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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

Page 3

by J. A. Collard

  I look back at her through the mirror, and reply, “Sounds great. It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to get my hair done.”

  “So I see,” Megan replies, then laughs.

  An hour and a half later, my hair is looking fantastic.

  “Thank you so much, Megan,” I say as I kiss her cheek.

  “You’re welcome. It was so great to see you again. Don’t be a stranger, okay?”

  I smile and nod. “I won’t.”

  “When do you go back to New York?”

  “This weekend. I’ve got a meeting tomorrow, then a photo shoot this Saturday. I plan to leave after that.”

  “No way, Chloe. You can’t miss the game. It’s Sunday football. Plus, you’re staying this weekend ‘cause we’re going out and having a girls’ night.”

  I laugh, raising my eyebrows. “Girls’ night?”

  “What’s this about a girls’ night?” Sophia asks as she gets up from the couch, throws down a magazine she’d been reading while I was getting my hair done.

  Megan looks over to Sophia. “I was just telling Chloe she can’t leave before the weekend. We need to have a girls’ night for old-time’s sake.”

  Smiling wide, Sophia claps her hands. “Oh, this is perfect. Chloe, you have to stay. Please. Pretty please,” she begs, pouting her lips.

  Feeling torn, and not wanting to let my friend down, I agree. I mean, it’s the least I can do after secretly sleeping with her ex.

  Sophia jumps up and down, repeating, “Girls’ night, girls’ night.”

  Laughing at their over-the-top enthusiasm, I say, “Okay, okay, girls’ night it is.”

  “Chloe, your hair looks amazing.” She turns. “Great job, Megan.”

  “Why, thank you, Soph. So, I’ll see you guys on Saturday night?”

  “Sure will,” Sophia replies. “I’ll text you with the details.”

  Paying for my hair, Sophia leads me outside, then faces me, and I ask, “So, where to?”

  “Falls Café, of course.”

  Smiling, we walk side by side for a block and stop in front of the café. Just before I’m about to enter, I catch a glimpse of a man exiting a red truck nearby. He’s wearing dark denim jeans, a black sweatshirt hugs his torso, and a blue-and-yellow cap with the Vixen Rapids’ mascot embroidered on it. I still, and can hear Sophia calling my name, but I’m rooted to the spot. The man walks around to the back of the truck then lets down the tailgate. He’s wearing dark boots, and he places thick gloves on his hands before starting to lift wood from the back of the tray. I recognize Domenic’s dad, Martin, as he comes around the back and also picks up pieces of wood. Then it only takes a few seconds for my body to register who it is he’s standing next to. As he turns around to walk into a store, he freezes as he spots us watching, and just stares in our direction.

  Oh, Jesus, it’s Domenic.

  Nerves take hold of me, and I stumble for balance. Holding on to a nearby sign, I steady myself and inhale, trying to catch my breath. You would think I’ve just run ten miles by the way my breath is coming out.

  I can’t make out his face from here, but his body suddenly tenses, and his arms tighten around the pieces of wood he’s holding. The cap he’s wearing covers his eyes, so I can’t make out what he’s looking at, but instinct tells me it’s me. His jaw, however, I can clearly see, and as he clenches it tightly, I am sure he’s grinding his teeth.

  Oh, crap! He’s recognized me, and he’s not happy.

  Without thinking, I lift my hand and reluctantly wave. He doesn’t respond, though, just drops his head, shakes it, and ignores me as he walks toward a store called Logwood Falls.

  “Chlo? Are you okay?” Sophia asks as she places her hand on my shoulder.

  Tears pool in my eyes as I turn to her, and her face drops.

  “That was Domenic, wasn’t it?” I ask as I sniffle.

  Sophia looks up and follows my line of sight. “Yeah, it was. What’s going on, Chloe? Why are you so upset at seeing him?”

  For some reason, I begin to cry, and Sophia wraps me in her arms, shushing me. “Chlo, it’s okay, but you have to tell me what’s going on? I’m still your friend. Yes, we’re not as close as we used to be, but you understand you can tell me anything, right?” She pushes me back after a few moments, forcing me to look into her eyes.

  Nodding, I reply, “I know, it’s just hard for me to tell you.”

  “Come into the café, it is cold out here, and you’re shivering.”

  I let her link her arm in mine and lead me into the warm coffee shop.

  “This is on me. Still like your latte extra sweet?”

  “Yes, please,” I reply and wipe my tears away with my sleeve.

  Finding an empty table, I take a seat in the vacant one against the window. Looking out, I notice Domenic returning to his truck. Girls are hovering around him, pushing pens and paper in his face, and he smiles while he scribbles something on each—probably his autograph. One girl, in particular, hugs him and clings a little too long onto his muscular torso. I feel my body tense but notice that his arms are not around her. Instead, they are wide open. He must say something to her because she drops her arms and pulls back. He smiles and finishes signing something for her.

  Just before he gets into his truck, he must sense me watching him because he turns and catches a glimpse of me through the clear glass window of the café. He stills once again, but this time he removes his hat and runs his hand through his black hair, and his gaze bores into mine. The look he’s giving me is piercing, and I can’t seem to turn away. His hand runs through his hair again as though in frustration, and then rests behind his neck as he looks down at the ground.

  What is he thinking?

  Domenic looks up again, takes a step forward, then as if he’s having second thoughts, he stops. Placing his cap on his head again, he turns his back to me, opens the driver’s door of his truck, and then jumps in. His red truck looks brand-new like it has been driven straight out of a car dealership. He reverses out of his parking spot and then takes off down the road with his tires screeching.

  What was that?

  “One large latte, extra sweet,” Sophia states as she places the cup in front of me.

  Smiling, she takes a seat opposite me and sips her hot chocolate.

  “Still love your hot chocolates, I see.” I smile as I take a sip of my delicious coffee.

  “I sure do. Nothing’s changed around here for me.”

  Feeling a little awkward, I take a deep breath and open my mouth to ask her a question, but stop when she says, “Me first.”

  “Oh, okay then.”

  “What was that, Chloe? Out there? Before?” Sophia asks, pointing her finger out the window. “I know something happened between you and Domenic. I’m not that stupid, Chlo. And the way you looked at him out there only confirmed it for me.”

  “Oh, Sophia.” I place my hands over my face, feeling at a loss as to how I am going to tell her what happened all those years ago.

  I feel her hand on mine, and I move my hands away.

  “When you left, five years ago, I knew something was up. The way you ran without even saying goodbye to your family or me that was not at all like you. Something happened that you’re not telling me about at the party, right?”

  Tears fall down my face, and Sophia’s hand squeezes mine. “Chloe, I miss our friendship more than you will ever know. And I need you to understand that whatever happened… it is in the past. I want us to be friends again. I miss you. When you left and stopped taking my calls, it killed me, Chloe. You were my best friend, and in those five years, I’ve probably only seen you twice. I have never pushed you for details, but now I need to. I want you to explain to me why my best friend left without a word?”



  “Hey, can I step in?” I turn around from dancing with Sam, my beer at my lips, and my eyes latch onto Domenic’s. I laugh, maybe a little too much. Obviously, the alcohol is getting to me.

  “Who? Me?” I ask in surprise as I point my finger to my chest.

  Domenic sucks his bottom lip into his mouth, and his beautiful green eyes travel down my body to my bare legs, then up again, landing on my breasts, freezing there for a moment before they meet my brown eyes. Swallowing hard, I feel heat pool in my panties, and my stomach dips as he releases his bottom lip, and his eyes narrow on my own.

  “Yeah, you,” he replies, stepping in a little closer, so his feet are hitting the tips of mine.

  “You look beautiful tonight, Chloe.”

  Not realizing that my body is swaying toward him, Sam interrupts, saying, “Chloe, I think we should go.”

  Domenic’s eyes don’t leave mine as he says, “Beat it, Sam. I’ve got her.”

  His hands land on my waist, and his body slides up against mine. I hold my beer behind me, gesturing for Sam to take it, and he does, all the while, my eyes never leave Domenic’s. The song, ‘Tonight’ by Emphatic comes on, the words playing as though written for us. It’s perfect for slow-dancing, and with the alcohol running through my body, I place my arms around his neck, letting my breasts run up his chiseled chest.

  Domenic’s chest rises and falls as he breathes heavily, and my panties become damp with desire. I’ve never felt like this before. I never wanted anyone as much as I want Domenic Reed. I shouldn’t be doing this, my body shouldn’t want him, but I don’t care. Right now, all that matters is this moment—here, now. Everyone and everything else can go to hell.

  “Chloe, I’m leaving,” Sam growls at me, sounding pissed off.

  Breaking my connection with Domenic, I face Sam and give him an apologetic look. “I’ll be fine, Sam. You go if you have to.”

  “She’s safe with me, Ross.”

  Ross is Sam’s surname, and for some reason, all the jocks call everyone by their last name. I guess that’s how it goes. Sam takes one look at me before he strides away, still looking mighty angry.

  Why is he upset with me?

  Perhaps I should go after him, but I don’t want to leave these arms and the warmth they’re bringing.

  Sophia left half an hour ago. I had to call her a cab. She drank way too much and wasn’t feeling well. I tried everything to get her to stay, but she couldn’t. I wanted to leave with her, but she told me to stay and enjoy myself, and because Sam was with me, I thought, why not? But now, dancing with Domenic like this makes me feel a little guilty.

  We begin to sway to the music, and our bodies move in sync. No words are spoken, our eyes are doing all the communicating, and that’s fine by me. I want to remember every touch, every breath that leaves his mouth, every look that tells me he wants me.

  Geez, I must be drunk.

  I leave for New York next week, and I don’t know what I’m going to do without seeing Domenic again. But the internship is a fantastic opportunity, and I couldn’t say no to that. Plus, I can still come out to Vixen Falls and visit now and then.

  Not wanting the song to end, I enjoy every single part of this moment. I want to recall tonight because once I leave for New York, I need to remember how it feels to be in Domenic’s arms. I squeeze my eyes shut and inhale, noticing his cologne, which gives me a sense of belonging.

  With my eyes still shut, I rest my cheek against his chest and travel my hands up his broad back, which is covered in his Vixen High number 48 jersey. His hands wrap around me and rest on the small of my back, and he pulls me in closer as our bodies continue to move to the music. It’s as though there is no one in the room except for us. I feel his hands travel a little lower, and then they slide over my buttocks and stop once they are at the edge of my dress skirt. His fingers brush light strokes on my exposed thighs, and I inhale at the intimacy his touch creates.

  I feel heat at the apex of my thighs, and immediately I squeeze them together to control the throbbing that’s begun at my clit. I have never felt this way before. With the alcohol running through my veins, I find the courage to pull back and look into his eyes, which I find are filled with lust. “Domenic, I want you. I want you to be my first.”

  His eyes widen, and in one quick movement, he pulls back, grabs my hand, and begins leading me through the other couples who are dancing and then up the stairs to his bedroom, I’m assuming. I feel butterflies erupt in my stomach as we reach the closed bedroom door.

  Before he opens it, he turns to face me, all serious now. “Chloe, are you sure you want this? Because, baby, I have a feeling that once I begin, I won’t be able to stop.”

  My words are caught at the back of my throat. His expression is genuine, and it proves that he cares about me. I should stop him, I should say, “No, I don’t want to do this. I can’t, you’re Sophia’s boyfriend.” But I can’t. I have loved this boy since he sat across from me in the cafeteria on the first day of school. He had a football in his hand and was spinning it around on the table, his football buddies seated around him.

  We had locked eyes, and in that moment, I felt something for this boy that I never knew existed. The problem was, my friend, Sophia, set her sights on him too, and it wasn’t long before they were dating. They were the hottest couple at school, the golden couple—head cheerleader and quarterback.

  I’d tried to forget my feelings, how his smile was the perfect smile that revealed straight white teeth, how his black hair always looked messy, and how his green eyes, that are hypnotizing were not attractive.

  We became friends, always hanging out because wherever Sophia went, she wanted me with her. I was shy and quiet and always felt out of place with them holding hands and stealing kisses here and there, but it wasn’t long before I met Sam. He moved in next door to me that year and started at Vixen High. I sat next to him one day, and we started talking. We clicked right away, and he mentioned he was on the high school lacrosse team. I didn’t know much about the sport, so I went along to all of his games, and from that day on, we were inseparable.

  People like Justin Adams, Domenic’s best friend and on the football team, would tease Sam and me constantly, saying how he should just fuck me already.

  I hated Justin. Why Domenic hung out with him, I have no clue. But Sophia would just tell me to ignore him.

  One time, Sam managed to get Justin into a headlock and had him on the floor on his ass in a few seconds. Justin stopped teasing us from that day forward. He may have acted all macho and shit, but Sam proved him to be just another bully.

  Now here I am, about to enter Domenic’s room, with his face so close to mine, I can feel his breath hit my cheek. “Chloe, tell me now, do you want this? Because I want you, I’ve wanted you since the first day I met you.” His hands reach out to my face, and he holds it in his warm palms. “Chloe, you need to know how I feel about you.”

  As tears pool in my eyes, his words meaning everything to me. I’ve wanted to hear them for so long, and to know he feels the same about me as I do for him fills my heart with joy.

  “Then why, Domenic? Why didn’t you ever say anything?”

  His hands drop to his sides, and then he raises one and runs it through his hair in frustration. His eyes show sadness, and yet they hold hope. “Come in my room, not out here,” he says, looking around at our surroundings. He gestures to the bed and kicks his bedroom door shut, and then walks me to the bed.

  I sit, giggling, feeling a little giddy from all the alcohol.

  Domenic sits beside me, and I fall back against the bed, enjoying the softness of his dark blue comforter. He looks down at me, smiling, and his smile literally takes my breath away. This boy is so beautiful, he’s almost too good-looking—perfect teeth, perfect lips, green eyes with a hint of amber, scruffy black hair—yes, perfect. His nose is the only thing that’s not perfect on his flawless face. It is slightly crooked from all the beatings he takes being a quarterback, but to me, he’s still beautiful.

  Lifting the side of his mouth, he bends forward, his body over mine. “What are you thinking about, Chloe?” I don’t miss how his voice is lower and how he licks h
is lips as if he wants to taste me—and I know I want to taste him.

  I love him.

  I want him.

  I need him.

  “You,” I whisper. I reach my hand up and slide the back of it down his jawbone, feeling the roughness of his stubble against my skin. He turns his face, so his lips touch my hand, and he kisses it. Domenic grasps my wrist, keeping it there, and places small feather-light kisses down my arm, past my elbow, and then over to my neck, where he darts his tongue out and licks before kissing the same spot. I gasp, feeling the throbbing between my legs again, and goosebumps cover my skin. I place my hand on the back of his head as he continues to devour my neck, and then he moves to the valley between my breasts.

  “You smell incredible, Chloe.”

  I close my eyes, enjoying the brush of his lips against my skin, and the tip of his tongue feels amazing as he traces the curve of my breast.

  Not being able to control myself, I travel my hands down the back of his shirt and lift, exposing his toned back to my hungry hands. I want this, I want him. God, so much.

  Part of me is saying, stop this, Chloe, he’s not yours, but the other half is saying, I may never have an opportunity like this again.

  Music is blaring downstairs as an Ed Sheeran song plays. My hands travel further up his back, and I reach his shoulders as I arch my head on his pillow while his mouth devours my neck.

  “God, I’ve wanted you for so long,” Domenic murmurs against my skin, and I look up and hold his face in my hands.

  Frowning, I ask, “You have?”

  His lips are full, as he smiles and admits, “Yes, Chloe, I have.”

  “But I’m Chloe Mason. I’m nobody. And you’re the quarterback for Vixen Rapids, who’s dating—”

  “Stop,” he growls. “Not tonight. Tonight, I am just yours.”

  My words are caught when Domenic kisses me hard, his tongue sliding between my lips as it seeks out mine. He moans when I open my mouth further, allowing him full access. Our tongues meet, and he strokes mine with his. I feel his hardness against my thigh, and I instinctively wrap my legs around his waist. My hands, still on his back, travel lower, and run down the curve of his lower back, then over his toned butt. He pushes into me and rubs his hardness against my pelvis. It feels amazing as he continues to rub against me.


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