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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 5

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Let’s get moving on this. A quick trip to Ireland may be in order,” Willy replied as he walked out of the kitchen.

  * * * *

  Ava looked around the gala at all the impressive artwork. She felt jittery and intimidated by all the professional artists. She was an amateur and self-taught. In the months after her escape from Ireland, she had submerged herself initially in emotional turmoil and unrest of her predicament. Then she got angry, and revenge became her focus. While pursuing her computer-hacking skills, she took an art class with the local college and found therapy in painting. She had painted all the time at home in Ireland, but it had reminded her so much of her father she had stopped. When revenge became her focus, she decided to paint again. While taking the class, her so-called natural abilities were discovered by her art teacher. He insisted she do a show or two, which she fought tooth and nail. However, she had the feeling that her art instructor wanted others to know about her work which, obviously, led her to being showcased this evening. Of course she had him sign a contract for her to remain anonymous. She simply signed her work with the initials AO.

  “Ava, you look simply stunning as usual this evening. Have you noticed all the attention your pieces are receiving?” Martin, her teacher, asked in between kissing both of her cheeks and then holding her shoulders. His smile shined and took away some of her anxiety. She thought he was just being nice. After all, she wore a bit of a disguise to make her feel less conspicuous. Thick black frames covered her eyes, and she tied a large shawl around her shoulders.

  “There are so many talented artists here,” she told him.

  “Don’t fret. I just heard that your piece overlooking Central Park has been purchased.”

  She grabbed Martin’s arm and whispered, “What? You can’t be serious?”

  “Eight thousand, I believe, was the selling price,” he told her and smiled. She felt her mouth drop, and she was stunned.

  “Remember, no one knows who the artist is. I think the mystery adds to the sale price. If they knew it was you I am certain they would be just as impressed. You look stunning this evening,” he stated, winked, then walked away.

  Ava calmed her breathing and smiled wide inside. It had been so long since she felt alive and appreciated for something she accomplished. She would have never imagined making eight thousand dollars from one of her paintings. Not that money was a worry, but it felt good to make it herself. She ran her palms over the slim-fitting satin dress, feeling both nervous and proud. She wished she had family to share it with, or at minimum someone who cared about her. The thoughts took away her moment of happiness. I miss you, Daddy.

  Ava took a glass of champagne and continued to walk around the gala. She was getting used to the way men checked her out and winked at her. Ava was coming out of her shyness shell and flirting with the idea of having a fling or two. She couldn’t remain a virgin forever.

  There had to be nearly a hundred people there. She noticed the politicians and some big Wall Street guys, too. She would have to make a point of chatting with them a bit. She found men in tuxedos to be quite appealing to the eyes. However as soon as many of those appealing men spoke, their arrogance came out and she was turned off. She didn’t need a man in her life, she just wanted a companion and perhaps, someday, someone who loved her. As she strolled, her focus was on the fine art around her.

  * * * *

  “I kind of like this punishment. Look at all the hot, classy women,” Sean stated to Kyle, who actually looked really good in a tuxedo.

  “Yeah, yeah, well that’s what got us into this to begin with,” Kyle replied then stopped talking as he stared straight ahead.

  “What? Who do you see?” Sean asked as he followed his brother’s line of sight.

  He nearly choked on the hors d’oeuvre he popped into his mouth.

  “I don’t believe it. It’s her. Come on,” Kyle blurted out, and Sean grabbed his arm.

  “Wait, bro. This is a classy gathering and we need to keep cool. If we surround her, she might scream for help and cause a scene. Let’s just watch her, and when she’s alone, we’ll go find out precisely who she is,” Sean suggested, and Kyle agreed.

  Sean continued to watch the attractive woman from a short distance away. He felt his insides burn with desire, and he knew she was special. His wolf was at complete attention. The sway of her hips, the way the black satin cascaded over her every curve was mouthwatering. He had to clench his fists at his side when he saw how other men took notice of her and even pretended to bump into her to get her attention. Alpha males did not need to pretend. They could take what they wanted and what was rightfully theirs to have. This goddess before him was most definitely going to belong to him and perhaps Kyle as well. He wondered what was with the glasses. She wasn’t wearing them the other night. Not that they did anything to take away from her beauty. In fact, he found the glasses kind of sexy and sophisticated, totally unlike any woman he’d ever found attractive. This was different. She was special.

  The soft glow of golden light collided with her firm-looking, toned arms and shoulders, making them appear as if they glistened with sparkles. Her skin was creamy and supple looking from a distance. Sean could only imagine how it would feel to touch her skin, her neck, her everything. That shawl she clasped to her body was a sign of her fragility and delicateness. His wolf found that appealing and also a weakness it wanted to guard and eliminate. Clutching her shawl made her look as if she needed protection and she was on guard from danger. His wolf recognized it and wanted to protect her from whatever it was she feared. It was so strong of a sensation he knew that he would kill for her, to protect her and keep her safe. That realization struck him with a force that nearly took the breath out of him. Sean snapped out of his spell as Kyle gave him a nudge toward the direction the young woman had taken away from the crowd. Perhaps this was their chance.

  * * * *

  Ava walked down the long corridor to the more abstract artwork and rather creepy displays. There weren’t many people down the hallway, but she was curious.

  As she walked between the burgundy curtains, a couple came out looking unimpressed.

  “I wouldn’t bother unless you like the wilderness,” the woman stated, and they disappeared.

  Curious, Ava parted the curtain and entered what appeared to be a makeshift forest. They had a complete display with water running along a stream and small creatures climbing trees and sound effects. Apparently there was some kind of sensor because suddenly the sun disappeared and moonlight illuminated the once-well-lit forest display. All she could see were eyes glowing from the animals, and instinctively she stepped back.

  The sound of growling made her jump, and suddenly, right before her eyes, two wolves appeared and attacked one another. The ferocious growls echoed around her, and she panicked as she covered her mouth and stopped the scream. In her mind she recalled the wolves back in Ireland and Fenly. She looked around, unable to see where she was in the darkness. Her instincts warned her that perhaps this was some kind of inside joke by wolves living secretly among humans. It scared her almost as much as finding that she was no longer alone.

  “How lame is this?” a voice stated behind her, and she gasped then quickly turned. The curtain opened, revealing two large men in tuxedos illuminated by the hallway lights.

  “What do you want?” she asked, stepping back toward the display, but the one man gently clasped her elbow. From the feel of it, his hand was significantly larger.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he whispered, and she thought she recognized the voice. As they headed out into the hallway, the sounds of roars and cries from the display continued behind the curtain. She wondered what kind of sick artist came up with that.

  As she looked at the two men, she realized who they were and pulled away from them.

  Both men held her gaze, and they appeared as if they were sniffing her. She instinctively clutched her purse to her stomach, causing her shawl to fall off her shoulders. She knew that she
had two syringes filled with sedative in her purse. She always tried to be prepared for the unexpected. It was precaution if she were ever attacked by wolves.

  “Who are you?” the one big guy with shoulder-length brown hair asked. He was breathtakingly handsome, especially with the ocean-blue eyes.

  “Yeah, we need to know who you are,” the other one asked, and when she looked at him she saw he had the same blue eyes, similar features, but short, wavy hair.

  She swallowed hard.

  “I’m sorry but I need to get back.”

  She began to move, but the one man blocked her way.

  * * * *

  Kyle and Sean were communicating telepathically as they realized at the exact same time that this woman was their mate. They were shocked nearly speechless until she attempted to leave. That was not going to happen.

  “You left a crime scene last night when we told you to stay put,” Kyle stated, and she flinched. She was gorgeous, with long, wavy brown hair and spectacular green eyes. With the three-inch heels she stood nearly to his chest. Kyle figured her to be about five foot seven, if that, without the heels. The slim-fitting black dress she wore accentuated every curve. She was a knockout.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t even know you,” she replied with attitude but turned away so she wouldn’t have to look him in the eye. Why was she lying? He hoped that she wasn’t involved criminally with their case.

  “Don’t even try it, sweetheart. We’re investigators and we know it was you last night,” Sean added.

  “Listen, I don’t want any trouble. I didn’t see anything really. All I heard were the gunshots and some growling sounds from some dogs nearby. I was leaving a friend’s apartment down the block.”

  “What’s your friend’s address and name?” Kyle asked.

  Her cheeks turned a shade of pink, and she lowered her eyes, causing her eyeglasses to fall forward. She removed them as she fidgeted with her bag. Her nonthreatening demeanor made Kyle ease his attitude and the way he treated her. As much as he wanted to find out who she was and keep her in his sight, he didn’t want to scare her. Talking to his brother, they both felt that she was timid.

  “I’d rather not say. I left his place abruptly,” she stated, putting emphasis on the word “his.” Instantly Kyle felt jealous.

  “Tell us your name.”

  “Ava! Ava, I’ve been looking for you.” Kyle and Sean turned to see some tall, thin man hurrying down the hallway looking rather concerned. He brushed right by Sean and Kyle and took Ava’s hand.

  “You’re needed upstairs. I have so much to tell you. Please excuse us, gentlemen,” the man stated as he pulled her along. The young woman they now knew as Ava shrugged her shoulders and followed the tall, skinny man. Sean and Kyle followed as well.

  “What do you think?” Kyle asked Sean as they located Ava and kept her in their sights. It seemed they had intimidated her to the point at which she remained in the most crowded part of the gala.

  “There’s something about her eyes that seems so familiar to me.”

  Kyle gave him a shove. “You’re an idiot. Of course she looks familiar, we saw her the other night. Her scent drew us to her from an alleyway away. She’s our mate, Sean, and we need to find out everything we can about her. She’s not going to stick around long. You can tell by the way she’s fidgeting with her purse,” Kyle stated then walked over to Ava.

  * * * *

  Ava tried not to stare. The two men introduced themselves as Kyle and Sean. Even when they spoke, she focused on their lips and absorbed their incredible features as if they were some form of fine art. They remained by Ava most of the evening, basically flirting with her and scaring off any other man that may have shown an interest in her. She should have been frightened or at minimum uncomfortable and annoyed at their constant attention. They were very charming, and for some odd reason, she was attracted to both of them. They were also rather large, which intimidated her a bit, but the sexual attraction overpowered the urge for concern. Her nipples felt so hard, she hoped that they weren’t noticeable through her dress. She’d lost the damn shawl she had, and she could have sworn that even her breasts seemed swollen. Was her cleavage even more noticeable than before? She sensed her cheeks warm with embarrassment. Damn, she felt claustrophobic and at her wits’ end. She stole a quick glance toward the two hunks, and of course they were staring, and her body tingled in response.

  She should be afraid of their profession and how it might cause her some unnecessary problems. Considering her lack of experience with men and young twenty-two years of age, her body spoke volumes to her. Ava watched as many women took notice of both Sean and Kyle. What woman in her right mind wouldn’t notice such handsome, extra-large men? She wondered why they were so interested in her and how she could give them the slip.

  They tempted her like no other but also made her suspicious. What could they possibly be after? She knew they were investigators in the local city police department, and she knew they were doing surveillance on Simon and Duggy. Could they possibly know who she really was? They never asked her last name. Would they fall for her alias? Or could they be involved with Simon and Duggy and ultimately Fenly himself? Suddenly she began to panic. With a gentle caress to her lower back, Sean whispered into her ear.

  “You suddenly seem upset. Want to share what’s on your mind, beautiful?” he asked. His big blue eyes sparkled with mischief as he looked down toward her lips as if debating about kissing her. He was dangerous, and she was certain that his kiss would be lethal. The warmth of his touch traveled through her body, making her feel weak. She felt the urge to lean back against him and feel more of his masculine touch. Despite her reservations, she found herself licking her lower lip before holding his gaze. She had fought hard to remain safe, and a couple of good-looking men were not going to be her downfall. She straightened her spine and stared right back up at him.

  “Sean, you’re such a flirt. I don’t know why I’m still standing here next to you and your brother.”

  Sean raised his eyebrow at her in the most adorable way, but somehow she knew he was trying to be serious, not adorable. Kyle leaned against her. Although he was wearing the tux, she could feel his solid chest against the material and it felt warm over her skin.

  Kyle took her hand and raised it up to his lips. He kissed her fingertips, and she nearly moaned. “How do you know we’re brothers?” he asked. Then he kissed her fingertips again and placed his other hand against her lower back.

  She realized that they had both maneuvered her away from the crowd and their massive bodies now blocked the view of onlookers.

  “Your blue eyes and facial expressions are nearly identical.”

  “And?” Sean pushed for more details as he took her other hand and began to press small kisses to her palm. Damn, these guys were good at seduction. She suddenly had the urge to lose her virginity with either brother willing, or both. Her face instantly felt warm as she shyly bowed her head.

  “Look at me,” Sean stated with a touch of his fingertips to her chin.

  “What gave our little secret away?” he asked.

  The way he said “secret” brought reality back to haunt her. She could never really have a true life or a true relationship with a man. Not until her father’s killer was brought to justice. Planning a vendetta would not be smart while fooling around with the local law. She pulled away and took a step forward only to be stopped by Kyle.

  “What’s wrong? What are you afraid of?” he asked her.

  “I need you, Ava, now!” Martin pushed between Sean and Kyle, taking Ava’s hand and leading her away from the two sexy cops.

  “Are you okay?” Martin asked.

  “Fine, why?”

  “Because those two monstrosities looked like they were about to eat you alive. They’re the talk of this party, Ava. Their boss or someone just arrived with two other men. Look,” Martin stated then pointed toward the doorway entrance.

  There stood
all five men like some special operation team in tuxes instead of battle gear, and they were all staring at her. Their stern and intense expressions instantly reminded her of Fenly’s guards. Oh shit! They’re wolves, too.

  Ava turned abruptly.

  “Help me get out of here, Martin. Now!”

  Martin grabbed her hand and hurried through the gala. He knew some back exit to the high-rise building.

  “Go down that hallway and through the exit doors. Take the alleyway across to the red side door of the next building. That door is always open because it leads to the kitchen. You’ll be inside Deville’s Italian restaurant. Then you know what to do.”

  She kissed Martin on the cheek and hurried down the hallway.

  “Just don’t open any other doors, sweetie,” he yelled after her, but she was in a hurry.

  * * * *

  “Where is she?” William asked Sean and Kyle as he looked around the room.

  “She took off that way. What do you mean, where is she? You know that we found our mate?” Sean asked. William looked shocked as he glanced toward Pat and Mick.

  “We’ll talk as we find her,” William stated and the five of them hurried across the room and in between people.

  William took an unsteady breath and immediately felt the dire need to find Ava. Her life was in serious danger. If what Sean and Kyle said was true and she in fact was their mate, then the quicker they had her secured and safe the better. Then they could find out exactly how big Duggy Doolin’s operation was.

  * * * *

  Ava moved as quickly as her high heels would let her. Just as she shoved through the metal exit door she looked over her shoulder and saw one of the five men following her. She slammed the door shut and booked across the alleyway, the sound of her high heels hitting the concrete echoing between the buildings. Locating the door that led into the kitchen of the Italian restaurant, she pulled it open and quickly slammed it shut. Taking a few uneasy breaths, she felt that odd guilty feeling again. It was so strange. She had just met Sean and Kyle and hadn’t met the rest of their crew, yet she felt guilty for running off. What the hell?


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