Inked Fury

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Inked Fury Page 9

by Sarah Makela

  “Okay. I’ll call. He might come with.”

  “If he does, he does. I can’t stop him. He is who he is.” He wanted to hang up before saying too much. This woman didn’t need to know more about him and his people than necessary. “I’ll see you when you get here.”

  “Okay, I’ll be there. Keep her safe and make sure whatever injuries she’s sustained are kept under control until I get there.” Dr. Easton cleared his throat. “You know, if I billed, you would be one of my best customers.” He chuckled, trying to lighten the mood.

  It was hard for him to calm down and appreciate the humor. “I’m sure I would be, and I’m sorry for that. I should be doing more to make sure everything is under control. For her and for your sake, right?” He sighed.

  “We learn what we should do better. Don’t beat yourself up. You are doing what you can. You love her and want her safety. I know because I saw when you were around Monica. You were miserable with that girl. She’s too high strung and high maintenance, but coming from a man with tastes like yours, I’d thought you might make a good pair. I guess that wasn’t the case. I’d let myself think stereotypically.”

  “It’s fine. I’ll see you when you get here, doc.” He shoved his phone into his pocket. While he knew how he probably looked, driving a sports car and dressing in suits as opposed to more comfortable clothing. A solid work ethic allowed him those things.

  He turned to see the woman kneeling beside Angelique. Her gaze remained on his girlfriend, worry creasing her lips. The raven was nowhere to be found now, so he could only guess that she’d assimilated the bird back into her body.


  The fewer questions the doctor and Lowell had, the better. Speaking of which… “The doctor is on his way. It’s probably best for you to leave.”

  “What?” She faced him as if he’d magically reappeared in the room. “I can’t just leave with her like this. I—”

  “He’ll ask questions. I’m sure you wouldn’t want that, right?” Connor hoped she would take the bait. Use her paranoia to get her to do what was best for both of them. The stubborn glint in her eyes proved he was in for more than he’d bargained.

  “I don’t want him to ask any questions.” Maybe he’d been wrong. He nearly released a sigh of relief. “But, I’m not leaving.” She tilted up her chin, staring at him defiantly.

  His beast slammed to the surface at the challenge in her eyes. It wouldn’t stand for that. He took one step forward then another. He drew himself short, refusing to attack. This woman didn’t know what she was doing.

  “Don’t look at me that way.”

  “Why? I can do so if I—” A snarl trickled from his lips before he could catch himself. Her skin paled, and she averted her gaze. “Sorry, I forgot.”

  He ignored her, knowing it was best for them both. Instead, he fetched the first aid kit from the bathroom. When he got back, Kira was staring down Ravenna. He glanced at her as well. “Everything okay?”

  She nodded. “Kira is fine. Just protective of Angelique and that’s perfectly understandable. I’m still surprised at how Angelique moved earlier, and the fact Kira took over her. I’ve never seen anything like that.”

  “Wait, Kira took over Angelique’s body? That’s not supposed to happen, right? Angelique has always had control over Kira, as opposed to the other way around. I don’t understand.” He knelt at her side and sensed Ravenna back away from him.

  “No, it shouldn’t happen. I don’t understand why it did. I was helping her gain greater control over her powers when it happened. Maybe something triggered it and she lost control? I don’t know.”

  “Maybe your instructions caused her loss of control, or you did something to cause her powers over Kira to falter.” He turned his gaze on Ravenna, and she leaned back, pulling her knees to her chest. Her shoulders shook in what smelled like fear.

  “I don’t know how that would’ve been possible. I wasn’t using any power against her, merely talking when it happened. I only questioned what she and her familiar were capable of.”

  Kira let out a rumbling feline growl.

  “Looks like you haven’t made any friends in that regard. Maybe Kira got pissed at your insinuations. You probably brought it on yourself.” It certainly sounded like it, especially with what he knew of Kira. The big cat didn’t like trouble. She was more the fight in fight or flight. She’d fought him, scratched Monica, taking the courage from a female werewolf, so going after this woman wouldn’t be much of a stretch.

  Blood dampened Ravenna’s shirt. “When the doctor comes, he can stitch up the wound on your stomach. You’re lucky she didn’t gut you.” He didn’t look back this time, just continued dabbing up the blood from Angel’s back. “Grab some gauze and hold over it.”

  “Ah, I…okay. If you insist.” She fidgeted. “I’m going to use the restroom.”

  “Sure.” He watched her go to Angelique’s guest bathroom. He didn’t exactly trust her. He’d check things out once she was done to make sure nothing had been tampered with.

  Within moments, there was a knock on the door at the same time Ravenna returned from the bathroom. He watched her for a moment. She sat on the couch with her hand to her stomach. She stayed as still as possible it seemed.

  Connor climbed to his feet, then went to answer to find the doctor.

  “Hello, Connor.” Dr. Easton carried a large black medical bag in one hand.

  “Come on in, doc. I hope we’re not bothering you too much.” He tried to act nonchalant. Behind the doctor, another car pulled up. He would’ve recognized that car anywhere. Lowell. Fucking hell. “You were able to reach him, I see.”

  “Indeed. Your company is still here too. Hello, miss. You’re injured as well. I’ll make sure you’re okay once I’ve attended to Angelique.” Dr. Easton smiled genuinely, then headed to where she lay. “Miss, would you mind helping with a few things? I’m sure Connor will be busy for a few moments.”

  Dread filled him, and he didn’t want to be left talking with Lowell. Not right now when Angelique was injured and the doctor was doing his best for her. He should’ve been there helping instead of Ravenna.

  Ravenna nodded. “Sure, I can help.” Her gaze slid to Connor then back to the doctor.

  “Great. If you’ll just—”

  Lowell walked through the door, and his attention locked onto him.

  “Connor, I see things aren’t going so well.” Lowell shook his head. “You know you should—” Ravenna glanced up at them, and Lowell waved for him to follow. “Let’s talk somewhere more private.”

  He shrugged. “Fine. Let’s.” He waited, figuring Lowell would lead them somewhere. His Alpha stayed put until he realized Lowell was waiting for him. He headed into Angelique’s spare bedroom, and Lowell shut the door behind them.

  The hackles on the back of his neck stood on end. He felt trapped in the room with his superior who he already knew wasn’t a big fan of his. That made him even more nervous and edgy.

  “What happened here?” Lowell looked at ease. “The doctor tells me this is the second time you’ve taken use of his services. Why haven’t you asked me for aid?”

  From the tension in the air, he wasn’t convinced. “I’m not sure what happened. If I knew, I’d have been in a much better position to stop whatever it was. However, this time it wasn’t something I think the wolves could’ve prevented. That woman out there offered her assistance to Angelique to help her control her powers. My best guess is it backfired.” Honesty was the best policy here. Besides, if he tried to hide anything, his Alpha would smell any lies on him.

  “So she has powers, and you think her powers just got away from her while she was learning to control them?”

  “Right.” He started to shrug, but he stopped. He needed to remember to whom he spoke. “That’s what I believe.”

  “Maybe she’s a danger to herself. Maybe she’s more dangerous than you know. All the more reason for you to discontinue your relationship with her.” Lowell held his sh
oulders back, his posture entirely too haughty.

  Connor wanted nothing more than to show him just how wrong he was, but he couldn’t do that to his Alpha. His Alpha would be more pissed at him than before, so his best bet was to refrain from adding fuel to the fire. Find out what happened and solve it himself.

  The corners of Lowell’s eyes creased, stopping his thoughts. “You’re not even thinking about asking for my help, are you? Even after what happened to your girlfriend the last time?” He shook his head. “As many differences as we have between us, I’m not as mean as you’d like to make me out.”

  He clenched his hands into fists.

  The door creaked open, and they both turned to see Ravenna standing in the doorway. “I’m sorry to interrupt, but she’s awake, if you want to talk with her.” She seemed to sense something was off between them. With a sudden jerk, she slapped the door closed.

  “She needs talked to. Something about her, I can’t put my finger on. Find out what she knows.” He snapped his gaze back to him.

  “I have talked with her. To the best of my knowledge, she isn’t connected with the druid. She is from Angelique’s people. There’s no reason this woman would want Mahon after her as well. She knew what had happened previously with Mahon, and she recognized me. There’s more of her kind out there. I think they’re trying to protect her. I don’t know much about Angelique’s family, and I haven’t pried since I know what having a rough childhood is like.”

  Lowell let out a breath. “Don’t we all?”

  The admission surprised Connor. His Alpha had actually told something about himself. Something beyond what he usually gave.

  Lowell tilted his head toward the door. “I think we’re finished here. I’ll have one of the wolves watching your backs. If something else happens, we’ll reevaluate the situation.”

  Chapter Ten

  Pain stabbed through Angelique’s head. Her back felt like something ripped it open. What happened to her? She’d been talking with Ravenna and then…then her mind went blank. “What happened?” she asked.

  “You hit your head. Just relax for now.”

  Ravenna and a vaguely familiar man in a white doctor’s coat knelt beside her. When did he get here? She was still in her home, but this didn’t make sense. Why couldn’t she remember anything?

  Two more men came into view. “Angelique?” The tall man who spoke had dark blond hair. The dark-haired man beside him just stayed quiet as if he were there observing.

  “What’s going on?” She tried to sit up, and wrenching agony filled her skull.

  The doctor pressed a hand to her shoulder, keeping her on the floor. “Just stay there for a while more and rest.” He seemed patient and friendly, and she definitely remembered him from somewhere. Maybe he’d previously treated her.

  “What’s going on?” she asked. “Why are you people in my house?”

  Fur brushed against her side forcing a scream from her throat. A huge black panther stared at her. Dizziness overtook her. Blackness threatened to swallow her, but the big cat licked her cheek. Its tongue scraped her skin. Memories rocketed through her mind, making everything clearer. Bringing her understanding back.

  Connor grabbed her by the shoulders, his gaze intent. “Angel? It’s just Kira. Your familiar. You don’t remember any of this?” He frowned. “You don’t remember me?”

  She looked to Kira. Her familiar cocked her head and huffed. “I do remember now.”

  “Dr. Easton, what’s wrong with her?” He turned on the man in the white coat.

  “She’s must’ve had some memory loss. This is somewhat common with people who experience head trauma. I’m not sure why she didn’t remember her familiar. That’s part of her. Something she shouldn’t have forgotten.”

  Ravenna spoke up, but no one seemed to realize Angelique was in the room too. “I’m afraid I know what’s going on. Sometimes when my people—our people—sustain particularly bad injuries, they have the same reactions she’s having. It doesn’t last long in most cases.”

  “In case you’ve forgotten, I’m right here,” she said. “I can hear you.” She brushed her hand through Kira’s fur. Happier now that she remembered, but the memories startled her. These people talked about her current state as if it were the worst part of what happened, but Kira taking control over her body frightened her the most.

  “I’m sorry. We know. We’re just trying to help.” Ravenna looked back at the dark-haired man Angelique didn’t recognize, but she continued, “How did you regain your memory so quickly?” Tension hung in the air.

  She pushed to get off the floor again. This time both Connor and the doctor kept her down. “My familiar helped. Please let me up.”

  “We’re here to help, not hurt you, Angelique.” This was said by the dark-haired man toward the back of the room. He stepped forward enough so she didn’t have to strain her neck to see him. “You know you recognize Connor. Trust us and relax.”

  Connor glanced at the man. Surprise flickered in his eyes. “Yes, Angel. Let us help.”

  She sighed. It wasn’t a matter of trust or her trying to escape. But the doctor obviously wasn’t done with her. She’d let him take care of her. “Fine.”

  “Thanks.” The dark-haired man gaze freaked her out a little. He was so intent, so serious. Major power surrounded him. “Could you answer a question?”

  Connor returned his stare on the other man, but the man didn’t back down.

  If the man didn’t back down from Connor, then he had to be higher on the food chain in the werewolf Pack. She hoped she wasn’t right. “I guess I don’t have a choice.”

  Dr. Easton frowned at the man. “Sir, I’m not sure questions are a good idea right now.”

  “What happened before your control broke over your familiar?”

  Ravenna stood. “Guys, just let her have some rest. She’s been through a lot. Please.” Her hands trembled. Maybe she felt bad for provoking her and causing this situation to explode.

  “Good idea,” the doctor slid his arms under her. “Let’s get her in bed.”

  * * *

  Connor walked everyone to the door once the doctor tucked Angelique into bed. Kira had curled up at the foot of the bed. The two of them were inseparable.

  “Make sure she gets plenty of rest. Here’s an excuse note since I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to attend work. Not with the condition she’s in.” Dr. Easton frowned. “She’s been put through her paces.”

  “That she has,” Lowell said. The look in his eyes reflected his feelings. To him, he should mate with Monica, one of the very few female wolves.

  He couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t do that. His heart lay with Angelique. Only she could soothe his soul.

  “We’ll get through this together.” He opened the door for them, but Ravenna stood to the side. Farther away from the male werewolves. “I think it’s time everyone left.”

  Ravenna shook her head. “I’d like to stay to make sure—”

  “Thanks for offering, but I’ll keep an eye on her. I think you’ve done enough today.” Part of him wanted to be angry with her, but he doubted she’d done anything on purpose. “Come back later. I’d like to find out what you know about the druid.”

  Her eyes widened, and she cast a glance at Dr. Easton and Lowell. “I…uh…okay.”

  “Don’t worry about them. They won’t tell anyone about what’s going on.” They had their own secrets to hide. Besides, Pack typically didn’t break one’s trust. Monica had been the exception.

  “I’ll have Dave come over in the morning.” Lowell marched down the steps to his car, which he’d parked at the curb. Dr. Easton waved and followed their Alpha, going to his own vehicle.

  Connor knew better than to argue. While he wanted to be here and work from home, he couldn’t. He had too much to wrap up at the office. Too many last minute reports.

  Ravenna remained on the porch.

  He sighed. “If you want to be here in the morning as well, fine. Just don�
�t rile her up again. Okay?”

  Smiling, she nodded. “Thank you. I’ll be here.”

  Connor would have to tell Dave not to drool all over her. His friend needed to stay alert to any dangers, even if they happened to be caused by Ravenna. He doubted she posed a threat to Angelique, but better safe than sorry. If anything happened to her while they were this close to finally being together, he’d lose all self-control.

  Back inside, he bolted the door as Angelique’s voice reached his ears. “What happened to us, Kira? Why did we lose control like that?”

  The big cat huffed.

  “You’re right. No use worrying about it now. Just listen to me in the future.” She sighed. “Please.”

  He stayed very still, not wanting to interrupt the moment between them. When silence descended on the house, he padded through the living room to her bedroom. He paused at the door to find Kira staring at him.

  Angelique slowly shifted her gaze toward him. “Is everyone gone now?”

  “Yes. It’s just the two of us.” He crossed the room, then sat beside her, well out of Kira’s reach. “How are you doing? Do you need anything?”

  “I’m fine.” She placed her hand on his. “Thanks for being there for me.”

  He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “Always.” However, he couldn’t let go of his frustration. “We need to talk. What were you thinking by leaving me in the dark about Ravenna?”

  Her face fell, and she turned her head away. “I’m so sorry about keeping it from you. I’ve never had a connection with my people before. For Ravenna to be here, I thought I could finally get the training I’ve been denied. To finally be able to protect myself.”

  “You don’t need to worry.” A growl trickled from his throat. “I can protect you.” Pain stabbed him in the chest. He’d thought they were on the right track with the relationship, only to find out there had been secrets.

  She swung her gaze back to him. Her eyes widened with sparks of surprise. “I can’t sit back and not know how to control my powers. What’s so different between us? What makes your ability so much more important?” Her lips curved downward, and she sighed. “I didn’t want to keep it from you.”


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