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Teardrops In The Night Sky (Steven Gordon series)

Page 29

by Murison, J W

  Now for the Moon base itself. Any company on Earth who wishes to lease out space up here, will be quite welcome to do so. Not only have do we this base but we have also constructed a couple of dozen others, which would make excellent Hotels or research stations. Of course all of this space will be leased at reasonable prices. I can guarantee all of you now that we will consider applications from every country, with no bias.

  Again there will be strict rules governing the operation of all business and controlling the conduct of visitors. There will be only one punishment, immediate banishment from the Moon, but of course all of this will be made clearer in time.

  For now, I would like to give you a tour on what we have to offer. First I would like to introduce you to Captain Komoru Kaizu of the starship Ico, who will begin the tour.’

  Steven sat down and Komoru took his place. She took them on a journey over the lunar landscape, visiting all of the new complexes they had built with detailed footage of the interiors. Steven smiled; they had researched this project well, basing many of the designs on some of the world’s most famous hotels. Some even had working fountains.

  When she finished Buzz took over and described the type of vehicles that they would be using to cross the lunar landscape and the type of activities that would be available to visitors.

  When he sat down Colonel Howe took over. He gave details of the type of people wanted to run the operational side of the main complex and gave an over view of some of the security measures that would be in use.

  At last they were finished and Steven stood forward once more.

  ‘As you can see we have much to offer the people of Earth and we are here to ensure that no single company or government shall ever monopolies this valuable resource. The Moon will be open to all comers and we will set the price of travel to and from the Moon so it should be affordable to anyone who wants to come and visit us, even if it’s only for a day.

  Of course we will have little control over the prices retailers will charge for their products but I can assure you we will keep a close eye on them and if we believe they are overcharging anyone then we will retain the right to take action against those companies.

  Now you may be able to prevent us from coming to Earth Mr. President but you won’t be able to stop the individual rights of your own countrymen from coming to visit us, and you certainly don’t have the right to prevent any other person from wherever in the world they hail from to come visit us either.

  However just in case you’re tempted to try I would like to give you one more demonstration of our resolve in this matter.’

  There appeared on screen an asteroid of gigantic proportions. ‘This footage was filmed from Ico earlier in the week. What you’re looking at is an asteroid of over fifty square miles in diameter.’

  The ship went round the whole of the asteroid and then pulled back out of range. The suddenly Babe streaked in. Green fire lanced out towards the asteroid and it disappeared in a fantastic explosion. When the dust settled there was nothing left of it but a large cloud of space dust.

  Steven reappeared filling the screen, ‘just a little demonstration of what we are capable of Mr. President and a promise to you. If you ever step on my toes again I’m going to grind your face right into the ground.’

  He began to turn away then swung back, ‘I believe that’s check mate.’

  Chapter 49

  It had almost been a full year since Steven’s historical speech and they were finally ready to begin deep space exploration. Buzz joined Komoru in Steven’s quarters. She was standing by the window that stretched right across this whole level of the building, giving an unparallel view of the lunar landscape. She smiled as he joined her at the window.

  They were all a lot wiser than they had been at the beginning of their adventure. Both ships were now fully manned and the crews trained to a high standard.

  The American President had unwisely tried to introduce legislation to prevent anyone from Earth from taking up on Stevens offer, but the great capitalist steamroller had left him flattened in its wake. Impeachment had followed and now he was a retired broken figure that campaigned endlessly on the fringes of government. His cause was a lost one and even the papers treated him as a figure of pity.

  The passenger liners had been raised to six and the freighters seven to accommodate the large numbers of visitors each week. No one had ever tried to bring a weapon to the Moon and was considered a free port from all forms of terrorism.

  Two months before a new university had been built in one of the mountain ranges and within a few weeks its great halls were expected to be filled with Earths brightest young scientists.

  Not only was it the Moon that had benefited from the new technology. With the removal of the President the ships had visited some of the poorest countries and cities in the world. At each Steven had began a building program of schools, universities and hospitals, and money had been loaned to staff them.

  The Moon was now the favourite place to be married and honeymoon and a huge business had sprung up around it. There were two distinct parts to life on the Moon. On one hand there were all the holidaymakers and the fun of exploration. While on the other there was the operational part that supported the ships and their crew.

  The crew’s quarters were strictly off limits to the tourists except by invitation. The operational staff were also quartered separately from the tourists, and were considered very much a part of the team, although that which had to remain a secret, remained so.

  The crew’s doctors had also been hard at work. Their results had been startling with the almost complete eradication of Cancer and the dreaded Aids virus. The profits from the drug companies ran many of their existing Hospitals.

  Komoru had that lost dreamy look in her eyes as she watched the figures below. Buzz smiled for it was a look he knew well, for it was reflected in the eyes of his friend every time he looked at the woman before him.

  He hated to disturb her, ‘sorry to bother you Komoru but have you seen Steven?’

  She pointed to the figures below, ‘you’re not disturbing me Buzz, he’s down there.’

  Buzz burst out laughing at the sight, ‘so that’s where he went this morning.’

  She laughed with him, ‘yes, it was a surprise to me as well. I never thought he was serious.’

  Buzz rocked back on his heels; ‘well that’s Stevie for you.’ His manner became more serious for a moment. ‘May I ask you a serious question Komoru?’

  ‘Please ask me anything Buzz.’

  ‘Are you in love with Stevie?’

  She turned liquid eyes up towards him and Buzz felt the magic of them slam into his soul, ‘yes.’ She turned back to her vigil a hand coming up to gently touch the glass before her, ‘how could I not fall in love with a man who even keeps a promise to a dog.’

  Far below two figures attempted to race across the Moon’s surface in pursuit of a brightly coloured ball. Steven roared with laughter as the similarly suited Rex crashed into the back of his legs causing both figures to disappear in a cloud of dust.

  Rex broke free from the tangle first and raced off yipping with excitement after the ball, leaving a still laughing Steven far behind.

  The End




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