, and it felt so good. I have to say, I finally understood what people were saying when they called it puppy love. I had those eyes, those adoring little puppy eyes for Payton, and he had the same for me.

  I just hadn’t told him yet.

  “Want to watch Divergent?” Payton asked as we settled back into our seats. This was so much better than when I flew last month and the lady next to me was freaking out about all of the rules. Payton was ready to just put the headphones on and zone out.

  “Sure, boyfriend,” I said, winking at him. He grinned, and squeezed my hand.

  “Good. I’ve been waiting a while for this one.”

  Yeah no kidding, I wanted to say. I’ve been waiting all summer and fall for this damn movie. “Me, too.”

  The flight attendant announced the flight times and all the emergency info, and then the plane made its way down the runway. Payton leaned his head toward mine and I smiled. Things were going great. I worried about this for nothing.

  Hours later, we pulled into my mom and dad’s driveway and I sighed.

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just hard. The first thing I thought when we pulled up was I couldn’t wait to see mom and dad’s face when we walked in. And then I remembered.”

  Payton turned toward me and put his hand on my face. “I love you, okay. It’s going to be hard, but I’ll be here with you the entire time.”

  I felt my heart beat a steady rhythm and I looked into Payton’s eyes. He finally said it. It was the first time since we’d seen each other again. He loved me. It was time that I owned up to my part in this whole thing.

  I smiled. “I love you, too, Pay.”

  His answering grin was slow, but it was there, along with his dimples and that sparkle in his eyes. He leaned in and put his forehead against mine and just stayed there for a moment. “That feels good.”

  “Yeah,” I admitted. The tears were in my voice, and Payton put his lips on mine.

  We kissed for a few minutes, soft, sweet and breathy kisses, before we broke apart.

  “You ready to do this?” I asked.

  “You know I am.”

  Mom met us at the door with her arms wide open and a smile on her face. “Finally? Did you say it, honey?” she asked, and she squeezed us both.

  I squeezed her back and kissed her cheek. “Yes,” I said softly. “You were right.”

  “I’m happy for you both. Payton, it’s good to see you.”

  “It’s good to see you, too, Mrs. Richards.”

  Mom let go of us and leaned back so she could look us both in the eye. “No more spending the night in the tree fort, you two.”


  “Why?” I asked, going for an innocent tone. Payton just laughed.

  “I think you know why,” Mom replied, and then reached for my hand to pull me inside.

  It was going to be a very long week.

  “So, how was last week? Did you get to show Payton around campus?” Mom asked, probably wondering if he liked Ohio as much as I did. Either that or fielding the all-important moral question if we had done it or not. I’m sure she didn’t want to know that.

  “She showed me around. We ate at a lot of different places,” Payton answered for me. “We watched a stickball game, too. It’s not a real sport, but it was fun to watch.”

  Mom looked at Payton oddly. “What the hell is stickball?”

  I laughed.

  “Exactly,” Payton agreed. “It’s just what it sounds like and about as exciting as that, though Todd, was not very good and it was fun seeing that.”

  “Who’s Todd?” Mom asked.

  I hurriedly answered. She didn’t exactly know about the living arrangements. “He’s Alexis’s boyfriend.”

  We walked over to the dining room table and sat down. The house was decorated with its usual fall décor, and I felt good about that. I was worried that Mom wouldn’t feel like putting out the turkey stuff.

  “Oh, is he nice?” Mom asked.

  “Yeah, he’s fun,” I answered as Payton squeezed my thigh. I jumped, and then gave him a dirty

  “I won’t ask what that was about,” Mom said, looking pleased that Payton and I were obviously working out.

  “Okay, so, did you talk to Jack then? About Seth’s situation.”

  Mom looked a bit worried, and she made a weird un-mom-like face.

  “What’s that look for?”

  “He’s in love with Cassie.”

  “I know, he’s marrying her,” I said. “Really, Mom, it’s not like you to not be caught up in the twins’s stuff.”

  Payton shook his head and looked at me. “Uh, I don’t think she means Seth.”

  “No, I didn’t,” Mom confirmed.

  “Wait, what?” I asked.

  “Jack is in love with Cassie.”

  “Seth’s Cassie?” I asked, as it finally donned on me why they were both looking at me like I was the dimmest light bulb in the box, and I guess I probably was.

  “Yep. He’s known her for the last three and a half years, and he thinks that she’s confused. He hasn’t said anything to Seth either.”

  “Shit,” Payton said, and then apologized. “That’s not good.”

  “No, I don’t think it is either, but Jack said he’s not going to do anything about it.”

  “But it’s Jack, I mean…he’s…” I didn’t want to say it, but Jack was my favorite of the twins. He was the sensitive one, the guy that should have been voted Most Likely to Be Prince Charming.

  “I know, but he doesn’t want to hurt your brother. He and Seth have that bond.”

  “Then wouldn’t Seth know that his girlfriend is playing both brothers?” I asked, suddenly hating the tramp. Yes, I thought the word tramp and it fit perfectly for a girl that was going after my brothers.

  “We don’t know that, honey.”

  “It certainly sounds like it. What does Jack say?”

  “He doesn’t say much. He’s not coming today.” Mom said the last part with her head down. I could tell that she was sad about the whole thing, and I was, too. I was really looking forward to seeing Jack.

  “Oh, Mom. I’m really sorry about that. What’s he going to do?”

  “He’s staying in his apartment. He said he doesn’t feel like celebrating, and he needs to save some money. For what, I have no idea. He has a credit card for the flights, too. We gave all three of you kids one. I wanted him to use it.”


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