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Family Ties (Hidden Secrets)

Page 8

by Belden, P. J.

  “I’m about two blocks away. Tobey…help please.”

  “I’m trying Mare. I’m trying, but you have to tell me which way.”

  “Toward the center where the meet and greet was,” she said breathlessly.

  I took off running. There were no other thoughts than to get to her before she was hurt. If anything happened to her before I could get there… Shaking my thoughts as I rounded the corner of the building, I could just make out her running toward me. As fast as I could I hurried to her. Dodging person after person, I ran faster trying to get to her before whatever she needed help from did.

  “Tobey,” she yelled the minute she saw me and ran right into my arms.

  I wrapped her in my arms and looked in the direction she came from. Sure enough the same guy from the first day we met was not far off. Glaring at him, I held Mary tighter to me. Daring the guy with my eyes to come after her now, I had some steam I needed to burn off. Instead, he turned and walked away.


  Turning my attention back to Mary, I pulled back and cupped her head in my hands. It was then that I noticed her left side of her face was red and slightly swollen. My anger spiked and my head shot back in the direction the man was, but he was gone.

  “He hit you,” I hissed.

  She nodded her head and I pulled her back into my arms. Looking around, I saw people were looking and whispering. No doubt because Mary was so well known and the town knowing her, I knew I needed to get her away from here.

  “Hey,” I whispered. “Let’s get you out of here. My truck isn’t far away. Can you walk?”

  She curled into my side and nodded her head. Wrapping my arm around her waist, we walked back to my truck. Once we were inside away from everyone, I turned to her and pulled her into my arms. My heart was racing and my stomach was it knots.

  “Are you okay?” I whispered into her hair.

  “I am now. You saved me again,” she said, smiling at me.

  I had just started to lean in to kiss her when her phone rang. When I groaned, she smiled and laughed softly, pulling out her phone.

  “Hey Kay,” she answered, still smiling at me. “Yeah…I’m fine…Okay, be there soon. Love ya.”

  “Where am I taking you?”

  “To my sister’s please. Apparently there is a dinner planned.”

  After she gave me directions, the ride there was silent. As much as I was enjoying myself, I needed to get back to the ranch. I also needed to get some distance between Mary and I so I can get back on target. We pulled through a large gate and up a winding road when Mary said something that for some reason pissed me off.

  “I bet you can’t wait to get home to your ranch and far away from my crazy.”

  Pulling over, I put my truck in park. Reaching over, I unbuckled her seatbelt and pulled her onto my lap. Before I could even say anything, her mouth was on mine. We have kissed many times since meeting a week ago, but this one was hotter, more intense. I was consumed by her. She straddled my lap grinding softly against me. Pulling her closer to me on a moan, I pushed my hands up the back of her shirt.

  “God, I need you,” I breathed before taking her mouth with mine again.

  She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled herself closer to me. Her moaning and grinding was driving me crazy. I was just about to do something about it when again we are interrupted with a knock on the damn window.

  I laughed as we both groaned and pulled away from each other. The door opened and Nick was standing there.

  “Jesus Nick, do you not have anything better to do?” Mary hissed and I laughed.

  “I was about to ask if you guys did anything else,” Nick said with a chuckle.

  “Sure we do. Would you like details on what else we do?” Mary said overly sweet and I burst into laughter, quickly followed by Mary and soon Nick joined.

  Helping her down from my truck, she turned and looked up at me. “Do you want to stay for supper and meet my family? You don’t have to if you don’t want to. They are a lot to take on…”

  I cut her rambling off with a short kiss and smiled at her.

  “Wherever you are my darling, I want to be.”

  I was pouring it on thick. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if I could sit here with the family that ruined my family, but I was going to have to do it whether I wanted to or not. My body was focused on getting what that kiss promised. Boy, I couldn’t get that kiss off my mind. I’ve heard people talk about sparks when kissing someone, but those weren’t sparks… those were damn fireworks. In my mind, I fully believe that had her brother not knocked on the window I would have made love to her in my truck and she deserved nothing less than to be in a bed surrounded by romance. Shit! Where did that come from? Oh man I was in big trouble.

  At least she only had one brother and a sister, right? I could sit through a quiet dinner and then leave without it getting out of hand, right? Maybe I could cause some major issues with her here and call my work done and book out of here? Would I see her again? Shit! I was in big trouble if I kept thinking about her this way. Maybe I shouldn’t sit through this dinner.

  Big trouble.

  “I’ll go talk to Jason and let him know I am going to show you around the property. He might want to meet you though. Maybe you should come in and say hello with me while I talk to him?” She rambled.

  “Sure darling.” I put out my arm and she took it. We walked in the front door, Nick not far behind us.

  The first thing that I noticed walking into the house was the huge table. How many people were coming to this dinner? I wondered. A girl came running over and hugged Mary. She resembled Mary, so it had to be her sister.

  “Nate told us briefly that you were having more issues with Kyle. You okay, Mare?”

  “Yes, I am. He really scared me this time though. He hurt my arm.”

  Immediately I checked her arm and seen a bruise already forming. “DAMN IT!” I thought I said that to myself, but judging by the looks I was receiving from everyone in the room it didn’t come out quietly at all. I looked at everyone, “Sorry. I thought I got to her before the bastard had time to hurt her, but she’s going to have a bruise.” Everyone moved to inspect her arm.

  “It’s no big deal. I will just cover it with make-up…I mean I heard you can do it that way, right Kay?”

  It was the way she quickly changed the direction of the sentence that I knew in that instant that this wasn’t the first time that asshole had laid a hand on her. At this point, I was seeing red. I couldn’t even stop the urge to go kill the bastard. Soon I found myself turning to leave.

  “Where are you going?” Mary called from behind me.

  “I forgot to do something…” I muttered distractedly.

  I was just about out the door when I heard her yell, “Don’t you dare think about it Tobey!”

  Turning around, I faced her. It took everything out of me not to scream at her. Why was I reacting to her this way? I was just going to hurt her the way she did my family, so why was it becoming so hard to remember that the more I was around her. An overwhelming urge to protect her overcame me and I needed to get away to let off some of the frustration I was feeling with myself. And beating the shit out of this guy… well it would help relieve some of it that is for sure.

  “Mary, if you think…” My voice trailed off as she walked toward me with anger in her eyes.

  “What I think is that I do not need anyone meddling in my business. I am not looking for a knight in shining armor. I know how to handle Kyle. I have been handling him for five years.”

  “There will be a br-“

  “Yeah, there probably will be. Oh well. I can handle this myself!”

  “Mare,” Nicholas said coming forward, speaking softly, “I think he is just worried about you and your safety. You can’t get mad at him for that. I want to do the same thing and I am in full support of him going.”

  “GOD! I can’t win for losing! I don’t need anyone fighting my battles for me!! I can fight them on m
y own!!”

  My mind was blank and I had no clue how to react here. I wanted to believe that I didn’t care about Mary but in the past week that we have been together, I was really fighting the truth about how much I really cared about her. But that just couldn’t happen. She brought my family down; we could never be together now.

  “Have you thought about getting a bodyguard?” Nicholas asked patiently, which totally belied the anger in his eyes.

  “Geez, a bodyguard,” she smacks herself in the forehead, “why didn’t I think of that. I don’t need one. Besides, I have three of them. Shit guys! It is one bruise! Come on, guys we all left bruises on each other more often than this.”

  “What about the other bruises, Mare?”

  I turned to see the guy that Mary claims as being only a friend standing there with the same rage rolling through his eyes.

  “Nate…You promised.” She hissed.

  “And look what that promise has gotten me,” he glanced at me and back to her.

  Yup, definitely something there at least on his end if nothing else. I looked back at Mary, who had tears building in her eyes.

  “I hate you,” she whispered.

  Nate’s face contorted in pain. Shockingly, I found myself feeling sorry for the guy.

  “Mare,” his voice cracked. “You need a full time bodyguard. Someone with you even in your off hours.”

  She just glared at him.

  “I can be your bodyguard. I’m not fighting anymore and Colleen loves to listen to you sing and watch you work. Of course the baby is getting closer so I’d only be a temporary basis right now.”

  When I turned to see who was talking behind me, I nearly jumped out of my skin. It was Carson- Danger- Williams. Wow. How did they know him? He was an amazing kick boxer. I have seen all his fights. He walked in with a beautiful woman on his arm, who was obviously pregnant. An emotion I haven’t felt before suddenly surged through me at seeing her rounded stomach…envy.

  “GOD! Carson please not you too. I already have Nick on my back. I need someone on my side.”

  “Sorry, sis. If you’re being hurt and need a bodyguard, I cannot sit back and let it happen.”

  Sis? That was her brother? God, I should have done my homework. I have heard her music and seen some of her pictures, but really I had no idea who she really was. However, I knew some on Carson. He was from a big family; many had names for themselves.

  “Hey, I am not the only one who thinks it’s needed. Your boyfriend here was ready to go pound his skull in and had to save you once already.” Nick said.

  Carson’s gaze found me just then. “Boyfriend?” His gaze darkened.

  Fear started to rise up in the pit of my stomach and I couldn’t help but swallow hard. I have seen what this man can do in the ring. There was no way I really wanted to cross him at all, if I could help it.

  “Carson,” Mary’s sister said, “even I can’t let you step in here. You were already hurt trying to protect me from harm.”

  “Ten men with knives was hardly a fair fight. I had the little ass nailed ‘til he called in his little helpers. I can see why now everyone in school hated that guy. But that was a while ago too.”

  “I’m sorry to interrupt here, but may I suggest something.” That is when Carson’s gaze landed on me again.

  “You are?” Carson asked with obvious protectiveness over his sister.

  “Oh gosh, I am sorry Tobey. You all have been jumping me about this shit with Kyle I haven’t introduced you all.” Just then five other men walked in followed by a couple. “Great you are all here. You can meet everyone.”

  She walked over to me and put her arm around my waist and without thinking about it, I put my arm around hers too. “Everyone this is my boyfriend Tobey. Tobey this is my mom Jane, my dad, Larry, my brothers; Jack, Jake, Carson and his fiancé Colleen, Eli, Colt, and Jeff; my sister Kayla and her fiancé Jason and then you met Nick outside. I have two younger sisters, but they couldn’t make it today.”

  “Hello Everyone,” I said nervously.

  That would mean that Mr. and Mrs. Williams had eleven kids. The name of her sister rang a bell, but I couldn’t remember where I had heard it before.

  “Everyone supper is ready if we want to eat.” Kayla said.

  I watched as Jason helped her carry the food to the table. It was plain as day, I could see the love between the two of them. The envious feeling found me again. Glancing at Mary, she seemed to have the same look on her face.

  I wish things were different between us Mary because you would be perfect for me.

  She looked at me then and smiled. Pulling out a chair for her, we sat down at the table. I was surprised when I felt her hand on my leg. Reaching down I took her hand in mine. She looked at me and smiled again. I smiled back and leaned down and kissed her cheek. When she leaned her head on my shoulder, my plan was forgotten yet again. I have never felt a warmth like this before. So selfishly I wanted to enjoy it for a little bit.

  “Um, everyone, before we start dinner… Jason and I have an announcement to make.” They shared a look and Jason stood up next to her wrapping his arms around her. “We have set our date for the wedding. The fifteenth of next month, we want just a small ceremony.”

  There was cheering around the table. To me, there seemed to be more than what they were saying. What did I know though?

  Everyone was giving hugs and congratulating the couple. I couldn’t help but be a little envious of them. Every time I came in from a hard day’s work, I pictured a wife and kids greeting me; family meals around the table. It has been a dream to have a family for a while now. My dream of getting married and settling down and living out my days on my ranch with my family. Now, everything was so out of order. I was falling for a woman I knew I shouldn’t and we just met.

  Wait! Fuck! I can’t fall for her! DAMN IT! It is safe to say I am beyond in trouble.

  Mentally I shook my head and told myself to stop thinking such thoughts about Mary.

  Everyone returned to their seats and began talking about the great way Kayla’s life was turning. Her mother was talking and I was half listening when she started talking about something that caught my attention.

  “Kay, your life has been such terror for the last sixteen years. You deserve this good in your life now. That Alex, he took everything from you for so long, it is time you get it back.”

  “Mom, I told you after his verdict was brought in, I didn’t want to talk about him or what he did to me and my life anymore. I can’t live in the past. I don’t want my marriage to start off that way. And whenever we have kids, I don’t want my sons or daughters to know that stuff.”

  “I am sorry dear, but he took a lot from us too and it still hurts.”

  “I know mom,” she said sadly.

  Chapter Seven


  I could see my sister’s discomfort, so as much as I didn’t want to bring it up again, I knew it would draw attention off Kayla’s past; so I would take it for my sister.

  “Kyle went nuts on me again today. Tobey had to run in and save me. I guess my arm is starting to bruise.” I blurted out.

  The silence around the room was deafening. It sounds funny to say that, but it was the truth. My heart was racing in my ears, but I would do anything for my sisters…for my family period. So if it meant putting myself in the line of fire for my family’s rage then so be it. There were a few gasps around the table and Tobey squeezed my leg.

  “What?!” Said all the males at the table in unison.

  “I was on my way to lunch with Tobey and apparently that was not what he had me scheduled to do at that moment.” I shrugged and continued. “He caught me off guard by jumping out from behind a tree. He grabbed my arm and started yelling at me. I screamed back at him and he hit me across the face and in the stomach. He was about to hit me again when I kicked him in the nuts and ran. I called Tobey and he ran toward me until he found me. Then we came here.”

  “Okay, I knew that he fli
pped out on you, Mare, but he didn’t just flip out he attacked you.” This coming from Eli, who then turned to Tobey, “Thank you for protecting my sister, that means a lot to me.”

  “It was really nothing. When she called I was already in the restaurant waiting on her. I rushed out the minute she called. When I had her in my arms, I looked up and saw the son of a bi…” He dropped his head and lifted it back up, “Sorry ma’am. Um, I saw him and he took off before I could do anything.” He finished on a hiss.

  I looked toward my sister and caught her gaze. I saw in Kayla’s eyes that she knew what I did for her. So I simply nodded and smiled at her. Family was important to me; they were the only constant I had in my life. My life was crazy and the only time I could really breathe was when I came home for visits, but sadly that wasn’t often enough. The last time I was home for an extended visit was a nightmare. I know it was worse for Kay, but to see her that way…it broke me.

  For a long time, I saw my oldest sister as a rock, sturdy, unbeatable. Then when she dropped the bomb on all of us about what she had endured for the last sixteen years I knew she was way more than that. See I know what is going on with this thing with Kyle and how long it has been going on. It started after the sudden departure from my friend and agent. It has gotten worse as the time goes on and honestly, there are times when I fear for my life. But I would never burden my family with it though. They have been through so much recently that I just couldn’t put that on them too. Yes, I know they would be there for me no matter what and fight to the end of the earth for me, but the family finally had some happiness. Colleen was five months pregnant and Kayla has finally set a date. Carson and Colleen were waiting until after the baby was born. No there was no way I was springing this on them. I would figure out how to take care of it all…somehow.

  Kyle is a grade ‘A’ jerk; power is his game. The day I agreed to hire him, he was sweet, attentive and seemed to be exactly what I needed. Someone that understood that my career was second to my family; that my family always came first. He said he was that way with his family. My agent at that time said that his background check cleared and seemed to be good for the part.


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