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Tend My Heart

Page 3

by Marian H. Griffin

  “How do I look?”

  He jolted and turned.

  “Too bad you got dressed.”

  She looked down at the pink dress with red roses and green stems and leaves scattered over it. “You don’t like it?”

  He shook his head. “The dress is lovely. You are gorgeous.”

  “You’re a funny guy.”

  “I wasn’t joking.”

  She gave him a coy smile and twirled around. The floaty dress lifted almost enough.

  “You look beautiful.”

  “How sweet.”

  He checked his watch. “You only took eight minutes.”

  She picked up a tiny bag and slipped her wrist through the loop. “You want me to go back to my room for another two minutes?”

  He looked closely. “You got dried, dressed and put on make-up in eight minutes. I’m going to have to call either the Association of Beautiful Women or Ripley’s Believe it Or Not.”

  “You are one funny guy, Mr. Cash Wallace.”

  “You are one surprising, beautiful woman, Miss Penny Sykes.”

  She looked pleased with herself and, hopefully, with him. He lifted his arm for her to take. “Shall we?”

  “Let’s do it,” she said sliding her hand around his elbow. He wished she hadn’t phrased her comment in just that way. He was going to need another cold, wet bathing suit.

  * * *

  They were seated in the resort’s upscale restaurant without fuss. The tables were covered with linen and every one of them had a view of the water.

  “So what brings you to Barefoot Bay?” Cash asked.

  It’s too soon for the whole truth. But no lies.

  “I recently inherited some money so I decided on a nice, long vacation.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. I have enough money to do what I want.”

  “No, I mean you must have lost someone close to you.”

  Penny froze for a brief moment and hoped Cash didn’t notice. She considered her answer carefully.

  “Close enough.”

  “Hmm. You had a reclusive, paranoid uncle who kept his savings in a mattress? Or a wayward cousin who turned out to be a Hollywood star?”

  She grinned. “Getting warm.”

  “Should I keep guessing or are you going to tell me?”

  She shook her head. “Not even a clue.”

  Cash dug into his salad and chewed thoughtfully. “Your identical twin, who you were separated from at birth, won the lottery and died while celebrating, leaving you all her winnings. The lawyers finally found you after years of accumulated interest and several PIs searching for you.”

  Deliberately widening her eyes, she dropped her fork. “How did you guess that?”

  His eyes went wide. “I’m right?”

  “No, not at all. I just wondered how you guessed that.”

  He dropped his head. “I walked into that one, didn’t I?”

  “No. You jogged. You ran. You flew. Anything but walked.”

  Heads turned as the two of them laughed out loud.

  “I’m not usually nosy but you intrigue me, Penny.”

  She toyed with the last few pieces of lettuce in her bowl. “You intrigue me, too.”

  Now what was she going to do? She hadn’t lied, but she hadn’t told the complete truth either. And she liked this guy. But she was set on her course. She was determined to have a fling with him and walk away with her heart intact.

  Their dinner was served.

  “How do you feel about crab?” Cash asked gazing at her lobster casserole.

  “I feel good about crab.” She scooped up some of her casserole and set it on his plate then grinned as he transferred several meaty looking crab legs to her plate.

  They grinned at each other and dug into their dinner.

  Ten silent minutes later Penny leaned back and sighed. “I’m stuffed.”

  “It’s all those crab legs you ate.”

  “That, plus the salad, casserole and two garlic-cheese biscuits.”

  “I didn’t want to point out the obvious.”

  She laughed and threw her napkin at him. It landed in his lap. She was having the time of her life. He was funny and intelligent and had the most beautiful eyes. I’m doomed.

  “You trying to tell me I’m sloppy?”

  “Well, I didn’t want to state the obvious.”

  With a chuckle, Cash ordered the chocolate cookie and ice cream.

  “No! I can’t eat another bite.”

  “Who said it’s for you?”


  “Okay, okay. You can taste it.”

  They split it pretty evenly she thought. He took the first spoonful of cookie and ice cream, she took the second. Back and forth, their spoons changed position until they had a little spoon war over the last cookie crumb and melted ice cream. As Cash signed the check, she realized they hadn’t stopped talking throughout the dinner. She even spoke of spending “some” time on a cattle ranch which prompted him to discuss cattle futures, feed lots and sorghum grass. She had to bite her tongue to keep from telling him her opinion of anyone feeding asparagus to cows.

  Chapter Four

  “How about a walk?” Cash asked.

  “That’d be great.” Penny let him pull out her chair and take her hand. They went out the terrace doors and onto the sand of the long beach along Barefoot Bay. A light breeze lifted her hair.

  “You’re so pretty.”

  “Thank you. And you are very handsome.”

  “Thank you.” Then he laughed. “Aren’t we sweet?”

  She smiled. “Better than being bitchy.”

  Cash threw back his head and laughed. He dropped her hand and put his arm around her shoulders giving her a little squeeze. “I am so glad I met you.”

  You’d be singing a different story if you knew what a fake I am.

  “I’m glad we met, too. I’m only here for a couple of weeks. How long are you staying?”

  He grimaced. “Only about four days I’m afraid.”

  “Oh. That’s too bad. We’ll barely get to know one another.”

  He stopped and turned her to face him. “We can get to know each other pretty well. I want to get to know you.”

  Not too much.

  “I want to get to know you, too.”

  The pressure on her shoulders increased. She took a step closer to him. What happens if he finds out I’m lying? What if I tell him? Would he run for the hills if he finds out I desperately want to run a farm or a ranch?

  All questions fled as he touched his lips to hers. They were dry and soft and gentle. He kissed her once, twice then licked his lips. She put her arms around his neck and kissed him back capturing the moisture of his lips. She pressed her tongue against the seam of his mouth. Invitation accepted, he pressed his tongue inside hers. She sighed in pleasure. She returned his kiss and wrapped him tight in her arms. They continued until they were breathing hard and staring at each other.

  I am so going to do this.

  “Your place, or mine,” she asked.

  He raised an eyebrow. “Yours is bigger.”

  She grinned. “I hope not too much bigger.”

  Again, he threw back his head and laughed. He took her hand again.

  “Let’s go,” she said.

  Walking a bit quicker than they had on the way to the beach, they trotted up the stairs to her door. They kissed again before she fumbled out her key. Hands shaking, she slid the card a couple of times before she got the green light. Meanwhile, Cash nibbled on her neck and ear. She was sweating before they got inside the room.

  Expecting to be ravished as soon as they got inside, she was surprised when he stepped over to the bar.


  This is a first. “Yes, please.”

  He read the label. “This is a decent Pinot Grigio. Didn’t expect this in a hotel.”

  “This is not a hotel, Cash.”

  He looked at her. “What is it?”

p; “It is the Casa Blanca Spa & Resort.”


  “It is much more than a hotel.”

  “Oh. Of course.” He grinned and rolled his eyes as he turned to pour wine into two tall crystal wine goblets.

  “You’re such a man.”

  He strolled across the room a wine glass in each hand. “Hallelujah.”

  Grinning she took her wine and sipped. He dipped his head and kissed her wet lips.

  “Mmm. I was right. It is good.”

  She put her glass down on an end table. “I’m better.” He set his wine down. She slid a finger in the waistband of his tasteful gray slacks and led him across the room to her boudoir. Leading him through the door, she kicked off her heels.

  “No,” he said softly. “Let me.”

  She turned her back to him and he slowly lowered the zipper. He kissed his way down her back, slid the dress off her shoulders and let it drop. Stepping out of it she turned to face him. His gaze started at her eyes and lips then drifted slowly down until he reached her feet.

  “Damn. You even have beautiful feet.”

  He slid his arms around her and pulled her in for a kiss. While his tongue entertained her, he unclasped her bra and slid it off. Surprised, she looked up at him.

  But he was working his way down to his knees. Hooking his fingers in the sides of her panties, he tugged gently, easing the fabric down her thighs, calves and ultimately off her feet. He knelt before her, his gaze traveling from her feet to her face. Slowly standing up, he lifted his shirt over his head and let it drop. He lowered his zipper and slid his slacks down, taking his blue boxers with them.

  Penny stared into his eyes. They were focused on her and seemed to ask questions. Then she slowly lowered her gaze to take in his neck, shoulders and chest. Continuing down his well-sculpted body, she noticed his slim hips, inviting erection, perfectly muscled thighs and well-shaped feet.

  “I like your feet, too.”

  He laughed and scooped her up to lay her on the bed. She grinned as he lay down beside her, facing her. Tugging gently, she pulled him to her until he lay partially on top of her.

  “Wait,” he said. Leaning over he grabbed his slacks and withdrew a condom.

  “Safety first,” he said with a grin.

  “Thanks.” Then she kissed him.

  He kissed her back. Hard and demanding. They were breathing deeply when he slid down to nuzzle her breasts. She knew she had nice breasts. Thirty-eight C and still perky. He moaned as he cupped one breast and sucked on the nipple. I think he likes them, too.

  “Your breasts are perfect.”

  Before she could reply, he slid his hand down her side, over her hip and between her thighs. She groaned and shifted her legs. His hand took the hint and cupped her. One long finger slipped inside her, then out to circle the most sensitive spot on her body. She arched her back and cried out with pleasure. Cash’s mouth followed his hand and kissed her over and over, his tongue snaking in and out and around until Penny thought she’d explode.

  Her senses exploded. Writhing, she clutched at him when he started to move away. “Stay. Please. Make love to me. Now.”

  Without further encouragement, Cash moved on top of her, slid her legs up and plunged inside her. He was sweating. His eyes were closed as flesh slapped flesh. As he slowed to an excruciating pace.

  “Open your eyes.”

  She hadn’t realized she’d closed them. His eyes were locked on hers. Holding her gaze, he glided back and forth. Speed built, anticipation built, until they were both hungering for the finish. She pulled him down for a kiss as the shudders began. As her tension eased in the most delightful way, Cash got an almost dangerous glint in his eyes. He pushed her legs higher and worked hard to build her up again and, as she achieved her third orgasm, he lowered his head and kissed her again as he slowed then stiffened. She felt him pulse inside her.

  Stretching out his legs and easing down on top of her, he sighed.

  After a moment she managed to mutter, “Wow.”

  * * *

  Oh, no. No, no, no. Cash knew getting into “was it good for you” was the kiss of death. Relationship possibility, zero. Strictly one-night stand material. No.

  He kept quiet. It was easy because he was smelling her hair and a light fragrance of perfume. A fragrance he could wake up to for a long time. Her breasts were pressed into his chest which made him realize she was probably oxygen-deprived. Reluctantly, he lifted up to his elbows.

  “Can you breathe?”

  With her eyes closed she smiled. “Mmm.”

  He tilted his head. He was looking at a well-satisfied woman grinning like a Cheshire cat. And enjoying it enough to have feeling return to his groin area. He twitched inside her and she opened her eyes. Mostly.

  “I need a couple of minutes to recover,” she said.

  He laughed out loud having muttered those exact same words himself in the past.

  “Whoo!” she said, twitching under him. “I felt that everywhere!” Her eyes were wide open now.

  He rotated his hips. “How about that?”

  Nothing but a groan this time.

  “I’m going to keep it up—ha ha—until you answer me.”

  She arched her neck and lifted her hips. “Okay,” she said.

  He was fully aroused and meeting Penny’s hips in a synergistic rhythm. His desire grew slowly until he was reaching for a climax. She followed him uphill until they were both reaching for release.

  “Open your eyes,” he demanded. He wanted to be the center of her attention.

  She opened them and he stared. He wanted to feel her come again and was rewarded when her eyes rolled up as she arched her back and clasped him tight with her legs. The ripples and shudders she shared took him to the edge and over. Again, he lowered himself to her sweet body. Since he was working hard to breathe, he rolled off her so they could catch their breath. Landing on his back, he looked at the ceiling until he closed his eyes.

  He opened them when he felt a hand gliding up his thigh. He must have dozed off because the size of his erection said the hand had been other places, too. He tried to stifle his groan but failed.

  “You’re awake.”


  “Oh, goodie.”

  The next sensation was a warm, wet mouth taking most of that erection inside. Gliding, smoothing, stroking and licking followed. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He started to sit up. “I’m gonna come.”

  Penny lifted her head to look at him. She blew gently on his little head while one hand massaged his aching balls. “So come.”

  Licking from base to tip, she grinned and went back to sucking the life out of him. He groaned and flopped back when he found his relief. Penny crawled up his body, her lips kissing here and there on the way to his mouth. She kissed his lips and his own taste made his belly clutch.

  “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to.” She smiled and put her head on his chest. He wrapped his arm around her as she snuggled into his shoulder. She drifted off to sleep. Their position was a classic after-love hold. He snuggled a bit closer and pulled her shoulders toward him. He was very comfortable. And his dream was unfolding in front of his eyes. He closed them.

  Too tired to move, too satisfied to want to. Guess I’m staying here tonight.

  So it was a shock when a rough hand shook him awake and he could tell by the glow outside the window that it was just dawn.

  “Wake up. You have to go.”

  He stood up and looked around in a daze. He spotted his slacks and leaned over to pick them up.

  It occurred to him he was being thrown out of her room very early in the morning. “Wait. Why do I have to leave?”

  Wrapped in a towel, Penny snatched open drawers and pulled out a variety of clothing. Occasionally she dropped something back in a drawer and rooted around until she grabbed something she deemed more acceptable.

  “I have an early morning date.”

hit him like a tractor out of control. How could this sweet, sensual woman have slept with him last night and keep a date the minute she woke up. “You have a date?” He knew his voice was low and raspy but she wouldn’t know it wasn’t his normal waking voice.

  She jerked her head up to look at him in confusion. Then her face cleared and she chuckled. “Not that kind of a date. I’m meeting Tessa Browning who—works at the resort.”

  A heavy weight lifted off his heart. Wow. I was jealous. Okay, I am jealous. He worked to relax his body and look casual instead of relieved. “What does she do here?”

  Penny looked away and Cash fought his suspicions. But he was pretty sure his future wife was hiding something important.

  “She, um, does support work for the kitchen.

  That doesn’t sound very convincing. He fished his underwear out of his slacks and pulled them on. Penny hurried off to the bathroom again. He put on his slacks and zipped them up as she came running out, sans towel.

  “Hurry. She’ll be here any minute.” She scooped up his shirt and shoes and handed them to him.

  His shoes bounced against his chest and one fell to the floor. “I like your outfit,” he said with a grin.

  “Hurry, please.”

  “Here’s your hat. What’s your hurry?”

  She steered him to the door. “I don’t want anyone to think I’m sleeping around.”

  He turned. “You’re not ‘sleeping around.’ You slept with me.” They both hesitated. “Right?”

  “Of course! What do you think I am?”

  “A woman I could love.”

  She froze in the process of piling his one shoe on top of the other. The shock on her face didn’t bode well. She opened her mouth and closed it.

  “Please hurry,” she finally managed. Dumping the shoe on top of the pile in his arms, she opened the door slowly and peeked out. “Okay. It’s clear.” She turned expectantly to him.

  This was obviously not the time to pursue either of his questions. Why don’t you want anyone to see me leaving your room, and, why does the possibility of loving you freeze you in place. Yeah. They’ll both have to wait.

  “I’m going. I’m going.” He headed to the door and stopped half in and half out. Leaning over, he kissed her. “See you tonight?”


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