Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Wild Chase [Werewolves of Forever, Texas 10] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 11

by Jane Jamison

  “Shh.” He pressed a finger to her lips. “What you have or haven’t done doesn’t matter. All that matters is us.”

  She lay back at his urging, her heart pounding in her ears. He cupped a breast and tracked his tongue around it before taking an easy nip. Her breathing quickened, and she reached out to pull him to her.

  The kiss was more than she’d ever dreamed of. More than she’d have thought existed. It was the stuff of fantasies and magic, at first tender, yearning, then deepening. He nibbled at her lower lip then swept his tongue inside, then kissed the corner of her mouth.

  Holding his body over her, he gazed into her eyes. She felt as though the world began and ended in that room.

  “Bonnie, you know we both want you.”

  She bit her lower lip. “Yes.”

  “But we’re not going to take you at the same time.” The cocky lopsided grin that turned her insides into a whirlwind came back. “We’ll do that later. Tonight, we want to have you separately.”

  She didn’t care how or when they took her just as long as they did.

  Joe, naked, his hard, muscular body a vision of manhood, crawled onto the bed beside her. “Just relax and let us do it all.”

  She nodded. “I’ll try.”

  Casey skimmed his hand between her legs. His touch set off fireworks of emotions and sensations. She couldn’t tell where one started and the other took over. He stroked her, rubbing her clit with easy movements, all the while keeping his gaze locked to hers.

  Her mouth parted, her breathing quickened as he pushed a finger into her pussy. She was ready, hot and burning with need.

  “Please, Casey. I can’t wait.”

  “Don’t you want—”

  She couldn’t even wait for him to finish his sentence. “No. Please.”

  Joe brushed a strand of her hair away from her cheek. “I think you should do as she asks, bro.”

  Casey plunged another finger into her pussy then bent his head to take her nipple again. She arched and reached for his hand, tugging it away from her throbbing clit. She opened her legs wider.

  “Now. Please.”

  The amber in his eyes took over the blue that was so much like her own. Taking his cock in his hand, he pressed it against her pussy, then licked his lips. “Whatever you want, baby.”

  She inhaled as he shoved his cock inside her pussy. As though his cock was the key to her ignition, her body came more alive than ever before. He filled her, driving to the very end of her.

  She cried out and dug her fingers into his shoulders. Joe cupped her breast and leaned closer to whisper in her ear.

  “That’s it, baby. Breathe and take him in.”

  She’d dreamed of making love this way, with men who would show her how much they wanted her with their touch and their words, but those had only been dreams.

  Casey’s hips rocked against her, his cock an instrument of pleasure. She moved underneath him, closing her eyes at times then opening them to find him still watching her. Joe was beside them, murmuring words of endearments, caressing her where Casey didn’t.

  Her body hummed, filling her with feelings that had no reason and no end. She forgot about everything else as she wrapped her legs around him and held on.

  Casey plunged into her, then withdrew, and each time she imagined that his cock had somehow grown thicker, longer. Their bodies moved as one, until at last, he abruptly stopped. She stared up at him and saw the climax heralded in his eyes.

  With a cry, he thrust his cock into her again. She clenched her pussy walls around him, wanting to draw out his release. But he was too far over the edge to bring it back. As he slammed into her one more time, he let his orgasm go.

  Her release caught her unprepared as the wall of her need built higher then suddenly collapsed. Her pussy quivered as thunderous rolls barreled out of her.

  Casey fell to her side and closed his eyes. As her body slowed and her heart caught into a steady rhythm again, she turned to kiss him.

  But she never did.

  Joe pulled her away before she could, thrusting her on top of him. His cock pushed against her crotch, but did not enter her.

  “You’re our everything.”

  She’d heard similar words before and had recognized that they were simply words without true meaning. But she knew that this was different. Joe meant what he’d said with every ounce of his being.

  She leaned down and kissed him. He tunneled his fingers through her hair and kept the kiss going. His tongue swept into her mouth, then let hers chase it back into his. It was a kiss, but it was so much more.

  She still had her mouth pressed to him when he entered her. His cock drove into her, going as far as she thought possible. She jerked up, flattening her hands against his chest.

  “Easy, baby,” urged Casey. “Just let him take you for a ride.”

  Joe supported her by taking her breasts in his hands. Her hair bounced over her shoulders, falling to tease the tips of his fingers.

  The sizzle, the electricity that she’d felt between them skyrocketed, taking her into a place of no return. She held on, her body exploding with lust as she rode him. He was a stallion and she was his rider.

  She mewled when he pushed up even harder. Their juices mixed together with their perspiration. She closed her eyes, giving herself over to the feelings that racked her body. The friction inside her pussy could’ve started a real fire as her body rocked back and forth. Circling her hips, she heard him moan his appreciation.

  “I can’t…But it’s too soon.”

  Casey chuckled at his brother. “I know, bro. Still, when it’s so good, it’s hard to last. Even for us.”

  She gritted her teeth, determined to make it the best she could for Joe. His jaw was set as his rhythmic movements changed to hard, quick bursts of energy. His soft “uhs” matched the moans that came with each of his thrusts.

  Her body was spent, and yet energized. Her arms trembled but she couldn’t, wouldn’t stop until he was satisfied.

  When at last he tensed, she got ready, wanting to meet his release with one of her own. Together they shouted, calling out each other’s names, as their climaxes erupted. What little strength she had left was gone with the fury of her orgasm as it threatened to tear her in half. Her juices spilled over him as he emptied his seed into her.

  She slumped forward and tried to catch her breath. Joe eased to the side, shifting to put her between them.

  “Oh, my God.”

  Joe laughed then turned on his side to face her. “You can say that again. Short, but definitely not sweet. That was sexy as hell.”

  “Well, we didn’t have that much time. Harry will get back soon.” She glanced at Casey as he rolled onto his side. “What’s the matter?”

  He feigned a pout. “Should I be jealous?”

  “Of what?”

  “Yeah, bro. Of what? Or should I say who?”

  Casey’s pout grew, and she smothered a laugh at his silliness. What could be better than a hot masculine man who also had a sense of humor?

  “I guess I’m kind of hurt because”—his lopsided grin was back—“you didn’t scream my name.”

  * * * *

  Bonnie slipped into the RV then glanced back at the Colter men’s home. Were they still lying in the bed where she’d left them? She’d wanted nothing more than to stay there, to wake up next to them, but Harry would return soon and she didn’t want him to find her inside their house. That would’ve only made things worse between them, and after Dirk had talked to him, there was no telling what kind of mood Harry would be in.

  She pulled on fresh clothes and pulled her hair back into a ponytail, then grabbed the book she’d been reading and flopped down on the couch to wait. The hour she’d given Dirk with her son was almost up. If she could say one thing about Dirk, it was that he was punctual. He’d taken Harry to various sporting events and more while they were in Dallas and he’d always brought her son back on time. She had no reason to think this time would be di

  She opened the book, but couldn’t concentrate on the words. After today, their lives would change for the better. She could feel it. Yawning, she struggled to read the first then second lines. The time she’d spent with the Colter brothers must’ve worn her out. But they’d worn her out in a really good way.

  Her chin dropped toward her chest as she nodded off, then she startled awake, jerking her head up. Yet although she tried to keep her eyes open, they were just too heavy. Sleep took her before she realized what was happening.

  * * * *

  “Ooh, Joe, please keep doing that.”

  Joe lifted his head from between her legs. “A man’s tongue can last only so long, baby.”

  Casey lay beside her and traveled his tongue around her nipple. “He’s right about that.”

  She took hold of a hunk of Casey’s hair and pulled him back to her tit. “Then stop using your tongue and use your cock.”

  Joe’s growl filled her with a need that could only be satisfied one way. He got to his knees and pushed her legs over his shoulders. Another growl had her looking past Casey to see what Joe was doing.

  She inhaled and held her breath. Joe’s eyes filled with amber, and the image of his face blurred as his head changed. Fangs broke through his gums, and the stubble running along his jaw grew heavier, furrier.

  Casey’s growl matched his brother’s. “Keep it together, bro. She’s not one of us yet.”

  She met Casey’s amber gaze. “Then make me one of yours.”

  Casey twisted his neck as the shift took him over. Fangs, as long and as sharp as Joe’s, replaced teeth. “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Opening his jaws wide, Casey leaned over her, then sank his fangs into her neck. Pain shot outward from her neck and seared along her shoulder. She cried when yet another sharp stab burst to life in her leg and she realized that Joe had bitten her, too.

  Her body jerked, their changing bites sending an energy like she’d never known powering through her. Pain soon turned to pleasure.

  Bonnie woke up with a start, her heart pounding and her pussy throbbing. The dreams came more often now, but instead of dreading them, she found herself wanting them to last longer.

  “Whoa. That was short but really good.” The memory of the real sex she’d had with Joe and Casey came back to her and she hugged herself. “Or as Joe put it, ‘Short but definitely not sweet. And sexy as hell.’”

  She peered into the dimming light in the RV then sat up and called for her son. “Harry? Are you here?”

  Alarm gripped her. She tossed away the book that still rested on her lap then rushed toward the back of the vehicle. Harry was nowhere to be found.

  “Where the hell could he have gone?”

  Dirk never brought Harry back.

  She searched frantically for her phone and found it in her purse. She hit the speed dial for Dirk’s cell phone. “Come on. Pick it up, you jerk.”

  But the ringing went on forever.

  She had to make herself take a seat and think. Dirk hadn’t brought Harry back. What did that mean? Had they lost track of time? She took in the setting sun and discounted that theory. There was no way Dirk wouldn’t have known he was late bringing Harry back.

  Would Dirk kidnap her son? But why? To force her to go back to Dallas with him? The idea terrified her, but she couldn’t believe he’d do that. It didn’t seem like Dirk’s style. He was more likely to kidnap her than to use Harry as a hostage.

  I have to get help.

  She was at the door of the RV when she heard them. Spinning around to stare out the other side, she saw Harry with a group of teenagers. There were fifteen of them, and they all had the hard look of children who have lost their innocence. The gang moved as one with Harry front and center, but she could see that he wasn’t the leader. Instead, they joked with him, jostling him in a playful way, treating him like someone they wanted to become one of them.

  Fear and anger combined to form a strange sensation that was oddly invigorating. She didn’t want a confrontation with the teens, but she’d do whatever she had to do to keep Harry safe. She flung open the RV door and hurried around the front of it to meet her son and his new friends.

  “Harry, where were you? Where’s Dirk? I’ve been worried sick.” She realized as soon as she’d said the words that she should’ve remained silent and let Harry speak first. The embarrassment colored his cheeks.

  “Harreeeeey, Mommeeey’s been worried about you.”

  He’s one of those who tormented us the other night.

  Laughter and hoots mixed with more taunting calls of “Harreeey.”

  She gaped at the young man standing next to Harry. He looked to be around twenty and had long, stringy hair, tattoos of grisly scenes and monsters, and a lip and nose piercing. She didn’t have anything against tats or piercings, but it was the images of death and horrible creatures that disturbed her.

  She drew herself to her full height and wished Casey or Joe was home, then remembered that they’d said something about running into town. She couldn’t stand up to all of them, especially if they shifted into wolves.

  Would they hurt her? She thought they would. But would Harry help her? Or would he help them?

  “Back off, Mom.” The growl was deep and mean in Harry’s voice.

  She didn’t want to believe that her son was capable of harming her. Yet he wasn’t acting like the son she’d raised. She planted her feet apart and tried to appear more forceful than she felt.

  “Harry, get inside.”

  A tall, skinny girl hooked her hand around his arm. “Aw, lover, do you have to go inside already? Can’t you stay outside for a while longer? We were going to have a play date.” She tittered as the others laughed at her joke, then she rubbed her body against Harry’s. Keeping her gaze locked on Bonnie, the young girl slid her tongue over her upper lip. “I want to show Harry a real good time. You got a problem with that, bitch?”

  “Yes. I do.” The girl calling her a bitch was bad enough, but when Harry didn’t come to her defense, Bonnie’s gut tightened.

  Harry’s amber-flecked gaze hardened. “Mom, go back inside. I’m staying out with my friends.”

  “Friends? Are you crazy? These are the animals that terrorized us.” She cringed at her mistake of calling them animals, but it was too late to take it back.

  “They’re my friends now.”

  The girl whispered something in his ear. To her horror, Harry’s frown morphed into a wicked grin that was filled with sexual need.

  “Don’t wait up for me. I’m staying out all night.”

  “Harry Remington, you get inside the RV this instant.” She hated how she sounded, but what else could she do? Beg him to come inside? Her plea wouldn’t have persuaded him.

  Harry shook his head then let the girl kiss him full on the lips. Bonnie bit her bottom lip and kept quiet, but it was even harder when her son clutched the girl’s hair and deepened the kiss. When he finally broke away, he shot her a look that was filled with pride and scorn.

  “I’ll do what I want, bitch.”

  Bitch? Bonnie’s heart broke. Not only hadn’t he defended her before, but now he’d called her the same thing. “Harry, where did Dirk go? Why didn’t he bring you home?”

  “Don’t you get it?” The amber in Harry’s eyes grew brighter. “I’m not answering to you any longer. I only came home—”

  He paused, a flash of the son she’d raised crossing his face. For a moment, she was sure he’d say that he’d come home so she wouldn’t worry. But he’d never admit that in front of the gang.

  “I only came home so you wouldn’t call the cops on me.”

  “Yeah, Mommy Dearest”—the tat boy sneered at her—“we wouldn’t want you to get us in trouble.” He bumped his shoulder against Harry’s. “Let’s go, man. No one wants to hang out with your old cunt of a mother.”

  Bonnie took a step toward her son, then halted when the fury in his eyes shocked her. “This isn’t like you.
Please. Get away from them.”

  When she moved forward again, Harry’s mouth widened, exposing sharp fangs. Fur sprinted along his jaw line and his ears became more pointed. She stopped, not wanting to force him into shifting all the way.

  “Let’s go, lover.” Fur spread over the girl’s face as her eyes lost the last of their green color and changed to amber.

  As though listening to the same unspoken command, the gang pivoted on their heels and stalked away. Harry gave her one last mean look, then turned on his heel and followed them into the darkness.

  “Harry! Come back. Harry!” She started to follow them when the sounds of the howls filled the air.

  “Harry,” she whispered. Had she lost her son to the gang?

  She whirled around and ran back to the RV, then slammed the door behind her. With one last look into the darkness, she slumped onto the couch and cried.

  * * * *

  Casey leaned back in the chair and took a look at his neighbor and friends seated around the diner. Milly brought three beers and set them down on the table. “Thanks, Milly.”

  “No problem.” Her gaze jumped from him to Joe and then to Jackson Carr. “What’s going on? I can see that y’all are discussing something important.”

  Milly’s intuition was dead on, but they weren’t ready to let the rest of the town in on it. “We can’t say right now. It’s all just conjecture so far.”

  “Ooh, conjecture. Big words for a weighty subject.” She laughed then picked up the twenty Jackson had slapped down on the table. “Okay, fine. I’ll let you men do your little confab. I’ll find out soon enough, I’m sure.” She put the twenty into her pocket. “Thanks for the tip, Jackson.”

  She was gone before Jackson could react. “Well, hell, that’s one hell of a tip I gave her.”

  “She deserves that and more.” Joe took a drink of his beer. “Now, back to the matter at hand. Who else has had problems with this teen gang?”

  Jackson skimmed his finger along the rim of his beer. “Wilt Zanad, Tom Myler, myself, and a few others. Nothing too serious, but it’s a bother. Will and I have had fences knocked down and had to round up half the herd. Tom’s barn was broken into. They didn’t take anything, but they damn sure made a mess inside.”


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