Defender's Blood The Return (An Urban Fantasy)
Page 23
She smiled into the mirror – she didn't look half bad! She put on the matching stiletto shoes and got a small handbag – or as the locals called them – a purse – she put in some money, her phone, a small mirror and lipstick. She also managed to slip a small blade inside and taped another to the very top of her thigh – her dress barely covering it.
They were all going armed – they knew there would be a bouncer on the door but Zach was going to deal with him. His powers in controlling minds had grown more potent over the past few years and he was now very adept at it. He would make sure they got in without being searched!
Just as Alex was finishing she walked out the bedroom to the small lounge area and Zach walked in the door. He stopped and looked at her, his eyes trailing from her feet upwards - “Wow – you look good enough to eat!” he said and Alex laughed - “Bite me!” Zach did that smirk he did so well, the one that got a whole host of butterflies going in Alex's stomach before replying - “Indeed!”
Alex put her hands out in front of her - “No Zach – I've just finished getting ready – you're not messing it all up!” she squealed and his laughter was a small rumble down deep in his chest. “Ok my little one but when we get back – you're mine!” he said and she nodded her head - “Always.” she replied and Zach moved to get changed.
When he walked out it was Alex's turn to say “Wow” her mate looked devastatingly handsome! His dress trousers fit just so and his shirt was midnight dark like his hair – tight across the chest and showing off his physique so well that Alex wanted to rip it off! “Uh uh Alex – we've got to get moving.” Zach said and she pouted!
Before they left Zach motioned for her to come to him - “Come here – I've a present for you.” he said and she wondered when he had got it? Must've been when he popped out earlier.
He pulled a long box from behind his back and it was that certain jewellers! The one with the bluey greeny colour box with the white ribbon around it. Her heart fluttered as he opened it – inside was a platinum chain with a diamond on it. The simplicity of it spoke volumes as to how expensive it had been.
She felt a tear break free from her eyes - “It's gorgeous Zach – what's it for?” she asked and he took it out and moved to fasten it around her neck. “It's for you – just to say I adore you.” he said quietly and Alex's butterflies were jumping all over her stomach. “Thank you.” she said and once more realised how lucky she was. Her heart sometimes ached with the love she felt for her mate – she was pretty sure Zach felt the same.
Once Zach had fastened it on her she turned to give him a kiss – and his kiss back made her weak at the knees. Too soon he pulled away – just as there was knocking at the door!
Everyone else was ready and they wanted to get moving – obvious by the furious knocking! Zach opened the door and Dmitri stood with his fist ready to knock again. “Ok ok – we're coming.” Zach said and Alex moved forward to several wolf whistles from Dmitri and Simeon. Zach growled and both vampires smiled sheepishly - “Sorry” they both mumbled. Alex's face was scarlet – nobody but Zach had ever seen her dressed like this!
Zach placed his hand at the base of her spine and walked very close and she could smell him in her nostrils. The smell invaded her senses and she wished they didn't have to go tonight, she would much rather have spent the time alone with Zach!
However, they had a job to do and they always did it well so she straightened her back and walked on.
Chapter 22
They parked on a nearby piece of waste ground just around the corner from the club. It was in a run down area with empty warehouses and buildings surrounding it. Lots of rubbish littered the streets and the girls had to take care where they placed their feet in their high heels.
As they neared the entrance Zach took point and walked right passed the long queue of people waiting to get in. As he neared the bouncer on the door he let his powers come to the fore – ready to invade the large human in front of him.
The man looked like an ageing boxer – still fit but going to seed just a little. The broken nose was an obvious testament as to the owners former occupation. The man was dressed in a tux – one that looked as if it fit him a number of years ago but no longer. He was scowling straight at Zach – seeing that they had skipped the line!
As Zach stopped in front of him he laid a hand gently on the man's arm – the bouncers other arm moved as if to remove it. Then he stilled – as Zach pushed his power at him – the man had a slack look to his face for a few seconds and then smiled. “Go on in.” the bouncer announced and gestured with his arm. There were more than a few shouts from the line of people, unhappy that they had received preferential treatment!
Zach moved to the side, gesturing Alex and Lisa to go in first. Then half a second later Simeon stalked forwards – the vamp walked as if he owned the place and was cocky as hell. Finally Zach and James walked in, slowly, giving the others a chance to enter and not make it obvious they were together.
Alex's heels click clacked down the long dark hallway, through a door and down a flight of stairs. Lisa followed closely, more than a little nervous. As they drew nearer to the main area of the club the noise level grew to such an extent that talking would be difficult, well unless you had enhanced hearing of course.
As they entered Alex screwed up her face, her nose twitching with the various odours, most of them unpleasant. She could smell sweat and even a faint whiff of vomit! Yuch! They went immediately to the bar – ordering a drink and then stood casually – taking in the scenes in front of them.
The dance floor was packed – the booths around were busy too. Some with activities that were surely illegal. There was also some curtained off areas and Alex placed a hand on Lisa's wrist, pulling her after her.
As they neared the area a large male barred the way - “Sorry – you need to have a member with you to go back there.” he stated in a firm tone. Lisa smiled up at him and batted her eyelids - “Oh sorry – it's just that we've heard of that area and were curious – sure we can't take a peak?” she shouted to be heard. She placed a hand on the man's biceps and looked as if she was shocked - “Oh my you're all muscly!” she exclaimed and the man stood slightly taller – a smile on his lips.
He bent down to talk into her ear - “Sorry not just now – the boss is back there 'entertaining' but if you come back later – I'll give you a personal tour.” he said and she jumped – he had grabbed her ass! It took all of Lisa's willpower not to lay him out flat! She pushed that down and smiled up at him - “Ok big boy – see you later.” she cooed and she turned away. Alex was smiling – jeez Lisa was good! “So – we'll just wander about – see if we can spot the target.” Alex said and knew Lisa had heard her even tho she had spoke quietly. Not wanting anyone else to hear.
As soon as Simeon entered the main area Alex and Lisa knew it – simply because of the amount of females that stopped to look at him. It was like a domino effect and pretty soon most if not all of the females were openly watching his progress. Some were with guys and the guys were drawing daggers at him while their girls were openly drooling!
He didn't walk – he prowled around the main dance floor before heading to the bar. The looks following him ranged from interest to full on lust! Simeon smiled at a few of the younger girls – the same type as the missing girls – young, voluptuous, long hair.
All the missing girls had similarities so that's where his attention went. As soon as he stopped a few of the more bold females moved towards him. He ignored most but there were two young girls that were almost identical to the ones who had disappeared. He smiled down at them and bent down so they would hear him - “Do you girls want a drink?” he asked and both of them looked as if they were going to faint!
Simeon had to stop himself from laughing - “Are you sure you're old enough?” he said and one stepped closer, she must be the bold one, he thought. “Oh we're old enough – for a drink – for anything.” she said trying for seductive but coming over a
s desperate!
Simeon ordered some drinks – he got wine with soda water for the two girls – he wasn't going to buy them anything stronger! The bold one spoke again – or rather shouted to be heard - “I'm Tammy and this is my friend – Jenny – want to grab a booth?” she asked and Simeon nodded. “Lead on.” he said and he carried all three drinks and followed the two girls. Lots of jealous looks were sent in the girls direction!
Simeon slipped into the booth and a girl followed on each of his sides – the bold one sitting way too close! Simeon was amazed at what girls would do with someone they didn't know! For all these two girls knew he could be a serial killer! He kept a smile pasted to his face and scanned the area – so far he hadn't seen who they were after!
Zach and James weren't far behind Simeon and Zach chuckled at the reaction the vampire got! Alexina was right, he was going to be an asset – especially in these circumstances!
James reached the bar first – and immediately scanned for his mate – seeing her over talking to a large man who stood guard at the entrance to a private area. When the male moved closer to Lisa and then grabbed her ass he snarled loudly and made to move in her direction. Zach grabbed his forearm – in a vice like grip – and hissed at him - “It's a mission James – if you can't deal – go outside!” and James looked back at Zach. The face he saw was one of pure control – hard – calm – and he forced himself to stay still. Not run over and rip that bastard's throat out!
Zach ordered them some drinks and passed a glass to James who took it and downed it in one go! Zach passed another to him and he downed that too! “I know it's hard – just stay calm – look for who we're after.” Zach whispered and James nodded – forcing a smile to his lips and looking around.
They also had made a bit of a stir – and more than a few females were eyeing them up. They smiled and chatted to a few – trying to keep their cover intact.
Then Zach felt him – he looked around casually and saw him enter the Club. Zach could feel his power – it was immense and Zach wondered how he had slipped past the radar of the Council! A vamp this powerful – they should know about. The feeling coming from the vampire was pure evil – and made Zach want to get him outside and end him.
A thought occurred to Zach – with the power that he was sensing from this vamp meant he may have powers similar to Zach – he may be able to either sense or read thoughts of those around him! Immediately Zach sent a thought to Alex – 'Be careful – get a block up – he's powerful and warn Lisa' and Zach sensed Alexina's block straight away – good girl!
He turned to James – and lent in – whispering in his ear - “He's very powerful – put a mental block in place – we don't want to tip him off.” and Zach saw a look of concentration on James' face as he raised his block. They couldn't let Simeon know – he only hoped that he didn't give the game away!
Zach watched the vamp as he walked around the dance floor – as if he was a lion stalking prey. Then two things happened at once – the vampire's attention was caught by someone and when Zach followed his eyes his came to bear on Alex!
No! Alex was a bit older than the young girls he had taken so far – why would he be staring at her? Then the vamp's attention was diverted – catching sight of Simeon with the two young girls. Simeon looked as if he was having a good time but came across as aloof and arrogant – exactly the same as this vamp!
Alex spotted him – and his eyes bore into hers – his eyes were not friendly at first, then a small smile tugged at his lips. As if he was forcing himself to smile?! Then just as quick he had spotted Simeon – and he started to walk in his direction.
As he drew close he pasted a huge smile on his face and stopped in front of the booth. “Hi – my name's Andre – want a bit more company?” and Simeon appeared nonchalant - “Sure – the more the merrier.” and the vamp sat down – right next to the more shy female, Jenny. She seemed to shrink down a little – possibly becoming aware of danger – she was now sandwiched between the two males and couldn't get out of the booth.
Simeon noticed her breathing coming quicker – he thought her fight or flight mode had engaged and she didn't know what to do. The bolder girl, Tammy, was rubbing a leg along Simeon's and a hand was on his thigh – he felt the heat through his jeans!
Andre was staring down at Jenny like a predator and Simeon thought that was just what he was!
Andre motioned for a waitress and when she arrived he ordered a bottle of champagne – both of the girls giggled – they probably had never had anyone buy them it! When it arrived he popped the cork as if he did it all the time and poured two glasses – and as he handed them over Simeon saw him drop something in Jenny's. The fucking shit – that's how he was getting the girls to go along willingly!
Simeon pretended he hadn't noticed and when Andre offered him a glass he refused – lifting his own glass - “Nah – that stuff makes my guts hurt.” Simeon said in a bored tone and Andre just poured himself one and lifted it up. “A toast – to new friends.” Andre said and the girls took a large swig – Simeon wasn't happy seeing Jenny drink the bubbly but couldn't do anything about it at the moment.
Andre started talking – asking Simeon where he was from, how long he was in Vegas for – was he on his own – a lot of questions and Simeon gave vague answers, a slight smile on his face. Finally Simeon answered - “I'm a pretty private guy – I'm here for some fun – that's all.” he said and it seemed to appease Andre – even just a little.
Simeon asked his own questions – he could sense the power in this vampire – could sense he was very old – much older than him! “So Andre – you been in Vegas long?” he asked and Andre looked hard at Simeon before answering - “Not too long.” was his only answer. Simeon tried being more blunt - “Andre – we both know I can sense your power and therefore your age – how come I've not heard of you?” he asked and both girls were looking between the two – Jenny looked scared but Tammy was aroused!
Andre once again stared at Simeon before answering – and Simeon beat him to it - “Andre – I know several ancient ones and my mental block went up the minute I sensed you – so stop trying – it tickles!” his voice was quiet as he spoke. Andre smiled - “Sorry – habit – you know. To answer your question – I keep a low profile and to mirror your reply – I am also a very private guy – don't like folk nosing around in my business!” Andre's tone belied the smile on his face. “Ok – well as I said I'm just here for a good time – so all's good!” Simeon said and Andre seemed to relax – only slightly tho.
Simeon looked around – in a very casual manner – and spotted the rest of the team. Lisa and Alex were heading their way – Lisa was weaving about as if drunk?! WTF – was something wrong with her?
Simeon tried to hide his worry as they got nearer – Alex struggling to keep Lisa upright! Then he heard Alex speaking - “Come on – you've had too many cocktails – you're going to feel crap tomorrow!” she was talking to Lisa who just mumbled and stumbled along. As they got to the booth they didn't even look in their direction – although Simeon saw Andre looking at Alex. As they were just about past Lisa fell sideways and her little purse went flying – as Lisa fell she pulled Alex with her and Alex tried desperately not to fall.
Andre moved quickly – catching Alex before she fell completely to the floor! Lisa was half sprawled on the booth table and giggling like a very drunk schoolgirl and the smell of booze was all over her! Alex gasped and looked up - “Sorry – oh jeez – I'm so sorry – my friend – her and alcohol don't mix! She tries to keep up with me but well she's not the same as me.” she babbled and Andre smiled down at her - “It's quite all right my dear – vampires can hold our liquor so much better than others. Can I do anything else to help?” Andre asked and Alex shook her head - “No – I'll get her back to the hotel – we'll be fine, thanks so much for your help.” Alex said with a smile.
Andre helped Alex to lift Lisa and retrieve Lisa's purse from the floor. “Thanks again – I r
eally appreciate it.” Alex said and Andre had a very strange look on his face. “No problem – it was my pleasure to help a lady in distress. Maybe our paths will cross again?” he said in a tone that nearly made Alex puke! “Uhm maybe.” Alex answered as she grabbed hold of Lisa and continued on towards the exit.
Andre knew who this female was! Everyone had heard of her and her special blood – although she was now a vampire Andre could still sense the difference in her – and it was calling to him! His mind wandered – what was she doing here? Something innocent – a girls holiday? Or was she here with her mate?! He didn't think her mate was near tho – the way she was dressed – well no mate would leave her alone dressed like that! He would need to be careful, he thought, all the while still trying to take in the scent that she had left in her wake.
Zach had stiffened when he saw Alex heading in their targets direction – trying to hold Lisa up! At first he had thought something was wrong but when he sent his powers out he got nothing back. Lisa was fine. James had also followed their journey – and had been ready to move forward only stilling when Zach quietly said “No.”
They watched what happened and Zach thought he knew what was going on – he made his way around the room – going in the opposite direction of Simeon's booth. Just as he reached the door to the exit Alex and Lisa got there – Alex smiled up at him as she whispered - “Tracker's on him.” and she continued out with Lisa. They would go and join Dmitri and take things from there.
James and Zach kept moving, keeping an eye on Simeon's booth – not staying in the same place for long so there was less chance that Andre would see them. Every so often some females would come and engage them in conversation which they would respond to but if they asked for a dance or a drink they would move on.