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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

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by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  The Men of Five-O #3

  Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel

  Forced to leave her home in Ireland after witnessing her father’s murder, Ava O’Brian discovers a family secret and will do anything to avenge her father’s death. Escaping to the United States, she begins a rigorous training and uses her computer hacking skills to stop her father’s killer from stealing her money, her castle, and her father’s businesses. Little does she know there is more at stake than meets the eye.

  Learning that werewolves exist and that her family shares such a bloodline is mind-altering. Getting caught up in the middle of a police investigation seems really bad. But once she comes in close contact with five wolves in law enforcement, her body has a different reaction than fear. As Task Force Three, the five Declan brothers are part of a secret order created to protect were-law and the Circle of Elders. In the midst of an investigation they find their mate, but she is not so easy to catch and will alter their destiny like no other mission has before.

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Paranormal, Vampires/Werewolves

  Length: 82,924 words


  The Men of Five-O #3

  Dixie Lynn Dwyer


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme Forever


  Copyright © 2012 by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  E-book ISBN: 1-61926-754-3

  First E-book Publication: April 2012

  Cover design by Les Byerley

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  To my loyal readers,

  I hope that you enjoy the tale about Ava, a strong Irish woman determined to avenge her father’s death. Oh…and of course the five, sexy, Alpha wolves who realize rather quickly that Ava is a strong, independent woman determined to achieve her goals, with or without their help.



  The Men of Five-O #3


  Copyright © 2012


  County Clare, Ireland, 2009

  Ava pressed her back against the side of the cement column. She could hear the soldiers as their combat boots collided with the cement. They were coming for her. There was no way that Fenly would let her go after what she witnessed. The nauseous feeling hit her stomach, but she pressed onward in hopes of escaping this nightmare. As soon as he got his hands on her she would truly be sorry. She swallowed hard and tried to calm her breathing. He’s dead. My father’s dead.

  Just a short distance across the wooded area in the courtyard was a wrought iron fence. She could run there, jump the fence, and head down the property. She snorted, disgusted with herself for feeling incapable of handling anything on her own. She knew how to ride, how to shoot and sword fight and even run her father’s family enterprise if she had to. But now, face-to-face with danger, she actually questioned her capabilities. She instantly thought of her dad, Patrick. She had witnessed Fenly killing him and saw the monster that Fenly truly was. Images of his flesh being torn by some monster flashed in and out of her mind.

  Ava placed her hand over her chest and tried to hold in the deep sob of sadness, then she wiped the tears from her eyes and swallowed the lump of emotion in her throat. Every swallow burned as she sniffled and submerged the urge to surrender. Every breath she took ached with exhaustion and despair. She couldn’t be weak now. She didn’t have time to comprehend everything that had taken place in the last thirty minutes. Her father was killed in front of her. Never mind the fact that one moment she saw Fenly in human form and the next she watched as his bones and flesh shifted before her eyes and changed him into a ferocious beast. She could cry later, if she actually escaped.

  She shoved her long chestnut locks out of her face. Perhaps it was just an illusion brought on by the trauma of seeing her father killed. Even as the thought crossed her mind she knew the truth.

  Ava took a deep breath, glanced around the column to be sure no one was near, then sprinted across the property. She could hear them in the distance as she lost all sense of direction in the darkness. Her hair clung to her cheeks, wet from emotion and perspiration. The cool air was a sharp contrast to her heated skin. She pushed her hand over the tangled strands in hopes that her vision would improve. The sounds echoed around her, and she knew they were drawing near. How the hell could they see her or even know precisely where she was?

  Thoughts of the large, militant men invaded her thoughts, causing fear to clench her stomach. She was average height at five feet seven inches, and these men were over six and a half feet tall. They were monstrous and callous. She ran faster, unaware of precisely how clos
e the fence was. Her body slammed against the solid metal, and she quickly began to climb. It was an old wrought iron fence, and not the easiest to climb. She inhaled, absorbing the rusted metallic scent as tiny chips of old metal cut her skin. She was out of breath, shaking with fear, when out of nowhere came a deep, ferocious growl. Ava grasped the metal bars and clung against the cold bar, anticipating the attack. She turned to look over her shoulder just as the claw made contact with her flesh.

  She screamed.

  Falling backward, she slammed onto her back as the growling increased and the fear clenched her gut.

  She screamed again as multiple sets of glowing eyes surrounded her then paws pulled at her clothing, ripping the material as well as her skin in the process. They trampled her, and claws banged against her ribs, her stomach, and back as she rolled into the fetal position and tried to protect her head. She cried out for help until she heard the voice.

  “Enough!” Fenly’s Irish brogue caused the large beasts to step away. Pain radiated through her body as she slowly opened her eyes. She had never been so scared in her entire life. She could feel the cuts that these oversized dogs inflicted upon her skin, the bruising and aches she would most definitely have if they didn’t eat her. Damn, the cuts burned and ached so badly. The animals appeared to be the same type of beast that Fenly had turned into earlier. Her heart pounded against her chest, and her body shook with fear. She had never seen anything so fierce and wild looking in her life until tonight.

  “I said not to hurt her! Her skin better not scar. I will not have my gorgeous wife look like damaged goods,” Fenly roared. He actually sounded as if he growled the words, as each syllable felt as if it vibrated against her body. Ava didn’t know what was going on. She was frightened out of her mind. While she clutched her knees to her chest and refused to believe what was actually surrounding her, they shifted.

  Someone touched her face and began to push her hair from her cheeks.

  “Get up off the ground, wife. We don’t have time for this.”

  “Wife?” she questioned, not knowing what on Earth this lunatic was talking about. His father had been her father’s business partner. Nothing more. Fenly was a narcissistic man whore. Now he could add murder to his list of crimes.

  He held her gaze as he kneeled down and touched his fingers to her chin. She tried to pull back, but a shove to the middle of her back forced her forward. She glared at the culprit and was shocked to see Miller, Pete, and a few others she only knew as Fenly’s bodyguards, and they were naked. Only moments ago she was surrounded by animals. She didn’t know what other way to describe them. They had been with Fenly at all times. Their eyes glowed with an odd sparkle that stirred awareness in her she didn’t recognize at all. Then it hit her that they were beasts just like Fenly.

  She gasped and attempted to move away from Fenly again. She had never seen a naked man before. Her upbringing kept her an innocent virgin. She was to be perfect in every aspect of her father’s vision. Well rounded in various areas, she wouldn’t need a man or an army to help her achieve success or survive. Somehow his plan had backfired. It appeared she gained the interest of a rogue solely out to claim her. Her father had sheltered her as much as he could in order to protect her from men like Fenly. Had her father thought of Fenly as a threat and kept her out of the loop? He wouldn’t have. She was aware of almost all aspects of the family businesses. Fenly was obviously after the family fortune and she was just a means to achieving that.

  “My lovely Ava. See what you have done? You’ve made my men hurt you in order to keep you safe,” he told her as he looked her over with his dark, gray eyes, and instantly she felt the chills. His fingertips touched the material of her blouse that was ripped, revealing her skin.

  “Why did you refer to me as your wife, Fenly? You killed my father. I saw you!” she yelled at him as her voice shook with trepidation.

  Fenly gripped her chin so hard she felt his fingertips dig into her flesh and bruise against the bone. She flinched as he forced her back down into a lying position. Growls surfaced around her, but she dare not look at the man-beasts, for they might think she was challenging them, whatever they were. Fenly’s weight held her down. He was very large in comparison to her smaller frame. Fenly released her chin and slowly pressed his fingers to her neck then trailed them along her chest.

  “You see, Ava, I cannot let you go because you belong to me now,” he told her, not looking up into her eyes but instead focusing on the buttons of her blouse as his nimble fingers released each button. She inhaled as fear gripped her insides. Why was he touching her? What did he plan on doing with her?

  She didn’t need to look around her to see that the others watched. She felt their gazes upon her and heard their heavy breathing. The air around her suddenly became too thick for her to take an easy breath.

  “Please, Fenly, stop this. I don’t know what you’re talking about. My father…” she began to say, and then her voiced cracked with emotion as the tears stung her eyes. Fenly held her gaze, widened his eyes a quick second before staring back at her blank-faced. He knew she had seen him kill her father. What kind of game was he playing with her?

  She felt his hand caress her skin then move along the material of her blouse.

  “You belong to me now, my sweet, innocent Ava.” He cupped her breast, and she grabbed his wrist. Deep, feral growls echoed beside her ears. Hot, wet breath penetrated the sensitive skin along her neck. The beasts were close enough to lick her, never mind eat her. How the hell did they do that? Shift from man to beast and back again in a flash?

  “Please, Fenly,” she whispered as the tears rolled down her cheeks. She felt the hard, pebbled ground beneath her back. Fenly looked up toward the men and smirked. She looked at the beasts, their eyes glowing yellow and black not like anything she had ever seen on any dog. They weren’t normal. She knew they were something powerful and lethal.

  “Mine,” Fenly whispered, and when she looked up, his eyes glowed just like the beasts next to her.

  She gasped for air and closed her eyes as she cried out in fear.

  They growled at her and bumped their snouts against her head, taunting her, daring her to challenge them.

  “Oh please, Fenly. What are they? What are you?” she asked as she sobbed.

  She felt Fenly’s fingers glide down her body from her breast to the waist of her jeans. His fingers felt rough as he snapped the button open and pushed further.

  “No, Fenly, please!” She begged for him to stop. His fingers froze in place.

  “You will be my wife by this time tomorrow night. This body will be all mine and no one else will ever touch you. My men will kill anyone who even looks at you or tries to take a sniff.”

  “No, Fenly. I’m not yours. I won’t marry you,” she told him, suddenly feeling the fight within her and not willing to give in to this outrageous situation. He killed her father and left her with nothing but the land, and the money from her father’s estate.

  “You will be my wife, my mate. Your father is no longer here to protect you, Ava. There is a new leader. One that will bring the O’Brian bloodline together with the O’Leary bloodline and we will rule all of Ireland and beyond. I will be your protector now and protector of all that belongs to the O’Brian name.”

  Fenly killed her in order to get his hands on the thousands of acres of property the O’Brian family owned for centuries? He wanted to merge their families? Well, that wasn’t going to happen. Not if she had anything to do with it.

  She attempted to get up. “Never! I will never do that!” she hollered.

  In an instant Fenly’s other hand grabbed her throat, and she felt the claws like that of a fierce animal against her skin. Her body shook in revelation of this half man, half beast nearly on top of her. The glowing eyes, and the long, sharp incisors warned her to not resist his command.

  “You are already mine, Ava. I’ve waited three years for you to come of the right age and for your father to die. We’re going
to rule Ireland together.”

  “No.” She shook her head side to side, and he gripped her throat tighter. She tilted her head back, gasping for air and causing her chest to push out. She couldn’t move an inch more. Left, right, up, or down, his claws still pinched against her skin.

  “We’ll see, Ava. We’ll see,” he whispered, and then she felt his fingers push further down her pants, over her panties before they delved between her sacred folds.

  She cried out as he roughly pressed fingers in and out of her. The tears rolled down her cheeks as he leaned over her face. Fenly slowly released her neck and lowered his mouth down to kiss her mouth. It was brutal and invasive, but she dared not challenge this freak. She just didn’t want him to rape her.

  When he released her lips and his disgusting scent filled her nostrils and made her stomach quiver with disgust, he smiled at her.

  “My sweet little virgin. It will be an honor to have such a treasure and know that no other will ever possess any part of you.”

  He pulled his fingers roughly from her and brought them to his mouth. He sniffed them as the animals around him growled low and deep.

  He smiled as he licked the wet digits and held her gaze.

  “Delicious and all mine.”

  Briskly he rose to his feet, grabbing her by the waist of her jeans and tossing her over his shoulder like a rag doll. The button from her jeans pressed hard against her belly. She felt violated and completely out of control. There was no way to physically fight him. Fenly was a large man. He weighed at least two hundred and fifty pounds and stood at about six feet five inches. He was handsome but mean as could be. She never liked him or the way he watched her father. Fenly’s father had died years ago in some sort of freak accident. She was only eighteen at the time and didn’t understand her father’s business relationship with Fenly or the family heritage. It was obvious that Fenly had planned all of this. He had waited for her father to die, but Patrick O’Brian was strong and stubborn. When he hadn’t died of natural causes Fenly decided to rush things along and kill Patrick.


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