Every Beat of My Heart

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Every Beat of My Heart Page 11

by Kianna Alexander

Rashad gave Simone a playful slap on the back, then kissed her forehead. He reached out to rumple her hair, but the pursed lips and side-eye she gave him made him change his mind. At twenty-six, she was a full decade younger than him, and often complained that having him as a big brother felt like having two fathers. Because he loved her, Rashad ignored her whining. Any older brother worth his salt would do his best to protect his baby sister. Besides, they had no other siblings, so he felt a special sense of responsibility for her.

  Moving past her, he greeted his mother. The huge black-framed sunglasses she wore hid much of her face. Still, it was easy to tell that behind the dark lenses, her eyes were plastered to the screen of her smartphone. “Hey, Mom. How are you?”

  Gladys looked up, offering him a smile and a kiss on the cheek. “Doing just fine.”

  Simone smacked her lips. “Mom, get off Twitter so we can play.”

  “Oh, hush, girl.” But Gladys complied with her daughter’s request, turning off the screen. She then pocketed the phone on the hip of her tennis skirt.

  By now, Vernon had his racket in hand. “Let’s get this game underway, shall we?”

  After some maneuvering, the usual teams were formed. Rashad and Vernon stood on one side of the net, while Simone and Gladys stood on the other. Simone gave the first serve, bouncing the ball in front of her before giving a swing that sent it sailing over the net, right toward Vernon’s head.

  Vernon ducked instinctively, but before the ball could hit him, Rashad made a leap in his direction and swiped the ball back toward their opponents.

  “Trying to kill your old man, Simone?”

  “Sorry, Dad!” Simone shouted as Gladys returned the ball.

  The game went on for over an hour, with them smacking the ball back and forth over the net. There were a few times the ball flew off course and either Rashad or Simone went after it. By the time it ended, the ladies emerged victorious, but everyone had worked up a good sweat.

  Rashad dropped onto one of the metal benches just outside the court’s fence, dragging a towel from his duffel over his forehead.

  His father sat next to him, wiping off his own perspiration. “I thought you said you were gonna do better during the game.”

  Chuckling, Rashad tucked the towel back into his bag. “Don’t tease me, Dad. I’m distracted.”

  “I can tell. What’s got you so unfocused, boy?”

  He thought of Lina, remembering the way she’d looked, half-naked and draped over his kitchen island. While the memory was as vivid and sweet as could be, he knew better than to tell his father all that. “Let’s just say Lina’s back in my life, and things are going well.”

  Vernon gave him a hearty slap on the back. “Good, good! It’s about time.”

  Simone and Gladys strolled over. Simone had both her own bag and her mother’s slung over her shoulder. “What are y’all talking about?”

  “Rashad’s back with Lina,” Vernon volunteered.

  One of Simone’s perfectly arched brows hitched up. “Oh, really? So you’re back with Miss I-Don’t-Trust-Nobody. When did this happen?”

  Before Rashad could answer, the loud grumbling of his stomach interrupted his thoughts. “Look, y’all can grill me all you want, but let’s do it over lunch. I’m starving.”

  Everyone agreed, so they returned to Rashad’s house. He and his father went to separate bathrooms to take a quick shower while his mom and sister prepped for lunch. Then they switched, with the women getting their showers while the men finished up the cooking.

  By the time everybody was clean and freshly dressed, Rashad had set the table. With his parents and sister seated around the polished black lacquer table, he set out the bowls and platters holding the meal. There were large leaves of bib lettuce, grilled chicken and steak and jasmine rice, as well as sesame oil, teriyaki sauce, and chopped scallions for toppings. The Asian lettuce wraps had always been a favorite dish around the MacRae household, and Rashad usually made them for his family whenever they visited.

  Once grace was said and the platter passed around, Gladys launched right into the topic at hand. “So, how long have you and Miss Lina been seeing each other?”

  Rashad thought back to the night he’d run into Lina at Cleveland and Wendell. “It’s been a little less than two weeks.”

  Gladys sipped from her glass of ice water. “That’s it? How can you already be so sure things are going to be better this go-round?”

  Chewing a mouthful of food, Rashad contemplated his answer. He dared not tell his mother just how “close” he and Lina had gotten over the past couple of weeks, so he chose his words carefully. “Instinctively, I can sense her opening up to me and trusting me in a way she couldn’t before.”

  Simone scoffed, but said nothing.

  Rashad cut his eyes at his sister, wondering why she had such an attitude when it came to Lina. After all, the two of them had never met.

  Vernon, who up until that moment had seemed content to listen and fill his belly, spoke. “Does she know about your ‘backup plan’ yet?”

  As three sets of curious eyes regarded him, Rashad shook his head. “No. I don’t want to tell her until it’s absolutely necessary. You all know how women have reacted to finding out about it in the past, so I decided to just play it close to the vest this time.”

  Clamping her hand over her mouth, Simone faked a cough.

  Rashad turned to her. “Is there a piece of steak caught in your throat or something, Simone?”

  She shook her head, but her tight-lipped expression was telling.

  “If you’ve got something to say, say it.”

  She shook her head again. “Nope. I’m not getting in the middle of this.”

  That made him chuckle. His sister never had any qualms about getting in his business before. But if she claimed disinterest, he wasn’t about to press her.

  Vernon interjected. “Well, I hope she takes it well and behaves accordingly. The good news is profits are way up at MacRae Incorporated, so...” He gestured with his hands.

  Rashad understood the implications of his father’s words right away. “That’s good to hear, Dad.”

  “And since you’re not working at the courthouse anymore, you’re free to come back anytime.”

  He knew that. His father had made it abundantly clear that he’d always be welcome to take on an executive role at MacRae Incorporated. But they both knew that the family manufacturing business wasn’t Rashad’s dream. What he wanted was a regular job, a regular life, lived amongst regular people. “I’ll think about it.”

  Vernon rested his elbows on the table, lacing his fingers together. “I know your grandfather soured you on our lifestyle, Rashad. But you’re always welcome to come home.”

  Not wanting to think about his grandfather’s selfish, condescending ways, Rashad offered only an affirmative bob of his head in response. Solomon MacRae had shown him all the ways money could darken a person’s soul, and Rashad’s mission in life was to be as different from his grandfather as possible.

  Rashad slid his chair back, rose from the table. “I lost my appetite.”

  Feeling his family’s concerned gazes on his back, he left the room.

  Chapter 13

  It was just past six when Lina pulled her car into the driveway at Rashad’s condo Thursday evening. The garage doors were shut, and she assumed both spaces were occupied by Rashad’s truck and whatever vehicle his parents drove. Cutting off the engine, she got out of the car but left the driver’s door open. She dragged her purse onto the seat and fished out her travel-size lint roller. She took the gadget to her black slacks one more time, just to be sure no renegade fuzz had been missed when she’d done it earlier. Tucking the lint roller away, she looked in her side-view mirror at her reflection. Adjusting the shimmery gold one-shoulder top to just the right
angle, she then ran a hand over her hair to be sure it was in place. After one more swipe of rose-gold lip gloss, she deemed herself presentable.

  She slung the strap of her black leather satchel over her shoulder and shut the car door. While she walked up the short sidewalk, she contemplated on why she felt so nervous. Likely, it was because it had been years since a man had introduced her to his parents. Beyond that, Rashad didn’t talk much about his family, so she had no idea what they were like. She knew she’d be meeting both his parents and his only sibling, but other than that, she didn’t know what to expect.

  She took a deep breath, blowing it out through her lips as she pressed the doorbell. The chime played for about two seconds before the door swung open.

  The heady, masculine scent of Rashad’s cologne wafted out the door and into her nostrils, as the sight of him standing there took her breath away. She knew she should speak, but she couldn’t. All her brain space was currently occupied with drinking in his dark handsomeness. His locks were in a ponytail at his nape. He’d apparently gotten his left ear pierced, because there was a large round stud sparkling there. The suit he wore was tan, and must have been custom cut to fit his tall, muscular frame. He’d eschewed a tie, choosing instead to wear a crisp white button-down shirt beneath his sport coat, with the top three buttons undone.

  He descended the single step, his dark brown loafers coming within an inch of her gold open-toed sandals. “Baby, you look gorgeous.” He draped his arms around her waist, and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

  His touch seemed to break the stupor she’d fallen in when he opened the door, and she smiled up at him. “Thanks for having me over. You clean up pretty well yourself.”

  The dazzling smile that crossed his face was accompanied by a chuckle. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “Are you sure you still want to do this? Introducing me to your parents is a big step. They might think you’re serious about me.” She winked, not bothering to hide the teasing in her tone.

  He grasped her hand, tugging her inside. “Good, because I am serious about you. Come on inside.”

  She followed him and he closed the door behind them. Still cradling her hand in his own, he led her straight through the living room and kitchen, and into the formal dining room. There, seated around the table, were his three family members.

  She smiled and shook hands with them as Rashad introduced his mother, father and younger sister. His parents wore welcoming smiles, but his sister’s expression was flat and unreadable. She could immediately see the resemblance between Rashad and Vernon, and she had to admit that the older man was somewhat of a silver fox. He wore both his dark suit and his salt-and-pepper beard with confidence.

  Gladys MacRae was the picture of refinement. Her hair was fully gray but perfectly coiffed in a short natural style, and she wore a cream-colored skirt and a white blouse. Her gold jewelry was elegant and understated, as was her greeting.

  Simone, the youngest MacRae, was the spitting image of her mother. She wore a pair of boot cut jeans and a navy silk blouse. Her long, jet-black hair was straightened and tucked into a demure bun. Lina complimented Simone on her makeup. The girl had a mean smoky eye and a vampy shade of burgundy lipstick that was to die for. Simone accepted the compliment with a quiet “thank you” and a Mona Lisa smile.

  Rashad pulled out her chair, then took his seat next to her at one end of the table. Five places had been set with china plates, silverware, a filled champagne flute and a goblet of ice water. She noticed how nicely the table was set, and recalled the night several months ago when he’d invited her over for a candlelight dinner. That night was the last time she’d seen the linen napkins and gleaming crystal set before her now. That had also been the first time they’d made love. Thinking of the passion they’d shared that night, and of the ecstasy he’d been showing her these past sixteen days, made the heat rise into her face. She eased her chair closer to the table, hoping no one noticed the hitch in her breath.

  Once everyone was seated, Lina unfolded her white linen napkin and placed it across her lap. When she looked up again, she noted that Vernon and Gladys were carrying on a quiet conversation, but Simone’s searching eyes had never left her face.

  Offering her a small smile, Lina turned to Rashad. “What’s on the menu tonight, Rashad?”

  The flame of passion dancing in his dark eyes told her that he wanted her on the table. He held her gaze as he spoke. “Surf and turf. I made ribeye steaks, steamed lobster tails, baked potatoes and salad.”

  “Wow. You’re spoiling me.” She reached over to clasp his hand.

  Gladys emitted a tinkling laugh. “Well, aren’t you two sweet together.”

  Rashad squeezed her hand. With his fiery gaze still locked on Lina, he said, “Sweeter than you could ever imagine.”

  A shiver shot through her body, because she knew what he was referring to. She agreed. What they’d shared was meaningful, erotic and fulfilling. Remembering the company she was in, she held tight to her composure.

  Rashad and his father excused themselves and left the table. When Lina turned confused eyes to Gladys, the older woman smiled.

  “That’s how it’s always been around our house. Vernon’s always waited on us, and I suppose Rashad just picked up the habit from his father.”

  Before Lina could respond, the men returned with covered platters and serving utensils. The food was passed around family-style, and before long, she was sinking her teeth into one of the most flavorful meals she’d had in a long time. She was careful to mind her manners, wanting to make a good impression on his sister, but the food was so delicious it took a bit of extra effort.

  She’d just swallowed a bite of lobster meat when she felt the dribble of melted butter run down her chin. She immediately reached for her napkin.

  But before she could get it to her mouth, Rashad leaned over and kissed her, the tip of his tongue whisking away the butter, along with a small portion of her self-control. The task complete, he eased away and turned his attention back to his plate.

  Vernon cleared his throat. “You know, Rashad has never introduced any woman he’s dated, and I think I can see why.”

  Though she remained silent, the expression on Gladys’s face conveyed her approval.

  She could feel her cheeks heating up with embarrassment. “Sorry, Mr. MacRae.”

  He waved her off. “Nonsense, there’s no reason to apologize. I’m glad to see my son feeling passionately about you. Up until now I didn’t know if he could be passionate about anything other than singing and playing the piano.”

  Hearing that only made her blush more, but she also felt a measure of flattery. Everything she’d experienced and observed tonight led her to believe his parents liked her and approved of their relationship. There was still the matter of his younger sister. Looking over at Simone now, Lina found her expression just as unreadable as before.

  As if she sensed her attention, Simone said, “If he’s happy, I’m happy. I just hope you can get past your trust issues and give him a real shot this time.”

  Lina’s eyes closed briefly. She could tell by Simone’s tone that she simply didn’t want her brother to get hurt, understandably so. Lina couldn’t really blame Simone for acting as she did, it was plain to see that she loved her big brother. “I’ll admit that I’m not perfect, and that I’ve got some baggage. But I’ll do the best I can to keep things kosher between me and Rashad. Fair enough?”

  Simone gave a slow nod, finally letting a smile peek through. “Deal.”

  Beneath the table, Rashad rested his open palm on her thigh.

  When their eyes connected, he smiled. And as she looked at him, she felt her heart thumping in her chest, and knew that the war was over.

  She loved him, and there was no escaping it.

  * * *

  The morning sunlight streame
d through the vertical blinds, casting lines of light on the hardwood floors of the den. Rashad stood in the middle of the floor, looking around the room as he tried to work out which spot would be best to place Monk’s legendary gilded piano. Winning the bid was a foregone conclusion, even if no one knew it but him, so he’d have to take delivery on it. Knowing that, he wanted to make sure the space was cleared so the process of getting the piano into his possession could go as smoothly as possible.

  Lately he’d been thinking a lot about the piano, and what he would do with it once he had it. If he kept it, he obviously wouldn’t play it. He had a much more modern black baby grand in one of his spare rooms. To risk damaging a treasure like the Monk piano would be outrageous. If he kept it, he would simply display it, availing himself of the opportunity to look at it whenever he wanted.

  He used his hand to cup his chin, wondering why what had formerly been a sure thing, was now an if. Deep down, he knew why. As much as he wanted the piano, he knew Lina wanted it, too. That hadn’t been an issue before, when he’d been so sure he was the more deserving party. As time went by, and he’d fallen deeper in love with her, he’d realized things were far more complicated than that. He loved Lina, both body and soul, he was way past the point of denying that. While his mind told him to get his hands on that piano and never let it go, his heart told him to do what would make her happy. As it stood now, he couldn’t come up with a feasible way to keep the piano and make her happy.

  So I guess I have to decide what’s more important to me.

  He was still standing in the center of the room, contemplating, when Simone walked in.

  “What are you doing?” She padded barefoot across the floor and settled on the white leather love seat.

  He shrugged. “I thought I was trying to pick out a spot for Monk’s piano, but now I don’t know what the hell I’m doing.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re worried about winning the bid.”

  “No, that’s not it.” He ran a hand over his hair.

  “What’s the problem then, bro?”


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