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Ancients and Old Ones : Book 8 of the Heku Series

Page 23

by T. M. Nielsen

  Emily suddenly wrapped her arms around him, “I’ve missed you, Alec.”

  Andrew’s body tensed as she hugged the Valle.

  “Em,” Kralen said softly. When she looked at him, he continued, “This has to go through the Council. He’s done too many things against the Equites to simply be welcomed in.”

  “I will face them,” Alec said, and then smiled at Emily. “It’s going to be ok.”

  Emily sighed and glanced at Kralen before speaking to Alec, “I love you, you’re my family and always will be. I can’t, however, forget that the Valle have done nothing but torment me since I came to the heku. I also can’t forget that you followed Exavior, even knowing what he did to me.”

  “If you’re going to be alive forever,” Alec said softly. “You’re going to have to learn to forgive.”

  “You’re going to have a harder time getting the Elder to forgive,” Kralen told him.

  “We’ll take you to the Council though. Get in,” Silas said as he took Emily’s arm and led her back to the Suburban. She crawled in and put her freezing feet under the heater.

  Kralen made sure Alec was surrounded by Equites before taking off for Council City, followed by Silas and the other Suburban full of Cavalry.

  Emily reached down as best she could and tried to get her hands close to the heater by her feet.

  Silas frowned, “You’re going to get pneumonia and the Elder is going to kill us.”

  “She’s a slippery thing,” Andrew said from behind them.

  “I wanted to talk to him.”

  “You should have waited in the warmth.”

  Emily rolled her eyes and then sat back in the chair. By the time they reached the palace, the Council had been alerted and Palace Guards were waiting for Alec’s arrival.

  Andrew got out first and took Emily’s arm when she started for the palace. There was ice under the deep snow and it was hard to keep your footing.

  “Are you ok?” Chevalier asked when Andrew led her into the council chambers. It was obvious he was worried about her.

  “Just cold,” she said, shivering slightly.

  One of the servants appeared with a heated blanket and slippers, so she slipped off her wet shoes and the warm slippers felt amazing against her feet. Andrew put the warm blanket over her shoulders as the Council watched him carefully.

  “Em, move up here while we talk to Alec,” Quinn said, motioning to the chair by Chevalier.

  She started up and then turned to Andrew, “Coming?”

  He smiled, “To the Equites Council stand? No.”

  “You may move back by the wall,” Chevalier told him.

  Andrew chuckled and moved into the shadows.

  Silas and Kralen both came in, followed by Mark, who had been filled in on their encounter with Alec. They stopped in the trial area.

  “What’s he saying?” Chevalier asked.

  “He wants to join Emily with the Equites,” Kralen said.

  Silas sighed, “We were notified that the Valle are here also. They weren’t aware he defected.”

  Chevalier’s eyes narrowed, “This all seems like a set up.”

  Quinn nodded, “Agreed… let in Alec first.”

  Alec was led in with his hands restrained behind his back and four members of the Cavalry around him. He smiled warmly at Emily and moved up to the trial area beside Mark.

  Chevalier sighed, “I’ll just get this out in the open. We don’t believe you and think this is all a ruse.”

  “I understand, but Emi’s my family and I miss her. I don’t fit in with the Valle,” Alec said. “I never planned on being a Valle.”

  “Right, you were determined to start the Ferus.”

  Alec just looked down at the ground.

  “We don’t trust you around Emily,” Zohn said.

  “I wouldn’t hurt her.”

  “We don’t believe that either. Right now she’s not able to protect herself and adding you into the mix is too dangerous.”

  “I can too,” Emily said, eyeing Zohn. She frowned when she heard Andrew chuckle.

  Alec looked back at the Encala and then toward the Equites Council, “So you’ll allow her to be around an Encala, one that single handedly wiped out an entire Equites Coven?”

  “You did?” Emily asked him with wide eyes.

  He glared at Alec, “Watch it, Valle.”

  “Well? Did you?”

  “It was a long time ago.”

  Alec shrugged, “I just find it hard to believe that you’ll allow an Encala to be alone with her, and not her uncle. I have loved Emily since I first set eyes on that beautiful red headed baby.”

  “We trust him more than we do you,” the Chief Interrogator said.

  “Put him in a cell,” Quinn said. Once Alec was removed from the trial area, Quinn turned to Emily, “What do you want?”

  Emily looked like she was on the verge of tears, “I don’t know.”

  “We care about what you think about this. He’s your uncle.”

  “I know… but he’s done so much.”

  Chevalier nodded, “Let’s hear the Valle out then.”

  “Derrick!” Quinn yelled when he heard the Door Guard growl moments before a fight erupted.

  Mark and Kralen disappeared to stop the fight, but then it sounded to the Council like they joined in instead of trying to end it.

  “Silas… go,” Chevalier sighed.

  After a few minutes, Derrick came in, obviously mad and still breathing hard from the fight.

  “Was that necessary!?” Quinn yelled.

  “Let’s see what you think…” Derrick hissed, and then turned when Sotomar and Salazar entered the council chamber.

  Chevalier stood up and started to hurdle the desk when Zohn and the Chief of Defense each grabbed an arm.

  “Let’s hear them out,” Quinn said to him.

  Emily stood slowly, her breathing coming in gasping bursts.

  Andrew appeared beside her while the others tried to restrain Chevalier.

  “Calm down. We won’t let him get to you,” Andrew said as he gently took her arm.

  Without a word, Emily began to walk backwards, but ran into Andrew, her eyes still locked on Salazar. He was staring directly at her with the hint of a smile on his lips, “Salve infans.”

  Chevalier finally calmed enough to see the fear on Emily’s face. As Andrew softly whispered to her, Chevalier moved between her and Salazar.

  “Em… we’re not going to let him touch you,” he said softly.

  Emily looked up at him, terrified. Her piercing green eyes watched him and he was aware that she was moments from running.


  Suddenly, Emily spun on Andrew and tried to get past him. He grabbed her shoulders and dodged a few of her attacks. When she managed to elbow him in the groin, he groaned softly, but still maintained a grip on her. His fast movements were all that kept her quickly fighting hands from hurting himself or her.

  Finally, Chevalier spun her around and was able to lock her eyes quickly. Her body stayed tense and he spoke softly to her as she tightly gripped his shirt. The rest of the Council kept a close eye on Sotomar and Salazar, making sure they did nothing to heighten the situation.

  “Sleep,” he said at last, and she crumpled into Andrew’s arms as he lifted her gently. Chevalier smiled slightly at Andrew, “Are you ok?”

  He chuckled, “She’s harder to hold onto than you’d think.”

  Chevalier nodded and returned to his seat as Silas ushered Andrew out of the council chambers, still carrying Emily.

  Mark and Silas were both crouched behind Salazar. One word from the Council and they would easily rip him to pieces.

  “Care to explain?” Zohn asked Sotomar angrily.

  Sotomar glanced casually at Salazar before addressing Zohn, “He’s our new Winchester expert.”


  “Meaning… we’re using him to learn more about Emily’s ways and behaviors, so we can more easily keep
her next time we have her.”

  Chevalier growled and stood up, ready to fight, “He’s not leaving this palace.”

  “Yes he is,” Sotomar said. “We have the ability to add members to the Council, and he’s in as an interim expert until a position opens.”

  “Get him out of my sight!”

  Mark and Silas pulled Salazar out of the room. He went with them, but watched his Elder nervously as Sotomar made no attempt to stop them.

  “This is low, even for a Valle,” Quinn hissed.

  Sotomar put his hands up, “We don’t agree with what Salazar did, but we need to learn more about Emily and he’s our best bet.”

  “So you can kidnap her again…”

  “No, so we can convince her to return to her true family.”

  Chevalier tried to jump the desk again, but Zohn and Quinn held him back. They turned suddenly when the Chief Investigator and Chief Interrogator grabbed a hold of Kyle when he tried to get to Sotomar also.

  Sotomar smiled, “When Emily is safely in our care, the reign of the Equites will finally end.”

  “Calm down,” Zohn said to Chevalier. “Let us handle this.”

  The Chief of Defense glared at Sotomar, “The reign of the Equites?”

  “Yes, it’s no secret that with Emily’s ability, the other factions are kept at bay. While I see that the Encala have gone the route of attempting to become an ally, the Valle want to end any thoughts of supremacy.”

  “You’re not getting Salazar back,” Zohn said when Chevalier had calmed enough he could be released. “His crimes against this faction are too great, and he was taken without approval.”

  Sotomar smiled, “As you aren’t the true ruling body of this faction, and the Council gave him to us… he is ours.”

  “Since when are we not the true ruling body of this faction?”

  “Since you were replaced.”

  “We were also reinstated by the faction as the ruling Council.”

  “That cannot be done,” Sotomar said. “You were replaced, fully within heku tradition.”

  “Then reinstated,” Quinn told him.

  “The true Council will come back into power and you will return to the ground where you belong.”

  Kyle scowled at the enemy, “But only after you get Emily?”

  “Yes, I will admit that she’s standing in our way.”

  “She’s not a pawn!” Chevalier yelled. “Leave her alone!”

  “We can’t,” Sotomar told him, patronizingly calm.

  “Why are you even here? What would possess you to bring Salazar here where Emily is?” Kyle asked. “You know what he did!”

  “We felt hiding his addition to our Council would not be beneficial.”

  “No, you brought him here to intimidate Emily!”


  Kyle stood suddenly, but was again restrained, “You can’t just leave her alone, can you!?”

  “No, we can’t. Now I’ll expect Salazar to be returned to me immediately.”


  “Calm down,” Quinn said to Kyle. His eyes narrowed, but he finally sat down in his chair.

  Sotomar turned to Chevalier, “Have you ever seen a banished Council returned to power?”

  “No,” he replied bluntly.

  “Then what makes you think we’re going to stand by and watch it happen?”

  “Because you don’t have a choice.”

  “The Valle have taken it upon ourselves to right this wrong, and we do feel that to do so would mean getting Emily out of the picture.”

  “That sounds like a death threat,” Chevalier hissed.

  “No, we don’t want her dead. We do want her obedient to the Valle though.”

  The Coven Liaison Officer chuckled, “From what I’ve seen, good luck.”

  He smiled, “Salazar had compliance…”

  “He tortured her!” Kyle yelled.

  “If that’s what it takes.”

  Chevalier stood up, “I’ll not stand here and listen to you threaten my wife.”

  “You know the Old Ones aren’t going to let her go… If the Valle can show that she’s under our control, they may back off.”


  “You’re going to stop them?”


  “Return Salazar then and I’ll be off.”

  The Chief of Defense frowned, “You came only for that?”

  “No, I also came to inform you that you will be re-banished imminently.”

  “Very well… the message is received,” Quinn said.

  “Return Salazar.”

  “No, you may go.”

  “He has diplomatic immunity,” Sotomar told them.

  “No, he doesn’t.”

  “He’s a member of my Council!”

  “Not holding a valid position,” Zohn reminded him.

  “Neither are any of you!”

  “You may go,” Chevalier hissed. It was obvious that he was seconds from breaking heku tradition and doing away with the Valle’s Elder.

  Sotomar spun suddenly and stormed out of the council chambers. Once he was gone, Derrick stepped in with Andrew.

  “I have to be going,” Andrew told them. “Emily is still asleep.”

  “You’re leaving without telling her?” Chevalier asked. He wasn’t sure he could take the pain in her eyes from a betrayal.

  He smiled, “She knows.”

  “Very well,” Zohn said coldly.

  Without another word, Andrew turned and left.

  Chevalier looked over at Kyle, “Even though she knows… she’s not going to like that.”

  They turned to the trial area door when Lori came in, “Silas just told me about Salazar.”

  “We aren’t sure what to expect when she wakes up,” Chevalier said to her.

  “I’m not really sure either,” Lori said, deep in thought. “I mean, she’s come out of that a lot… but she hasn’t actually seen him before.”

  “Stay close.”

  Lori nodded and left.

  Quinn smiled, “They’re getting bonded.”

  Chevalier chuckled, “I figured.”

  “Em’s ok with that?” Kyle asked.

  “Yes, actually. She was pretty happy for them.”

  “Well at least no more yoga sessions.”

  Chevalier’s face fell, “I hated those… but they did help her a lot.”

  “Well we can do that as well as he can.”

  “Can we?”

  Kyle’s eyes narrowed, “I’ll go take a class if I have to.”

  Chevalier tapped his fingers on the desk, “Since Andrew started hanging around Emily, her fear level decreased significantly.”

  “She has guards though,” the Chief of Defense said.

  “I know, but for some reason, she felt safer with him.”

  “As safe as she does with you?”

  “Not quite that safe,” Chevalier said, smiling slightly and shrugging.

  “So maybe until the baby comes you should stay with her.”

  “That’s still a couple of months away.”

  “Are you sure?” Zohn asked. “She’s… well… huge.”

  Chevalier nodded, “Yes I’m sure. I checked her chart.”

  “You do make’em big, don’t you?”

  Chapter 10

  Emily rolled over and looked at the clock. It was only 3am and she couldn’t sleep. She’d still been doing yoga since Andrew left 2 weeks before, but it wasn’t doing quite as well and her back was aching. She also had a dream that she didn’t quite remember, but felt that the Council may be in trouble.

  “Chev?” she whispered, and sat up in the dark room. The fires were dying down and it threw the room into shadows. As she crawled out of bed, she felt an odd burning on her back, but figured she must have slept weird.

  After grabbing a robe, she stepped out of the room and looked up at her six guards.

  “You ok?” Kralen asked, frowning.

  She nodded, “Can’t sleep.”

  “Do I smell blood?”

  “Not from me,” she said, and headed down the stairs.

  “What’s wrong?” Derrick asked, rushing to her as she came down the stairs.

  “Nothing, is Chev in there?”

  Derrick took her arm and led her over to the trial room doors, “No, he had to run over to Banks for a bit.”

  “Is the Council in there?” she asked, frowning slightly.

  “Yes, do you need to see them?”

  She nodded and then walked in when he opened the door.

  “Em, what’s wrong?” Kyle asked, looking up from a thick folder.

  She walked up awkwardly to stand before his desk, “When will Chev be back?”

  “He’ll only be gone a few hours. What’s up?”

  She shrugged and looked along the Council. When she saw the Chief of Staff missing, she frowned, “Where’s the Chief of Staff?”

  Kyle glanced at Quinn briefly before answering, “He’s been banished.”

  “What? Why?” she gasped.

  “It’s part of the natural Council process,” Quinn explained. “Do I smell blood?”

  “No, believe it or not I’m not always injured.”

  “What’s wrong with your wrists?” Kyle asked, leaning over the desk.

  Emily looked down and saw light bruises forming around both of her wrists, “I’m not sure.”

  His eyes narrowed, “What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, I’m just going to go make pancakes,” she said as she started for the door.

  “I still smell blood.”

  “Then plug your nose.” As she disappeared through the door, Kyle sighed and looked over at Quinn.

  “We’ll just have to assume she has a minor injury and let it go.”

  “We should tell Chevalier.”

  “We will, when he returns.”

  Emily started down the stairs and dismissed the chef that had been summoned when she first woke up. He bowed and then left while she gathered what she needed for pancakes.

  “Why are you cooking?” Mark asked, sitting down on a chair by the stove.

  She looked over, “I’m perfectly able to cook.”

  “I’m sure you are.”

  “Why were you called in? It’s 3am.”

  “It’s unnerving when we smell blood.”

  She shrugged, “I’m not bleeding.”

  Mark watched as she stirred the pancake batter, and easily saw the bruises forming around her wrists, “Let me see your wrists.”


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