Inked Fury

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Inked Fury Page 10

by Sarah Makela

  “But you did.”

  She threw her hands up then grimaced in pain. “I never got around to mentioning it. This was the first night I actually even gave Ravenna a chance.” Shaking her head, she stared at the ceiling. “Please, I need to rest. I’d rather talk about this later.”

  “Later? How can you expect me to be fine with that? I’m doing my best for us.” He clenched his teeth, the muscles in his jaw aching with the tension. “You have to trust me, or our relationship…” What could he say? He still needed her in his life, but this hurt him to the core.

  Angelique grew still, and a fine tremble took hold of her. “What about our relationship?”

  “Nothing.” He clenched his hands into fists. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Let me know if you need anything.” He stood. His first instinct was to kiss her goodnight, but from her posture, that wouldn’t be wise.

  Chapter Eleven

  Yet another day of missing work.

  Angelique wondered when this would end. She’d finally started easing back in, and now she was confined to her house—with babysitters—because of what happened last night. She flipped through a magazine, half paying attention to the TV as Ravenna paced into the living room. The woman refused to stay in one place. Whether that was due to the man watching them or not, she didn’t know.

  Bran, Ravenna’s tattooed raven, perched on her bare arm. It cocked its head at her. The raven was larger than any she’d ever seen.

  “Okay, I know this will take its own time, but you have to trust me.” The words tumbled from Ravenna’s lips. “You can use your pet to do your will without being subjected to hers. I’m sure you’ve already experienced that, where she tells you things, right?”

  She remembered running from Monica and her sudden need to cut through the gas station near the pumps. That decision had given her valuable time to put distance between them. Ultimately, it hadn’t completely rescued her, but Kira came through with using her claws.

  Outrunning a werewolf now seemed almost laughable. She’d far underestimated Monica’s sense of smell. But with what little they’d known about werewolves at the time, it’d been a good idea. Now she’d make a better idea. Live and learn.

  “Yes, she has helped me when I needed it.”

  “Good, good. This stuff doesn’t sound too far out, does it?” Ravenna grimaced. Her gaze darted to Dave.

  “No, I just have to figure out how, not believe it’s possible.” She sighed, wishing she didn’t have to go through this now. While she didn’t want Mahon to catch her off guard again, the doctor had told her to rest. So why did Ravenna think this was the perfect time to shove more lessons at her? The last one certainly backfired.

  Connor’s werewolf friend stayed very quiet. She very vaguely remembered him from the hotel. He sat in the armchair on the side of the couch away from her. She noticed how he glanced back at her very quickly. This guy was worlds apart from Connor. He didn’t seem as strong-willed as if he was less dominant, but chances were he could do a lot more damage than her.

  Dave continued to watch Ravenna. He tried to fade into the background and pretend he was no one of any consequence. Poor guy. What if he had a job? Why would the werewolves let themselves be treated as if they only worked for the Pack and had no lives of their own?

  At least Connor did pretty well for himself. She’d never seen him go out for things like this, but what about his business trips? The one coming up probably wasn’t Pack related, but her head hurt with the possibilities that he might’ve been doing the Pack’s will instead of away for his job.

  “Angelique? Are you listening?” Ravenna frowned. Even Dave turned to look at her. They both seemed curious about what she was doing.

  “Sorry, I have a lot on my mind right now.” She shook her head. “What were you saying? I’m paying attention now.”

  Ravenna chewed on her lower lip. “I know you’re going through a lot. I’m just trying to help, okay? If you need to take a break, it’s fine. I can get you something to drink. Dave?” She turned her gaze to him.

  Dave’s cheeks took on a ruddy hue. “Yes, sure. I’d like that.” He turned his gaze away. Oh boy, he was attracted to Ravenna. That might be why he was acting this way.

  She edged closer to the kitchen. “Angelique?”

  “Yes, apple juice, please.”

  “Me too,” Dave piped up and nodded his head too quickly.

  When the woman was out of the living room, Angelique glanced at Dave. “You like her, don’t you?” She smiled.

  “Uhh…” Dave stared between the doorway to the kitchen then back to her. He blinked rapidly and his mouth dropped open. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “Don’t lie. While I’m not a werewolf, I have been watching.” She shrugged. “Maybe you should talk with her. Get involved. Let her know you’re interested.”

  Dave turned his torso toward her. “Look, I don’t know anything about her. What if she’s in a relationship already?”

  “I’m not.” Ravenna returned from the kitchen. Smiling, she placed their drinks on the coffee table’s coasters she had laid out. “And I agree with Angelique, if you’re interested, you should say something. I don’t bite.” The raven tattoo cawed and stared at Dave with its beady black eyes.

  He cocked an eyebrow at Bran. “What the hell?”

  “Bran gets a bit jealous. He’s not crazy about me getting into relationships. Not until I find the person I’ll share my life with. At least, that’s what I tell myself. I’m pretty sure I’d have to talk him into it.”

  Finally. Someone who understood her dilemma. “I go through the same problem. Or I used to with Kira. Except her issues were more attention hungry than sabotaging because of a man. At least I think that’s the case. If you’re fine dealing with it, Dave stands a better chance against a raven than Connor did against Kira.”

  A loud rumbling feline growl sounded from behind her. Just on cue, Kira hopped on the back of the couch.

  “What did I say about that?” She placed her hands against the black panther’s sides, trying to push her off, but Kira refused to budge. “Come on, stop being such a brat. I don’t like cat hair on the furniture.”

  “Looks like you have your hands more full than I do with my familiar.” Ravenna laughed. “I feel sorry for you.”

  “She’s usually better than this. I think after last night, she feels like it was her fault, so she’s been closer to me than usual.” She felt for her familiar. It wasn’t all Kira’s fault. Kira did care, and yet, she should’ve been more proactive in learning her abilities before that had happened. She should’ve reached out to Ravenna sooner.

  “I can see why she’d feel that way. She doesn’t want to lose you.” Ravenna sat on the couch beside her and placed her hand on Angelique’s arm. “Connor doesn’t want to lose you either. You’re lucky. You have a good life here.”

  She rubbed her palms in slow circles over her forehead. “You mean aside from the crazy man trying to kill me?” She laughed a little, even if she didn’t find it funny. Might as well laugh rather than get upset.

  “Well, yes, aside from that. Your normal life is better than this.”

  “Except I don’t think I’d be living this life if it hadn’t been for the craziness. I didn’t realize I wasn’t the only one who was different in my relationship with Connor. I thought I was protecting him by staying away from him, so I ran. I didn’t want either of us to be hurt, both emotionally and physically. Maybe I should’ve kept running and kept to the code of what our people do when we suspect we’re being hunted, but I need him.”

  Ravenna bit her lower lip. “Our people don’t run. We’re not migratory. We stay off the beaten path and keep ourselves safe by feigning normalcy. We don’t have anything to fear. At least, we used to think we didn’t. However, now I think our feelings have changed. You should’ve been brought up in the community where there were people to care for you. Nurture you.”

  She frowned, not knowing how th
at could be true. Her parents had taught her what she knew. Then again, what did she know of her parents? Maybe they hadn’t been truthful. She knew her father didn’t agree with her gifts. Perhaps he was unhappy he didn’t have as strong powers himself. But she refused to think too much about them.

  The community cared for her? How could Ravenna know? Why would that even matter?

  “You probably don’t believe me, but it’s true. The community talked about you as I was growing up. I’m sure they’d love to see you at some point. You’re unique amongst us. You’re the one that left. Was taken, I guess would be more accurate. Yet you’ve managed to survive and thrive. Finding allies where the rest of us dared not venture, and you’ve been unseen for the better part of your life.” Ravenna shrugged. “I admire you. Maybe the only reason why you were found is because you did stop running, but you found someone truly special to you.”

  “Doesn’t help that Monica is a traitorous bitch who went against all we believe in to get at you since she wanted Connor for herself.” Dave’s voice trembled with fury. It was nice to know that not even the Pack appreciated what Monica had done.

  “Ah, I see. So she worked with the druid to get at you. That sounds like—” A phone rang, and it wasn’t hers. The woman dug through her jean’s pocket. With a glance at the number, Ravenna grimaced. “I need to get this. It’s someone from the village.”

  “You guys have cell phones?” Angelique asked.

  Ravenna smirked. “While we’re secretive, we’re not cut off from society.” She put the phone to her ear and stalked into the kitchen.

  Angelique returned to browsing her magazine while Dave flipped through the TV channels. She didn’t know exactly what to do or say, so she kept to the eerie silence and soft hushed tones of the woman from the kitchen. But she found it hard not to say something to fill the time.

  “How long have you known Connor?” That was a neutral talking point, right? Asking about the person they both cared about.

  “Several years. He’s a good guy. Don’t know what I’d have done without him. How about you? How long have you known him?”

  “You two haven’t discussed this? I’m a little surprised.” She narrowed her eyes at him. “We met a few years back around the time I first hit town. We kept in touch and ultimately fell in love. I knew I shouldn’t let myself get hooked on him, not because I didn’t love him, but because I did.”

  Dave clicked off the TV. “Guess it didn’t work out as well as you’d hoped?”

  She shook her head. “We got into an argument on my birthday a little over a year ago. I took it as a sign I should just cut and run. I knew he’d find someone else, and he’d probably have a better life without me. It was the hardest decision to make. I love him, but at the time I’d thought it was necessary. If only I knew now what I’d known then.”

  “Think you would’ve done anything differently?”

  “Well, I don’t know. Maybe.” She cradled her head in her hands. Dull pain throbbed in her skull. Now wasn’t the time for her to be injured. Each day that passed another closer to Mahon striking again.

  Soon the druid would be back in good shape. Connor injuring him wasn’t going to count since he’d better know how to attack. He knew about him, and maybe even suspected that the Pack might help them.

  She sighed again.

  “You think too much. You need to relax—”

  “How can you expect me to relax when there’s so much going on? I bet Mahon will be even better ready to take us on this time because he’ll know what to expect. He won’t be fazed by the fact there’s a group of shapeshifters helping. I bet he’ll strike while we’re unaware.”

  “You’re thinking a lot about that, but you should take it easy. Let me worry about that. I’m here to look after you while Connor is at work.”

  “Connor told me we’d have to become mated before your leader will take our relationship seriously, so please stop. I don’t know how I feel about becoming mated with him when there’s so much craziness going on. I feel like I need a breather. I don’t know how I’ll even live to survive this, and yet I’m supposed to connect myself for a lifetime with Connor. It’s too much all at once.”

  “But I thought you said you love him.”

  “I do love him, but this isn’t the best time to think of all this.” She walked around the couch to her bedroom. “I need some alone time.”

  “I’m confused—”

  Ravenna chose that moment to leave the kitchen. “Just give her some time to think things through. It’s not that she doesn’t love Connor. She does, but she needs to feel like she has a choice with this relationship. That’s how women are. Love of her life, or not.”

  She closed the door to her bedroom on that note.

  * * *

  The phone rang, and Connor frowned. He needed to finish writing this report before he lost his train of thought. He didn’t really have time to talk.

  Dave’s number popped up on his caller ID. There was no putting it off. He needed to take this. If something had happened to her… He refused to finish that thought. “Dave, what’s wrong? Is Angelique okay?”

  “Yeah, she’s fine. However, I’m concerned.”

  His pulse raced in his veins. “What’s going on?” He glanced up at the clock hanging on his wall. He grabbed his suit coat from the back of his chair as his mind estimated how long it’d take him to get to her house.

  “I talked to her, and she loves you,” Dave said, drawing out the silence, “but she’s not sure about mating with you right now. She said she has a lot going on with all of this. I’m confused. I don’t know why she’d be—”

  The air rushed from his lungs as if he’d been punched in the gut. He dropped into his office chair, unwilling to comprehend what Dave just said. If only he hadn’t been so hard on her last night, he would’ve have blown his chance. She’d been through a lot.

  While he had a right to be pissed, he knew that above all, he wanted her. Now he had fucked his chances of mating with her.

  There was talking in the background, but Dave put his hand over the receiver, and Connor was barely able to make out the other person’s words.

  “It’s exactly as I told you. She needs time.” Ravenna’s accent lilted as she spoke.

  All good and well, except he didn’t have time. He needed to make sure he had her in his life before the end of the month, and the month was zooming to a close.

  Tension tightened his chest, and he clenched his hand into a fist. He didn’t want this conversation with Dave now. While he appreciated the heads-up, it was something he probably could’ve gotten from Angelique herself. If he was lucky. After last night, she’d mostly stayed in her room and rested.

  “Dave? Dave, I’m at work. I need to go.”

  Dave returned to the line, and he sighed. “I know, man. I’m just wondering what you’ll do if she doesn’t agree to it. It’s coming—”

  “I know. I worry enough about it without you worrying for me. It doesn’t help me feel any less concerned. Understand?” Connor pinched the bridge of his nose. Pain formed at his temples. He needed a break now, yet he still had work to finish up here. Part of him wanted to return home to work and escape the constraints of the office. Hell, what he’d love would be running through the forest in wolf form.

  “I’m sorry.” Dave cleared his throat. “I just thought you needed to know.”

  “I do. Thank you. We’ll talk more later.” He shut off his cell phone, but then again, if she might need him. He switched it back on.

  The blinking cursor stared back at him. He couldn’t remember what he’d been typing for the life of him. Minutes ticked by with his fingers resting on the keys. Nothing came to him.

  Damn it. He saved and exited the document, sent a quick email to his boss, then slid into his coat. If he had any chance of salvaging his sanity, then he needed to get out of here.

  He couldn’t let this be the way things were between him and her. Time was of the essence. While he coul
dn’t force her to be his mate, he had to do something. Maybe if they talked, he’d be able to smooth things over and convince her how important she was to him. If they weren’t together soon, his life would be ruined irreparably. They wouldn’t have a chance to be together later when it was more convenient.

  He hated to think that way.

  While he didn’t want to scare her away and make her think he was pressuring her into something she didn’t want, his time was running out. He wanted her happiness, not for her to feel trapped.

  He walked through the office. From the corner of his eye, he spotted his boss waving at him, but he kept his gaze averted. Right now, he couldn’t be sure what color his eyes were.

  Taking a few deep breaths, he forced himself to relax since he didn’t have the luxury to get upset. Especially not when he was in the middle of the office with a group of onlookers who could make things worse for him if he screwed up. No one would forget his eyes had randomly changed colors, and he wouldn’t be able to blame it on new contacts. Anyone seeing him would know he didn’t have time to put the contacts in for the eye color change.

  He kept going.

  Thankfully, his boss got distracted with another coworker. No way would he be capable of dealing with his boss right now. Not with his stress levels this high. Most of the time, he kept his cool, but this moment was the exception.

  He couldn’t really count on his stress lessening anytime soon since they weren’t able to locate Mahon’s hideout even though Mahon knew where she lived and worked.

  How could Mahon have found her except through Monica? She’d known where Angelique lived. Yet another way his ex was trying to screw him over. Did she really think he’d ever welcome her back into his life?

  If so, she was more delusional than he’d thought.


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