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Drake's LitRPG Megabundle (7 Books)

Page 78

by Adam Drake

  Dorrish suddenly frowned at Rob. “Your hit points are low again. Hold still.” He touched Rob's arm and cast a Healing spell.

  Rob immediately felt invigorated, but his fever remained. The disease wasn't going away.

  “So whatcha find?” Rob asked after a couple of moments of listening to the shamblers thump against the barrier.

  Dorrish's face brightened like an exuberant child. “Ah! I really lucked out. I got this bow.” He grabbed the longbow leaning against the wall.

  To Rob's untrained eye it looked like a simple, yet elegantly crafted, wooden bow. The finish was smooth and dark, reminding him of his walnut scroll case.

  “Is it special or something?” Rob asked. It didn't glow with a hidden power nor did Dorrish use it to fire lightening bolts at the shamblers.

  “Is it special?” Dorrish said, shocked. “Look for yourself, lad.”

  Rob took it.

  You have taken an item: Longbow of the Fallen

  Durability 85/100

  Required Strength: 20

  Required Dexterity: 32

  Damage 35-85

  +15 Ranged Damage

  +10% Hit Bonus

  +5% Critical Hit

  +20% Current Archer Skill

  +15% Current Defense Skill

  +2 Luck

  Added Enchanments: +2 Stamina Regeneration

  Crafted by Otteck the Fallen.

  Value: 35,000 gold pieces.

  “Whoa,” Rob said, amazed. The stats and gold value were incredible.

  “Yes, whoa indeed!” Dorrish said, taking it back. He leaned it against the wall again, with reverence.

  Rob said, “At least you've found some cool loot. All I have to show for this mess is a bit of moss and a stone.”

  “Ah, lad. Any loot is good loot. You should realize that by now. Anything can be sold for something, or used, or traded, or even crafted. The only bad loot run is when you come back empty handed or dead. Why don't you show me what you got?”

  “Okay,” Rob said with a shrug. He fished out the Swamp Moss and the Minor Stone of Create Disease and put them on the floor. “There you go. Feel jealous?”

  Dorrish chuckled and picked up the moss. “See, this isn't bad. You can use this to raise your alchemy. Got a basic kit, yet?”

  “No. Why? Do you?”

  “I have an advanced one back home. Don't bother bringing it with me as alchemy takes too much time. When I'm on the road I just like to collect the ingredients. Unfortunately, I don't have a basic kit in my bags or I'd give it to you.”

  “That's okay,” Rob said. All this talking was making him feel weak. Being sick, yet healed, was a strange paradox.

  Dorrish picked up the stone and froze. His eyes went wide, bushy eyebrows shooting up his forehead. “By Morga's hairy bunghole!” he said, stunned.

  Rob sat up, curious at the Ranger's reaction. “What? What is it?”

  Dorrish looked at Rob. “You've had this with you this whole time?”

  “Yeah? Why?” Rob said, confused. What good could a diseased stone be worth?

  The Ranger suddenly threw his head back and laughed. He laughed so loud and for so long that the shamblers outside paused in their attack, perhaps in confusion.

  Rob glared at Dorrish, thoroughly bewildered. He wanted in on the joke. “It's just a damn disease causing stone. Isn't it?”

  Dorrish looked at Rob like he was insane. “My boy, this stone is your salvation!”


  “What do you mean?” Rob asked. He didn't know whether to be annoyed or thrilled.

  But Dorrish didn't answer. Instead, the Ranger jammed his arm into the largest of his holding bags. “I know it's in this one. Ah, here it is.” He pulled out a long wooden case and placed it on the floor.

  Knowing he wouldn't get an answer right that moment, Rob resigned himself to watching and sweating.

  “This is an Intermediate Sharding Box,” Dorrish said, opening it, the inside empty. “Right pain to get, but worth the risk, as you'll soon see.”

  The Ranger paused and gazed down at his pouches and bags. “Now which one is it? Red is for health, blue is for mana, green is for ingredients, yellow is for stones, and purple is for shards. That's it!” He put his hand in the purple one, then frowned. “Nope. Forgot. Purple is for stones and yellow is for shards!” From the yellow pouch he pulled out a pure white shard. It looked similar to the ones Rob had found in Perrin's crypt.

  “This is a Shard of Neutral magic,” Dorrish said, holding it up. “Not much use in general save for its ability to merge different magic types together.”

  He placed the shard in the box. Then he grabbed a Major Potion of Healing and placed it in the box, too. Holding up the Minor Stone of Create Disease, he said, “With this box, the Neutral Magic shard will merge the spell in this stone, with the Healing potion.” He put the stone into the box.

  From his purple pouch he produced a fist sized stone, its surface round and polished. “This Major Sharding Stone is empty. But once both the Cause Disease and Healing potion merge, the result will end up here.” He furrowed his brow. “Should end up here. There is a chance it could fail. Hmm. I might have something it help with that.” He placed the Sharding Stone into the box and closed it.

  Then he dug into the larger holding bag on his hip and pulled out a jade colored bracelet.

  “What's that?” Rob asked.

  “Here, look for yourself,” Dorrish said, tossing the bracelet to him.

  You have taken an item: Jade Bracelet of Sharding

  Durability 25/25

  +25% Current Sharding Skill

  +3 Luck

  Value: 8,000 gold pieces

  “This will increase the chance of a good sharding,” Dorrish said, taking it back and putting it on his thick wrist. Rob saw other bracelets on both his arms.

  Rob watched as Dorrish placed his hand over a yellow circle which suddenly appeared on the box's lid.

  “Here goes nothing!” Dorrish said and pressed down on the circle.

  A pleasant 'ding!' noise emanated from the box.

  “Oh, sounds like a winner!” Dorrish said and opened it.

  Inside was the round sharding stone. The neutral magic shard, potion and Cause Disease stone were gone. Dorrish took the sharding stone out and grinned. “Ah ha! It worked like a charm!” He handed it to Rob.

  You have taken an item: Major Stone of Cure Disease.

  Uses 1/1

  Cures an individual of all diseases instantly.

  Value: 25 gold pieces.

  Rob laughed, feeling relieved. “This is great! Okay, cure me.” But when he tried to give it back, Dorrish shook his head.

  “Don't need me to do that for you lad. Use it on yourself. That's the beauty of stones sharded with magic, anyone can use them!”

  Rob nodded, gripped the stone in his hand and then smacked it against his chest. In less than a heart beat his fever vanished, and the shivers subsided. He grinned at Dorrish, feeling like he'd got shot up with a megadose of caffeine. “That did the trick!”

  “Of course it did, lad. Just be glad you had that stone to begin with. Oh, and next time, you don't have to smack yourself so hard with it. I think you've got a bruise now.” His laughter boomed within the confined space.

  Rob felt fantastic! It was if having the disease was a bad dream he just woke up from. He laughed.

  A message appeared.

  You have learned a new skill: Basic Sharding

  Advancement in this skill will allow the user to store active spells via shards. Basic Sharding Box Required.

  Add that one to the list, Rob thought. He was gaining new skills quickly and wondered if he'd ever getting around to using all of them.

  Rob was about to speak again when Dorrish held up his hand.

  “Shh! Listen, lad,” Dorrish said.

  The thumping outside had stopped. Dorrish went over and placed his hands against the Stone Barrier. After a few moments he said, “I think they've g
iven up. But we won't know for sure until we get out there.”

  “We're leaving now?” Rob said with alarm. Even fully healed and disease free, the thought of facing a horde of shamblers was daunting.

  “We can't stay in here forever, lad. Besides, we need to get you back where you belong.” He looked Rob over. “We need to get you properly kitted out before we venture forth. I take it you're a lid smacker?”


  “A pot topper?”

  “I don't know. Maybe?”

  “Do you use a shield, lad?”

  “Oh, yeah. Sure, well, I did. But it got blown up by a fireball.”

  “Ah, those fireballs tend to do that. Here, I might have just the thing for you.” He fished around in his large holding bag. Finding what he wanted, he pulled it out. A shield emerged from the bag, stretching its opening wide like an elastic.

  The shield was large, round and studded with little spikes. Dorrish handed it to him.

  You have taken an item: Buckler of Bashing

  Durability 35/35,

  Damage 2-5

  +8 Block

  +10% Shield Bash

  Value: 35 Gold Pieces

  Rob slipped his left arm through its straps. It felt lighter than his previous shield and he liked the addition of the spikes.

  “Oh, this is sweet!” Rob said with a grin.

  Dorrish nodded. “Shields are great when you're starting out and finding your way around combat situations. Later, you may find them a hindrance.”

  “This would have prevented that damn dog bite,” Rob said.

  Dorrish looked over Rob's sword. “A pig poker, this. Might be fine for slaying things in Anika, but will only annoy Marsh denizens. Not sure I have a weapon with requirements low enough for you on me. I tend to offload my loot regularly. Hate carrying too much around.”

  The Ranger dug in his large holding bag, grumbling.

  Rob watched him, impressed. Dorrish was the embodiment of the adventurer he needed to become. Great in combat, had a good handle of magic, and cool in a fight. Rob didn't know how long it would take for him to get there, but he knew he wanted to be like this guy. He was glad he met him. Until now, the only other adventurer he could compare himself to was Jace. Dorrish gave him a model to aspire to.

  Dorrish pulled out a sword. “This might do the trick. Try it out.”

  You have taken and item: Long Sword of Pain

  Required Strength: 15

  Durability 30/30

  Damage 7-15

  +2 Damage

  +5 Hit Points

  Value: 25 gold pieces.

  Rob smiled. “Oh, this is nice!” But when he tried to swing it, he found he couldn't raise the tip of the blade up more than a few inches from the ground. It felt like someone was pressing down on it. Rob could hold the pommel just fine, but the blade refused to lift, staying pointed at the floor.

  “What the hell?” Rob said, straining with all his might.

  Dorrish chuckled and waved a hand for him to stop. “Sorry, lad. What's your Strength at?”


  “See, that's why. Can't wield it until you get 15 Strength. But don't worry, I have something else you can use. For now, keep that one. Put it in that ugly backpack of yours and save it for when you're strong enough.”

  Trying not to sulk, Rob slid the sword into his backpack. He found he could move it around fine, but obviously not when in a combat situation.

  Dorrish handed him a large single-bladed axe.

  You have taken an item: Axe of Blood

  Required Strength: 12

  Durability 25/25

  Damage 6-10

  +1 Damage

  15% Chance of causing a bleeding wound (Damage over time)

  Value: 15 gold pieces

  Rob gripped its handle and gave it a few test swings without any problem.

  You have learned a new skill: Axes

  Advancement in this skill grants the user a better affinity when using axes. Can increase weapon damage and swing speed.

  “There we go!” Dorrish said with a cheer. “How's it feel?”

  “Great!” Rob said, swinging the axe while bracing the buckler against his side. This combination felt better than the shield and sword had been.

  “Okay,” Dorrish said. “Now take these since we both know you're going to need them.” He gave Rob four Major Potions of Healing.

  “Are you sure? That only leaves you with one.”

  “I've got magical healing. Not a bother, lad. Go on, take'em.”

  Splitting one Major into four Smalls, Rob put the potions in one of his bags. He felt better knowing he had them.

  While Dorrish collected his things, Rob slid his old sword into his backpack where it clinked against the Long Sword of Pain. He couldn't wait to wield it, yet knew he really needed to place his next two Attribute points into Intelligence. Light and Healing spells were the real priorities.

  Dorrish slung his bow and brandished his curved sword. Then he took out another stone from his pouch. “Hold still, lad. Ain't gonna hurt.”

  “What are you-.”

  The Ranger smacked the stone against Rob's shoulder. A small yellow orb of light appeared between them, then float up to rest against the low ceiling.

  “What is that?” Rob said. It wasn't very bright.

  “Find Path spell. It's keyed on you so I'm hoping it'll lead us to your proper exit. Or it might just lead us back to where you got bit. No way to know until we go.”

  You have received a quest: 'Escape the Annex Marsh'

  Despite your best efforts you find yourself in over your head here. Locate the exit and escape the Marsh. Reward: 500 experience points.

  Dorrish stood next to the Stone Barrier, pressing his ear against it to listen. “Sounds okay, but even if those things are dumb as grass, there will still be some around, so be ready for a fight.”

  “Okay,” Rob said, tensing. His heart started to jackhammer in his chest, just like it did when the goblins attacked him.

  “Once we're outside, do as I say. Worse comes to worse, and we get separated, you follow that.” Dorrish pointed at the orb.

  “What about you?”

  Dorrish grinned impishly. “Lad, this place is like my second home. I'll be fine. Worry about yourself first. We're going to be running to get clear of these ruins. Once beyond this should be easy.”

  Rob couldn't imagine anything being easy about the Marsh.

  Looking Rob over, Dorrish nodded with a grunt. He placed his hand on the Stone Barrier, his curved sword held ready in the other.

  He muttered a single word, and the Barrier cracked and shattered into dust. Dull gray daylight streamed in through the open entrance. Beyond were vine-covered ruins and fog.

  “Okay,” Dorrish said. “Looks good, now we-.”

  Something crossed outside the entrance, blocking the light. Something huge.

  Before Rob's stunned brain could process what he was seeing, Dorrish shoved him back away from the entrance, shouting in alarm.

  Oh, my God! Rob thought, his body suddenly paralyzed with fear.

  The Goliath Tarantula!


  “Back against the wall, now!” Dorrish shouted.

  Rob gaped at the entrance. The giant thing outside was moving around, giving him flashes of its body through the open space. Massive brown legs, dark hairy underbelly, large spinnerets.

  Huge black fangs.

  Dorrish pressed them both against the back wall, farthest from the entrance. His face pinched with determination. “Morga's hairy bunghole! That bitch is here. Never done that before!”

  Although they couldn't see it fully, the tarantula was obviously trying to find a way to get at them. They heard it thumping overhead, dust falling from the cracks in the ceiling. Then it was back at the entrance, walking back and forth.

  Rob couldn't look away, his shock preventing him from breathing.

  Seeing his distress Dorrish suddenly slapped Rob acros
s the face with a gloved hand. “Snap out of it, lad! We ain't done yet!”

  The pain caused Rob to blink, and he looked to Dorrish in confusion. “What do we do?” His words sounded small and childlike.

  “Let me think,” Dorrish said, looking about. “Maybe there's another way out. Secret door perhaps?” He pushed at different stones along the wall. “Never was one before, but maybe we'll be in luck.”

  A loud hiss exploded from outside the entrance, like the falling of heavy rain in a terrible storm.


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