Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 10

by Jane Jamison

  Casey was right. “Yeah, now that you mention it. I’m surprised our father didn’t take us out and drown us.”

  “Especially after you set off the firecrackers in the middle of the herd.”

  Joe gave a snort. He didn’t need to look at his brother to know he was smirking. “If I recall, that was your bright idea.”

  “Maybe, but you’re the older brother. You should’ve stopped me.”

  Harry wheeled Sugar Foot around and went after another stray. The boy whooped and hollered, scaring the cow back toward the others.

  “Are you ready for a teenage son? They’re a package deal, you know.” Casey shifted in the saddle.

  “Yeah, I know. I’d think less of her if that wasn’t the case.” But Harry wasn’t his main concern. “The way I see it, we have two problems.”

  “What’s that, bro?”

  “The first one is that ex-boyfriend, friend, or whatever the hell he is.”

  Casey let out a growl. “That Dirk guy. Seems to me she’s kicked him to the curb.”

  “She did, but he’s not getting the message.”

  “Then we might have to translate it for him.”

  Joe pulled his hat lower. “That we can do. The second problem is this teen werewolf gang. I can’t see any of the young werewolves around here doing that kind of thing. Terrorizing a woman and a boy? That’s just plain, low-down dirty.”

  “Yeah. I plan on giving Jackson a call later and see if he’s heard anything more about their whereabouts.”

  “Good idea. In the meantime, let’s work on getting her to move inside the house. It’s safer for her”—he grinned at Casey—“and better for us.”

  “Will do. Let’s head on back now.” Casey put two fingers into his mouth and gave a whistle. Harry jerked Sugar Foot around, lifted his hand to signal that he’d heard, then spurred his horse into a gallop.

  “Yep. The boy sits a pretty good saddle,” added Joe.

  Harry pulled his horse up beside theirs. “What’s up?”

  Spoken as though he actually likes us. “We’ve got to get back.”

  The disappointment on Harry’s face was hard to take. Casey took the words right out of Joe’s mouth.

  “Sorry, Harry, but we’ve got other chores that need to get done. You’re welcome to help us with those, too, if your mom says it’s okay.”

  “Do we get to ride to do them?”

  Joe understood the boy’s eagerness to stay in the saddle. Although Joe’s father had put him on top of a horse before he could walk, he’d never lost the thrill riding gave him. “Some yes and some no. You can’t live on the back of a horse, you know. Even good ole Sugar Foot needs a rest every once in a while.”

  “Aw. Okay. I can understand that.” Harry kept his horse alongside theirs as they headed back to the barn.

  “A good horseman knows when to give his mount a break.” Although Harry was already riding well, Joe noticed that he still rocked in the saddle a bit. But he’d get better the more he rode. “Tell you what. How’d you like to have Sugar Foot as your own? As long as your mother approves, of course.”

  He thought the boy’s face would crack into a million pieces with a huge grin. “Seriously?”


  But Harry’s exhilaration didn’t last long. His face dropped like someone had attached an anchor to his chin. “Thanks, but it doesn’t matter much. I don’t think we’re staying that long.”

  Joe shot Casey a questioning look, but his brother shrugged to say he didn’t know anything, either. “Did your mom tell you that you’re leaving?”

  “Naw. But our home’s in Dallas.” Harry clucked to his horse, pushing it into a gallop that put him ahead of them.

  “He’s still holding out hope that they’re going back.”

  Casey pulled his horse closer to Joe’s. “Just like we’re holding out hope that she’s going to stay. She hasn’t said she is, you know.”

  “Yeah, I know. Which is why we’re going to do our dead level best to change her mind.”

  “Sure thing, bro.”

  They crested the rise that heralded the approach to the barn. Joe pulled his horse to a stop.


  Casey followed the direction of his glare. His inner wolf howled at what he saw. “Don’t tell me he’s back.”

  “Okay, I won’t.” Joe let out a growl that meant his inner wolf was ready to take over. “But he is.”

  “Damn that Dirk.” Casey kicked his horse into a gallop, leaving Joe to catch up.

  Harry had already made it to the barn and dismounted by the time they got there. Dirk stood next to Bonnie. Even from a distance, they could see his shit-eating smirk.

  Joe got off his horse and dropped the reins, knowing the animal would make its own way into the barn. He’d take care of it after he saw what Dirk had in mind. Casey’s growl flowed over him as his brother took long strides toward the others.

  “Take it easy, Casey.”

  “I’m not going to do anything to him that he doesn’t deserve.” Casey shoved his hair straight back from his face.

  “That leaves a whole lot that could happen.”

  “Hey, fellas, how’s it hanging?” Dirk gave them a “fuck you” wink.

  It took everything in Joe’s power to keep from slamming his fist into the man’s face. “What are you doing here, Dirk?”

  Dirk acted surprised. Had he thought they’d greet him like a long, lost buddy? “Why the hostility, man? I just came to check in on my girl and best buddy.” Dirk put Harry in a playful chokehold.

  “Yeah, Joe? What’s the problem?”

  Crap. The kid’s already reverted back his nasty attitude.

  Joe crossed his arms and gave the decision to Bonnie. As yet, she’d remained quiet, her big blue eyes darting from one man to the other. “Bonnie, do you want this guy here? If you don’t, all you have to do is say the word and he’s gone.”

  Dirk didn’t give Bonnie a chance to answer. “Not that it’s any of your business, but she’s agreed to let me have a talk with Harry. For old time’s sake. A man-to-man kind of talk like we used to have. You’d like that, wouldn’t you, son?”

  Joe’s stomach flipped over. Dirk calling Harry his son made him sick. But Harry seemed to like it.

  “Yeah, sure.” Harry jerked his thumb at his horse. “Did you want to go for a ride?”

  Joe almost laughed at Dirk’s disgusted expression. “Hell, no. I’m not sitting on top of one of those animals.”

  What the hell does he call his wolf? Human?

  Joe’s wolf clawed to get out. If he thought Bonnie wouldn’t mind, he’d love to turn it loose.

  Casey piped up, finally getting into the mix. “Harry, did you tell your mom that Sugar Foot is your horse now?”

  Joe had to give it to his brother. That was a brilliant move. Unfortunately, it was a brilliant move that didn’t work.

  “Oh, wow.” Bonnie’s excitement seemed forced. “That’s amazing, Harry.”

  Joe studied her, trying to figure out what was going on. He shot her a questioning look that she ignored. Better to keep his focus on Harry and Dirk.

  The conflict in Harry showed all over his face. His pride couldn’t let him admit that she was right, but at the same time, he wanted the horse. “No, it’s not.”

  Harry glanced at Dirk then back at his horse that still stood, munching grass, waiting for someone to remove the saddle and other gear, then brush him down. “I mean, I–I don’t want him. Who wants a stupid old horse, anyway? It’s just a big old disgusting animal.”

  “Harry, you need to apologize. It was very kind of Joe and Casey to give you a horse.” She sought out Joe, her hands clasped in front of her, her knuckles white. “Although we really shouldn’t accept such a big gift.”

  “Sure you should.” Joe wanted her to realize how important it was that Harry have the horse, but he couldn’t speak out with Dirk around.

  “It doesn’t matter. I don’t want the shitty thing.�

  “Harry!” Bonnie reached for her son who jerked away from her. And toward Dirk.

  Joe couldn’t have felt worse if the kid had kicked him in the balls. “I don’t think you mean that, Harry.”

  Judging from his expression, defiance had to be Harry’s middle name. “You’re wrong. Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me? I say what I mean and I mean what I say.”

  Dirk wrapped his arm around Harry’s shoulders. “I couldn’t have said it better. In fact, I said exactly that a little earlier.”

  Anger flared in Joe, and he stepped forward, stopping only when Casey pushed an arm across his chest and Bonnie moved in front of Dirk. “Dirk, you’d better leave. Now.”

  “I’ll leave when I’m damn good and ready.”

  Joe’s inner wolf roared inside him, clawing to get out. Amber colored the world around him as the shift started to take over. If he let his wolf out, he had no doubt that it would tear Dirk apart.

  “Easy, Joe.” Casey whispered. “Not in front of the boy.”

  “Dirk, you wanted to tell Harry something, so do it. Take him for a walk.” Bonnie pushed against the big man’s chest.

  Does she mean it? Does she really want Harry to go with this asshole? Joe wanted to yank her around to face him. Maybe then he could understand her strange behavior.

  “Sure, babe, I’ll do that. But like we agreed, I’ll take Harry into town. We’ll see if we can scare up”—his wicked grin spread as he leveled his gaze on Joe—“something fun to do in this shithole of a town.”

  “Just have him back in an hour.” Bonnie whipped her attention from Joe back to Dirk. “And I mean no more than an hour. Got it?”

  “Sure thing.” Dirk backed up, moving toward a black car parked by the side of the house. “Come on, son. Let’s go.”

  Although Joe knew that Dirk had called Harry son to get on his last nerve, he couldn’t help but grow even more furious. He started toward Dirk, but again, Casey jumped in front of him. Even then, he was determined to get to the creep.

  “Casey, knock it off and let me at him.”

  Bonnie’s hand on his chest was the only thing that stopped him. “No, Joe. Please. Don’t.”

  Joe found it hard to breathe, hard to think. He watched, grinding his teeth against the sight of Harry getting into Dirk’s car. Dirk lifted a hand in farewell, and once Harry was inside, he shot Joe the finger.

  Joe didn’t calm down until the car was down the driveway and on the road headed toward Forever. “How the hell did you ever get mixed up with that prick?”

  When Bonnie didn’t answer, he forced himself to tear his attention away from the car. Tears welled in her eyes, and all at once, the anger left him. “Baby, what is it?”

  Chapter Eight

  Bonnie hated the idea of crying in front of Casey and Joe, but the tears just kept coming. From the moment Dirk had shown up, she’d gotten overwhelmed by emotions and hadn’t been able to think straight.

  Dirk wanted her to be his woman. He’d made that clear in the past, but when he’d taken her hand and asked her to marry him, the only thing she could do was to pull her hand away and shake her head. She’d expected him to get angry, to tell her what a fool she was, but he’d surprised her again. Instead of raging at her, he’d lowered his head, the hurt on his face seemingly genuine. Even now, what he’d told her next still rang in her ears.

  “Bonnie, girl, you’re breaking my heart.”

  Those were the last words she’d ever expected Dirk Hoffsted to say. He’d never shown any kind of vulnerability in the past. “Dirk, I’m sorry. I don’t mean to.”

  Yet when he lifted his gaze back to hers, she’d known the old Dirk, the one she’d seen more often in the past few months, was back.

  “You’re making the biggest mistake of your life.”

  She held back the retort that jumped to her lips. Instead, she gave him the benefit of the doubt. Not that she knew why. He sure as hell didn’t deserve it. “I don’t think so. But if I am, it’s my mistake to make.”

  “Is it your mistake to make for your son?”

  She didn’t like his tone or his implication. “What do you mean?”

  “You know Harry looks to me for guidance. I’ve become like a father to him.”

  She wanted to argue the point, but he was right. At least to a certain extent. “Dirk, I appreciate everything you’ve done for my son, but circumstances have changed.”

  His eyes flashed and his face hardened. Did he detest her that much? But how could he say he loved her and then show her so much hate in the next moment?

  “Circumstances have changed? You’re talking about those two cowboys, aren’t you?” He grabbed her arm and she cried out.

  “Let me go. You’re hurting me.” She tried to yank her arm away, but he held on fast.

  “Are you fucking them? That’s it, isn’t it? You’re letting those animals lie between your legs.”

  “What?” He had no right to ask her that. Worse, she couldn’t help but think he could see the answer on her face.

  “Holy shit, you have, haven’t you?” His fingers dug deeper into her flesh.

  “Dirk, turn me loose. You don’t have any right to ask me those kinds of personal questions.”

  “The hell I don’t.” He shoved her away, paced a few steps, then stalked back to her before pulling himself short.

  She backed away. “I think you should leave.”

  “Bonnie”—his expression drooped, once more bereft—“please forgive me. I–I think I lost my mind for a minute.”

  She studied him, more frightened by his sudden change than by his earlier anger. How could his moods change so fast?

  “You need to leave,” she repeated.

  “Please, babe, at least let me say good-bye to Harry.” He ran a hand through his hair, his body going lax as he then reached out his hands to implore her. “Let me take him into town for ice cream or whatever. Let me say good-bye the right way. You know that’ll be better for him.”

  She didn’t want Harry going anywhere with him, but he’d struck a nerve. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “I don’t blame you for saying so, but you know Harry likes me. And I love the kid like he’s my own. At least give me the opportunity to tell him that I won’t see him again.” He clasped his hands together. “Don’t I deserve at least that much for all I’ve done?”

  Every bone in her body screamed for her to refuse him. But part of what he’d said made sense. Harry would want to say good-bye. Could she deny him that closure?

  She was still standing there, transfixed and unable to say anything, when Harry had arrived.

  Before she’d had time to think, Dirk had invited Harry into town. If she refused, she knew Harry would get upset and maybe run off again. If Dirk did as he said he would, then Harry could say good-bye and they’d be able to move on with their lives.

  But now that Dirk and Harry were gone, she wished she’d said no. She fell into Joe’s arms.

  “I’m such an idiot.”

  Joe enveloped her with his strong arms. But it was more than his physical strength that comforted her. The connection, the bond they had, told her it was love. “What are you talking about?”

  “Dirk pushed me into letting Harry go with him.”

  Casey was beside her, his hand on her arm. “He forced you? That asshole. We’ll go and get Harry right now.”

  She could see amber flecks growing bigger in both Casey’s and Joe’s eyes. “No, don’t. Harry won’t forgive me if I send you two after them. Besides, Dirk’s supposed to be telling Harry good-bye, once and for all.”

  Joe thrust her back, holding her by the arms. “And you believe him?”

  She couldn’t answer right away. “I think so. I know he wouldn’t hurt Harry.”

  “If you’re sure, baby.” Casey traced his hand down to the small of her back.

  “I’m not sure about anything anymore.” She shook her head. “No, that’s not right. I know I want Dirk ou
t of our lives, and I’ve got to believe that’s happening right now.”

  The surge of need that barreled into her was more than any woman could’ve resisted. And for a woman who wanted them more than she could say, it was even more impossible.

  “I know something else, too. I know that I want you. Both of you. Right now.” She put her heart out for them. Either they’d take her or they’d let her go for good. But now was the time to find out. “If you want me like you say you do, then take me.”

  She gasped as Joe lifted her and carried her up the back steps of the house. Casey ran ahead, opening doors for them as Joe took her though the modest living room then up the staircase. They entered the bedroom with Casey stripping off his shirt and tugging on his jeans.

  She put her face to Joe’s chest, hiding her smile. It gave her a thrill to know Casey wanted her that much.

  When Joe put her down, she knew making love to them wouldn’t be anything like what she’d experienced in the past. He paused, silently asking her permission, and when she didn’t say a word, he slipped her shirt off.

  Joe swallowed hard then unbuttoned her jeans and let them fall to the floor. He bent, then tenderly pulled off her running shoes.

  Casey’s arms enveloped her, wrapping her in a blanket of love. She sighed, giving herself over to them.

  On his knees in front of her, Joe took hold of the sides of her panties and slowly pulled them to her ankles. She stepped out of them, and he tossed them aside.

  “Come with me.”

  Casey’s whisper made her tremble. He took her hand and led her to the huge bed, a bed that had to have been custom made because of its size. She sat on the edge and waited as he disrobed, toeing off his boots, then adding his jeans to the rest of the clothes scattered on the floor.

  One glance at Joe had him taking his clothes off in a hurry.

  “Casey?” Her voice came out stronger than she’d have thought it would.

  He bent and feathered kisses along her shoulder. “Yeah, baby?”

  She was afraid they wouldn’t want her once they found out how inexperienced she was. “It’s been a long…” She fought to shake the fear stiffening her spine. “I mean, I haven’t been with anyone—”


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