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The Lake of Love (Adult Novel 18+)

Page 24

by John Sheridan

  ‘Hi,’ she pretended to look shy and embarrassed, which wasn’t easy consider she was wearing lingerie in a public place.

  ‘Um, hi…’ mumbled Damien in reply.

  ‘May I sit with you?’ she asked.

  ‘Um, well.’ Julie decided to take the initiative and dropped herself down on the other chair at the small table. Damien nervously looked around at the rest of people within the bar. They all wore looks of disgust and confusion. They were jealous because the most beautiful woman they were likely to ever see, in their sad pathetic lives, had just entered the bar and they were dumbfounded because she sat at the table of the world’s biggest looking geek. ‘Of course,’ he said after she sat down.

  In truth Julie didn’t like hitting on men.

  She was not the most outgoing person in the world, but the situation called for her to step outside of her comfort zone and be the one that led this conversation.

  ‘Here,’ she pushed the beer across the table to him. ‘I have noticed you drink this every time you come in here,’ she smiled a sweet innocent smile. It was the type of smile that would make even the most vicious dictator in the world turn weak at the knees. ‘I don’t know if you realised, but we keep arriving here at the exact same time every single night.’ She giggled. ‘It must be fate.’

  Damien laughed nervously in reply.

  ‘I thought I would come over and say hello. I don’t really like sitting by myself, especially with all these scary looking men in here, and you look like a really nice friendly person,’ she looked down nervously at her drink before adding. ‘I have wanted to come over and say hello to you for quite a while, but never really had the courage, so,’ she paused for a brief moment. ‘Hello,’ she giggled again.

  She hoped the combination of talking at him confidently and acting shy somehow found a middle balance that put him at ease.

  Damien relaxed a little.

  ‘I wanted to say hello to you too,’ he confessed. ‘But I didn’t think someone as pretty as you would want to talk to someone like me.’

  ‘You think I am pretty?’ Julie blushed. It was an Oscar winning performance.

  ‘I am sorry,’ Damien quickly apologised. ‘That was not a line. I am not coming onto you.’ He waved his hands in the air defensively.

  Julie giggled like some sort of little school girl.

  ‘It is okay. You can come on me if you want.’ Damien’s light blue eyes nearly popped out of his head and bounced away across the bar room floor. ‘I mean, I don’t mind someone like you coming onto me.’ Julie corrected herself.

  Damien took a swig of his beer, just to give himself something to do, so that he didn’t have to talk. Julie couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him looking at her tits over the rim of his glass. He acted shy, but he was just like every other guy.

  ‘So, what line of work are you in?’

  ‘I am a computer programmer,’ he replied.

  ‘You have to be pretty smart to do something like that.’ Damien shrugged his shoulders in reply. ‘It is rare to meet a man that is not only smart, but good looking. If you tell me you are rich I might have to marry you now.’

  ‘I am rich,’ they both laughed.

  The awkward silence returned.

  Julie picked up her small glass of whiskey and sipped at it slowly. Alcohol always went straight to her head, which was a benefit if you wanted a cheap night out. Only tonight she had to keep her head in the right place. She was here for a purpose. ‘Are you married?’ she asked after a moment’s thought.

  ‘No,’ it brought a genuine chuckle out of Damien.

  ‘You must have a girlfriend then,’ countered Julie.

  ‘Um, no,’ he turned his eyes up and away, as if attempting to remember the last time he had a woman in his life that he could call his girlfriend. Julie had a knack for reading people’s facial expression and it seemed Damien had been a single man for a very long time.

  ‘That is good to know,’ she deliberately bit her bottom lip.

  That small gesture always caught a man’s attention.

  Damien replied by swallowing down the lump that had gathered in his throat.

  ‘So, you live alone?’ Julie already knew he lived with his mother, but the conversation was going this way. She just needed to keep him talking long enough until she could guide it where she wanted it to go, which was into his pants.

  ‘I live with my mother.’

  ‘Oh, do you take care of her?’ asked Julie.

  ‘No,’ that was a bit of a mood killer.

  ‘Oh,’ Julie wasn’t one to miss an opportunity. ‘You must get lonely sometimes. I mean without a girlfriend.’

  ‘I do,’ Damien took a swig of his beer. ‘But that is just the way life goes. Are you single?’ He looked almost embarrassed to ask the question.

  ‘Yes,’ smiled Julie. ‘And if your next question is do I feel lonely? The answer is another, very big, yes.’ She took in a long deep breath in through her nose and over dramatically allowed her breasts to heave beneath the tempting night dress before letting out a long and weary sigh. ‘If I am honest the one thing I miss the most about being in a relationship is the sex.’

  Damien nearly choked on his drink.

  Julie couldn’t contain herself from laughing. She did love having such power over men. Once she started down this route there was no way she was going to stop. ‘I do miss having someone to come home to and cuddle at night, but the thing I miss most of all is having a man to take me when he wants, how he wants and where he wants.’

  Damien’s jaw was hanging so far open that it was nearly resting on the floor.

  It was time to take the conversation x-rated.

  ‘I end up getting so frustrated that half the time I end up touching myself in bed, you know?’ she didn’t give him time to form any sort of response. ‘Can you picture how that must look? I am lying naked in the centre of my large double bed, with my legs spread wide open, whilst I slowly slide my fingers,’ Julie paused for effect. ‘What am I saying? You must get laid all the time.’

  ‘Eh? What?’ Damien was hanging on her every word.

  ‘Well you are successful, smart and really good looking. You must have a choice of woman, right?’ Julie placed her elbows on the table and leaned forward. The front of her baby-doll night gown hung loose, which gave Damien a perfect view straight down her top. He shuffled uncomfortably in his seat at the realisation she wasn’t wearing a bra. Julie didn’t need to see it to know what was happening between his legs. The sight of her round juicy tits was making this shy young man hard.

  ‘Not really,’ he mumbled in reply.

  ‘I think you are being modest,’ replied Julie.

  And then he did something that shocked Julie.

  Julie was not the type of woman that got shocked. She was willing to do anything, and anyone, to get what she wanted, but this was something that even surprised her. Damien checked his watch and announced. ‘I have to go and catch my bus,’ he got up to leave. ‘It was really nice talking to you. If you are in another night I would like to get to know you more,’ he smiled and walked by her. ‘Good night.’

  Julie wore a mask of confusion.

  What had just happened?

  If this was any other guy then would already be off fucking someplace. Julie knew she was hot and she was wearing something especially slutty just for him. She was also being very forward and letting him look at the type of tits men had wet dreams about and he was going home?

  She had to do something and do it now.

  If this part of her plan failed then it could set the whole operation back at least another infuriating two weeks. Damien headed for the exit when he suddenly paused and made a quick detour into the men’s toilets.

  This was the opportunity she was looking for.

  It was one last chance to complete stage one of her master plan.

  Julie downed the rest of her whisky. Her pretty little face screwed up momentarily, as the drink warmed the back of her th
roat. And with that she got up and headed towards the men’s toilets.


  Carefully Julie inched open the door to the men’s toilet and peeked her head inside. It was just as you would expect from a bar room toilet. It had white cold looking walls, dark tiled floors and that horrible bleach chemical smell. A sink sat underneath a cracked mirror and beside a blow dryer for your hands. Three urinals were placed against the far wall and two cubicles were positions by the door. Julie ducked down and looked beneath the cubicle for feet. No one but Damien was inside the men’s toilets and he was completely oblivious to her arrival.

  This was it. It was her last chance to save the whole operation.

  Julie pushed the toilet door closed and flicked the lock.

  ‘Hi,’ she spoke in her softest and sexiest tone.

  Damien looked back over his shoulder and instantly turned an interesting shade of red. Instinctively he began to tuck himself back inside his trousers before Julie caught a glimpse of his limp penis. The sexy young Goth sprung on him like a kitten playing with a ball of string. She hugged him tightly from behind and dropped her small delicate hands on top of his.

  ‘What’s the hurry?’ she asked.

  ‘M-miss…’ he stuttered nervously at the feel of her finger tip slowly rubbing the top of his dick, as he held it within his grasp. Julie forced her breasts against his back just to make sure he was aware of them and followed up by kissing him gently on the side of his neck, just above his shirt collar. Her knee high boots meant the two of them were around about the same height. ‘We have only just met,’ he nearly choked on the lump in his throat, as her tongue slid smoothly into his ear. ‘You seem like a really nice woman.’ Julie slipped her right hand between his and curled her fingers around his ever growing shaft.

  Hardness was starting to set in.

  With her tongue still in his ear she slowly began to jerk her hand back and forth along his half-erect cock. ‘And I would be lying if I said I didn’t fancy you.’ He gasped at the feel of her hand twisting in clockwise and counter-clockwise motion, whilst she slid it from the tip of his dick all the way down to his balls. ‘Don’t you think we are moving too fast?’

  ‘If you want me to stop I will,’ she whispered the words into his ear. ‘I won’t make you do something you don’t want to do. Do you want me to stop?’

  ‘I really don’t think we should do this,’ his breathing was growing heavy.

  ‘Your mouth is saying one thing,’ Julie began to jerk her hand harder and faster along his rock hard cock. ‘But you dick is saying something else.’ Damien wore a mask of confusion. It was clear to tell he was not the type of man that had the confidence, charm or the luck needed to have one night stands with woman. This had given birth to morals and rules as to how a woman needed to be treated, but right now at this moment in time he had a sexy young woman, wearing baby-doll lingerie, giving him a hand job in a bar room toilet. He might be some kind of computer genius, but there was nothing in the vast knowledge within his mind that told him how to handle this situation.

  ‘Just relax and enjoy it,’ Julie kissed him on the side of the face. She could feel Damien release a long breath from his mouth and felt the tension evaporate from the tense muscles on his back.

  She had done it.

  Stage one was to seduce Damien.

  Julie needed him to drop his guard and forget about everything for one brief moment in time. Of course she hadn’t planned for herself to get so wet, from getting him off, but there was something about having complete and utter control over a man that lit the fires of lust within her soul. She had to force herself to take a long slow breath, in through her nose, and then hold it for a good few seconds. She was here to do a job. Now was not the time to lose her mind and fuck this shy young man until his dick no longer worked. Julie released the breath she had been holding. Self-control was not her strong point, especially when it came to hot dirty public sex, but for stage one of the master plan to be successful she needed to get what she came for and escape before he realised what had happened.

  ‘Oh god,’ she could hear Damien sigh beneath his breath.

  Julie didn’t know if she should laugh or feel pity.

  They had only been at it about a minute and already he was struggling to hold it in. She had not taken into account this man’s lack of sexual encounters. It put a bit of a time limit into what she had to do.

  ‘Are you close?’ she let out an erotic moan like some kind of sex line worker. He nodded his head frantically in reply. ‘Is that big fat dick going to cum for me?’ Damien turned his ocean blue eyes back towards her. A mixture of pleasure and pain were swirling like water colours behind the windows of his soul. This was it. The moment in time that Damien’s full and undivided attention was locked onto her.

  ‘Don’t fight it. Do it for me.’

  His mouth hung open, as his face screwed up like some kind of bad drawing. He gave out the least manly groan she had ever had the misfortune to hear. It wasn’t like some kind of wild beast, but a dog walking clumsily into a door.

  His cock erupted.

  Julie slipped her hand into his left pants pockets.

  She could feel the plastic card and quickly plucked it like some kind of professional pick pocket. She leaned her head forward and pressed her soft black lips against his, whilst her hand furiously danced up and down the full length of his dick. Secondary eruptions leapt forth from his cock, as she slipped the plastic card down her top and out of sight.

  Damien was none the wiser.

  ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck.’ He seemed to chant the words, as she continued to torment his cock with her hand. It was clear to see that he could take no more, but Julie was having far too much fun to stop now. Men always acted big and tough around her. They would look at her with eyes full of lust; and they would say things that would cause their own mothers to have heart attacks, and they would always act a certain cocky way with their friends, or around other guys, their behaviour made her want to be sick. Men thought they ruled the world, but not when Julie had them.

  She made them realise who was really in charge.

  She took them to the point where they could go no further and then kept going. There was no greater sense of power than watching a grown man go weak at the knees from fucking him, or sucking him, or in this case jerking him off. She wanted to hear the words that got her so hot.

  ‘Please, please stop. I can’t take anymore.’

  Julie would have loved nothing more than to get on her knees and start sucking him off. The pleasure he would have received would have been bordering on pain, but it is not so easy to do when their hands are free, which is why she preferred her men to be tied up nice and tight.

  Damien dropped his hands onto hers.

  With a tinge of disappointment Julie let go of his dick.

  ‘Fuck,’ panted Damien. He pressed his hands against the wall in front of him to steady himself. The overwhelming sensation roaring like a wild fire between his legs was not going to be disappearing any time soon. ‘I can’t believe we did that,’ he laughed to himself. ‘No one will ever believe this happened to me. I can’t believe it happened to me. Can I see you again?’ His words hung in the air for a moment. No reply came. Damien turned to face Julie, only to find that he was all alone in men’s toilets. ‘Hello?’

  Corruption of the Heart

  Now Out on Kindle

  Table of Contents


  Part One: Nathan’s Story

  Chapter One: The Lady of the Lake

  Chapter Two: Family Resemblance

  Chapter Three: The Lake

  Chapter Four: The Business Meeting

  Chapter Five: Disruption

  Chapter Six: A Conversation under the Stars

  Part Two: Conner’s Story

  Chapter Seven: The Start of the Summer Vacation

  Chapter Eight: Reunion

  Chapter Nine: A Meeting in Private

  Chapter Ten: Something
Lost and Something Gained

  Part Three: Charlie’s StoryChapter Eleven: The Sex Club

  Chapter Eleven: The Sex Club

  Chapter Twelve: Breaking the Deal

  Chapter Thirteen: The Pursuit of Happiness

  Part Four: Frank’s StoryChapter Fourteen: Rock Bottom

  Chapter Fourteen: Rock Bottom

  Chapter Fifteen: A Lesson in Confidence

  Chapter Sixteen: A Brighter Tomorrow

  Part Four: The Party by the LakeChapter Seventeen: Nathan’s Point Of View

  Chapter Seventeen: Nathan’s Point Of View

  Chapter Eighteen: Miranda’s Point of View

  Chapter Nineteen: Frank’s Point Of View

  Chapter Twenty: Rebecca’s Point Of View

  Chapter Twenty-One: Conner’s Point Of View

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Lisa’s Point Of View

  Chapter Twenty-Three: Sheridan’s Point Of View

  Chapter Twenty-Four: Charlie’s Point Of View

  Excerpt from “Corruption of the Heart”




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