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Family Ties (Hidden Secrets)

Page 21

by Belden, P. J.

I moved quickly to the couch. Mary seemed to not be in a hurry at all. She slowly sauntered toward me. The need to be inside her right now was overwhelming. Not being able to touch her was torture.

  “Put your arms across the back of the couch and leave them there. Same punishment if you move them.”

  My arms flew to the back of the couch and I gripped it for dear life. Slowly again, she walked toward me. Placing her hands on my shoulders, she straddled me. The head of my cock teasingly touching her slickened folds.

  “You’re driving me insane,” I said my voice shaking from the desire to be inside her.

  Mary smiled then painstakingly slowly she lowered herself onto my cock. Once she was fully seated to the hilt, she rocked her hips back and forth, both of us moaning in pleasure. Leaning down she kissed me then continuing to rock herself on me.

  Pulling back just a hair, “Touch me, Tobey,” she whispered.

  My hands first tangled into her hair pulling her tightly against my mouth for a deep and passionate kiss. Then I moved to her hips, guiding her up and down my cock.

  “Oh fuck!” I groaned as my balls began to tighten.

  “Shit! Yes! Oh yes!” She moaned as she moved faster on me.

  I could feel her clenching around me and knew she was close. It became completely animalistic at this point. Scooting down just a hair, I began to pound into her as she lowered herself down. We were both frantic at this point, both so close to the edge and ready to fly. Not knowing how much longer I could hold off, I reached between us and rubbed her clit and soon she was crying out, I was right behind her.

  She pulled back and smiled at me. “Was that worth the week of not having sex?”

  “Baby I’m happy just having you in my arms. But that was fucking amazing.”

  Just as she was leaning down to kiss me again, the front door flew open and Scott and Joel barged in. Mary screamed and I wrapped her in my arms trying to keep her hidden as much as possible.

  “What the fuck are you guys doing?” I hissed.

  I was pissed that they felt they could just barge in here like they owned the place. But I was even more pissed that they just ruined an amazing moment between me and Mary. Quickly, I grabbed the blanket from the back of the couch and wrapped it around her, hiding her from view.

  “We could ask you the same damn thing!” Scott hissed back.

  “Here we thought you might actually love Mary.” Joel said dumbfounded.

  “Judging by the whore you just brought home Mary was nothing to you!”

  “You better watch what you say,” I threatened.

  “We were wondering what your attitude change was about all of a sudden this past week. You’ve been sneaking off at night, texting. Never did I imagine you’d stoop to this level and fuck some random hussy. How dare you do that to Mary?”

  My hands clenched the blanket tightly. Mary started laughing. It started out soft then grew more uncontrollable. Looking down at her, I found myself joining her in her laughter. This, of course, pissed Scott and the normally calm and collected Joel off.

  “We’ll go to the kitchen. I think it’s time your whore get dressed and leave. We’ll talk to you in there.” Joel yelled.

  They turned and stormed into the kitchen. Shifting her to the couch, I moved and gathered our clothes. I pulled on my jeans and she slips on my shirt. Raising an eyebrow, in question.

  “Okay so we are busted. Everyone is going to know that we are back together now. Let’s have a little fun before we let them know though.” She’s still laughing.

  “Oh with pleasure. Not too happy how they were talking about you, even if they didn’t realize it was you.” I retort.

  We walked to the door and she kissed me soundly.

  “I’ll call ya when I’m done here.” I say loud enough to know that I’m heard in the kitchen.

  She opened the door and closed it. Kissing her once more, I turned and headed into the kitchen.

  “You guys have some explaining to do for busting into my house like this. Especially considering you guys haven’t had two words to say to me since Mary left.” I said the minute I walked into the kitchen.

  “We have explaining to do? No, I don’t think so. What the fuck is wrong with you?”

  “What’s wrong with me? My world shattered right before my eyes. I lost the only thing that mattered to me. Then to top it all off, I lost the only family I had left. I drowned myself in alcohol, quit eating, didn’t do anything. No one cared. Why would they? I was the prick that hurt Mary. Yeah I get it, but damn it I was hurt too! I never was going to go through with it, but no one cared to listen to me. I loved her. Yeah I made a mistake, but I never did it. I never did anything to hurt her. Yet I was treated like I did. So tell me! Tell me why it’s wrong that I’m trying to find happiness again?” I roared still feeling a bit of the pain from the whole ordeal.

  Both Scott and Joel looked at me shocked. Their mouths opening and closing as if they were fish out of water.

  “But why do you feel you have to move on?” Joel asked.

  “It’s been a month and a half. She’s not coming back. If she were, she would have been back by now. Why do you guys want me to suffer so much? Three months ago I lost both of my parents. Almost two months ago, I lost the only person I have ever loved and the only family I had left. How much more do I need to suffer? Please tell me.” For that moment, I forgot that I was actually with Mary. The pain of the past few months caught me.

  “Damn,” Scott and Joel said together.

  “Tobey, I’m so sorry.” I turned to see Mary coming in with tears streaming down her face.

  Walking over, I wrapped her in my arms. “Don’t baby. I have you now. Please stop crying.”

  She wrapped her arms around me tightly, sobbing into my chest. I had forgotten she was listening. Hell I’d forgotten the plan. Once she stopped crying, I pulled back and dried her tears and kissed her softly.

  “I’d do it all again, if it brought me to this moment again.” I smiled at her.

  “Whoa wait a second. You’ve been with Mary this whole time?”

  She started laughing. “Yes. My family concocted a plan to bring us back together. I didn’t want to make their heads big so I told Tobey to keep this our little secret for a while. Then you guys had to ruin it.” She teased.

  “Fuck man,” Scott starts.

  “Wait a minute. I want to know why you turned on Tobey when he needed you guys the most? You’ve known me for a week and him for a long time. Why would you do that?”

  They went to defend their actions, but she cut them off at the pass.

  “There is no reasoning you could give me to make it okay. He views you guys as brothers. Then he’s in trouble and you turn from him. That just isn’t right and it certainly isn’t the actions of the men I’ve grown to add to my ever growing brother pile.” She smirked.

  We all talked for a little while before Joel and Scott finally left. We walked back to the bedroom when Mary’s phone went off. She looked down at the screen confused.

  “What? What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t recognize this number.”

  Before I could protest for her to not take the call, she answered her phone.

  “Hello? … Can I ask who’s calling? … Oh my God! … Where are you? … Give me about an hour and I’ll be there. … No it’s okay. I’ll be there soon.”

  She left the room and I could hear her gathering her clothes. Walking out to the living room, She had her jeans on and was now putting on her shoes.

  “Where are you going?”

  “A friend of mine needs me. She’s at my house. I need to be there for her.” She says standing.

  “You want me to come with you?”

  “No, I’ll be okay but you can come over and get me in a couple hours if you want. If not we can try again tomorrow.”

  “I’ll let you spend time with your friend. If you’re okay with it, I’ll come by and get you early in the morning so you can see Harry and John. They
will be excited to see you.” I smiled at her.

  “Okay. Thank you for not getting mad. I’ll see you in the morning.” She kissed me. “Love you.”

  Placing my hand on her belly, “Promise me you’ll take it easy.”

  “I promise.” She smiled at me. Then leaves.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  I hurried to our meeting spot and hopped on my horse and took off toward my house. Putting Spitfire in the barn, I headed toward the house. There was a chill in the air. It was unlike anything I’ve ever felt. It was cool enough that I was glad I kept Tobey’s flannel shirt on. When I looked around, I didn’t see her car anywhere.

  What the hell?

  Walking inside is when it hit me, she didn’t know where I lived. Freezing in mid step, just as I was about to retreat, the door smacked right into me knocking me to the floor of the porch. Looking up, I watched as Kyle walked toward me. The dark dangerous eyes boring into mine. That chill, I should have known by that something wasn’t right.

  “I told you that you couldn’t get away from me.”

  Trying to back away without him noticing, it didn’t work. Kyle kicked my legs out from under me, and then slammed his foot down on my stomach knocking the breath out of me and causing me to scream out. He raised something over his head. I could only make out the outline but knew immediately what it was.

  Kyle slammed it down on my neck, chest, and stomach splintering into pieces with a deep sound just before the guitar broke around me.

  “You don’t like music anymore. Figured you didn’t need that guitar right?”

  There was no time for me to say or do anything before he kicked me in my side. I curled into a ball trying to protect myself. His fists rained down on me like hail in a thunderstorm. Each pelting me with hard stinging hits left after each connection with my body.

  Stopping the assault he dragged me inside pulling me into the living room. Picking my head up by my bangs, he slams my head to the floor. My vision blurs and bursts of bright lights fill my vision. Groaning in pain, I try to turn over to my side. The pain increased as I moved. Just as I was about to make it to my side he kicks me again, knocking me to my back. Again I screamed.

  I’m not sure how long this went on before I could feel no more. The house was silent. No sounds at all. After hearing a ringing, everything fell quiet. I took my time to open my eyes, afraid of what I would find. After what seemed like the longest minutes of my life, I was pretty positive he wasn’t around. Rolling to my side, whimpering in pain as I did.

  Dragging myself toward the front door, stopping every pull to both catch my breath and listen for sounds. It was hard to hear much of anything over the sound of my heartbeat pounding as loud as a drum in my ears. My head throbbed, my whole body hurt.

  The door stood open. I was grateful for that because I wasn’t sure I could stand to open it. There was only one thought going through my head at this point: Get to your phone before you pass out.

  When Kyle had slammed the door in my face, I had reached in my pocket to call Tobey. My phone fell from my hands. The problem I have is I don’t know where it fell. Getting out on the porch, it took a moment for me to see the phone in the corner near the steps. Using the last of my strength, I pulled myself over there and grabbed the phone. My vision was blurring and I struggled to see the screen clearly. Pressing a few buttons, I hoped I was calling Tobey and not anyone else. The phone rang and rang. With each ring a panic built inside of me, worried that he wouldn’t hear his phone. Finally he answered.

  “Hello?” Tobey answered groggily.

  “Help me,” I squeaked out.

  “Hello?” a pause. “Mary? Baby I can’t hear you.”

  “Help. Me.” I tried to force out louder.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Deep breathe. “Kyle…”

  “Fuck! I’m on my way baby. I’ll be there soon. Stay on the line with me okay?”

  Everything around me started fading, “I. Love. You.”

  “Mary? Mary! Mary!”

  That was the last thing I heard before everything around me went black.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  It seemed like I had just fallen asleep when I was awaken by the ringing of my phone. My eyes hadn’t even focused yet when I answered the phone. My heart sank when I saw it was Mary and what time it was. Then pure panic took over me when I heard her weakly ask for help. Then rage hit when I heard her say Kyle’s name.

  “I. Love. You.” She slurred.

  “Mary?” She didn’t answer. “Mary!” I screamed, still no answer. “Mary!” I screamed louder, still nothing.

  Quickly, I grabbed my clothes throwing them on. I rushed out the door to see Scott headed up the drive. Not wanting to take a second to stop, I yelled at him.

  “Take over the ranch today. Mary’s hurt.” I yelled hurrying to my truck.

  I was in my truck and taking off before Scott could answer or at least before I heard his reply. I had the pedal to the metal the whole way to Mary’s, I almost wrecked several times on some of the curves.

  It seemed like an eternity to get to Mary’s, which on a normal day would have taken between five to ten minutes. My heart hammered in my chest unsure of what I was going to find. My imagination was running wild with images. No matter how graphic of an image my mind conjured up, nothing could prepare me for the sight I saw the minute her house came into view.

  There was the love of my life sprawled on the porch unmoving. Even from this distance, I could see blood and a lot of it. Barely taking the time to put the truck in park, I jumped out and ran to the porch.

  “Mary!” I screamed.

  She didn’t move. With shaking hands, I scooped her up in my arms and hurried back to the truck. Laying her across the seat, I got in and took off toward the hospital. It would take too long to wait for the ambulance to get out here. I worried moving her, but there was no other option. Placing my phone in the hands free holder, I called Jackson.

  Just as Jackson picked up, I yelled ‘Fuck!’ almost losing control going around a curve.

  “There better be a good reason that you are calling me this morning. If you’re drunk calling me…”

  I cut him off yelling. “Get to the hospital now! I’m on my way there. Should be arriving in about twenty minutes.”

  “What’s going on?” He asked suddenly alert.

  “He got her. Damn it he got her!”

  “Who got who? Tobey, have you been drinking? Are you okay?”

  “Shit!” I cursed almost missing my turn onto the main road that will take me straight to the hospital. “No I’m not drunk!” I roared. “Kyle got to Mary. She’s hurt badly. I’m about ten minutes out. Please get to the hospital. Someone. Anyone. Get to the hospital!”

  Hanging up, I focused on the road. Being on paved road now, I took one hand off the wheel and cupped Mary’s face. There was blood everywhere.

  “Damn it!” I roared punching the steering wheel. “Hang in there baby. We’re almost there. Stay with me please.”

  Skidding to a stop in front of the emergency room entrance, I jumped out of my truck carefully pulling her out. I carried her inside.

  “Help! Someone please help!”

  A nurse rushed over. “What happened Sir?” The nurse asked ushering me over to an empty bed.

  “My girlfriend was attacked tonight. I don’t know what happened. She called me barely got out help me before she stopped responding to me on the phone.”

  Soon the little curtain filled room was full of nurses and doctors, everyone talking fast and I couldn’t understand a word they were saying. Every person leaving and entering, I kept asking what was going on, if she was going to be okay but no one was answering. A nurse walked up then trying to pull me from the room.

  “Sir, we have to move her to surgery. You need to wait in the waiting area.”

  “I’m not leaving her.” I hissed.

  “Sir, there is nothing you can do
right now other than wait and let the doctors do what they do.”

  With a security guard with her, I was led to the waiting room. I paced up and down, running my hands through my hair. Flashes of her beautiful smile, her laughing, singing. My heart ached with each image. Then images of her bloodied body, her limp in my arms ran before my eyes. Rage burned inside of me. I was so lost in my thoughts that I hadn’t noticed the door to the waiting room open.


  My head snapped up to see Jackson, Colt, Kylee, Jake and Mr. and Mrs. Williams standing there. Standing, I ran my hands through my hair again. Kylee and Mrs. Williams both gasped.

  “Is that from Mary?”

  Looking down following their eyes, I realized for the first time that I had Mary’s blood on me. Nodding meekly, I met their eyes again.

  “What happened?” Mr. Williams asked.

  “She was going to stay at my house last night, but she got a phone call. She said it was an old friend that needed her. I had planned on going by in the morning and picking her up, but she called me barely being able to hear her. All she got out was ‘Help me’ and ‘Kyle’. I rushed over to her house and found her unresponsive on her porch. They’ve kicked me out. I don’t know what’s going on.”

  Just as I finished, a nurse came in. She was asking a bunch of questions about her health and what not. Just as the nurse was about to leave, I stood quickly yelling for her to wait. She turned around and looked at me questioningly.

  “She’s…She’s pregnant.” I forced myself to say.

  A sad look crossed the nurse’s face before she nodded and exited the room. Sinking back down to the chair I had just risen from, I put my head in my hands. I was desperately clinging to my control here.

  “I’m going to kill him.” I kept mumbling over and over again. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Mrs. Williams standing in front of me.

  “My daughter and you are expecting a child?” She asked quietly.

  I could only nod my head. Kylee sat next to me taking my hand. “When did you find that out?”

  “A week ago when we got back together. She’d known for a couple weeks before that.”


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