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Warrior's Surrender (Warrior Hunger, Book Three)

Page 2

by Marisa Chenery

  To get the conversation started between him and Chyna, Jaxon asked, “So do you spill coffee on a lot of guys, then ask them out for a drink?”

  She chuckled. “No, I’m not normally that much of a klutz. You’re the first.”

  “I guess that makes me special.”

  Chyna chuckled again, then ran her gaze over his face and licked her lips. “Oh, I have to agree with that.”

  The sight of her tongue coming out, sweeping along her bottom lip, had Jaxon wishing they were someplace private. His cock hardened as he pictured what he wanted her to do with that mouth of hers.

  Tearing his gaze off her lips, Jaxon said, “Tell me something about yourself.”

  She took a sip of her drink before she answered. “There’s really not too much. I work the reception desk at a public relations company. Nothing special. What about you?”

  “I wouldn’t say my job is regular, but I spend my nights searching for individuals who think they don’t have to follow the rules of society.”

  “So you’re like a cop?”

  “Not exactly, but I guess it could be considered something along those lines.”

  “Okay, that sounds interesting, I think.”

  Jaxon smiled. “It isn’t boring.” He reached across the table and took Chyna’s hand. He was pleased when she didn’t pull away.

  “I can’t help noticing you have a bit of an accent,” she said. “It sounds French.”

  “It is. I was born in France, but I’ve lived in the States for many years now.”

  “What part of France?”


  “Do you still have family there?”

  “I would think, but not immediate family.”

  “Sorry to hear that.”

  He shook his head. “I’ve been on my own for a long time. I’m used to it. And you? Have you always lived in San Diego?”

  “Yup, born and raised. My family is still here as well.”

  The sounds in the bar grew louder as a large group of males sat at a table close to Jaxon and Chyna’s. The men wore matching baseball jerseys. Their voices increased in volume as they talked about a game they’d just played.

  Jaxon turned from them and looked at Chyna. “I have a feeling they’re only going to get louder.”

  She nodded. “I have to agree with you.”

  “How about we finish our drinks, then go to my place? I promise you it will be a lot quieter and we can continue our conversation in peace.”

  Chyna appeared to think it over before she nodded again. “All right. It’s too early to call it a night, but you can’t keep me out too late. I have to work in the morning.”

  “I promise.”

  They finished their drinks, then stood. Jaxon put his hand on the small of Chyna’s back and guided her to the bar’s entrance. He’d get her back to his place and see how far she’d let him go.

  Chapter Two

  Chyna felt the heat from Jaxon’s hand sink through the material of her silk blouse and into her skin. Her nipples grew taut and an ache built deep inside her pussy. Just being this close to Jaxon turned her on. She definitely wanted him, and he seemed interested in getting to know her better.

  Jaxon guided her out of the bar and to the parking lot. “Which car is yours?” he asked.

  “Oh, I didn’t drive here. I took a cab. I wanted to be able to have more than one drink. I never drink and drive.” She hesitated. “You had a drink. Maybe we should try this another night.”

  “You don’t have to worry about me. I never get drunk so I’m fine. And I promise to stay on my best behavior.”

  She figured one drink wouldn’t put him over, but she never took the chance. Given his large size, Chyna thought it would take a lot of alcohol to get Jaxon in an inebriated state.

  The sports car he stopped at and opened the passenger door of was one of the sleek, expensive-looking ones. It had to be worth a bundle of money. Obviously, whatever it was that Jaxon did for a living—that involved going after bad guys—paid really well. Once she sat on the seat, he pushed the door closed and came around to the driver’s side and got in.

  The sun was just starting to set as Jaxon drove into the Santaluz community. A short while later, he pulled onto a long drive on the property of a very large house. He parked the car on the circular part of it, close to the front door. Chyna stepped out of the car the same time Jaxon did from his side. She waited for him to come around to her.

  Once they stood on the front stoop, Jaxon unlocked the door and went inside. Chyna followed him in. The interior of the house was just as impressive as the outside. His hand landed on her back as it had in the bar, and Jaxon guided her to his large living room. Her shoes sank into the thick teal-blue carpeting as they headed for the black thick-cushioned couch. She took a seat while Jaxon remained standing.

  “What would you like to drink? I have many different kinds of wines, or I can make you a rum and Coke if you prefer.”

  “I’d love a glass of wine. You can pick for me. I like most types.”

  “All right. One glass of wine coming right up.”

  Chyna watched Jaxon walk over to where a large dark-wood liquor cabinet had been set up in one corner of the room. Jaxon took out two wineglasses from a shelf under the main part of the cabinet. He then opened the wine fridge beside it and selected a bottle.

  She watched how his wide shoulders pulled at his shirt as he moved. Her gaze drifted down his back to his tapered waist. Going even lower, she stared at his muscled ass. Jaxon’s jeans fit him just right, giving her a good view of it. She wouldn’t mind getting ahold of it as he ground his cock against her.

  After Jaxon poured their drinks, he came back to the couch and sat beside her. He handed her a wineglass filled with white wine. Chyna took a sip, enjoying the flavor on her tongue. As she watched Jaxon drink from his glass, she thought there was something else she wanted to taste—him.

  Chyna lifted her gaze to Jaxon’s, then sucked in a sharp breath. He watched her as intently as she did him. Her pussy clenched at the harsh look of need he wore on his face. Her blood heated as a surge of arousal shot through her body, causing her heart to beat faster. She wanted Jaxon, but she wasn’t going to sleep with him until she was sure he wanted more than a fling. Lately, she’d been burned one too many times.

  She put her wineglass on the table before she shifted closer to Jaxon and turned to face him. He did the same, then reached up and trailed his fingertips across her cheek. His thumb traced her bottom lip. Chyna opened her mouth and took it inside, sucking on it gently. The heat in Jaxon’s eyes increased as his pupils dilated.

  He pulled his thumb out of her mouth and leaned in to brush his lips across hers. Chyna sucked in a breath. She pushed forward, forcing their mouths to come together in a tighter fit. With what sounded like a quiet, animalistic growl, Jaxon kissed her as she wanted him to. His tongue swept along the seam of her lips, seeking entrance. She opened for him, a moan escaping her when he tasted her, exploring, pushing her arousal to higher heights.

  As their kiss became more carnal, their teeth hitting together in their attempts to get closer, Chyna found herself lifted and positioned to straddle Jaxon’s hips. He turned and sat back against the couch cushion, his mouth never leaving hers. He pushed her more firmly against him, his hard cock coming in delicious contact with her jean-clad pussy. Chyna ground herself along his erection, wetness pooling deep inside her.

  Jaxon lifted a hand to one of her breasts and brushed his thumb back and forth across her taut nipple. She moaned into his mouth. His fingers went to work on unbuttoning her blouse enough for him to reach inside and tug a bra cup aside. Breaking their kiss, he lowered his head to the nipple he had exposed. His tongue flicked out and licked the tip before he laved it. Chyna sank her fingers into his dark-brown hair and squirmed on his lap as her pussy clenched with the need to be filled.

  Chyna gasped as Jaxon’s warm mouth closed over her nipple and sucked. She felt each pull deep inside her
pussy. Wetness leaked into her panties and she ground against his cock harder. He felt thick and long. If he kept this up she’d come.

  Jaxon released her nipple and rubbed his cheek against it. “You make me so hard,” he said in a husky voice. “I have to have you.”

  She moaned. “I want you too. “ Chyna cupped Jaxon’s face in her hands and forced him to look at her. “But before we go any further, please don’t tell me you only want a one-night stand. I don’t do those.”

  Jaxon stiffened under her, and Chyna felt her high hopes of seeing him again plummet. It didn’t help that he only stared up at her without saying anything. God, why did she have to attract the men who weren’t interested in her beyond a night of sex?

  Disappointed, Chyna yanked her bra and blouse back into place and slid off Jaxon’s lap to stand in front of him. She buttoned her top without looking at him. “I guess I read the signals you gave me wrong,” she said. “I thought…never mind. I should go home. I’ll call a cab.” She turned to walk out of the room but Jaxon stopped her by taking hold of her arm and turning her back around to face him.

  He stood in front of her, invading most of her personal space. “I’m sorry,” he said with his deep, accented voice. “I guess I should have said something before we came here. I don’t do serious relationships. Ever.”

  Chyna jerked out of Jaxon’s grasp. “And that’s exactly what I want from a man I date. I’ll be blunt. I’m thirty years old, not some twenty-something who is out looking for a good time. I thought we were off to a great start.”

  “We were. So good, in fact, I’ll probably end up with blue balls if we don’t finish what we started.”

  She looked him in the eye. She really didn’t want walk away from Jaxon. He was the best-looking man she’d ever had a chance to be with. In the beginning he hadn’t acted as if he was only after one thing. That had to mean there was a glimmer of a chance, at least she wanted to believe that. “Then give us a chance. A couple of months, at least. If you want out then, I’ll let you go without a backward glance.” Chyna placed her hand on Jaxon’s chest. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while to try.”

  Jaxon stood there staring at her, not saying anything in return, but the heat had come back into his eyes. Chyna wasn’t ready to give up just yet. He hadn’t been fast to outright turn her down. Maybe he only needed a little more convincing of what he’d miss out on.

  Chyna took a step closer and nibbled on Jaxon’s chin as her hand drifted from his chest to the large bulge in his pants. She cupped it, then stroked it up and down. He thrust his hips forward, pushing his cock harder into her hand. A low, animalistic growl rumbled out of him when she squeezed his shaft.

  “Okay,” he said in a gruff voice. “I’ll give you your two months, but don’t expect anything more from me.” He dropped his hands to her ass and hauled her closer, grinding his erection against her belly.

  Jaxon went to take her mouth, but Chyna pushed out of his embrace. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow evening. You can come to my place and I’ll cook us dinner. Can you drive me home now?”

  “What?” he asked as his brows drew together. “I promised you two months. I thought that meant you’d stay and we’d seal the deal in bed.”

  Chyna gave a half laugh. “What do you take me for? If I was to sleep with you now, who is to say you wouldn’t go back on your promise? You would have gotten what you wanted—sex on the first, and possibly only, date.”

  Jaxon took a deep breath, his wide chest lifting, before he blew it out. “Fine, I’ll take you home. I’ll come for dinner, but I have to work tomorrow night afterward.”

  “Then we’ll eat on the early side. I get off work at five so you can show up around five thirty.”

  He nodded. “I’ll be there.”

  Chyna sensed Jaxon was out of sorts with her, but she was going to stand her ground. Either he would do as she asked or she’d walk. At least having a couple of months would make her feel less like she’d been used then thrown away. And who knew, maybe Jaxon would end up wanting to stick around longer than that.

  Jaxon didn’t say too much to her after that. He took her out to his car and drove her to her place once Chyna gave him her address. Judging by his silence, she wasn’t sure if she’d actually see him again.

  Once they arrived at her apartment building, he stopped the car in front of it. Chyna took off her seatbelt and turned to face Jaxon. “I hope to see you tomorrow. Sorry if I upset you.”

  Jaxon let out a low curse, then leaned across the seat and wrapped his arms around her. He kissed her thoroughly, causing her arousal to flare to life once more. They were both breathing hard when he pulled away.

  “Don’t apologize,” he said. “You will see me tomorrow. I’ve just never attempted to have a relationship with a woman before. I’m feeling a little lost. I’ve been alone for so long I tend to be a bit selfish at times.”

  She smiled. “As long as you try, I’ll be happy.”

  Chyna gave Jaxon a quick kiss, then got out of the car. She watched him drive away before she went into her building. She’d have to play it slow with Jaxon. Hopefully, he wouldn’t lose interest in her too quickly. She wanted them to work. All she’d have to do was convince Jaxon his life would be better off with her in it rather than not.

  * * * * *

  Back at his house, Jaxon went to the living room and sat on the couch. He stared at the two wineglasses still sitting on the coffee table. Neither he nor Chyna had finished their drinks. He leaned forward, grabbed his and drank it down in two large swallows. He didn’t have to worry about getting drunk. He couldn’t. Ever since he’d made his vow to Anubis and had become immortal, alcohol had absolutely no effect on him. He could also eat whatever he wanted, and as much as he wanted, without gaining an ounce. Basically, he was frozen in time. He would forever look as he had at twenty-six—the age he’d become one of Anubis’ warriors.

  Staring at Chyna’s glass again, he shook his head. He couldn’t believe he’d actually agreed to stay with her for the next two months. He didn’t do “girlfriends”. Up to the point where Chyna was going to walk away, Jaxon had figured she’d just be one of the many women he’d only slept with over the many years he’d lived. But hearing her say she’d leave if that was all he wanted, he’d had the sudden urge to beg her to stay.

  Then she’d convinced him to give her two months. She had no idea how long that would feel to him. He had no experience in forming a relationship with the opposite sex. Even as a child he hadn’t had that opportunity. His mother had died giving birth to him, and he’d been raised by his father who had deemed at an early age Jaxon would go into the army. He’d grown up to be tough, not to depend on anyone but himself. There certainly had been no feminine softness to counterbalance it.

  Now that he thought about seeing Chyna tomorrow, Jaxon had to admit he looked forward to it. They did get along well. And he actually enjoyed talking to her. Maybe the two months wouldn’t be as bad as he thought. There really wasn’t any chance he’d fall in love with her. He didn’t think he was capable of feeling that emotion, after what had happened to him with the girl in France. The only one who had a chance of getting hurt at the end of this was Chyna, though the thought of it didn’t sit too well with Jaxon.

  He picked up Chyna’s wineglass and downed its contents before he grabbed his empty one and stood. Jaxon headed for the kitchen to put both glasses in the dishwasher. That chore done, he walked to the wing where his bedroom was. He’d change into a t-shirt and head out for a bit of hunting. He might as well since he was used to staying up most of the night anyway. And with Chyna gone early, there were too many hours to kill before he’d be tired enough to go to bed.

  * * * * *

  Chyna blindly reached for her alarm clock as it went off the next morning. She hated getting woken up by the damn thing. In fact, she hated to have to get up early, period. She groaned when her finger hit the button that silenced the vile thing.

  She stretched, then rub
bed the sleep out of her eyes. It was going to be another mundane day of work and coming home to an empty apartment to watch TV until she had to go to bed.

  As Chyna sat up, she remembered it wasn’t going to be more of the same old, same old. Jaxon would be coming over for dinner. She threw back the covers as a smile spread across her face. There was actually something to look forward to.

  Instead of dragging her ass as she normally did on a work morning, Chyna had a shower, dressed and ate a quick breakfast of toast and tea in record time. Before leaving, she put the roast beef she’d put into the fridge to thaw overnight into the oven and set the timer to have it come on while she was at work. When she arrived home at the end of the day it should be done.

  Chyna arrived at work, her steps still light, and saw Joy standing at the reception desk. She smiled at the other woman as she drew closer. “Waiting for me, are you?” she asked with a chuckle.

  “Of course,” Joy said in return. “You know I want to hear how your hot date went last night.”

  Chyna came around the desk, stowed her purse and sat in her chair, turning in Joy’s direction. “It was good.”

  “So Jaxon didn’t turn out to be a loser who was only after one thing?”

  “Well, he’s definitely not a loser. The man is rich. As for the last thing, he was only after one thing.”

  “Crap. I’m sorry he ended up being a dud.”

  “It’s not as bad as it sounds. He may have originally only planned on a one-night stand, but I managed to change his mind about it. I got him to promise he’d stay with me for two months.”

  Joy eyed her. “And after they’re up, what then? You’re going to just let him walk away?”

  “If it looks as if he’s the one for me, no.”

  “Does he know that?”

  “Of course not. I wouldn’t have gotten two months if I told him. The man has never done a relationship. I’ll have to convince him that he’ll be happier in one, with me. There’s something about him that draws me. I think about not fighting to keep him and I feel as if I’d be giving up something really good. I know, it’s weird.”


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