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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

Page 8

by John Sheridan

  This is what I’d been waiting for my whole life.

  It was a sweet, loving kiss.

  The sound of feet coming down the stairs caused Lisa to pull back.

  ‘Tomorrow,’ she whispered. ‘I want to go all the way with you,’ I could feel my heart flutter. ‘Find me tomorrow.’ Lisa stepped by me and headed out of the kitchen, as dad, Frank and Nathan arrived to get the remaining bags.

  * * *

  I lay in bed and stared straight up through the darkness of the night at the ceiling of my bedroom. How many hours have been and gone since I went to bed? And I still can’t sleep. Every time I close my eyes all I see is her, Lisa. It is like the image of this angel is burned into my mind.

  ‘Is this what I really want?’ I whispered to the world in general.

  No reply came back.

  I had waited for so many years to meet the perfect woman. I was starting to believe that such a woman didn’t exist and that I would spend the rest of my life alone, but here she was and I cannot stop thinking about her.

  ‘Is this love?’

  I don’t know.

  I have never been in love before. I’ve never felt the feelings that I feel within my heart. A smile split my lips at the thought of what we did together. The image of Lisa sitting on the edge of the bed completely naked with my cock in her mouth would stay with me until the day I die. The furthest I ever got with a girl before was a harmless kiss. I had been in situation before where I could have slept with a woman, or done anything I wanted to a woman, but it all felt foreign to me and that little voice in the back of my mind would remind me that this was not the woman I was in love with. Where was that voice tonight? It had felt so right when Lisa had touched me.

  ‘Does that mean I love, Lisa?’

  A warmth tickled the inside of my stomach at the very thought of her name.

  ‘I think I do.’ It was like a sudden revelation. ‘I am in love with, Lisa’

  The last words Lisa had spoken to me tonight echoed throughout my mind. ‘I want to go all the way with you.’

  I couldn’t help but smile at the thought of it. I was finally going to make love and not just to anyone. I was going to make love to the woman I had been waiting my entire life for.

  ‘No!’ shouted a female voice from downstairs. It was too muffled to hear whose voice had just yelled out into the night.

  Had Miranda told Nathan what happened?

  Were Nathan and Lisa having an argument about it right now?

  Silently I slipped out of bed in my thin white towel and headed for the door. Carefully I pulled down the door handle and it opened with a quiet click. The landing lights were out, but I could definitely hear voices coming from the ground floor of the lake house. Doing my best tiptoeing technique, I headed down the hallway towards the top of the stairs.

  A figure stepped out in front of me.

  ‘Nathan,’ I said in shocked surprise.

  Does he know about Lisa and me?

  ‘Uh, hi, Conner,’ Nathan said nervously. ‘I was just going to the toilet.’

  It was clearly a lie.

  ‘Oh, ok,’ I said. You didn’t have to be the world’s greatest mind to see how badly my older brother was lying. The voices from the ground floor echoed up the stairs towards us.

  ‘You’re not sleeping in the same room as me.’ It was very clearly the voice of Miranda. ‘You have your own room and I swear to god if you even attempt to step foot into my bedroom you will be spending the next six months of your life in hospital.’

  My eyes drifted towards Nathan.

  He was listening very carefully to the argument on the floor below us, but why?

  What was in it for him?

  ‘How will it look to the others if I sleep in a separate room?’ asked the desperate voice of Frank.

  ‘I don’t care how it looks. You should have thought about that before you started sleeping with everything that walks!’

  He was cheating on her? What an idiot. Miranda was beautiful.

  ‘We can fix this,’ Frank began, but Miranda cut him off.

  ‘There is nothing to fix. I knew what you were like when I married you, but I was stupid enough to think you might actually be able to change your ways. In six weeks time our divorce will be finalised. I don’t want to fix things with you, Frank. You mean nothing to me. And stay out of my bedroom.’

  A door slammed downstairs.

  ‘I guess we should go before they come up here,’ insisted Nathan.

  ‘Good idea,’ I said and nodded.

  We headed down the hallway and stopped outside of our respected rooms, which were sitting opposite one another on either side of the hallway. ‘Night, Conner,’ said Nathan, as he opened the bedroom door to the room he shared with Lisa.

  ‘Yeah,’ I sighed. ‘Goodnight’

  The bedroom door clicked shut behind him and Nathan was out of sight. An avalanche of depression fell upon me, as thoughts of what he could be doing to her right now entered my mind. The woman I was in love with was now in bed with my brother.

  * * *

  The sound of the pouring rain hitting my bedroom window was the first thing I became aware of as I awoke naked in bed. The room was beyond dark. I couldn’t see a thing. What time was it?

  ‘Conner,’ whispered a soft female voice from beside my bed.

  ‘Lisa?’ I asked quietly.

  ‘It’s me,’ she confirmed.

  ‘What are you doing here?’ It was the first question that came to mind.

  ‘I had to see you,’ she explained. ‘I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.’

  My heart began to bounce off my ribcage at the feel of her fingernails stroking my pectoral muscles beneath my quilt. ‘I can’t wait for tomorrow.’ A wave of pressure rushed down my body like water breaking through a dam and headed straight between my legs, as her soft delicate fingers stroked softly against my abdominal muscles. Her hand slipped between my legs.

  ‘You’re already so hard,’ she whispered into my ear. ‘Good’

  I sighed softly, as her fingers curled around my throbbing shaft.

  Her hand began to jerk back and forth.

  ‘Have you been thinking about me?’ asked Lisa.

  ‘I have,’ I whispered back. ‘You’re all I think about.’

  ‘I can’t stop thinking about fucking you, Conner.’ My heart nearly exploded out of my chest. ‘I haven’t been able to sleep because all I can think about is having that big beautiful cock inside of me. You have no idea how wet the thought of fucking you has made my pussy.’

  Instinctively I threw back my quilt.

  ‘Show me,’ I ordered in an uncharacteristic tone of voice. Lisa let go of my cock and climbed onto the bed. The room was so dark I couldn’t even see her soft angelic features, as she straddled my stomach. Butterflies began to flutter throughout my body, as she soft delicate hands began to map out every tiny curve of my muscular torso. Unconsciously I brought my hands in from the side and placed them on top of her smooth thighs, which rested on either side of my body. I couldn’t believe how soft her skin felt against my fingers. My hands stroked slowly up her thighs and over her hips.

  ‘Conner,’ she whispered through the darkness of the night.

  ‘Yes,’ I replied. My hands began to stroke up along the side of her body.

  Would she let me go higher…?

  ‘I’m in love with you.’ A wave of euphoria ignited within my heart.

  Her words were like the music to my ears.

  ‘I love you too,’ I whispered back through the night.

  I cupped her breasts within the palm of my hand. I couldn’t believe how firm they felt. Lisa let out a pleasing sigh, as I slowly circled my hands across her large breasts.

  ‘I want to make love to you,’ she informed me.

  ‘I want you too,’ I replied and squeezed her nipple gently between my fingers.

  My heart leapt into my mouth, as the beautiful blonde reached back behind her and grasped my
cock within the palm of her hand. Lisa lifted her body up off my stomach and shuffled backwards, as she guided the tip of my hard cock between her legs.

  My breathing was heavy with anticipation.

  ‘Are you ready?’ she asked me sweetly.

  This was my first time…

  ‘Yes.’ I swallowed down the lump in my throat.

  Lisa lowered her bodyweight down against me, as she sat back onto my cock.

  I woke with a shock.

  My eyes flicked open and I sat up in bed.

  I was all alone in my bedroom. My towel was still wrapped around me beneath the quilt of my bed. I let myself drop back onto the pillow and let out a long disappointed sigh.

  ‘It was just a dream.’

  Chapter Nine: A Meeting in Private

  ‘Good morning’ said Nathan, as I awoke.

  My elder brother was standing over my bed with a serious expression painted across his face. It was not an expression that suited him.

  ‘M-morning,’ I stuttered a nervous reply.

  Did he know?

  ‘Put these on,’ he ordered. Nathan placed a small pile of folded clothes on the edge of my bed. It had been the same stuff I had been wearing last night when Lisa and I had been caught in the storm. ‘We need to talk,’ he added in a not so nice tone of voice before disappearing out of my bedroom. The door shut behind him with a click.

  ‘Crap.’ I sighed to myself. ‘He knows.’

  For a long moment, I lay in bed praying to god that this was another dream. It was not. My mind instantly ran through every single possibility that was open to me. Many of which ended with me climbing out of the bedroom window and making a break for it, but Nathan was my brother. He deserved better than this. I have fallen for his girlfriend and he deserved an explanation.

  I climbed out of bed and dropped the thin white towel onto the bedroom floor. I picked my folded shirt off the bed and slipped it on. My ears listened to the welcoming bird songs that whistled just outside my bedroom window, as I began to button my shirt. Had the storm finally passed us by? Without further ado, I picked up my tumble dried trousers and slipped them on. I felt like a death row inmate preparing to go to the chair.

  I let out a sigh. ‘Here goes nothing.’

  The bedroom door opened with a click and Nathan was waiting outside.

  ‘Come with me.’ It was not a request.

  I followed Nathan down the stairs to the ground floor. The familiar voices of mum and dad could be heard within the kitchen, as they sat at the kitchen table having breakfast together, but that was not our intended destination. Nathan escorted me down a corridor towards one of the many offices that dad, or Frank, would use when conducting business here at the lake house.

  ‘Inside,’ ordered Nathan, as he opened a door.

  I went inside without saying a word.

  Much to my surprise Miranda was sitting on the edge of a large wooden desk at the far end of the room. She was dressed in a dark blue shirt that clung tightly to her body leaving nothing to the imagination and a short black skirt that hung at the level of her knees. My eyes unconsciously fell upon her long elegant legs as they dangled over the edge of the desk. She regarded me with those light blue piercing eyes.

  Has she told him?

  The office door locked behind me with a foreboding click.

  I turned to see Nathan palm the key into his pocket, as he walked by me.

  ‘So,’ said Nathan. Silence fell upon the room. The only sound I could hear came from the frantic beating of my heart. ‘I know everything,’ admitted my older brother. ‘I know all about you and, Lisa.’

  ‘Lisa told me that you guys were not really together,’ I replied in all honesty.

  ‘What else did Lisa tell you?’ asked Nathan, as he stood beside Miranda.

  I shrugged my shoulders.

  ‘That was it really. She said you were not really boyfriend and girlfriend and that your relationship with her was complicated.’

  ‘What, Lisa, told you is true,’ confessed Nathan. ‘Lisa and I are not girlfriend and boyfriend. We never were in a relationship together and we never will be.’

  ‘Then why are you telling everyone she’s your girlfriend?’ I had to ask.

  ‘She’s helping to protect the one I truly love.’ Nathan slipped the palm of his hand into Miranda’s. An all-consuming smile spread across Nathan’s face. ‘I’m in love with, Miranda.’

  ‘Eh?’ A frown creased my brow. ‘But you’re married.’ I directed that towards Miranda. ‘And you have a daughter.’

  ‘Sheridan is not a child,’ countered Miranda. ‘She’s the same age as you.’

  ‘But…how, when?’ A million questions began to take form within my mind.

  Nathan held up a hand to slow me. ‘It happened three months ago when I came to the lake house. It was when you all got snowed in and were unable to catch a flight out here.’

  ‘What about, Frank?’ the very mention of his name seemed to hit a nerve.

  ‘Shall I show him?’ asked Miranda.

  Nathan nodded his head in reply.

  Miranda picked up a television remote off the desk and pointed it towards the large flat screen T.V that sat high on the wall. A black and white image of an internal security camera appeared upon the screen. The camera was fixed high in the corner of an office overlooking two people standing frozen in place beside a desk.

  ‘This is from the security camera in my husband’s office,’ explained Miranda. ‘Watch…’ Miranda pressed play on the remote control. I instantly recognised the male in the video as her husband Frank. The woman in the video wore nothing more than a skin tight t-shirt that fully displayed her large round breasts and a mini-skirt that didn’t even reach half way down her thighs. If I had to guess, I would have said she was no older than twenty-two years of age.

  ‘What the…’

  My eyes nearly popped out of my head, as Frank flung the woman around and forced her over the edge of the desk. Within a split second, his trousers were open and he pulled his long hard cock out through the open zipper. The woman let out a giggle, as he stepped closer and lifted her skirt up over her hips. She moaned loudly, as Frank pushed his hips forward. Firm hands held the young woman’s delicate body whilst Frank began to ram himself inside of her without mercy.

  Miranda pressed pause and the video stopped.

  ‘Frank has been like this ever since we first got married,’ explained Miranda. ‘He has cheated on me with more women than you have had hot meals.’

  ‘Conner,’ it was Nathan’s turn to talk. ‘This is not some fling that, Miranda, and I are having. We really are in love.’ I could see from the look within his eyes that my brother truly meant what he was saying.

  Was it really cheating if Frank was already cheating on Miranda?

  But then again who am I to judge?

  Didn’t his fake girlfriend just give me a blow job?

  ‘I’m happy for you. The both of you,’ I replied.

  ‘There is a reason why we are telling you this,’ explained Miranda. ‘I knew what, Frank, was like when I married him, but I thought I could make him change, but as you can see he never has.’ She gestured towards the video of the security camera. ‘We have a special contractual agreement that if I ever had evidence of him cheating on me we would be able to get a very quick divorce within six weeks and that I would also be entitled to half of the business, technically twenty-five percent because your parents own half. I knew that, Frank, would drag out our divorce, for as long as he possibly could, and try to work it so that I ended up with nothing had we not signed the deal, but with this evidence I can finally divorce, Frank, in six weeks time and then, Nathan, and I can finally be together properly.’

  ‘But until then no one can find out about us,’ added Nathan. ‘If, Frank, can get evidence that, Miranda, is cheating on him within the next six weeks then she will get nothing from the divorce. He’ll end up with the family home, the cars, all the money, and take, Miranda’s, half
of the business.’

  ‘And that is why, Lisa, was pretending to be your girlfriend?’ I muttered more to myself than anyone else. ‘She is helping to cover up the fact that you two are actually together.’

  ‘That is correct,’ admitted Miranda. ‘But things are starting to get complicated.’

  ‘Because of me,’ it was not a question.

  The room fell into silence.

  ‘Do you want me to distance myself from, Lisa?’ I asked.

  My heart sank down into my stomach at the thought of not getting to see her.

  ‘No,’ Nathan’s reply was instantaneous. ‘I know you, Conner.’ He placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. ‘You are not the type of person who sleeps around with women or goes into relationship half-heartedly. You like, Lisa, right?’

  I nodded a reply.

  ‘I would never ask you to distance yourself from her. I too now understand what it is like to be in love, but all that we ask is that you and, Lisa, help maintain our secret for the next six weeks and try to be a little more careful where you.’ He didn’t need to finish. We all knew what he meant.

  ‘We still need, Lisa, to pretend to be, Nathan’s, boyfriend for the next six weeks,’ interrupted Miranda. ‘After that everyone can be with the people they love.’

  ‘So I have to hide the fact that, Lisa, and I are together?’ I asked.

  ‘That would be helpful,’ replied Nathan. ‘Will you do that for us? Will you help up keep our secret for the next six weeks?’

  ‘Okay,’ I replied.

  ‘Thank you.’ Miranda almost seemed to be singing the words.

  ‘You don’t know how much this means to us,’ announced Nathan.

  ‘I do.’ I replied. ‘I know you too, Nathan. I have never seen you like this about a woman before. If I can help protect your happiness then, Lisa, and I will pretend to be nothing more than just friends for the next six weeks. I won’t let, Frank, find out about the two of you’

  ‘Thank you, Conner.’

  * * *

  I walked into the kitchen just as mum got off the phone. ‘Good news,’ she announced. ‘That was the airport. They said that your bags have finally arrived and that they are ready to be picked up. Once I get through here I will go and collect them for you.’


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