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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Task Force Three and the Irish Jewel [The Men of Five-O #3] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 25

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Ahh, the Circle is not my leader any longer. You see, I have possession of the Jewel and of the O’Brian estate, never mind the last living heir,” Fenly stated as William and his men slowly approached. There was no way that Fenly knew that Ava was the Jewel of Ireland. He had to be bluffing. Perhaps he figured since Fenly had Ava then she would tell him where the Jewel was? Little did Fenly know that hundreds of wolves surrounded the castle and that Fennigan pack were inside and were taking over control.

  William caught Ava’s scent on Fenly. It was more than just her perfume, her body’s natural fragrance. Fenly reeked of her.

  “Ahh, yes, I had the pleasure of welcoming home my bride. She is quite tasty, but I am sure you know that. Too bad for you that you’ll never taste her again,” Fenly remarked as William, Mick, and Pat stepped forward to attack only to be surrounded by guards with guns.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. Those weapons are carrying silver bullets. I personally would rather torture you to death, but be my guest and end it quickly,” Fenly stated, sounding cocky.

  William stood his ground, knowing that Sean, Kyle, Quinn, and the others had their own weapons set on Fenly and his men.

  * * * *

  Ava sat on the edge of the bed. Her face and mouth throbbed, her arms and wrists were already bruising from Fenly’s restraining her, and now Pete stood there watching her like a hawk. He kept looking over her body, and she had nothing to cover it up with. She thought about making a run for the closet, but he would be on her like white on rice. How could she get rid of him so she could escape into the tunnel?

  He took a seat a few feet away from her and stared.

  That was when Ava saw what appeared to be glowing eyes between the slats of the closet doors. She did a double take and knew that someone was there. Was it Brennan or her mates? She could only hope. With Pete in this position they couldn’t just shove open the door and come through. She needed to distract him.

  Ava took a deep breath and began to adjust her position on the bed. She sat on one leg and began to rub her right inner thigh, revealing her panties as well as her bare belly.

  “Damn, I think I’m going to have bruises everywhere,” she whispered, and Pete stared at the motion of her fingertips.

  She lowered her head, pretending to see if she was red near her groin.

  “It is so achy. I hope I don’t get all black and blue there. Is it red? Is it changing colors, can you tell?” she asked him, spreading her thigh wider, giving him a hell of a view.

  Pete got up from the chair, turning his back toward the closet doors.

  “Open wider and I’ll tell you,” he stated, and she batted her eyes as she adjusted her legs on the bed. Pete reached for her thighs just as the closet doors burst open and Angus and Aidrian attacked. Pete was dead in a half a second, and Brennan was making sure that Ava was okay.

  “He hurt you,” Brennan stated as he looked over her cheek and lip.

  “I’m fine. Where are William and the others?” she asked.

  “They’re taking care of Fenly on the outside. We’re taking over the inside,” Angus stated from above her then looked over her body.

  He shook his head.

  “Lucky Declan bastards,” Angus remarked.

  Ava scrunched her eyes, not understanding his remark as she got up off the bed.

  “Go back down through the tunnel just in case, Ava,” Brennan stated.

  She walked into the closet and pulled out a box on the top shelf. Pulling out her gun, she opened another box. It was black velvet, and her father had given it to her as a gift. He told her she would know if and when she had to use it.

  Brennan appeared beside her.

  “What is that?”

  “My father gave them to me. They’re silver bullets,” she stated then loaded the gun.

  “Ava, I must insist that you stay right here where you’re safe.”

  “I need to help my mates. Isn’t this what being part of a pack is all about?”

  “It’s more than that, Ava. I explained to the others. You are the Jewel of Ireland. If you die, then the Circle dies, the Secret Order dies, and our race will be destroyed.”

  Ava was shocked by his words, but the fact was that she only cared about her men. She felt that they were in danger, and until she knew they were safe, she couldn’t deal with any other family secrets or royal positions. She just didn’t care.

  “If something happens to my mates, I won’t ever be the same and I will die. They need me,” she stated then hurried out of the room. It wasn’t until she was halfway down the stairs that she realized she was still only wearing underwear and a ripped sweater. So much for looking prepared. She ran toward the front door and saw that Fenly stood looking pompous and in control. Little did he know that the castle was now under the good guys’ control and he merely had power over the front.

  She peeked through the side window and was shocked to see that William, Pat, and Mick were being held at gunpoint by two men. Her heart clamored inside of her chest as the fear of losing her mates entered her mind. She loved them. They meant more to her than anything else in this world. Without them she would have nothing. The anger toward Fenly built stronger once again. He had taken away her father, her home, and her life. He was not going to take her future and her men from her.

  She was about to walked toward the side door to sneak up on them when she heard Fenly’s words.

  “Those are silver bullets, meant to burn as they invade your body. They will kill both man and wolf. I was saving those for a special occasion. I guess that occasion has arrived.”

  “Go to hell, Fenly. You’ll never win. Others will see to your death. You will be a hunted wolf,” Mick stated.

  “I don’t have time for this. I have my woman tied up to her bed, spread wide for the taking. Know before you die that she will be mine and that you will never see her again.”

  “Like hell!” Ava yelled, and as Fenly turned toward her voice, she pulled the trigger, hitting him in the head. In an instant, the others moved to get the guns away from Fenly’s men when they fired two shots. William and Mick went down just as Ava shot the two men with the guns.

  She looked toward her men as everyone came running from the house.

  “Oh my God, are you okay?” Ava asked as she fell to the ground between William and Mick who were now sitting up. She could see the blood on them. William sustained a wound to his shoulder, and Mick sustained one to his upper arm, but considering silver bullets hit them, they weren’t looking too bad.

  “Where are your fucking clothes?” William yelled as Ava realized that she was practically naked in front of a lot of men.

  “I had to get to you guys. I was so worried when he said silver bullets.”

  “He hurt you. Did he touch you, too?” Mick asked as he reached for Ava, touching her neck below her head and against her shoulder. The tears filled her eyes as she realized that they were fine.

  “Ava, what the hell were you thinking? We were coming to rescue you,” Sean yelled as he, Pat, and Kyle joined them.

  She looked above her at all of them.

  “I had to do something. Those were silver bullets. If Fenly’s men shot them, then they would die. How come you two are okay?” she exclaimed.

  “They weren’t silver bullets. He lied. You saved our lives, Ava,” William whispered as he slowly ran his hand along her thigh and to her waist. She felt the heat hit her skin and her body warm toward their touch.

  She heard the growls of pain from the other two men Ava had shot. Turning toward them, it was obvious by their injuries and pain that she had used silver bullets. She was disgusted at the sight and began to shake as both Mick and William held on to her.

  “Get over here.” William pulled her to him and kissed her breathless as she straddled his waist. He stood up as if she weighed nothing at all as the others gathered around her so no one else could get a look at their mate’s body.

  She clung to William and could feel the soft
caresses and gentle kisses to her back and shoulders as he headed into the castle.

  William continued walking toward the staircase.

  “Where’s your bedroom, woman?” he asked with such authority and charm it made her heart melt. A quick look around her and she saw the others looked just as hungry and needy as she felt inside.

  “Um, I hate to interrupt, but we do have some important things to discuss.” Brennan had cleared his throat and interrupted the moment.

  Ava tapped William’s arm so he could lift her higher and she could see over his shoulder yet not reveal any more skin.

  “Um, Brennan, darling, I missed you terribly and all, but to be honest with you I don’t really care about anything right now except my men and being back home. We’ll see you in a few hours,” Ava stated then pointed in the direction of her room.

  William smirked, and Mick chuckled.

  “Make that a few days, Brennan,” Sean added as Mick, Pat, and Kyle followed suit and they all headed to Ava’s room.


  Ava felt as if they had sedated her. Not with drugs or pills of any kind, but just pure sex and pleasure. Her body was sensationally sore in all the right places, and in some odd places, she was certain. Like behind her knee where Kyle had initiated his special techniques, as he liked to call them, where his lips and teeth did all the talking. She felt the tiny chill of excitement travel through her bloodstream. Damn, these men of her were amazing lovers. She had learned a few new positions the last few days. She blushed at the thought yet felt content in the relationship they shared.

  Kyle was a demanding lover, with his deep-blue eyes and wavy dark-blond hair. He was passionate yet always on a mission to satisfy his lover. She adored him with all her heart. She exhaled just thinking about him. Then came thoughts of Pat. Sweet, intense, fast, and furious Pat. That man knew how to use his body to satisfy a woman. She could hardly keep up with his fast pace. As they cuddled he shared his past with her and the years he fought in war and the ghosts he held within his heart. She had such an urge to help him heal, to make him forget about the past and focus on their love. He was damn sexy.

  She smiled as she snuggled deeper into the fluffy pillow, thinking of Sean, her flirty, demanding tease. He revved her up, teased her until she begged for release, then brought her to climax like a pro. She didn’t want to think about all the lovers he’d had. She wanted to be his only lover.

  Then she remembered something Mick had said after they made love to her, after she saved their lives. “Don’t be getting any ideas about trying to wear the pants in this relationship. You’re tough for a human, I’ll give ya that, but you’re mated to five Alpha males, warriors of the Order, and we tell you the way it is.” She nearly lost her cool at his statement. Mick and his dimples, dark, black hair, and sarcastic personality. He had her going. She’d nearly seen red as she bit back the slew of curse words. She had seen the looks exchanged between Mick and his brothers, plus she knew they shared the whole mind-reading thing, which she was beginning to pick up on as well. They just didn’t know that she could hear their thoughts. Ava figured before she told them, she would get a good idea about what they thought of her. Being that she wasn’t one to back down to a male egotistical challenge, she batted her eyes and gave him her response.

  She’d lifted her skirt, tapped her panties, and said, “I’ve got the pussy, so I’m in charge. If you want some then ya better be nice.” She’d dropped her skirt, turned on her heels, and begun to head out the door as the others howled with laughter. Before she’d made it out of the bedroom, Mick had turned her around, lifted her up to straddle his waist, pressed her against the wall, and attacked her mouth. He’d kissed her deeply, tasting every inch of her mouth until they were both breathless and his finger was pressed up her pussy from underneath.

  “Nice is for pansies, sweetness. Wolves take what they want and I want you now.”

  She’d actually moaned from his authoritative control and sunk her teeth into his shoulder as he stripped her of her clothing. That incident had led to another round of lovemaking and William.

  She moaned as she thought about sexy, serious, authoritative Willy. The lead Alpha, the head honcho, the pièce de résistance, the man that held the group together and brought them to completion.

  She felt the hand glide up and over her rear then to her spine. She had known that she wasn’t alone but was hoping for some quiet time to recoup from the week of pleasure. It appeared that William had other ideas.

  * * * *

  William couldn’t stay away from Ava, nor could his brothers, but there was work to be done, new arrangements to make, and meetings to be had. Just a few more hours of pleasure with his mate and then they would have to get down to business.

  He caressed her rear, noticing the bruising along her ribs, her neck, and of course her cheeks. His anger was beginning to ease, knowing that Fenly, the culprit, was dead. He smirked, feeling proud that their mate was as tough as she was. Of course they were a bit upset still that she had been the one to save them from death, which was a first for all of them. However, once they sat down and talked about it they realized it worked out best for Ava. As they gathered around the bed this morning, watching her sleep, looking so beautiful and peaceful, they discussed their plans for the future. They realized that Ava had needed to eliminate Fenly and his threats in order to have closure from her father’s death and everything that Fenly had taken from her.

  “Mmmm, that feels nice, but I’m too tired,” Ava whispered as she rolled her heard toward him to face William.

  He chuckled.

  “That I find hard to believe coming from a woman who was chanting Kyle and Sean only about thirty minutes ago.”

  “Thirty minutes? That’s all it’s been? No wonder why I am still tired. I need sleep, Willy.” She pouted, and his heart soared with love and adoration.

  Leaning down next to her face, he kissed her cheek, being sure not to get too close to the bruising.

  “There is too much work to be done. We have plans to talk to you about and Brennan is at his wits’ end trying to handle the business dealings. He needs you just as we do.”

  “Ah hell! I need a quick shower first.”

  “I’ll join you if you need some help,” Mick stated as he entered the room. William laughed then pulled the sheets from his woman’s body.

  “Just five more minutes, I’m so achy,” she stated, and William instantly was concerned. Had they been too rough with her after the attack? Did they push too far last night?

  “Ava, what hurts, sweetness?” Mick asked as he exchanged concerned looks with William.

  “Is it the bruising on your cheek?” Mick asked, and she shook her head.

  “Is it something we did last night?” William asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Then what is it? How can we make it feel better?” William questioned.

  Ava slowly ran her hand down the front of her body from her neck, over her breasts, down her flat belly to her pussy. She used her fingers to spread her pussy lips then stared at William and Mick.

  “I’m achy down there. Do you think you two can make it better?” she asked in a sweet, teasing tone.

  William looked at Mick then they each grabbed for Ava, tickling her before William picked her up and carried her to the shower. He and Mick would take turns easing that ache she felt and preparing her for getting back to reality.

  * * * *

  As Ava descended the staircase with Mick and William, Sean and Pat greeted her, each kissing her deeply before escorting her to the kitchen for breakfast.

  Old staff greeted her and of course Brennan, who looked exhausted and utterly confused.

  “Oh thank God, you’ve finally decided to join the real world. I don’t know what to do, Ava. I have the board members on my ass about leaving the company. I’ve got calls coming in from around the country asking for assistance in various matters. I just can’t handle this alone. I don’t know what I’m doing
,” he blurted out, and Ava smiled at him. She walked closer to Brennan, wrapped her arms around his shoulders, and hugged him from behind. Her wolves growled low, and she hushed them.

  “Do not worry about a thing. Why don’t you tell the men to meet us at Shenanigan’s at seven this evening?” she told him then walked over to Mary, giving the older woman a hug before she took a slice of toast and began buttering it.

  “Shenanigan’s? That’s the old pub in the center of town,” Brennan exclaimed.

  “Exactly, Brennan. There’s work to be done in order to maintain the O’Brian reputation and fix all the wrongdoings Fenly has been engaged in for the last two years. It will be best to make a public appearance and begin to fix the damage,” Ava stated.

  “But why not in a more appropriate location and event setting. Like perhaps a larger venue?”

  “Shenanigan’s is in the middle of town, a town my family owns, around people who trusted and praised my father and the family for generations. It is where some enemies may lie, such as IRA members uncertain of whether to trust me or regroup and continue with Fenly’s plan. I for one don’t give a crap,” Ava stated, then stood next to Sean and Kyle, placing her hands on their shoulders as she cuddled next to them.

  “I have my own personal bodyguards. They are wolves, like many of the townspeople and followers I never knew existed yet protected and surrounded the castle. I will be protected and I will begin to rebuild the O’Brian name and fight for the continuation of were culture and law as my men and I begin to raise our family and establish our commitment to both.”

  “Raise our family?” Sean asked, eying her belly and sniffing next to her as if he could sense her pregnancy. She wondered if it was at all possible, figured it had to be, but she was certain she wasn’t pregnant yet.

  “Don’t get all wolfy on me, mate. I’m not ready for children yet. There’s too much work to be done.”


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