Every Beat of My Heart

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Every Beat of My Heart Page 10

by Kianna Alexander

  He eschewed thoughts of his lost job, of Monk’s piano and everything else. Right now the only thing he cared about was getting as deep inside of her as possible, as quickly as possible.

  He ran his open hand along the plane of her stomach, and she shivered. “Baby, can I—”

  Her whispered answer came before he could even complete the question. “Yes. Make love to me, Rashad.”

  Needing no further encouragement, he knelt briefly to slide the soft blue bikini panties down her legs. Normally he would have undressed her fully, carried her to his bed. But the sight of her displayed on the island countertop had him so hard and so full of need, he knew he wouldn’t make it that far. So once her panties were tossed aside, he fit himself between her open thighs.

  She sat up, her eyes blazing with heat. Never breaking eye contact with him, she undid the button and zipper of his jeans. Apparently she wasn’t interested in prolonging the encounter, either, because she reached inside his pants, wove her hand through the slit opening in his boxer briefs, and grasped his manhood.

  He uttered a curse as her warm palm surrounded him, just the way he wanted her to. Her eyes still locked with his, she began to stroke him slowly, skillfully. The building pleasure gripped him, and he stayed her hand. “If you don’t stop this will be over before it starts.”

  Complying, she ceased her sinfully delightful hand game, but still pulled him free of his underwear. Bracing herself by resting her elbows on the countertop, she arched her back. “Let’s get the party started, then.”

  He fished a condom from his pocket and covered himself in record time. His pants were still slung low on his hips, but he had neither time nor inclination to take them down. In the next heartbeat, he tilted his hips and slid inside her. They both gasped at the joining. He remained still for a minute. The residual pleasure she’d given him with her hand, combined with the hot tightness of her now, threatened to make him spill right away. Inhaling deeply, he took in the scent of her perfume and her arousal, then began to thrust.

  Soft moans escaped her open mouth as he stroked her, his hands drifting over the peaks and valleys of her body. He used the pads of his thumbs to tease her erect nipples and she arched like a drawn bow. Behind him, he felt her long legs drape around his hips, and he moved his hands to her waist, bracing her for the passion he could no longer hold at bay.

  Now his thrusts became deeper, harder and more powerful. The musical sounds of her moans increased in kind and it sounded sweeter than anything he’d ever heard. She was close to orgasm again, he could tell by the sight and sound of her. So he eased his hand between them and circled his thumb over her hot little clit. She yelled out his name, and he felt her body convulse around him.

  Unable to hold back any longer, he growled as his own release spiraled through him.

  When he came back to awareness, he let himself slip free of her body’s warmth and eased away to discard the condom. He tucked his member out of sight and fastened his jeans. Then he gathered her still shivering form in his arms and carried her into his bedroom.

  Once there, he pulled back the covers and placed her beneath them. She was half-asleep, a sated smile gracing her beautiful face. He turned to sneak away, and her soft voice stopped him.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To take a shower. Just rest. I’ll be back.”

  Seeming to accept his answer, she snuggled down in the bed and pulled the covers up around her chin. Before he reached his bathroom door, he heard her soft snores ruffling the silence.

  Knowing he’d loved her thoroughly enough to put her to sleep pleased him. A smile stretched across his face as he entered his bathroom.

  Moments later he stood beneath the steaming hot spray of water. Even as he washed away the sweat he worked up making love to her, and the scent of her clinging to skin, he knew there was no washing away his feelings. He loved her more than his next breath. She had to know that by now, but would she ever fully trust him? And could he really expect her to, since he hadn’t told her about his family, and the arrangements they’d made for him?

  He knew she would soon find out, because the time was fast approaching when he’d have no choice but to reveal everything. How would she react? As he watched the suds disappear down the drain, he realized she might not be happy about it all. Still, he had to bide his time. Telling her now was out of the question, so he would just have to wait and see how things turned out.

  He emerged from the shower, clean and relaxed, to find her still sound asleep. Taking in the sight of her lying so peacefully in his bed, filled his heart. It was a welcome sight, one he would be more than happy to wake up to every morning for the rest of his life.

  Forever. How can I convince her to stay forever?

  He was taken aback by that thought. He’d never thought of any other woman this way. Had he really reached the point where he was ready for marriage? Maybe he had, because deep down he felt she belonged with him. He wanted her in his arms, in his bed, and in his life, always.

  Once he’d toweled off and slipped into a clean pair of boxers, he lifted the covers and slid into bed beside her.

  Chapter 12

  Lifting her feet up onto the plush leather ottoman in front of her, Lina sank down into the soft embrace of the matching armchair. She was sitting in a popular coffee shop, waiting for Eve to arrive. It was early evening, and she looked forward to seeing her best friend today. With all the cases and new responsibilities she’d been dealing with at work, she hadn’t been left with much time to hang out with her friend. Being able to see her in the middle of the workweek was a rare treat.

  The coffee shop’s decor provided a perfect backdrop for enjoying a cup of Joe and good company. The muted color palate of soft grays, blues and greens, as well as the light classical music being piped in, made the space great for relaxation. Still, it was a coffee shop, which meant all the tables near a wall outlet were taken up by serious-looking folks eyeballing laptop and tablet screens. “Power zombies,” as she called them, seemed to appear the moment the place opened, so they could secure an outlet and remain tethered to it all day. She hadn’t a clue what the power zombies were working on, or even if they were working at all, but the sight of them tickled her.

  She grabbed her iced coffee and took a sip, while flipping through the pages of a fashion magazine she’d picked up on the way in. It was a regional magazine called Southern Sass, and even though she’d never heard of it, she was impressed with the clothing and accessories displayed inside. All the items in the fashion spreads were made by designers and artisans who lived in the southeastern United States and she found it a very clever and well-executed publication.

  “Hey, girl.” Eve’s greeting cut into her thoughts.

  Lina looked up and watched as her friend flopped down in the chair across from her.

  Right away, she noticed how tired Eve looked. Though she was as impeccably dressed as ever in a sunny-yellow maxidress and carrying an orange handbag, Eve’s face was lined with exhaustion.

  “Girl. What’s going on with you? You look tired.” Lina couldn’t help asking the question. She’d never seen her friend like this before. Frankly, she felt concerned.

  “I am tired. I haven’t been sleeping that well lately.” Eve stifled a yawn.

  “You don’t have a drink. Do you want me to get you something, before you tell me what’s got you lying awake at night?”

  Eve chuckled. “Sure. Get me a decaf caramel mocha.”

  Lina nodded, then walked about two steps before she remembered. “Eve, you hate caramel. Are you sure that’s what you want?”

  Lying back in the chair, Eve replied, “I’m sure. I’ve had a taste for caramel lately.”

  Shaking her head, Lina walked up to the counter and ordered what her friend had asked for. When she returned with the steaming hot drink and handed
it over, Lina sat back down in her own chair.

  “You know, I’ve got some serious questions about why you’re so tired, and why you suddenly like caramel, and why you’re drinking that hot espresso when it’s about a thousand degrees outside.” Lina loved a good espresso as much as the next girl, but she couldn’t stand drinking hot drinks during the long, humid Carolina summers.

  Taking a long sip from the mug, Eve fixed her with that famous side-eye. “If you think about everything you just said for a minute, I think you’ll be able to figure it out.”

  Lina crossed her legs and leaned forward. Through narrowed eyes, she watched Eve, who seemed content to half sit, half lie in her chair drinking her beverage. A few seconds ticked by in silence.

  Eve smiled.

  Lina jumped up from her seat. “Oh my God. You’re pregnant!”

  Her smile widening, Eve nodded. “Ding, ding, ding! Give the lady a prize.”

  Giving Eve a moment to set her mug aside, Lina held open her arms and hugged her friend tight. “Girl, I’m so happy for you. So happy.”

  Returning the hug, Eve laughed. “I’m happy, too. So quit squeezing me before you make me have to go pee again.”

  They broke the embrace and returned to their seats.

  Lina asked, “What about Darius? When did you tell him? How did he take the news?”

  A dreamy look washed over Eve’s face. “I found out last week, after the book club meeting. I told him that night, and for a minute I thought he was going to faint. But he was so sweet. He got down on his knees and kissed my belly.”

  “Aw!” There was really nothing else she could say.

  “I went to the doctor yesterday, and they say I’m due around the second week of December.”

  Lina couldn’t stop smiling. Knowing that her friend would achieve her lifelong dream of motherhood had her grinning ear to ear. “I’m sorry you’ll have to carry the baby through a North Carolina summer, but I’m so happy for you. Wow.”

  “Wow is right. I’m still adjusting to it. And now I’m going to have to figure out who’s going to run things at FTI when I go on maternity leave. I want to take off at least six months.”

  “Who knows? You may fall in love with the baby and never want to go back.”

  Eve shrugged. “We’ll see. That would really be something, after all I went through to get the CEO position.” She fell silent.

  Lina instinctively knew that talking about FTI and the baby had probably made Eve think of her late father, Joseph. Franklin Technologies, Incorporated was Eve’s software company, and represented Joseph’s legacy. She sensed the cloud of sadness that had descended over Eve. Without a word, she got up and went to sit next to her. It was going to be a tight fit, but to comfort her best friend, a little discomfort would be well worth it. Wedging her hips in next to Eve, she took her friend into her arms.

  “I know you miss him, girl. Trust me, he’s watching from above. Everything is going to be okay.”

  Eve sniffled, sighed. “Logically I know that. But these hormones have got me all emotional.”

  She grew quiet again, and Lina didn’t press her to talk. Instead, she just held her friend, while the wordless tears rolled down her cheeks. Lina had been there when Eve’s father had passed less than a year ago. Time had eased her pain, but the loss still hurt. Lina understood. It had been more than a decade since she’d lost her own father, and she still shed tears for him now and then. The loss of a father was something a daughter never really got over. After all, a father is the first man to win his daughter’s heart.

  Once the tears subsided, Eve straightened up. She dabbed at her eyes with a napkin, took a deep breath. “I think I’m okay now. Thanks, Lina.”

  “No problem. Just doing my best friend duty.” She wriggled from the tight spot between Eve’s hip and the arm of the chair and stood, before easing back into her own chair. Mentally, she made a note of all the people she’d need to call to start planning a baby shower. There was no way she was going to let her best friend step into motherhood without a big celebration, and she knew all the girls from the book club would agree.

  “You should have seen the look on Mom’s face when I told her. She is so excited about having a grandchild, she doesn’t know what to do with herself.”

  Lina giggled. “Has she already told you what you should name the baby?”

  Joining in her laughter, Eve nodded. “Of course she has. If it’s a girl, I’m to name the baby after her, and if it’s a boy, I’m to name it after Daddy.”

  “I’m not sure. Louise and Joseph are kind of old-fashioned names. Now, Lina, that has a nice, modern ring to it.”

  Eve rolled her eyes dramatically. “Girl, please. I’m sure between Darius and me, we can come up with a name.”

  “I guess I can accept that. Okay then, you and your husband have my permission to name your own child.”

  That snarky remark sent both of them into peals of laughter. The two of them had been thick as thieves since college, and that was precisely why they understood each other.

  Eve’s expression changed, as if she’d just remembered something. “Enough about me. I want to hear what’s been going on with you and Rashad.”

  At the mere mention of Rashad’s name, Lina felt the sweet warmth of desire flow through her body like a charge of electricity. A soft smile tugged at her lips. “Things are going great. He’s attentive, affectionate and he cooks.”

  “Really? Sounds like things are getting pretty serious between you two.”

  “I think they are. He got laid off over at the courthouse last week, so I went over there to hang out with him. I thought he would be upset, but he seems to be taking it all in stride.”

  Eve cocked a brow. “You went over to his house? You haven’t been there in ages. How did that go?”

  “We watched TV for a while, and he made me the most awesome chicken fajitas...”

  Eve pursed her lips. “Girl, bye. You know good and well what I’m asking about. Did he handle his business or what?”

  Wondering if the “hormones” had increased Eve’s nosiness, Lina shook her head. Heat rose into her face as she quietly admitted, “We made love on his kitchen counter.”

  “Girl!” Eve moved to the edge of her seat. “Details!”

  Lina shushed her. “I’m not trying to put all my business in the streets, so lower your voice.”

  “Whatever. I’ll be quieter, just tell me everything.”

  So Lina leaned in and whispered the racy details of her sexy kitchen encounter with Rashad into her friend’s ear. By the time she was done, both of them were giggling like two adolescents.

  “I didn’t know Rashad had it like that.” Eve looked genuinely impressed.

  “Neither did I. mean, his lovemaking game was good when we dated before, but now...the brother’s got his PhD in making me scream.” Lina smacked her lips as she remembered the mind-blowing pleasure he’d given her.

  “I bet you’re glad he studied up.” Eve winked.

  As Lina drained the last of her iced coffee, she smiled, because she had to agree.

  * * *

  Reaching for the handle of his tennis racket, Rashad removed it from his duffel bag and gave it a mock swing. It was beautiful Thursday. The early afternoon sun beamed down on the textured green surface of the tennis court at his housing complex, radiating heat back toward him. Dressed in white shorts and Carolina blue polo shirt, he felt pretty comfortable despite the near ninety-degree temperature.

  He glanced beyond the fence surrounding the court, searching for any sign of his relatives. His parents and younger sister had arrived in town last night, and were due to stay in Charlotte for several days. Rashad’s father, Vernon, owned a furniture manufacturing company in their hometown of Chattanooga, and was in town on business. Rashad’s mother, Gladys, an
d sister, Simone, had decided to accompany Vernon in order to get in some overdue family bonding time.

  Despite his insistence that they save a little money and stay in the two spare rooms in his place, Rashad’s family members were all staying in a hotel downtown. His father had called him up after breakfast with the idea that they all meet for a doubles tennis match, something they’d enjoyed doing back home when Rashad and his sister were younger. Rashad had agreed and invited them all over to use the court just down the road from his home. There were several municipal courts around the city, but this one was so close by, and was also kept in near immaculate condition by the complex staff.

  Taking out his tube of tennis balls, he removed one. Bouncing it a few times on the court, he took a step back and executed a powerful underhand swing. The racket sliced through the air, totally missing the ball, which bounced once more before rolling under the net.

  “I hope you’ll do better than that during the actual game,” a deep and familiar voice chided.

  Rolling his eyes, Rashad turned toward the sound. “Hey, Dad. How are you?”

  Dressed in khaki shorts and a bright white polo shirt, Vernon MacRae strode through the open gate and onto the court. “Pretty good. How have you been, son?”

  Grabbing his father in a customary bear hug, he chuckled. “I’m good. And yes, I plan to do better during the game.”

  “Don’t make it too easy for us, bro.” Simone strolled onto the court behind Vernon. She’d pulled her hair up into a ponytail and donned a lavender tennis dress and matching sneakers. The diamond-encrusted treble clef that she never took off hung from the gold chain around her neck.


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