Tian's Guardian [Moon Child Series Book 3]

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Tian's Guardian [Moon Child Series Book 3] Page 9

by Candy Nicks

  "Hiding anything from you would be like trying to out run the wind.” He spread his arms wide. “You know my scent, how I taste. You deemed me worthy of saving from death in the ravine. The Goddess named me to you, so you know my quest is genuine. Now look at me with those wolf's eyes of yours and tell me if I lie when I say I will give you my heart and soul and defend you and your wolf to my dying breath."

  "How am I to know of the masks men wear? You are kind and easy to love. And I am lonely for human contact.” When she thought of his kisses and his promise, her flesh tingled. Lust and beguilement—is that all this was?

  "This is the real me, Tian. In you, I found much more than I'd hoped for. We would be happy together. Take a chance that I'm right."

  His words washed over her like warm summer rain, mapping out a future she was beginning to want with an intensity that surprised her. The only thing holding her back—the unbearable sadness of her wolf.

  Wolf, you will always be free.

  Then change now, Tian. Show me you mean what you say.


  No, Tian! You owe him no explanations. I have not released you from your promise to me. Have you forgotten our deal?

  Cool air caressed her skin. The coat fluttered to the ground, leaving her naked to Sol's hungry gaze. Telling him without words she would return. When he looked at her like that, how could she not?

  The wolf grabbed the coat and, in a flash of fur, turned and ran for the trees.

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  Chapter 7

  Sol spared the tree and exercised the horses instead, deliberately taking the opposite direction from the wolf. Occasionally he caught the glimpse of fur in the undergrowth, tracking him, watching, appraising. He concentrated on the path ahead, the connection between man and horse. Poor Balan, who'd carried him without complaint across the great continent, had been sorely neglected of late.

  Horses seen to, Sol threw off his clothes and stood under the frigid waterfall, trying in vain to cool his ardour. His blood was up and rapidly concentrating below his waist, depriving his brain of the ability to think of anything except Tian, spread below him or draped over him. He didn't care how she wanted it. Only that she return and put him out of his misery. He snatched up the axe. Eyed the tree.

  No. In this over-heated state, he was bound to have it fall on his head. A little of his good sense remained. Damnation, now was not the time to go moon-eyed over a woman. Not with her scheming father in the mix. He swapped the axe for a writer and paper, in his mind, the love-song already composed. He stuffed both deep into a storage chest and then sat on the lid. Tian wouldn't know of the Eagle warrior predisposition to vent his emotions in song. She might ... laugh at him.

  Bread. He would make bread while he waited. And try not to glance from the window too often. And stop counting each passing moment like a puppy desperate for a treat.

  By all that was holy, if she didn't return soon he would find her and take her back by force. And scupper any chance of a life with her, he thought, immediately dismissing the idea. She would never forgive him. Did his own hopes and dreams matter when weighed against Tian's safety? He'd come to keep her out of her father's clutches. Gaining a life-partner was an added bonus.

  The ritual of lighting the bread oven, working the sticky mixture of flour, water and yeast into a smooth, pliable ball calmed him. Tian's breasts were soft and giving, like the dough beneath his fingers. Her skin fine and tanned. She had a lithe, muscular grace. A way of moving that was both cautious and confident. Power, coiled into a deceptively small package.

  The dough hit the wooden table with a thud. Sol attacked it with a vengeance, tunic sleeves rolled up past his elbows, forearms dusted with flour. A useful skill, imparted to him by Tragiria, his old nurse, who'd been so determined to teach him to cook before she died. And to see him wed, to be nurse to his children—although the Gods had decreed that was not to be. How he wished for her wise counsel at times like this.

  Tian's words had cut deep. What use was a warrior who hadn't proved himself, or been tested to his limits?

  He pushed back his hair, streaking it white with a floury forearm. The distance he'd covered on horseback paled to the journey he was making inside his head. If he did manage to get Tian back to Wolf's Valley he vowed to enter quietly, at night when least expected. To his shame, he'd dreamed more than once of a victorious return, a grateful Tian at his side, everyone cheering the conquering hero.

  He dumped the dough into the metal mixing bowl and took it outside to prove in the heat of the cooking pit. The sharp, dry air caught in his throat and today the sky hung heavy and full, casting silver light over the landscape. From now on, they would see little of the sun. This far north, the days were already shorter than at the Settlement. He would leave immediately, if only Tian would make a decision.

  When he spotted her standing at the edge of the clearing he froze, resisting the urge to make the first move. Between them lay a few short steps, which, when crossed, could never be uncrossed. Not without pain. Had they known each other long enough to make this commitment? Or did it take a lifetime to truly know the heart and mind of another?

  He was wise enough to realise that life held no guarantees and foolish enough to give his heart so readily. Life is a chance you have to take, he thought and opened his arms to welcome her. He did not wait for her to run to them, but kept on walking meeting her half-way. In him, she would have it all—freedom and a safe harbour when she needed one. In return, he asked only the same from her.

  Only? Far too diminutive a word for the love he wanted to share with her. And for the love he expected in return. She mouthed his name softly, like a whisper on the wind. A small lost-looking creature with hair wild as a stormy night, and eyes that glowed like slow-melting honey.

  Sol took another step. Tian held her ground.

  "We love to roam,” she said. “To disappear for days on end. To run until we fall from the edge of the world. To sleep under the stars when the snow is shoulder high. To join with our wild cousins to sing to the moons. We like our meat raw and when we have gorged on the hunt, our fur is crimson with blood. We are wary of human-kind and their weapons, and their ability to cause us pain. They take from us and give nothing back. What can you offer that we do not already have?"

  "This.” He placed a flat palm over his heart and took another step. “A symbol of love, and of life too. I will devote my life to you and everything you are, if you will do the same for me."

  The wolf appeared, head raised in challenge. Behind it, the coat fluttered to the floor. The wolf stepped towards him, teeth gleaming in the late evening light. After all his years of living amongst the Lupine, Sol still found it strange to see the human shining through the wolf's amber-eyed gaze. Cautiously, he extended a hand. The wolf dropped low and slunk towards him, muscles tensed to the point of trembling. Its nose rubbed Sol's palm and then the wolf circled him, brushing against Sol's thigh. Sol stood firm when it leaped at him, landing its front paws on his chest with a thump that would have knocked the breath from a smaller man. Finn's Lupine children liked to ambush him in wolf-form. He was well-used to this manoeuvre.

  The wolf studied him with eyes that missed nothing.

  Treat her well, it seemed to be saying. Or you will answer to me.

  Sol risked a tentative stroke. The wolf grew a little under his touch. He scratched its ears, careful not to make any sudden moves and careful, too, not to show subservience.

  "I guess we've both had to compromise,” he said to the creature. “Tian spoke wisely. Together, we will give her balance. And,” he added with a wink, “we will protect her whether she wants it or not. What do you say?” Again, he extended his hand. The wolf dropped back onto its four paws and tilted its head, puzzled.

  "Touch your paw to my hand,” Sol said. “Humans do this to seal a bargain. Agree to fight with me if the need arises. The man Tian calls Father cares for nothing but himself. He kept his own son caged and paraded hi
m for profit. He wanted to use him to gain control of the Soul Cleansing Stones. He would have killed me had Finn's wolf not rescued me. Take my hand and agree to walk with me. Between us, we will keep Tian safe. It's my sworn duty. A sacred duty,” he added when the wolf showed no sign of moving. “One given to us by the Goddess herself."

  "My wolf will always protect me."

  Tian stood before him. She snatched up the coat, clutching it shield-like to her breasts, giving him a glimpse of naked thigh, the curve of a shoulder peeking through her hair. The few remaining steps were as inevitable as night following day.

  "I need to wash ... first,” she said, shivering now, in his embrace.

  "Let me help you with that."

  Tian nodded into the folds of his coat. “Yes,” she said, this time for herself. “I wish to join with you, for now and for all time."

  Too much, Sol thought, in panic. I'm asking for too much. How will I ever be worthy of this gift?

  Gentle fingers smoothed back his hair, trailed over his cheek, touched his mouth. Sol opened his coat and pressed Tian's trembling body against the heat of his own. From now on, he would breathe for her, his heart would beat in time to hers. He would feel her joys and her fears. Ache for her when she hurt.

  "This moment is more than enough,” he whispered into her hair. “Anything else is more abundance than I'd ever imagined."

  "You never imagined finding love?"

  "Oh yes,” he said, a laugh in his voice. “Who hasn't dreamed of love? I suspect, though, that the best love songs are written after, not before it happens. Now I understand how my brother Tallin pens poetry that mesmerises and moves people to tears. You can't imagine love until it fills your heart."

  "I never thought it would happen to me."

  "It has,” Sol said fiercely. “Believe me when I say it has."

  "You speak with the experience of the outside world. I do not have pretty words for you, Sol. I only know that you...” Tian raised her head and regarded him solemnly. You fascinate me. I think of you often, and when I do my heart begins to race and my skin prickles. And inside,” she said, a hand on her stomach, “I tingle and melt when you look at me. It is not always a comfortable feeling."

  She looked so serious. Brow creased in a puzzled frown, lips pressed firmly together. “When I'm away from you, I think only of returning. Did my father really try to kill you? The Crystal showed me a boy in distress, a man."

  "It's an old story. I doubt he's forgotten me. Grudges cut deep and fester over time."

  "I will not let anything happen to you. This is not a decision I take lightly.” With her nose pressed to his chest, she took a deep appreciative sniff. “I will always be able to find you."

  Tian, naked and in his arms. Telling him she couldn't stay away. Her wolf at peace and reconciled, for now.

  The wolf. Did Tian speak for it, or in spite of it? Only she knew whether it accepted him, or merely tolerated him.

  "Come make love with me,” he said.

  Tian caught the waver in his voice. The rough, gritty note. “You want me that much?"

  In response, he took her hand and let her feel the hard length of him straining against the fabric of his pants. Slim, finely shaped fingers with a grip as strong as his own cupped him. Her touch, instantly familiar. It wasn't confidence, more a lack of self-consciousness making her bold. Untainted by the outside world, Tian played by her own rules. It excited him beyond bearing.

  "I'll fill the tub after,” he said. “It's far too cold for a waterfall shower."

  "Not too cold for you,” she observed, then blushed endearingly. “I watched you."

  "Not cold enough,” he said. “I'm burning up for you. This is your last chance to say no. If you come inside with me now, there's no going back."

  Her wolf eyes glowed in response. Deep, bright and intense. Reminding him that Tian's sight was in its gift, to be bestowed or withdrawn at its pleasure.

  "I'll take that as a yes. The rest of our lives will start now. Walk with me and don't look back."

  Tian didn't walk. She ran.

  * * * *

  Cora's ecstatic singing filled the hut. Tian caressed the strings that resonated with the remnants of her mother's touch. The valiant little harp played the song of welcome over and over until Tian feared for its life.

  "I'm guessing it's happy to see you,” Sol said, moving behind her. Her aura reached out for his, blending and mingling, causing ever increasing waves of sensation to flow over her. He tugged gently on the coat. “Let me see you,” he said. “I want to look at you."

  Nervous? Not a feeling she knew well. Nudity had always been a matter of practicality. Now it was the prelude to passion and excitement. The deepening timbre of Sol's voice, the way his scent changed, signalled his arousal. When she stepped away from him and turned, she heard clearly, the frantic beating of his heart. The naked look of need on his face sent a rush of heat to the secret place between her thighs. His own coat dropped to the floor leaving him clad in a dark tunic, laced at the neck, hide pants and boots. Without preamble, he yanked at the lacings and pulled the tunic and undershirt over his head.

  "Now you,” he said.

  Would she ever grow tired of looking at him? Her wolf eyes took in the breadth of his chest, the silky fall of hair moving fluidly over solid muscle. The red weals from his healing injuries. Tracking down, she gazed in wonder at the bulge in his pants, which by the moment seemed to grow larger. Did this mean he thought her beautiful?

  He'd seen her naked, yet dropping the coat, knowing she must stand under his scrutiny, demanded a different kind of courage. If only he would stride across the room and take charge. Show her what to do. How to please him.

  "Slowly,” he said. “Drop it slowly. You want me to see you?"

  "I do. Take it from me. Please."

  Sol shook his head. His breathing hitched up another notch. “Don't be nervous. Have you any idea how much power you have over me? If you told me to stand here until the ages turned me to stone, I would do it, just for a glimpse of you. Put me out of my misery."

  "Be patient with me."

  "I'll be anything you want me to be. Please. Let me love you."

  The coat fell to the floor and she faced him, arms at her side, chin held high, despite the fluttering deep in her belly. A chill washed over her, pebbling her skin, her nipples. Sol moved towards her like a man entranced. She didn't have to ask whether he thought her beautiful. His eyes said it all. A look of wonder tempered the lust and desperation and at that moment, despite still wearing his pants and boots, he stood as naked as she did.

  "Do I please you?” Had she read him right? Was it a vanity to want to hear it spoken in pretty words she couldn't fail to understand? “Compared to other women..."

  Sol's long fingers touched her mouth, stopping the words. “What other women? I see only you."

  "You look at me like a man on fire."

  "Burning,” he replied, fingers caressing her lips then tracing a slow path to the curve of her shoulder, her breast. He caught her suddenly, pulling her hard against him, palm jammed between them. She sucked in a sharp breath at the stab of pleasure knifing through her and reached for him, her mouth seeking his. Mating was an act of possession, but with the right person there was giving as well as taking.

  Sol kissed her chin, the delicate arch of her neck, the swell of her breasts. Tender and adoring, then as he latched on to a nipple and suckled hard, masterful and demanding. Dropping to his knees, he pressed his lips and tongue to her damp curls and coaxed her to a peak of pleasure she had only ever imagined. He brought only temporary relief. She throbbed now with an emptiness only he could fill. Dazed, she looked down at him, kneeling in homage at her feet. Sol, who held her gaze with sleepy, passion-glazed eyes, lips glistening. If she kissed him now, she would taste herself.

  "Let me see you,” she whispered. “Let me touch you."

  "Yes. Gods, yes. Touch me.” In one graceful movement, Sol rose to his feet and spread hi
s arms wide. “Undo me,” he said. “I'm yours. Entirely yours."

  Surrender. Loving Sol required nothing less than total surrender. Could she give herself to this man and still be what she was? No. This would change her. Together they were more than the sum of their parts.

  "As I am yours,” she said. “From now on, I will always be yours.” With great care, she opened the fastenings of his pants and released him, hot and heavy, into her hands. Sol stood, trembling, while she explored the smooth, delicate skin, a startling contrast to the strength beneath. He groaned when she cupped his balls and squeezed lightly. An agonised sound, which made her think she'd hurt him. Anxiously, she raised her face, teeth catching her bottom lip.

  "It's too good,” he said attempting a smile. “Please, continue. I'll try to keep still for you."

  "I want to explore every part of you,” she said. “I've seen animals mating. My mother told me how men were made. Words are a poor substitute for the real thing. Your wounds have healed well. I'm pleased you did not injure yourself here.” She traced the length of him lightly, fascinated by the way it moved under her touch. Sol's sudden bark of laughter made her start.

  "Did I say something amusing?"

  "No. You just say ... unexpected things, sometimes. Ahh ... Tian..."

  She'd reduced him to incoherence, simply by touching him there. Tian smiled wickedly and stored the information away for future use. Absorbed in the task of mapping out his body, some of the anxieties about getting it right, fled. No rules, she decided. Only those they made themselves. Intimacy required trust and the trust he placed in her now, she found quite overwhelming.

  By the time she'd caressed and kissed her way over every micron of exposed skin, Sol's expression was that of a tortured soul. Her mother had told stories of people losing their minds for love and now she understood. Slow and leisurely was fast becoming ravenous for more. Bathing could wait—she wanted him now.

  "Show me what to do,” she said and sent him sprawling back onto the low cot. When she pulled at his boots and tugged down his pants, he raised his hips to aid her frantic disrobing, flowing with the same urgency, yet allowing her control. His male part stood proudly erect amidst its nest of curls. Her body pulsed in response. He made a low, guttural sound in the back of his throat. She growled and threw her thighs astride him, possessive and desperate now, to seal their union.


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