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Janet McNulty - Mellow Summers 02 - Frogs, Snails, and a Lot of Wails

Page 8

by Janet McNulty

  “I’m starting to believe that haunted houses are real,” I whispered.

  Jackie laughed. “You think?”

  We laughed and coughed some more as we waited for Tiny and his men. I hoped Timothy was able to get through to them. The roar of a bunch of motorcycles came around the bend and up the driveway. They pulled to a stop in front of us.

  I pulled out my phone and dialed Greg. He picked up on the first ring.

  “Greg, just listen,” I said, “I know who’s been stealing the stuff. I need you to call Detective Shorts. Tell him that the mansion is on fire and that I’m going after the thieves.”

  “Mel. Mel, listen to me.”

  I hung up on him. I hoped he wouldn’t take it personally.

  “Mel,” said Tiny, “You want to tell me what’s going on? And why my bike went all haywire?”

  “It wasn’t that hard,” said Timothy, “Once you understand the mechanics of a motorcycle it just takes a simple application of—”

  “No time,” I said. “I know who the thieves are. They’re heading to Canada. We need to stop them.”

  “Hop on,” said Tiny.

  “Jackie, you stay here,” I said.

  “Hell no,” said Jackie hopping on another bike. “Where you go, I’m going.”

  Someone shoved a couple of helmets towards us. We put them on. I got behind Tiny on his bike and held on. My first time on a motorcycle and I’m chasing after criminals.

  “Lucky for you all I know a short cut,” said Tiny. “Saddle up.”

  The roar of their engines swarmed around us. My stomach lurched a bit as the bike moved. Tiny pulled out onto the highway and headed north.

  Before I knew it we were on a dirt road. The bike bounced up and down as he raced down the country road. Dust flew everywhere from the bikes as they moved. Suddenly, I was glad that I hadn’t eaten supper. It probably would have come up from all this bouncing around.

  My grip tightened around Tiny’s waist. Despite all that went on, I vowed to myself to never get on another motorbike as long as I lived. The bike swerved a bit as he slowed slightly and then turned left. I got a headache the moment we hit a bump indicating the end of dirt and the beginning of pavement. I had no idea where we were, but trusted that Tiny did.

  He zoomed down the road with his gang behind him. I felt the wind whipping around me. My face began to sting. Then, I saw it. A white van heading straight for us. Somehow Tiny managed to get ahead of it. Way to go biker gang.

  “That’s them,” I yelled.

  Tiny did a hand movement. Evidently it was a signal for his men to do something. Bikes roared past us and encircled the van. The one with Jackie stayed with Tiny and me. He slowed slightly, letting his men do their job.

  The van tried to turn around, but lacked maneuverability. A bunch of bikes were already behind it. More pulled up on the side while two others remained in front. They slammed their brakes forcing the driver of the van to do the same. The van rocked violently as it swerved to miss the two in front of it.

  I watched as the van left the highway and went down the embankment into a ditch. The unmistakable crunch of crumpled metal hit my ears. Smoke rose from under the hood.

  Instantly, Tiny’s men surrounded the van and those in it. The driver got out. He was one of the guys in the museum the day it was robbed.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing,” he demanded as he ran up to Sombrero.

  The guy swung. Sombrero had lightning fast reflexes as he blocked and punched the guy square in the face. The man hit the van before crumpling to the ground. If it wasn’t for all the headlights I would have missed the entire thing. Tiny and the guy with Jackie pulled to a halt.

  “If you know what’s good for you, ya’ll stay in that van,” shouted Tiny.

  I took off my helmet and hopped off the bike glad to be on solid ground again. One look at Jackie told me that she felt the same. Hal poked his head out of the driver’s door and began to say something. He stopped the moment he saw Jackie and I.

  “Don’t ever let me get on a motorcycle again,” said Jackie.

  “Ditto,” I replied. I pulled the ruby necklace from my pocket and held it out to Jackie.

  “Is that,” began Jackie.

  I nodded. “The Rose Pendant. It was in the secret room with us.”

  “Well, Mel, we stopped the scumbags,” said Tiny. “What do you want done with them?”

  “Keep them here until the cops arrive,” I replied.

  Tiny’s face twitched a bit at the mention of the police. He hated the cops and I couldn’t blame him really. “We could just bury them out here,” he said.

  I glared at him.

  “We’d send someone out to dig them up,” he pleaded.

  I continued to give him the look. You know, the kind a parent might give you when you’re on the verge of going overboard.

  “All right guys you heard her,” yelled Tiny, “Keep them here until the cops arrive.”

  The wailing of sirens came toward us. A bunch of police cars flew over the hill. Their lights shone on us displaying the entire scene. I could only imagine what it must have looked like. A bunch of tough guys in leather holding a van full of people hostage and two girls who clearly did not belong.

  I suddenly felt light-headed. The adrenaline from escaping a burning building and then chasing down my would be murderers wore off. I reached out for Jackie just so I could stabilize myself. The ground moved beneath my feet as my world began to spin.


  The last thing I remember was Greg and Jackie both calling my name as arms caught me before I hit the ground.

  Chapter 11

  I awoke in the hospital some time later. I have no idea how long I was unconscious. Jackie and Greg both sat by my bedside.

  “Mel. You’re awake,” Jackie said when I opened my eyes.

  “What happened?” I asked.

  “You passed out,” replied Greg.

  “No kidding, genius,” I laughed.

  “Tiny was worried about you,” said Jackie. “He practically drove that ambulance himself to get you here.”

  “Seriously?” A mental image of Tiny driving an ambulance formed in my mind. I had to concentrate really hard to keep from laughing out loud. I noticed a helmet by the bed with a bunch of flowers in them.

  “From Tiny and the gang,” said Jackie when she saw me looking at them. “Whatever you do, don’t let them buy you a motorcycle.”

  “Thanks for the advice.” What would I do with a motorcycle anyway?

  “So what happened?” I asked again.

  “You were treated for smoke inhalation as was I,” said Jackie. “Afterwards, the doctor said that this was mostly due to lack of food and the stress of last night’s events.”

  “And you aren’t lying here because—”

  “Because I remember to eat,” said Jackie. “They treated me for smoke inhalation as well, but after a couple of hours the doctor released me. Greg has been by your side the entire time.”

  “Ah, you’re awake,” said Detective Shorts as he walked into the room. “When you are feeling better, I’ll need you to come down to the station to answer some questions.”

  He pulled out a plastic bag with the ruby necklace in it. “Your friends gave this to me saying that you found it in the Pen Mills Estate. Technically, I could charge you both for trespassing and theft. However, since you did assist in the capture of the ones who are responsible for the string of robberies and who are wanted in other counties for the same crimes, the owners of the estate agreed to drop all charges.

  “They wanted me to give them this, but I told them that as the one who discovered the necklace, it was yours to do with as you will. I further informed them that you were going to donate it to the museum.”

  I guess that settled that question.

  “Here,” Detective Shorts gave me his card. “That is my private number. Since I am unable to persuade you to not play detective I want you to keep that. Memoriz
e it. Program it into your phone. And the next time you go off to investigate something, give me a call first.”

  “He has a point,” said Timothy materializing from thin air. He stood next to the detective, but Detective Shorts acted as though he didn’t see him.

  “How did you know where to find them?” the detective asked.

  “Jackie told you earlier,” I said, “A ghost told me.”

  He shook his head in disbelief and left, walking right through Timothy. Detective Shorts paused momentarily and shook himself as though he had had a sudden chill. “Stay out of trouble,” he said and left.

  “I think I’ll be going,” said Timothy. “And you might want to stay away from haunted houses. They don’t seem to agree with you.”

  “Bye, Tim,” I said as he vanished. Once again I found myself wondering where it is we go when we die.

  “He’s gone?” asked Jackie.

  “Yeah,” I replied.

  “Good,” said Greg. “Because from now on, no more ghosts. No more mysteries. And no more trouble.” He leaned in and kissed me.

  “If you say so,” I said.

  Greg kissed me again.

  “Right,” said Jackie standing up, “I’m going to the cafeteria.”

  I was released from the hospital that day once the doctor was satisfied that I wasn’t going to keel over. I had to promise him profusely that I’d remember to eat.

  Classes started up again soon after that. I ended up spending my entire Spring Break helping a ghost solve a mystery. So much for my week of relaxation.

  I sat in my desk listening to my professor drone on about something that had to do with math. I chuckled to myself as I thought about how Timothy had scared everyone with his antics. Oh well. summer would be here soon and I would have no more classes until fall. I couldn’t wait for summer to arrive.

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  Look for Book 3 in the series:

  An Apple A Day Keeps Murder Away

  About the Author

  Ms. McNulty began writing the Mellow Summers series last year. The third book in the series is expected to be published before the end of summer 2012.

  Ms. McNulty has published other books as well which include Illogical Nonsense and Legends Lost Amborese, which was published under the pen name of Nova Rose.

  Look for the first book in a new series by Janet McNulty:

  June 2013


  The eyes are always watching

  Imagine living in a world where everything you do is controlled.

  In the distant future the United States has been split into two regions separated by a barren wasteland; this is the country of Dystopia. Here the individual is discouraged, freedom is an illusion, food is rationed, and everything you do is tracked by a chip implanted in your arm. This is Dana Ginary’s world.

  At age seventeen, people receive their career assignments chosen for them by a government body. Forced to work at the Waste Management Plant because she was declared too individualistic, Dana finds herself surrounded by death and brutality. Knowing her days are numbered, she looks for a way to leave the plant before she, too, becomes one of its causalities..

  It is then she meets a man named George and soon finds herself caught up in a cat mouse game between the resistance and the Dystopian government. Dana finds herself faced with an agonizing choice of whom she will betray and whom she will save: her friend George, her parents, or herself.

  Enter the Lands of Tesnayr

  Learn about the first king of Tesnayr and the man who started it all.

  1,000 years before the birth of Amborese is a far greater story. The legend of Tesnayr. Before the lands of Tesnayr existed, there were five distinct kingdoms. Each proud and constantly at war with one another. But all that changed… A stranger washes upon the shores of Sym’Dul, beaten and barely alive; the only survivor of a devastating war in a land far across the sea. Nursed back to health, Tesnayr makes a new life for himself and begins to think that his past is behind him. Then the orcs arrive led by Galbrok. They quickly ravage the land. Faced with a terrible choice, Tesnayr forms his own army to stop them and quickly draws the attention of each of the five kings. Yet, Tesnayr’s past refuses to release him. Can he unite the five kingdoms before Galbrok annihilates them? Can a lone man from across the sea achieve what all believe to be impossible?

  The second great legend of the lands of Tesnayr.

  Amborese thought she was a peasant’s daughter until one night dark creatures murdered her parents and pursued her into the forest. Saved by a talking cat and her friend Zolo, she fled for her life only to learn that she had a bigger destiny than she once believed. Pursued across the five lands of Tesnayr by an evil wizard’s army, Amborese must overcome her doubts and unite the dragons, elves, dwarves, and the five lands themselves. But will they follow a mere girl?




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