
Home > Nonfiction > TexasKnightsBundle > Page 71
TexasKnightsBundle Page 71

by Unknown

  Was it because he thought he put her in danger? Or was it because he wanted to avoid more hot kisses? Or did he just not care and wanted to talk to Boone?

  She suspected the first two reasons were closer to the truth. Tonight they would be together, at least part of the evening unless he avoided her all the time they were at the barbecue.

  She smiled. She had no intention of avoiding him. She ate a hasty breakfast and went to her room to decide what she would wear. It was a casual party and she pulled out slacks and sundresses and held them in front of her at the mirror.

  Late that afternoon when she finally bathed and dressed to go, she hummed to herself. She was excited and fluttery, eager to be with Colin whether he wanted to be with her or not.

  All week she had looked forward to this evening and now it was here. She wore green linen slacks and a matching green linen sleeveless blouse with gold hoop earrings and a golden bangle on her wrist. She wore high-heeled beige sandals. She hummed a tune as she pinned her hair on top of her head.

  Finally she went to find Colin, half expecting him to slip out ahead of her and leave her behind to go on her own.

  To her satisfaction, she found him in the kitchen. “I’m ready,” she said.

  He turned and his gaze went over her and then he looked into her eyes and her pulse jumped.

  “You’re beautiful,” he said in a husky voice.

  “Thank you,” she replied, smiling at him. “Don’t sound so unhappy about it.”

  She received a crooked smile. “It would be much easier to resist you if you were as plain as a mud hen.”

  She laughed. “Are you trying to resist me?”

  “With every ounce of my being,” he answered so solemnly her pulse leaped again.

  “Wow! Why?”

  “Let’s go, Isabella. You know why I want to resist you without me telling you again. C’mon. I’ll turn on the alarm and lock up.”

  “Where’ve you been all week?” she asked once they were outside and strolling toward Boone’s place.

  “In town,” he said.

  “Aren’t you in a lot more danger there and coming and going?”

  “Might be, but that draws danger away from you.”

  Exasperated, she studied him. ““Are you staying away from here to keep danger from me?”

  “That’s right. I don’t want another incident like the one last Saturday night.”

  “So what do you do all day in town?”

  “I joined a gym. I go work out some more. I read and do research in the library.”

  “You’re making yourself a target.”

  “Might be. We all want to draw this guy into the open, get this over with and, hopefully, catch him.”

  “And nothing has happened all this week when you’ve set yourself up as a target?”

  “No, it hasn’t. How was your week?”

  “Incredibly busy. I’ve done nine portraits this week.”

  Colin kept a space between them and resisted the urge to drape his arm across her shoulders and pull her close to his side. Once they joined the group of guests on Boone’s terrace, Colin moved away from Isabella. He knew she wanted him with her, and he wanted her close, but he wasn’t going to do that. He had promised himself to put distance between them and he had managed to do so all week long. He thought anyday now, the enemy would make another move.

  He stood on the edge of the terrace, a beer in hand while he looked around. There were woods beyond the house and yard, and his back tingled. Anyone who could get onto the ranch and get close with a high-powered rifle could pick him off. He didn’t like the idea of being here for a dinner party, but Boone and the guys had insisted and all of them were here tonight.

  He looked across the terrace at Isabella. She stood in a cluster of men who were laughing at something she was saying. She was beautiful and took his breath tonight with her green blouse and slacks. She was the sexiest woman he had ever known.

  The moment he made that decision, shock set in. Always, for years, Danielle had been the sexiest woman in his life.

  Was he transferring his longing from one impossible woman for a second equally unattainable one? Isabella was different though. Very different.

  He watched her as she laughed and tried to curb his inclinations to go stand beside her and to put his arm around her waist. Instead, he walked over to join Mike and a group of men. Peter Fremont was here tonight, mixing and mingling. They had introduced him as a business associate of Colin’s from Washington and everyone had accepted him.

  He waited until he was alone with Peter. “Tyler blames himself for the other night’s fiasco. He’s just thankful you survived, but he blames himself for our man escaping and if anything had happened to you and Isabella Devlin, he would have blamed himself for that, too.”

  “It wasn’t his fault. We were lucky and Isabella has the same nerves of steel that Boone does.”

  “We should see if she wants to join the Agency.”

  “I don’t think she’d show much interest,” Colin replied with a smile. He looked across the terrace and spotted her talking to the Remingtons.

  “Excuse me, Peter. I think I’ll get another beer.”

  The sun went down, lanterns came on, a band played and a space was cleared on the terrace for dancing. And then Isabella was there beside him, smiling up at him, and his pulse jumped.

  “Scared to dance with me, Colin?”

  He inhaled, knowing what he should do and what he wanted to do. He took her drink from her hand and set it on a table. Then he set down his drink. Taking her hand, he led her out to the area where there were already four couples following a lively two-step. They began to dance and he was aware of her at his side, her perfume intoxicating. He turned her and moved with her and when that dance ended and a fast number began, he kept her hand in his and started dancing again, watching her as he turned her and when she moved about him. Her hips swayed and she licked her lips, watching him with a come-hither, challenging look.

  There were two fast dances and two more two-steps and they danced without stopping.

  “I’m on fire,” Colin said. “Let’s get a cold drink and wait the next one out.” He wiped his brow. He was hot from the exertion of dancing, but he was hotter from wanting Isabella and trying to stay cool and keep the barrier up with her.

  He got two tall, cold drinks of iced tea and handed her one, downing his swiftly.

  “There’s a friend. Excuse me, Colin,” she said and was gone. He watched the sway of her hips. The slacks hugged her trim hips and he inhaled swiftly. He wanted her and knowing her had changed him. She was another heartbreak waiting to happen if he fell in love with her, but why couldn’t he have an affair and take it as lightly as she did? Most men dreamed of a situation like that. Why was he worrying about falling in love with her?

  In minutes he looked around to see her dancing with one of the local cowboys and he clamped his jaws together, knowing he had all but driven her into the guy’s arms. The minute the dance was over, he was moving through the couples to stand at her side.

  “I think I have the next dance,” he said to her. She said something to her partner and the cowboy left. The music began and Colin took her in his arms to dance.

  For the rest of the evening, he stayed at her side whether they talked with friends or were dancing. At midnight as they danced, Colin leaned back to look at her.

  “Ready to go home?” he asked because already the crowd had thinned.

  Her eyes widened and she nodded. “Yes, I am.”

  He took her hand. “Let’s find your brother and Erin and pay our respects and go.”

  After they found Erin to thank her, they looked for Boone. When they found him and finished thanking him, he clasped Colin on the shoulder.

  “I know you walked over in the daylight when people were out, but now it’s night and you’ll be in the lights on the drive if you walk home. You’ll be a target,” Boone said. “I’ve got a car waiting and I’ll drive you to your

  “Why don’t I just take the car and bring it back tomorrow?” Colin suggested. Boone nodded, handing him the keys.

  “Be careful. I want to hear from the two of you when you get home.”

  “Yes, Dad,” Isabella teased.

  “Izzie, this is serious business,” Boone said solemnly. “I want to know you’re locked in safely.”

  “I’ll call,” Colin said. He took the keys and put his arm around Isabella’s shoulders as they left to hurry to the car. It was parked in the garage and they drove to her connecting garage.

  When they were inside her house, she fixed cold drinks while Colin searched the house and checked locks and finally called Boone. She carried the drinks to the family room. As she passed through the dining room, she could see Colin’s reflection in the mirror over the buffet and she watched as he turned on a small table lamp. He switched off the bright lights, put on music and turned when she entered the room.

  He was talking once again on his cell phone and she suspected he was talking to her brother again. She set their drinks on the coffee table, kicked off her high heels and began to dance around him while she listened to the music.

  Once she slanted him a look and her pulse jumped at the desire in his gray eyes as he watched her. A faint smile curled one corner of his mouth and his eyebrow arched in a look that speeded her heartbeat.

  She tilted her head and half closed her eyes and continued to move, listening to his conversation and hearing words about guard and lights and undercover and not caring tonight what he was talking about. She had danced with him during the evening and she wanted to kiss him now. She wanted his kisses and his arms around her.

  Colin barely heard Mike as he talked. Shifting his weight, Colin watched Isabella. She was an enticing fire that would burn him to cinders if he got too close. Yet she was taunting him right now and she knew it. She was going to keep at it until she got the response from him she wanted.

  He tried to keep his mind on what Mike was saying about security and the coming week, setting a trap for the killer, but Colin couldn’t focus on anything except Isabella. He watched her hips move.

  He knew he was a project of hers, but tonight he didn’t care. She had succeeded in making him savor life again and right now, she had succeeded in making him want her enough to toss aside wisdom.

  She knew what she was doing. He was amused, but he also wanted to make love to her and to spend a night of passion with her. She was filled with life, eager to share it.

  At last Mike signed off and Colin set his phone on the table. He stepped in front of her, gyrating with her and watching her, a seductive dance that was a hint of what was to come.

  She smiled at him and turned in front of him, moving her hips and enticing him. She was throwing him a challenge that he couldn’t resist. He reached for her to pull her into his embrace and they slow-danced to the soft music, barely moving while his desire heightened.

  “I’ve waited all night for this moment,” he said in a husky voice. “You’re beautiful, Isabella.”

  Isabella looked up into smoky eyes that held unmistakable desire and her heart thudded. “Thank you. So down come the barriers for a little while, Colin?”

  “I think you demolished those barriers the first few days I was here.”

  “I hope so. I like you better without them.”

  When he pulled her closer, his gaze went to her mouth and she couldn’t catch her breath. She tingled all over and wanted to pull his head down and kiss him. She longed to wrap her arms around him.

  And then he did slip his arm around her waist and pull her tightly against him while his head came down and his mouth was on hers. She closed her eyes and wound her arms around his neck and trembled as he kissed her.

  He tightened his arm and leaned over her as she held him tightly. Wanting to be loved and wanting to make love to him, she kissed him eagerly.

  The barriers were gone and she knew it. He had changed and was kissing her senseless and she shook with an overwhelming need for all of him. She thought he was marvelous, sexy, exciting.

  She yearned for him to be whole again and not wounded and aching and giving up on his future. The man holding her and kissing her now wasn’t giving up on life. Joy bubbled in her. Far from giving up, he wound his fingers in her hair and sent pins flying as he kissed her passionately.

  Her pulse raced and she melted in his arms, desiring him with all her being. His hand slid down her back, down over her bottom to cup her and pull her tightly against him. She felt his arousal, knew he desired her.

  He shifted slightly to twist free the buttons on her blouse and shove it off her shoulders. Cool air rushed over her, but she was only dimly aware of it as he cupped her covered breasts and circled her nipples with his thumbs.

  She had never really been deeply in love and it wasn’t going to happen now. Even if they kissed the night away, she was sure her future was secure, her heart protected.

  Colin unfastened the clasp to her bra and stepped back to cup her breasts. He inhaled as she unbuttoned his shirt and pushed it away. Then his thumbs circled her nipples and she gasped with pleasure, closing her eyes and gripping his upper arms.

  “You’re beautiful, Isabella,” he murmured and leaned down to take a nipple in his mouth. His warm tongue circled the taut peak and she shook with need. She ached for more, clinging to him and reveling in the pleasure he was giving before she opened her eyes to pull his head down so she could kiss him again.

  Leaning away, she paused. “Welcome to the land of the living, Colin,” she whispered.

  “You little witch, you healed my heart with your magic. You don’t know what it’s like to hurt, but you did get me over my hurt. You’re right, I’m back in the land of the living and it’s glorious.”

  He framed her face with his hands. Surprised, she looked into his gray eyes, which had darkened with desire. The possessive, determined look she saw in his expression made her insides clutch. “Your heart may be untouchable, but I’m going to love you until you’re ready to fall into a million pieces. You’re going to remember this night, Isabella. I’m not going to be one of your projects that you easily forget.”

  “I won’t ever forget you, Colin,” she said, realizing that it was the truth. She couldn’t forget him.

  He leaned down to kiss her, slowly, with a devastating thoroughness that had her trembling and wanting him. She unfastened his belt and tugged it loose, then undid his slacks, letting them fall around his ankles.

  Watching her, he released her and stepped out of his slacks and peeled away his boots and socks. He was lean, muscled and irresistible. She reached forward to tug down his briefs and free him from their constraints, taking his thick shaft in her hand to stroke and caress him before she leaned down to kiss him.

  He gasped and hauled her up to kiss her hard. While he kissed her, he unfastened her slacks. She stepped out of them when they pooled around her ankles.

  As he showered kisses on her, his hands were all over her with tantalizing caresses that fanned the flames already burning in her.

  His hand caressed her legs and then his fingers were between her thighs, stroking her and driving her to a new height of need. “Colin—” she gasped.

  He picked her up to place her on the wide sofa and knelt to stream kisses from her ankle up her leg to the inside of her thigh. She opened her legs and he caressed her before his tongue dawdled where his fingers had been.

  Dizzying sensations bombarded her and she closed her eyes, clinging to his strong shoulder with one hand, the other tangled in his short hair. Her hips arched beneath his hands and she cried out in need. When he cupped her breast, his tongue circled her nipple.

  “Colin, I want you,” she cried.

  “We’re just starting, darlin’,” he whispered, showering kisses over her stomach and along her inner thighs.

  He turned her over, kneeling between her legs while he kissed behind her knees and then up until he reached her nape.

  She turned and sat up, gasping as she looked at him. Desire raged in her like wildfire and she didn’t want to wait any longer. “Love me,” she whispered, then kissed him hard. Her hands fondled him until she finally moved him between her legs as she sat on the edge of the sofa.

  The soft light bathed his muscles in a golden glow, highlighting them and the shadows of the planes of his face and body. She kissed his scars lightly. “I’m sorry you were hurt. I wish I could take away all the hurts you had.”

  “The hurt is over,” he mumbled while his fingers tangled in her hair.

  Her gaze went over his magnificent body, which was so fit and virile now that the scars no longer mattered.

  “You’re handsome, Colin. You fascinate me,” she whispered, stroking his manhood, kissing him lightly.

  He slipped his hands underneath her arms and pulled her to her feet. For an instant they gazed into each other’s eyes and desire was hot and intense.

  This was the Colin she had known existed and tried to coax back to life. Now he was here, sexy, full of energy, demolishing her in a tantalizing way.

  He leaned down to kiss her breasts again, starting an exquisite torment that escalated with each stroke of his tongue and caress of his fingers.

  “I want to know every inch of you,” he whispered. “I want to love you all over.” He lifted her hair to kiss her nape, turning her and pulling against him while he stood behind her.

  He caressed her breasts and Isabella closed her eyes, leaning back against him and winding one arm behind his head. His shaft was against her bottom and she wanted him more with each kiss and touch.

  She had to turn and wrap her arms around him and kiss him. “Love me, Colin,” she whispered before she pulled him close to kiss him again.

  He picked her up and placed her on the sofa, coming down to stretch out on his side and hold her close. His hands were everywhere again, the sweet torment spiraling.


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