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TexasKnightsBundle Page 72

by Unknown

His fingers slipped between her legs, finding her most intimate feminine place to stroke her into a frenzy of need. She moved her hips, aching for him.

  “Colin, love me!” she cried, clinging to him as he continued to caress her.

  “Isabella, are you protected?” he asked. When she shook her head, he stepped away to find his slacks and retrieve a packet from his billfold.

  He knelt between her legs while he opened the packet. Isabella watched him, her heart pounding with excitement. Then he lowered himself and she wrapped her long legs around him as she clasped her hands behind his neck.

  He kissed her and she arched her hips beneath him, pulling him closer. His shaft touched her, entered slowly. She cried out, “Love me!”

  She slid her hand down his back and over his firm buttocks, pulling him up as she arched against him. “Colin,” she cried again and then his mouth covered hers.

  He moved slowly, a hot, exquisite torment that drove her wild. She thrashed beneath him, kissing him, crying out, wanting him as he slowly filled her.

  Colin had drawn out their lovemaking, wanting to drive her to complete abandon, wanting to know every inch of her beautiful, sexy body. He knew his control wasn’t going to last, but he tried to hold on, to give her all the loving he could.

  He had dreamed about this moment every night for too long now. She was a challenge and torment whenever they were together and he had wanted her more with each passing day, but he had tried to resist, to ignore her, to keep away. It was a lost cause and now she was in his arms, beautiful, hot, a dream fulfilled.

  Thoughts spun away and his control went with them. He thrust swiftly and Isabella moved with him, clinging to him. “Darlin’! Isabella!” he gasped as he shuddered with release.

  Dimly, Isabella heard him cry her name as her own explosive relief filled her with rapture. She held him, ecstasy pouring through every vein in her body. Her heart pounded violently while she gasped for breath.

  “Colin, darling Colin,” she whispered, stroking his head. He turned and they looked into each other’s eyes. Her heart slammed against her ribs as she felt a bonding with him in that instant that went far beyond anything physical.

  He kissed her, deep and long and she kissed him in return while her heart continued to hammer. She knew this night was special in her life and would be forever etched in her memory.

  He raised his head to look at her again and smiled at her. Her heart melted at that smile that could coax the stars right out of the sky. She stroked his face and ran her hand down his back.

  “You’re very special,” he said softly and she pulled him down to kiss him again.

  Finally he rolled onto his side and kept her with him and they gazed at each other. “You’re wonderful,” he said.

  “I seem to remember something to the effect that I’m a witch.”

  “That you are. You worked your magic spell on me and transformed me.”

  “Not from a toad. Or if I changed you from a toad, you were the most desirable, handsome toad I’ve ever seen!”

  “Is that right?” he teased. “Well, you need to work another magic spell now because I think my bones have turned to mush.”

  “My magic spells have fizzled. And I’m as boneless as you. I hope we don’t have to do anything for the rest of the night except lie here and enjoy each other.”

  “I’ll second that,” he said, sprinkling light kisses along her temple to her ear to her throat.

  “Tonight was what I’ve dreamed about,” she said languidly.

  “It’s definitely what I’ve been dreaming about,” he said. “And imagining—”

  She raised her head slightly to look into his eyes. “You didn’t act like you’d been dreaming about it.”

  “I did try to resist your wiles and seduction and to hang on to wisdom because there was nothing wise about this tonight. It’s a dangerous time, and I wanted to keep a clear head.”

  “You just keep your head as clear as you want,” she said lightly as she kissed his jaw and dressed her fingers across his chest. “I’ll entertain myself in my own way.”

  He chuckled softly, a deep, throaty masculine sound. “As soon as I get enough energy, I’ll carry you to my bedroom and we can have a bed to stretch out on.”

  “I’m fine here. I could stay right here for the next week.”

  “I can stay right here for another few minutes and then I think I’m going to want to do other things.”

  “Should I ask what other things?” she asked, smiling at him as he brushed kisses over her temple to her ear.

  “Love you all over again,” he drawled.

  Colin stood, picked her up easily, and carried her to his bathroom to set her on her feet while he ran water in the tub.

  “Let’s soak and scrub and see what other fun we can discover.”

  “That’s a deal,” she said, lighting candles and moving around to set them close to the tub.

  “Isabella,” he said in a husky voice and she turned to look up at him.

  Chapter 11

  H e was aroused again, hard and ready, and desire had rekindled in his gray eyes. Her heart missed a beat as he reached for her, taking the matches from her hand and setting them down.

  He picked her up and settled in the tub and she turned to straddle him while they kissed. His body was warm, wet, slippery and his hands were all over her, starting the excitement again, igniting flames that had briefly turned dormant.

  She caressed him while he fondled her until he finally stood, splashing water everywhere. He stepped out of the tub and left to return with a packet. Once he put on the condom, he picked her up and she locked her long legs around him. He leaned against the door and lowered her onto his manhood and then they moved together.

  She flung her head back as he kissed her throat. She was caught in another dizzying spiral of desire that spun out of control until release came and she felt him thrust wildly.

  “Isabella, darlin’,” he cried.

  She loved hearing him say the endearment. She held him tightly. “My dear Colin,” she whispered. Joy filled her not only because of their loving, but because she felt Colin was whole once again. Maybe in time he would be even more the fun-loving person he had once been, but what was important, he was no longer shut away in his own small world where no one could touch him in any manner.

  Slowly, he lowered her until she stood, then he kissed her for a long time. When he raised his head again, he picked her up and they climbed back into the tub. He turned on the hot water while she settled in his lap, leaning back against him.

  “Ah, darlin’, this is perfection. I don’t want to ever let you go.”

  “I don’t want you to. If we could just stay right here, Colin, wouldn’t that be nice?”

  “It would be heaven, but a little impractical. I don’t believe you could take many pictures and as for catching a killer, well, that would be definitely out.”

  “Mr. Practical,” she murmured as she stroked his legs. “What a marvelous body you have!”

  He chuckled. “I’m glad you think so, but I don’t know why you do. It’s been blown apart and put back together more than once.”

  “It was put together quite nicely. And all the necessary parts are here, I think. Let me see,” she said, sliding her hand beneath her bottom to touch him high on his thigh.

  He chuckled again and nuzzled her neck. “You’ll start something all over again.”

  “Is that a promise?” she asked, turning around.

  His arms wrapped around her and he leaned down to kiss her. Their kisses lengthened and in minutes he stood and helped her out of the tub, handing her a towel as he picked up one for himself. They slowly, sensuously, dried each other off in loving, light strokes that built desire again.

  “You rakish rascal…” she said.

  “You wanton dream come true,” he whispered as he leaned down to kiss her breast. She gasped and closed her eyes, clinging to his broad shoulders and sliding one hand down to caress him. />
  Finally he picked her up and carried her to his bed to kneel and place her on the bed and then he trailed kisses over her, his lovemaking slow and languorous, building fires in her that raged even more than before.

  They loved through the night and fell asleep in each other’s arms near dawn.

  Colin drifted off to sleep first and Isabella held him close, looking at his lashes feather over his cheeks, his full underlip that could be so sensual, his mouth that could drive her wild. He dazzled and excited her and tonight had been magic from the first moment. She didn’t want it to end, didn’t want to let the world intrude on them.

  He was a wonder to her and she touched his jaw lightly, ran her fingers through his thick, short hair, traced his cheekbone and then ran her fingers across his muscled chest.

  “You’re wonderful, Colin,” she whispered. She touched a scar along his shoulder and then wrapped her arm around him and hugged him lightly, wishing he had never been hurt or lost years from his life.

  He was here now and all right, she reminded herself and she suspected he was well on the emotional mend. She smiled and closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep holding him close.

  Tossing and turning, Colin came awake with a jolt. He was drenched in sweat. Staring into the darkness, he raked his fingers through his hair.

  “Colin, what’s the matter?” Isabella asked in a sleep-filled, throaty voice.

  “I was dreaming and I was remembering,” he replied.

  Tucking the sheet beneath her arms, she sat up to face him. “You remember more?”

  “Yes. I remember their leader. He’s not the double agent, but I can identify him. I’ll call Washington and let them know.”

  “Tell me about it,” she urged.

  “I freed the hostage and we started out. Three armed men blocked our way—one was the ringleader. There were words and shots exchanged and then they were gone and we ran out the front. As we ran out, a car bomb exploded.”

  “Then you remember it all!” she exclaimed.

  He shook his head. “No. There’s something that still escapes me,” he said, rubbing his forehead. “There’s still something.”

  “You’ve remembered this much. You’ll remember it all.”

  “I hope,” he said. He lay down and pulled her into his arms. “I still think you’re the reason my memory is returning.”

  “If so, I’m glad.”

  He pulled her closer to kiss her and memories were forgotten.

  In the early-morning light Colin stirred and tightened his arm around Isabella as he slowly came awake. He remembered the night, and desire rekindled as he looked down at her asleep in his arms. He held her, but he knew it was an illusion—no one could really ever hold Isabella. She was a free spirit and he better keep his heart as locked away as it had been when he arrived in Stallion Pass.

  What a woman she was! Exciting, sexy, quick-thinking, brave. He stroked her hair away from her face to look at her. Gorgeous minx. Desire heated him and he let his gaze roam over her, his fingers play lightly with her breast, caressing her, watching her reaction, even while asleep. She stirred, tightened her arms around him and opened her eyes.

  He looked into blue eyes that changed as he watched her. Longing filled her gaze and she slipped her slender arm around his neck.

  “Come here, Colin,” she whispered, and pulled him to her.

  He kissed her, wanting her again more than he had during the night. She was warm, soft and beautiful, pliant in his arms as her languor transformed to eagerness and she kissed him in return.

  He rolled over onto his back and pulled her across him. She straddled him as she kissed him and then scooted down. While she caressed him, her tongue flicked across his chest, going lower over his stomach, down to stroke his manhood. She poured kisses on him, wanting to pleasure him as he had her.

  He rolled her over so he could make love to her, kissing her passionately while he held her in his arms.

  Isabella gave herself to Colin, shaken by the intensity of his kisses while his hands worked their own magic and brought her to a bone-melting need.

  Finally, sheathed in a condom, he entered her. As he prolonged his loving, he drove her wild. He was strong, fantastic; a deliberate, intense lover who made her feel as if she were the only woman who could possibly make him happy.

  When release came, she was enveloped in ecstasy, lost to everything except Colin’s mouth and hands and body.

  As they both gasped for breath, he held her close. “This is the best possible way to wake up and start the day,” he said.

  She smiled. “If I were a cat, I would purr. Or if I were a flower, I’d bloom. But since I’m a woman, all I can do is snuggle up against you and hold you tighter and smile.”

  “Works fine for me,” he said, holding her close against him and spreading light kisses across her temple. “Your brother will call to see if you want him to pick you up to go to church.”

  “No, he won’t. I told him I wasn’t going last night.”

  Colin leaned back to look at her and his eyebrows arched. “So what reason did you give?”

  “That I’m staying close to the ranch whenever possible.”

  “I don’t think your brother is going to buy that one.”

  “I don’t know why not. Also, do you think I’ve never displeased my brother before in my life?”

  Colin smiled. “On occasion, you probably drive him nuts.”

  “You and I’ve had about two hours’ total sleep, but I don’t feel sleepy or groggy.”

  “Neither do I, but I’ll tell you what I do feel—hungry.”

  “Then let’s go eat,” she said, starting to get up.

  “Come here,” he said, hauling her into his arms to carry her to the bathroom where they showered together. When they started to make love again, she caught his hands and slipped away from him, tossing him a towel.

  “You said you’re hungry and I’m starving. Let’s do something about it,” she said and sashayed out of the bathroom. He watched her bare bottom before she disappeared through the door and knew his appetite for food was gone. What he wanted was Isabella. He dried himself off, suspecting she was already half dressed and headed for the kitchen.

  He pulled on his briefs and jeans and a T-shirt and then went to the kitchen.

  She was dancing and humming while she worked and he watched her a moment, his pulse racing. She wore cutoffs and a T-shirt. Her hair was caught up in a ponytail that swung as she danced.

  She was filled with energy and vitality and he knew how she could channel that energy into passion in bed and he wanted her back in his arms, naked, responsive, eager.

  Instead he took a deep breath and tried to focus on something else in the kitchen, hoping his body would cool down.

  “What’s for breakfast?” he asked as he got out orange juice to pour them both glasses.

  “My special omelette.”

  “Sounds yummy,” he said, nuzzling her neck and catching the soapy smell on her skin, thinking about her instead of eggs.

  “Now this omelet can’t wait, so you get the coffee and stop doing things that will totally befuddle me and ruin my cooking.”

  “This distracts you?” he asked, kissing her nape again. “I’m not even using my hands. As a matter of fact, I’m barely touching you.”

  “You know exactly what you’re doing and you’re going to ruin a good omelette and half a dozen eggs.”

  “I wouldn’t dream of ruining anything for you,” he said in a husky voice, wanting to take her into his arms. Instead he walked away to busy himself with making coffee and retrieving the bowl of fresh fruit from the refrigerator.

  He returned to watch her as she cooked, standing with his arm around her waist. She thrust the spatula into his hand.

  “Here, you watch. And don’t ruin all my efforts.”

  “Never!” he said, kissing her lightly.

  In minutes they were seated at the table and he took his first bite of golden omelette. “This is
great,” he said as he savored an omelette with thick cheese and green chilies.

  “My specialty,” she said, smiling at him, and when he looked at her mouth, he knew he better keep his mind on his food.

  They made it halfway through breakfast before his appetite fled and he got up to walk around the table and pull her into his arms. She came eagerly and they finally made love on the thick rug in the family room.

  “Is this the way we’re spending the day?”

  “Suits me if it suits you,” he replied, and she laughed.

  “It suits me absolutely. I’ve been dreaming of this.”

  “So have I,” he replied, combing his fingers through her hair and kissing her temple lightly.

  “Oh, no, you haven’t,” she said. “You’ve been trying to avoid dreaming about it.”

  “Maybe, but I was failing miserably at that.”

  She laughed and hugged him and he smiled at her. “This is great, Isabella. Really great.”

  “I think so, too,” she said, leaning down to kiss him lightly.

  “I need to call Washington and tell them what I’ve remembered,” he said, leaving her to make his call.

  “They’re sending pictures to see if I can identify the men from my memories,” he announced when he returned. “I called Mike and told him. He’ll tell the others.”

  “So now I have your full undivided attention?” Isabella demanded.

  “You definitely have my undivided attention,” Colin agreed cheerfully, swinging her into his arms to carry her into the bedroom.

  The next time they ate was at ten o’clock that night. She grilled steaks after a brief argument about Colin standing outside and then they ate steaks and baked potatoes and a tossed green salad.

  Isabella hummed with happiness. Colin was relaxed, smiling constantly, his dark, brooding manner gone. He was incredibly sexy and they hadn’t been able to keep their hands off each other or stop kissing and loving the entire day and into the night.

  She thought he was the sexiest, most exciting man she had ever known and her heart raced as she looked at him.

  They fell asleep far into the early morning hours, locked in each other’s arms.


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