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Loving the Czar (The Blakemore Files Book 6)

Page 12

by Olivia Gaines

  “But raising four kids, plus one of your own, Ry?”

  “Those kids are in boarding school in Argentina all week and home on the weekends, but they are amazing children. He has raised them soundly. They are well balanced, loving, and giving little people,” Ryanne bragged. “The man that did all of that is not a bad man, he will be a good husband. More than that he wants to be a good husband. I know he was meant for me as my mate.”

  Dora touched her daughter’s cheek. “How do you know that?”

  “Because I have been on birth control for over two years, and he still managed to get me pregnant on our first night together. He had the ring made the day I showed up, and I love that man Momma. I have been in love and it nearly killed me, I am okay this time loving and leaving the falling in to other people. In Eduardo I have an equal. And he is so smart Mama, I don’t have to dumb down my conversations with him. It is wonderful to be with him. I feel so alive, so cherished, so loved. That man can calculate big numbers in his head better than I can!” she said as she shimmied her shoulders.

  “You always did like a fellow who could wield a big digit,” Dora laughed.

  The moment was interrupted by Kevin who came through the back door as Eduardo was presenting Big Sarge with a fishing pole. “Señor Trodat, you will have to have the hip taken care of in order to sail with me to fish,” Eduardo told him. In the middle of Eduardo’s conversation with his father in law about his yacht and sailing around Cape Horn, Kevin screamed.

  “Daddy, get the gun! That is Eduardo Delgado!”

  His scream activated Tonda who jumped up, grabbed Kevin, turning him upside down with his big knife against Kevin’s mid-section. This of course caused Kevin’s bladder to let loose as the wet seeped the front of his pants.

  Micah noticed, grinning, “Look Poppa, he peed in his pants.”

  Ryanne came out of the kitchen, eyes wide. “Tonda, put my brother down, and give me that dang knife! I thought I took that from you in the car.”

  Tonda sat Kevin on the floor like a child in time out. Kevin was still pointing at Eduardo, then pointing at Tonda, then at the kids, and finally at Ryanne’s little pooched out belly. Kevin simply confused, he crawled over to his father’s chair, standing slowly to whisper in his ear, “Daddy, Eduardo Delgado is in our house. Ryanne is pregnant. Who are these kids and who is that giant?”

  “Boy, go get out of those pissy pants. I know who it is. He is now your brother in law. He brought you four new nephews too, here is one right here.” Big Sarge pointed to Angel who had fallen asleep in his lap. “That is Tonda, his body guard.”

  Kevin was standing there pointing at Eduardo. “Brother in law? This man is a killer. He cut off a man’s head and put it in a box!”

  Eduardo leaned forward, he laid on the accent. “Technically, Mateo was already dead. I was merely testing the sharpness of his machete.”

  “But technically aren’t you the one who made him dead?” Kevin asked.

  Eyes squinted, Eduardo tilted his head, laying the accent on really thick, “I don’t understand this question.”

  “You understand it just fine...pretending like you no comprendo!”

  A slight smile crossed Eduardo lips as he looked at Kevin. “What I don’t understand is why you sleep naked?”

  Kevin’s whole body turned to head to his bedroom to change his wet pants. “I don’t understand that question. I also don’t understand why that big ass Sasquatch picked me up and tried to gut me. Why do people keep trying to kill me?” he mumbled all the way down the hall, “... and why can’t my sisters marry normal men!”

  Ryanne came back into the living room handing snack plates to the kids, and a big sandwich to Tonda. She sat down beside her husband. Instinctively, his arm went around her shoulder as he planted an affectionate kiss on her temple. “Daddy,” she said, “once your new hip is in place and you are well, we are going to sail around Cape Horn and do some fishing.”

  Dora brought in cups of coffee for the adults, “Ry, tell us about your wedding.” The kids had sandwiches and Andres looked disappointed at the sandwich and chips, mumbling, “These aren’t collage greens....”

  Ryanne mussed his hair, “I will cook you some collard greens when you finally tell me what you did with my bra!”

  Eduardo chuckled a bit as Ryanne squeezed his thigh, “The wedding! I need to tell you guys about the whole week!” she laughed. She leaned back against her husband on the couch and began, “ are not going to believe this...but...”

  Houston, Texas

  Saxton sat in the chair holding his son and daughter as he rocked slowly back and forth, talking to both. Odessa was napping after a full day of feeding, changing, feeding, and napping both her and her children. Although there was a nanny, his wife insisted on handling the children herself. Grandma Patsy was always present at feedings and insisted upon helping to burp the babies.

  Lucille would walk into the nursery, see the babies and start to cry, which made Odessa cry, which made Austin cry. Bobby Ray was sick of all the outpouring of emotions, and decided he would take his wife on a nice vacation. On Saturday morning they took the company plane for a weeklong stay in Oahu.

  Robbie and Austin had finally fallen asleep when the call from Agent Roget came in. “Blakemore, we have a missing agent. Her trail went cold in Panama about a week ago. We need some surveillance done on some of those snake tattoo wearing henchmen. We have found out, based on some research that the traffickers are not tied to the South American cartel but the Mexican and Asian ones.”

  “That’s good information, but I have two small children who need their father. I am not about to go and get myself shot or worse,” Saxton told him. “I am turning in my resignation Roget.”

  “You are telling me that the Blakemores are no longer in the game?”

  “The Blakemores are out of the game and no longer players,” Saxton told him.

  Roget sighed into the phone. “I need someone who will not draw attention to themselves as they keep track of these people in Panama to lead us to where our Agent maybe stashed.”

  It only took Saxton a minute to come up with the perfect answer. “Kevin Jr, has graduated college. Give him a job and let this assignment be OJT.”

  “Blakemore, you want me to take that green kid into the field to do a high level surveillance job?” Roget asked in disbelief.

  “Yep. No one will ever suspect that goofy kid of being an agent or anything else. It’s the perfect cover and your chance to personally train the next generation of agents,” he told Roget.

  “Me, train your brother in law?”

  “He helped find all of those sites in the Caribbean. He is great with people, and he is actually pretty smart,” Saxton told the Agent.

  “I have a bad feeling about this but I will give it a go,” Roget said.

  “I look forward to hearing the stories about this one. That is going to be one hell of an adventure,” Saxton said.

  Agent Roget hung up the phone with Saxton and placed the call to HR. “I have a new kid I want brought in for some specialized one on one training with me. His name is Kevin Trodat, Jr. Let’s get him set up and ready to field test,” Roget said.

  His next call was to Dallas Texas to the home of the Trodat's. As soon as the young man came to the phone, Roger said, “Kevin Jr, this is Marecus Roget. Your country needs you.”

  -Fin -

  About the Author

  Olivia Gaines is the author of numerous bestselling novellas and books, including Two Nights in Vegas, A Few More Nights, and has had several number one best sellers with The Blakemore Files including Being Mrs. Blakemore and Shopping with Mrs. Blakemore.

  She lives in Augusta, GA, with her husband, son and snotty cat, Katness Evermean.

  Connect with Olivia on her Facebook page at or her website at



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