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Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History

Page 45

by David Aaronovitch

  Wolpert, Lewis. Six Impossible Things Before Breakfast: The Evolutionary Origins of Belief. London: Faber & Faber, 2006.


  Da Vinci Code Uncoded. Disinformation Company, 2004.

  Unlocking Da Vinci’s Code: Mystery or Conspiracy? HC Ltd, 2004.

  The Real Da Vinci Code. Channel 4, 2006.

  Confronting the Evidence: A Call to Reopen the 9/11 Investigation. Distributed free, 2005.


  Academic credibility; Iranian, and Protocols

  Accuracy In Media (AIM)

  Accursed Treasure, The (de Sède)

  Acland, Peter

  Against Oligarchy (Tarpley)

  Age of Reason, The (Paine)

  Agee, Philip

  Agency panic

  Ahmed, Nafeez, The War on Freedom

  Aitken, Jonathan

  Albrecht, Joachim

  Aldrich, Gary

  Allen, Keith

  Allen, Woody

  Alternative truth, conspiracy theory and

  Ambrose, Stephen E.

  America, populism in

  America First Committee (AFC)

  American Free Press

  American Spectator


  Amin, Omar (von Leers)

  Anarchism and Nihilism (Jehan-Préval)


  Annie Hall (movie)

  Anscombe, Allen

  Anti-Communist movement

  Anti-nuclear protests, Britain

  Anti-Semitism 9/11 Truth movement and . See also Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The


  Apfelbaum, Grigory. See Zinoviev, Grigory

  Apollo moon landing (1969)

  Apt, Jay

  Arendt, Hannah

  Argentina, Protocols and

  Arkansas, conspiracy theories

  Arkansas Project

  Armistead, Rex

  Arthur, Chester A.

  Ashdown, Paddy

  Assassination; 1984, political

  Assassination community

  At Dawn We Slept (Prange)

  Atta, Mohamed

  Avery, Dylan

  Axis for Peace Conference

  Ayton, Mel

  Bad Faith (Callil)

  Baigent, Michael

  Baker, Norman; and Kelly affair

  Baker, Scott

  Bale, Jeffrey M.

  Banna, Hassan al-

  Baraka, Amiri (Everett LeRoi Jones)

  Barber, Richard

  Barnes, Harry Elmer

  Barnes Review

  Barruel, Abbé

  Bashir, Martin

  Beard, Charles A.

  “Beautiful Child, A” (Capote)

  Beck, Glenn

  Beck, Gottfried zur

  Belgrano affair

  Ben Menashe, Ari

  Bennett, Gareth

  Bennett, Gill

  Bentinck, Norah

  Berg, Nicholas

  Berg, Philip J.

  Bermas, Jason

  Bernstein, Hermann

  Bernstein, Richard

  Bernstein, Walter

  Beveridge, Jon

  Biarritz (Goedsche)

  Bible studies

  bin Laden, Osama

  Birther movement

  Blair, Tony; Baker and; and Kelly affair

  Bloc of Rights, Trotskyite

  Blonde (Oates)

  Blumenthal, Sidney

  Bollyn, Christopher


  Bolshevism, Ford and

  Books, conspiracy theories in

  Bournand, François

  Bradley, Omar


  Branch Davidian sect

  Brasol, Boris

  Bremer, Arthur

  Britain, political conspiracies

  British Foreign Office, and Jews

  Brock, David

  Brogan, Hugh

  Brolin, James

  Bronner, Stephen

  Bronstein, Lev. See Trotsky, Leon

  Broucher, David

  Brown, Andrew

  Brown, Blythe

  Brown, Dan; The Da Vinci Code ; trial of

  Brown, Ron

  Bryan, William Jennings

  Budiansky, Stephen

  Bukharin, Nikolai

  Bullard, Reader

  Bülow, Andreas von

  Burnstein, Dan

  Burrell, Paul

  Buruma, Ian

  Butler, Smedley

  Callaghan, Jim


  Callil, Carmen, Bad Faith

  Campbell, Alastair

  Campbell, Gordon

  Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

  “Candle in the Wind” (Taupin)

  Capell, Frank, The Strange Death of Marilyn Monroe


  Capote, Truman; In Cold Blood

  Capra, Frank

  Capricorn One (movie)

  Carbonari (secret societies)

  Carto, Willis

  Cartoons, anti-Islamic

  Case Closed (Posner)

  Castle, Mike

  Catholic Church, and The Da Vinci Code

  Causality, historical

  Cause of World Unrest, The

  Central Urals Copper Works

  Cermak, Anton

  Chambers, Whittaker

  Chariots of the Gods? (von Däniken)

  Chaumeil, Jean-Luc

  Chayla, Alexandre du

  Cherisey, Philippe de

  Chernenko, Konstantin

  Chiesa, Giulietto

  China Syndrome, The (movie)

  Chomsky, Noam

  Chronicle (TV series)

  Churchill, Winston

  Churchwell, Sarah, The Many Lives of Marilyn Monroe

  Chuyev, Felix

  Citizenship of Obama

  Clancy, Tom, Teeth of the Tiger

  Clare, Myrtle

  Clark, Bennett Champ

  Clinton, Bill

  Clinton, Hillary

  Clinton, Roger

  Cohen, David, Death of a Goddess

  Cohen, Raney

  Cohn, Norman; The Pursuit of the Millennium; Warrant for Genocide


  Cold War politics, 1984,

  Collard, Dudley; Soviet Justice and the Trial of Radek and Others

  Collazo, Oscar

  Collins-Piper, Michael

  Communist Party, conspiracy within

  Communists, hunt for

  Conason, Joe, The Hunting of the President

  Confessions, coerced

  Connally, John

  Conservative Party, Britain


  Conspiracy; in Communist Party ; Protocols as; Trotskyite plot as; in U.S. government

  Conspiracy Culture (Knight)

  Conspiracy theories ; arguments against; belief in ; fashions in; historian’s fallacy and; Internet and ; losers and; narratives; originators of; persons involved; perspectives on, right-wing; victims of

  Contingency theory

  Conventional wisdom, revisionism and

  Cook, Judith; Unlawful Killing

  Cook, Robin

  Copyright infringement

  Corbu, Noel

  Cornwell, Rupert

  Corsi, Jerome R.



  Cran, Henry

  Criminal Nature of the Jews, The (von Leers)

  Cristol, Jay

  Crockford’s Clerical Directory

  Cromwell, Oliver

  Cryer, Neville

  Cumulative arguments

  Cusack, Lex

  Da Vinci Code, The (Brown)

  Daily Worker, and Lattimore

  Dalyell, Tam

  d’Ancona, Matthew

  Däniken, Erich von

  Dark Side of Camelot, The (Hersh)

  Darkness at Noon (Koestler)

  Davies, Joseph; Mission to Moscow

  Davies, Nicholas

sp; Davies, Nick

  Dawkins, Richard

  Day of Deceit (Stinnett)

  Dean, Jodi

  Dearborn Independent

  Death of a Goddess (Cohen)

  Democratic Party, assassination conspiracies and

  Depression, economic

  Deutscher, Isaac

  Dewdney, A. K.

  Dewey, John

  Dialogues in Hell (Joly)

  Diana, Princess of Wales

  Dieudonné, Mbala Mbala

  DiMaggio, Joe


  Disinformation series

  Dobbs, Lou

  Documentaries: movies; TV

  Donnelly, Ignatius

  Double Cross (Giancana and Giancana)

  Douglas, Alfred

  Durham, Stanley Ann

  Eades, Robert

  Eckart, Dietrich

  Eco, Umberto; Foucault’s Pendulum

  Economy, Soviet

  Edge of Darkness (BBC TV series)

  Eisenhower, Dwight D.

  Eurocratic plot

  Evans-Pritchard, Ambrose

  Executive Intelligence Review

  Expert witnesses


  Eyewitnesses to Pentagon 9/11 crash

  Fahrenheit 911 (movie)

  Falkland Islands war

  Farah, Joseph

  Farrakhan, Louis

  Fascists, Trotsky and

  Fayed, Dodi Al

  Fayed, Mohamed Al

  Fenster, Mark

  Fetzer, James

  Feuchtwanger, Lion

  Financiers; populists and

  Fingerprints of the Gods (Hancock)

  Fischer, David Hackett

  Fisher, Kelly

  Flanagan, Hallie

  Flynn, John T. ; Hiss and; and Hollywood; and McCarthy; The Truth About Pearl Harbor

  Ford, Gerald

  Ford, Henry; and Protocols

  Forrest, Robert

  Foster, Lisa

  Foster, Vincent

  Foucault’s Pendulum (Eco)


  French Revolution

  Freud, Anna

  Fritsch, Theodor; Handbook of the Jewish Question

  Frost. Stephen

  Fukino, Chiyome

  Furet, François

  Gabbard, David

  Gardiner, Nicholas

  Garrison, Jim

  Gee, Maggie

  Gender, and conspiracism

  George, Andrew

  George, Brian

  Germany: and Protocols; Trotsky and

  Getty, J. Arch

  Giancana, Chuck

  Giancana, Sam

  Gideon’s Spies (Thomas)

  Gilligan, Andrew

  Gitlin, Todd

  Glading, Percy

  Glazov, Jamie

  Glover, Stephen

  Gnostic gospels

  Goedsche, Hermann (Sir John Retcliffe)

  Going to Extremes (Sunstein)

  Golden Age, The (Vidal)

  Gorbachev, Mikhail

  Gould, Diana

  Government: British, and Iraq war

  —U.S., conspiracies; and 9/11 attacks

  Government by Gunplay (Blumenthal)

  Graves, Philip; “The End of the Protocols,”

  Great in the Small, The (Nilus)

  Green, Robert

  Greenham Peace Camp (UK)

  Greenson, Ralph

  Gregory, Martyn

  Griffin, David Ray ; and motive for 9/11; The New Pearl Harbor

  Grosz, Stephen

  Group polarization

  Guardian (newspaper)

  Haigh, Madeleine

  Halpin, David


  Hamilton, Peter

  Hancock, Graham

  Handbook of the Jewish Question (Fritsch)

  Hanson, Peter Burton

  Harris, Clara

  Hausen, Ludwig Müller von. See Beck, Gottfried zur

  Hay, Alastair

  Henderson, Eric L.

  Hersh, Seymour

  Herzl, Theodor

  Heseltine, Michael

  Hess, Rudolf

  Hicks, Bill

  Hidden Persuaders, The (Packard)

  Himmler, Heinrich

  Hinckley, John

  Hiss, Alger

  Historian’s fallacy

  Historical precedent

  History: plots and; revisionist; study of; understanding of

  Hitler, Adolf; and Protocols; and war on U.S.

  Hofstadter, Richard

  Hollywood; HUAC and; Iranian views

  Holocaust: Protocols and; revisionists and

  Holy Blood and the Holy Grail, The (Baigent, Leigh, and Lincoln)

  Honigsbaum, Mark

  Hoover, J. Edgar; Masters of Deceit

  Houghton, Harris

  Hounam, Peter, Operation Cyanide

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

  Howe, Irving

  Hufschmid, Eric

  Hunt, Nicholas

  Hurricane Katrina

  Hussey, Marmaduke

  Hutton Report

  Hysteria, conspiracism as


  Immigrants, populists and

  Imperialism; populists and


  In Cold Blood (Capote)

  Inconvenient truths

  Industrialists, and World War I,

  Industrialization, Soviet; sabotage of

  Infamy: Pearl Harbor and Its Aftermath (Toland)

  International Jew, The

  Internet, and conspiracy theories

  Interrogation methods, Soviet

  Iran, and Protocols

  Ir an-contra affair

  Iraq war

  Irvine, Reed

  Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas)

  Islamists, terrorist attacks

  Isolationism, U.S.

  Israel; and Liberty bombing; and 9/11

  It’s a Wonderful Life (movie)

  Ivashov, Leonid

  James, Clive

  Japan, and World War II,

  Jarvis, Kevin

  Jefferson, Thomas

  Jehan-Préval (Rachkovsky)

  Jenkins, Lindsay

  Jesus; Schonfield and

  Jewish Peril, The

  Jews; Dieudonné, and; and 9/11; Russian; and World War II,

  JFK (movie)

  Joannides, George

  Joel, Moses

  John, Elton

  John Birch Society

  Johnson, Lyndon B.

  Johnson Act

  Joly, Maurice

  Jones, Alex

  Jones, Everett LeRoi. See Baraka, Amiri

  Jones, Nigel

  Jones, Steven

  Journalists; Flynn

  Kaganovich, Lazar

  Kaill, Derek

  Kamenev, Lev; trial of

  Kania, Hans

  Karpf, Anne

  Keep America Out of War Congress (KAOWC)

  Kelly, David

  Kelly, Grace

  Kelly, Janice

  Kennedy, A. L.

  Kennedy, Edward

  Kennedy, John F.; assassination

  Kennedy, Robert F.; assassination

  Kercher, Charles

  Keyes, Alan

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Khan, Hasnat

  Khrushchev, Nikita S.

  Kincaid, Cliff

  King, Jon

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  Kirov, Sergei

  Klein, Naomi

  Knight, Peter; Conspiracy Culture

  Knight, Philip

  Knights Templar

  Koestler, Arthur, Darkness at Noon

  Kollerstrom, Nick

  Kopechne, Mary Jo

  Korean War

  Koresh, David

  Kuibyshev. V.

  Kulish, Nicholas

  LaFosse, Michel

  Lambelin, Roger

  Lane, Mark; Rush to Judgmentr />
  LaRouche, Lyndon

  Larry, Richard M.

  Last Empire, The (Vidal)

  Lattimer, John K.

  Lattimore, Owen

  Lauer, Matt

  League of Nations, U.S. and

  Lee, Spike

  Leers, Johann von (Omar Amin); The Criminal Nature of the Jews

  Leigh, Richard

  Lend-Lease Bill

  Lenin, and Pyatakov

  Levine, Lawrence

  Levy, Richard S.

  Lewinsky, Monica

  Liberty, USS, bombing of

  Lichfield, John

  Liebold, Ernest

  Limbaugh, Rush

  Lincoln, Henry

  Lindbergh, Charles

  Littlepage, John

  Lombard, B. S.

  London, bombings (2005)

  Lone gunmen

  Long, Huey

  Loomis, Bob

  Loose Change (movie) ; British versions

  Lopez, Ed

  Losers, conspiracy theories

  Loury, Glenn

  Lynch, David

  Lyons, Gene; The Hunting of the President

  MacDonald, Dwight

  MacDonald, Ramsay

  Machon, Annie

  Madrid, train bombings

  Maher, Bill

  Mailer, Norman, Oswald’s Tale

  Main Center (Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Center) trial

  Malcolm X,

  Maly, Theodore

  Mamet, David; Three Uses of the Knife

  Mangold, Tom

  Mansfield, Michael

  Marrs, Jim

  Marsden, Victor

  Marshall, George C.

  Martin, Michel

  Martin, Patrick

  Marxism; historiography

  Masanobu, Tsuji

  Masks of Christ, The (Picknett and Prince)

  Massiter, Cathy

  Masters of Deceit (Hoover)

  Maxwell, Robert

  McCarthy, Joseph

  McCrum, Robert

  McVeigh, Timothy

  Meacher, Michael

  Media, and conspiracy theories ; and Baker; and Birther movement ; British, and Kelly affair; and Clinton; and Diana’s death; and extraterrestrialism; and Hancock; and The Holy Blood ; and Hurricane Katrina; Lincoln and; Middle Eastern; and Murrell murder; and 9/11

  Mein Kampf (Hitler)

  Melley, Timothy

  Men, and conspiracy theories



  Messianic Legacy, The (Baigent and Leigh)

  Metzger, Richard

  Meyer (Swiss judge)

  Meyssan, Thierry

  Middle East: conspiracy theories; Protocols and

  Millstein, David

  Mind the Gap, Shayler

  Miner, John

  Mission to Moscow (Davies)

  Moldea, Dan

  Molotov, Vyacheslav

  Monbiot, George

  Monroe, Marilyn

  Montefiore, Hugh

  Moon landing, faking of

  Moore, Michael, Fahrenheit 911,

  Moore, Sarah Jane

  Morahan, Christopher

  Morales, David

  Morgan, M. Granger

  Morgan-Grenville, Gerard

  Morley, Jefferson


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