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Owen (BBW Western Bear Shifter Romance) (Rodeo Bears Book 2)

Page 86

by Becca Fanning

  He muscles were flexed, bulging in places and making him thick and strong. She tapped again and saw him now as a bear. He was beastly, in the best way. He stood tall, intimidating and so solid. Like nothing could harm him. Nothing could even knock him over. What would it be like to have strength like that? Or to feel that power in him?

  He took off running when she let the video play, bounding along fast and swift, after the person who’d wronged him. She watched it one more time without pausing. Then she listened to his voice mail. To his smooth voice and the concern in it.

  She had her answer. No matter what she told herself, or how much she pictured herself on radio and TV shows talking about her excellent story—story of the year, easily—she couldn’t bring herself to hurt him like that. She cared about him too much. She wanted him. And even if she’d ruined things so far, maybe there was a way she could fix it.Kora sat down at her computer after she got back home. She knew exactly what had happened and had no time to waste. She opened the video in her editing software. She scrolled through it, to the point where the men ran out and changed into bears, and she went back and trimmed the video until it stopped right at the moment before the men ran out.

  She watched it again and again to make sure nothing else showed. No hint of something suspicious. Then she saved the video, copied it to her phone, and removed all the old videos so that only this new one, the video of the arsonist setting fire to the building, existed. There was no evidence of any bears.

  She called Davis. “I think I have something.”

  “Yeah, what’s that?” he asked.

  “Well, the moonshine guys. That part of the story is dead. They’re all legal, even if they are distilling somewhere on the property. But, last night someone set fire to their honey processing plant. I just so happened to be on the property at the time and got the whole thing on video.”

  “You have video of the arsonist setting fire to the building?”

  “I do,” she said proudly.

  “And why are you just telling me this now? I’ve already sent the fire story to print.”

  “Well, this would go on the web site and the news channels anyway, not in the print paper.”

  He sighed. “No, but I would have mentioned it at least.”

  “It’s early. You can add it in when the paper hits proofing.”

  “Right. They’ll love me for that.”

  “Okay, well, how do you want this video?”

  “Email it. You call the cops?”

  “You think I would notify the authorities before I called you?”

  “That’s my girl.” He ended the call.

  She sent him the video. At least she was getting some attention for this. A spot on the evening news was a far cry from Pulitzer coverage, but hey. It was more than she’d had yesterday and maybe, just maybe, she could still have Amir because of it.

  She drove to the police station and asked to see her favorite detective, Foster.

  He came to the front desk smiling at her. “Always a good day when you show your face around here. What can I do for you, Kora?”

  “I’m here to do something for you, actually. I have some evidence you might want to take a look at.”

  “Oh yeah? Come on back to my office.”

  She followed him back and took the seat across from his desk.

  “The fire last night,” she said. “Up in the mountains? The Bear Natural Honey place?”


  “I have video of the arsonist.”

  He sat forward, resting his arms on his desk. “That so?”

  She took out her phone and played the video for him.

  “Well, it’s not the clearest footage, but it proves arson for one. Two, I think we can have the boys make this clearer. Might actually get a positive ID out of it.”

  “Good. I want her caught.”

  He set down the phone and looked at her. “And just how did you get this video?”

  “Oh come on now, Foster. You know a good reporter can never reveal her sources.”

  He raised an eyebrow.

  She sighed. “It was sent anonymously. Sorry. Couldn’t give you a name if I wanted to. And I’m sure the person would want recognition for this, don’t you think?”

  “Unless they were an accomplice or trespassing.”

  “If that were the case, why send the video at all?”

  “Maybe. Well, anyhow. I’ll see what we can do. Thanks for bringing this to me. Send it to my email or something, okay?”

  She picked up the phone, sent the email and said, “Done!”

  He glanced over at his computer screen, clicked a bit, and then played the video. “Perfect. We have your permission to run this, right?”

  “So long as you understand it’ll be all over the news tonight.”

  “Wouldn’t expect anything less.”

  She stood to leave.



  “You will make sure they say the police are already investigating, right? Don’t make me look like an idiot over this.”

  “Would I ever do that to you?”

  He raised an eyebrow at her. “You haven’t yet, but you never know with you reporter types.”

  She laughed. “I’ll give you full credit, Foster. Get ready for the interviews. I’m sure a crew will be out to talk to you later.”


  He turned his attention back to the screen as she walked out.Two days later, Kora knocked on Amir’s door. She hadn’t talked to him since their conversation in the woods. She hadn’t known what to say. How to apologize. How to get him to forgive her. She hoped things would blow over. But she couldn’t wait any longer.

  He answered the door, shirtless, and looked surprised to see her.

  “Oh, sorry.” He ran his hand over his stomach. “I wasn’t expecting you. Hi, though. How are you?”

  “Good. I just, I wanted to say I’m sorry.”

  “Well, come in. Don’t just stand there.”

  She followed him into the living room and they sat. “I was out of line and I wasn’t thinking. I was shocked, still, I think, and I was being selfish, and I’m sorry.”

  “I’m glad you’re here. I tried to call several times. I didn’t think you’d ever talk to me again.”

  “I didn’t know what to say.”

  “Well, I want to thank you. The video you sent… it really helped. The police caught the woman who did it.”

  “Did they? I hadn’t heard. I’m glad. Did they find out what her motive was?”

  He nodded. “Yes, and I’m not surprised. There’s another, umm, clan, nearby. They’ve been getting in our way for a while now. They also sell honey and make moonshine and they’ve been trying to run us out of business. So, they decided to take things a little more extreme this time and burn down our processing building.”

  “A rival clan?”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “What do you mean ‘this time’?”

  “Well, they tried to outsell us at Mason’s, not too long ago they poisoned an entire hive of bees, and now this.”

  “What are you doing about it?” she asked.

  “We haven’t decided yet.”

  “Can’t you just go confront these guys and beat them up a little?”

  “Well…” He chuckled. “That’s part of the problem. They’re not guys. They’re women.”


  “Yeah. But the cops are on it now. We’re trying to see if we can gather evidence for the hive, too.”

  “That’s just so… low. I mean, it’s honey. There can’t be that much competition.”

  “It’s not really about the honey. They’re just in competition with us in general.”

  “Want me to sneak onto their property and film them doing something illegal?”

  He pulled his mouth into a smile. “Maybe.” He moved close to her and held her gaze. “Kora.” He picked up her hand and held it. “You kept our secret. My secret. You didn�
�t have to. But you did. And I can’t tell you how much that means to me.”

  Her heart raced as she looked into his eyes. Her stomach fluttered and she wanted so badly to reach out and touch his bare chest. Why did he have to be bare chested?

  “To be honest, I almost didn’t,” she said. “I kept thinking about having the story of the year and how I’d go down in history as the one to bring the truth to light. How I’d win a Pulitzer Prize for journalism. But I kept thinking of you. I thought of all the others, too, and what it might do to the world, like you said. And that mattered, but not as much as what it might do to you. To be honest, I’ve started to have feelings for you. I know that I’ve ruined it now and you have no reason to want to get to know me, but—”

  He pressed his lips to hers. It was so sudden, her eyes widened in surprise, then they closed and she relaxed into the kiss. Their mouths moved together and all she could think was, he’s kissing me. He’s actually kissing me, which means he can’t hate me. I still have a shot.

  She pulled back a few inches. “Can you ever forgive me for being so selfish?”

  “But you weren’t. You didn’t do it, even if you had the thought.”

  “But part of the reason I kept the secret was because I wanted to win you back. And that was selfish, too.”

  “Well”—he kissed her again—“I kinda like that part of your selfishness. Maybe I want to be won. It’s been a very long time since I felt this way about someone. I was nearly heartbroken after our last conversation. Then you wouldn’t return my calls, and I thought it was over. I thought I’d scared you off. It’s happened before. It happens all the time.”

  “That’s sad. I’m sorry you have to deal with that. But, your secret is safe with me. I’ll do whatever I can to protect it because it means protecting you and your friends.”

  She leaned forward, eager to be kissing him again. But they were seated too far apart and leaning forward to kiss wasn’t enough. She wanted more. She wanted all of him, in fact. And she wanted him now. If his chest and stomach looked like a washboard, she could only imagine what the rest of him looked like.

  “So, do you have a private bedroom?” she asked.

  His lips formed a slow smile. “I do.”

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen it.”

  “Then, let me show you.” He took her hand and led her up the stairs. In the hall, they turned into the second door on the right. He closed the door and locked it.

  “Don’t you have a tie or some sort of sign you put on your doors when you have a girl in your room?” She sat on the bed.

  He stalked toward her, his eyes hungry. He bent down to kiss her, then pulled her to her feet.

  “One second.” He went to a stereo by the bed and started the music. “That’s better.” It was something with a beat, but not too heavy. Good rhythm, though, which would come in handy later.

  Now that he had her standing, he ran his hands up and down her body. He stood back to look at her.

  “You are a beautiful woman.”

  “And you haven’t even seen all of me yet.”

  He reached behind her to unzip her skirt and tugged it down until it made a pool at her feet. Then he slipped her blouse over her head. He looked again and nodded.

  He kissed her and caressed her body. She was starting to get antsy. She reached up to unhook her own bra, but he grabbed her hand and stopped her.

  “Oh no.” He flicked his tongue along her jaw. “That’s my job and we’re going to do what I say now.”

  She let her hands fall. “Okay. Am I allowed to touch you, then?” she asked with a playful tone.

  “Yes. But not below the waist. Yet.”

  She touched everything she could, running her hands along the muscles in his back and over his stomach. She pinched his nipples and bit along his neck. She grew impatient again and moved to unzip his pants.

  “No.” He caught her hand again.

  “You have to get them off.”


  He turned her around so that her back pressed against his chest and hard body. He ran his hands over her, stopping to slide under her bra for a moment, under her panties for a shorter moment, then back up and along her stomach.

  “You are driving me crazy,” she said, squirming.

  “That’s the point.”

  He slipped one bra strap down over her shoulder. Then he cupped her bare breast and flicked her nipple gently. She moaned and pressed her hips back against him, but he moved away from her.

  “Stop it. Stay still.”

  “I can’t help it,” she said.

  He took both her hands in his and bent her arms so that they were pressed against her back. It was making her so hot to be teased like this. She was dizzy with it, felt like she’d pass out before he entered her. If they ever got to that part.

  He slipped down the other bra strap and unhooked her bra so that it fell to the floor.

  “Now,” he said. “What do you want?”

  “I want to feel you.”

  He released one hand and she rubbed it over his hard cock through his pants. She unzipped his pants, half expecting him to stop her again. But he allowed it and she managed to one-handedly get him free of his underwear. She stroked him, feeling his length.

  He pulled her panties down and bent her forward so that her hands were on the bed. He reached around to her pussy and slid his finger inside her. She almost lost it right then, but bit her lip and held out for more. He moved in and out of her slowly, pausing to spread her juices around and make her wet all over.

  “I want you to do something for me.”

  “Anything,” she breathed.

  “Get on your knees.”

  She turned and dropped down. He didn’t have to ask or command. Before she was fully in position, she took him into her mouth, stroking as she sucked him and licked him.

  He made a deep growl and she went even wetter. He ran his fingertips along her shoulder and neck, tangled her hair in them and massaged her scalp. He pulled her head back to stop her.

  “Now. My turn. Stand.”

  He dropped to his knees and pushed her legs apart. She moved her feet to keep standing, but found it very difficult when he put his tongue on her. He flicked her clit and moved his finger in and out. She tried to pull back, to stop him, but it was too late.

  She reached down and dug her fingers into his hair as she came all over his face. He smiled up at her and held up one finger.

  “Let’s see how many more we can get,” he said.

  He lay her down on the bed and rolled her to her side. He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them, and she finally got a full view of his extremely fit body. Everything about him was large. Everything.


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