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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

Page 5

by J. A. Collard

  He hooks his finger, and that’s my undoing. Something bursts inside, and a huge rush washes through me. Without even noticing, I have gripped his head in my hands, and I am riding his face hard. My pelvis is rubbing against his tongue.

  That was the best experience of my life.

  My hands fall away from his head, and my legs drop, feeling weak.

  “Chloe? Are you okay?”

  I open my eyes and see a look of concern on Domenic’s face. I don’t miss his mouth glistening with my orgasm, and I blush, feeling exposed.

  ‘I’m… I’m fine,” I say shakily.

  “Good, because that was just the beginning.”

  “It was?” I ask, sitting up on my elbows.

  “Yes, it was. Now, here comes the fun part.”

  Domenic runs his hand through his hair and hovers over my body, saying, “Let’s get rid of this, shall we?” He turns me on my side and unzips my dress then places me on my back again. He pulls the sleeves of my dress down, exposing my breasts, and his eyes dilate at the vision of them. “Fuck, Chloe, you’re beautiful.”

  I love how he makes me feel.

  Pulling the dress over my hips and down my legs, he discards it to the floor then leans over me, licking my right nipple and then taking it whole into his mouth, sucking. Needing more, I wrap my legs around him and raise my pelvis to meet his cock. He slides through my wet folds and continues to give my breasts attention. It’s as though he’s turned on a light switch because a whole new sense of need builds inside me, and I find myself rubbing against him too. His mouth switches to my other breast where he continues the same torture.

  “Are you on the pill, Chloe?”

  The pill? Shit, I forgot all about safe sex. Geez, Chloe.

  “I’m on that needle thing, I get it every month.”

  “Thank Christ.” His hands travel under my thighs, and he lifts my pelvis to meet his long, hard thrust. I cry out as pain rips through me. His mouth smashes down onto mine, taking ownership of my lips, the same way his cock is owning me. His teeth graze my bottom lip, and I hold my breath, trying to concentrate on anything other than the pain.

  “Stay with me, Chloe. Feel me… feel all of me,” he says as he continues to thrust in and out of me, slowly, gently.

  The pain is soon replaced by pleasure, and I moan when he stops and rotates his hips.

  “Tell me you love this, Chloe. Like I fucking love it.”

  “I love it,” I scream. Leaning up to kiss him firmly, I suck on his bottom lip as he thrusts harder and faster. I feel a burn at the pit of my stomach again, needing another release.

  Fuck, is this what it’s like for everyone?

  Running my hands down his back, I cup his stone-hard butt. I follow his movements pushing in and out, wanting more. He stops for a second, his hard-rigid cock still inside of me. “You, okay, beautiful?”

  I bite down on my bottom lip and nod, not able to use my words.

  Domenic’s hand comes up to my collarbone, then slides down my chest between my breasts. His thumb moves to my clit where he puts pressure, and it’s nearly my undoing.

  “I don’t want to miss a thing. I want to make this moment last,” he declares, and I run my hand through his hair and slowly bring his lips down to mine, gently kissing him. His hands cup the back of my head as he begins to rock back and forth again.

  Getting lost in the rhythm of making love, I can’t help but whisper, “I love you, Domenic.”

  Tears burn behind my eyes when he stops and gazes down at me, saying, “I think I’ve always loved you, Chloe.”

  And just like that, my heart opens to him even more.

  His hungry mouth devours my breast as he grips it in one hand and nips and sucks. I cry out as pleasure takes hold of me, and I come.

  I come so hard, I scream out his name.



  Hailing a cab, I ask the driver to take me to Vixen Rapids Football Club. Big mistake for mentioning the club. The taxi driver doesn’t stop with questions about the game. What is it with the drivers here in Vixen Falls? Or maybe it’s me. When we arrive, I grab my briefcase and camera, then pay him.

  Looking down at what I’m wearing, I think I should have worn something more casual. I’m dressed in a short, black skirt that’s high on my waist with a white shirt tucked into it. I am wearing a red cashmere three-quarter jacket because, as per usual, it’s freezing out here. My hair is down, and I love the new highlights Megan’s put through. She’s even cut layers, so somehow my hair now seems fuller. I have applied makeup, not too much but enough, and am wearing my black heels.

  Now, thinking back, maybe jeans and a sweater were the way to go.

  Stop it, Chloe. You’re a professional. You can do this. No time for regrets now.

  With my decision made, I stand tall and make my way through to the club.

  I open the door and look around. It’s modern and not at all what I had imagined.

  A lady at the reception desk asks, “May I help you?”

  “Hi, I’m Chloe Mason. I’m meeting with Tom from Sleek—”

  “There you are, Chloe,” Tom says, coming through the hallway with Coach Collins. I know it’s Coach Collins because he’s been the Vixen Rapids’ coach for years, and I recognize him instantly.

  “Chloe, so nice to meet you,” Coach Collins says, placing his hand out to me. I shake it and smile, then shake Tom’s hand.

  “I see you brought your camera equipment,” Coach Collins says, pointing to it hanging over my shoulder.

  “Thank you for having me here, Coach Collins.”

  “Please, just call me Coach.”

  “Okay, Coach.”

  “Shall we go to my office?” Coach asks.

  Smiling, I reply, “Sure.”

  I follow behind Coach and Tom through the hallways, obviously heading toward his office. He opens two big doors, and the sound of clinking and grunts flow to my ears. Once we walk in the room, the smell of sweat hits my senses, and music’s blaring through the speakers.

  Once Tom and Coach move aside, I come face to face with the team itself, training.

  There is one player lifting weights admiring himself in the mirror, another is skipping with a rope, there’s at least seven on a treadmill, and there, right there, on the rowing machine is Domenic. Sweat glistens over his body as he stops mid-row when he sees me. He’s not wearing a top, so his muscles are on full display. The television doesn’t do him justice because he’s much bigger in person. He’s aged, but in a good way, his face seems leaner, but he still has that chiseled jaw. His hair is how I remember it. And those thighs, God, those thighs look bigger than tree trunks, full of muscles and veins.

  I swallow hard, his eyes narrow when he looks at me, then they travel down my body, and when they reach mine again, he shakes his head and continues to row. Hurt fills me like never before—he didn’t even smile or say hello. The look he gave me screamed anger and regret.

  Maybe I wasn’t that good in bed.

  Maybe he’s glad I left after all.

  “Miss Mason, this way, please.” Coach gestures.

  I look up and see Coach and Tom are further ahead. I didn’t even notice that they had kept walking, being way too transfixed on Domenic. As I quickly catch up to them, whistles and dog barks sound from the other men around me. My cheeks are on fire. I know I should feel flattered, but I’m not. I’m too hurt at how Domenic looked at me as if I am a complete stranger.

  What did I expect, anyway?

  That he would get up to greet me?

  Maybe even hug me and ask how I am?

  Who am I kidding? What I did was wrong, and I know that now. I was a naïve teenager, and I’ve had lots of time to think about how I dealt with that night, and leaving him without even a goodbye because I was filled with guilt, was not the right way to handle the situation. I should have had the courage to tell Sophia what had happened rather than run like a child. And now, just looking at Domenic and how he rea
cted when he saw me, confirms how badly I did handle the situation.

  Coach opens his office door and gestures for me to come in. “Please take a seat, Chloe.”

  I walk over to one of the vacant chairs and take a seat, placing my briefcase and camera on the floor while Tom sits beside me.

  “Drink, anyone?” Coach asks, walking over to a nearby fridge.

  I take this opportunity to observe his office, and it’s magnificent. A dark oak desk looks over the football grounds. Modern floorboards and pictures of football players are displayed all around the room. Many trophies of championships line the shelves, and my eyes focus on a picture of Domenic and Coach together. Domenic has a trophy in his hand, and Coach has his arm around him. I remember that win. It was last year’s Super Bowl.

  “Miss Mason?”

  I glance over at Coach and reply, “Oh, sorry. Just water, thanks.”


  “Nothing for me, thank you.”

  Coach nods once then grabs a bottle of water for himself and me. Handing one to me, I thank him and open the bottle taking a sip before I place it on the table.

  “Chloe, we wanted you to meet us here today because we need to discuss something with you.”

  Feeling nervous, I swallow that drop of water loudly. Do they know about Domenic and me?

  “Of course, what can I do for you, gentlemen?”

  Tom looks over to me and then at Coach, and I can sense this conversation’s not going to be an easy one.

  Coach clears his throat. “With the shoot organized for tomorrow, we wanted to make sure everyone is on the same page, and we want things to run smoothly. It seems our quarterback is not happy that we’ve invited you here as our photographer.”

  What an asshole!

  “What do you mean he’s not happy?” I ask, feeling a little pissed off. I mean, I know he’s probably upset that I up and left the night after amazing sex, but to play around with my career is a whole other ball game.

  Coach looks at the floor as if he’s trying to find the right words. “Miss Mason, let’s just say that when I mentioned your name, he slammed his locker and threw some things around.”

  “He what? But why?”

  “We were hoping you could offer us an explanation because Dom sure as hell didn’t want to answer that question,” Coach explains.

  I inhale, trying to calm my voice. “Look, Coach, and Tom,” I say, getting up off my chair and standing. “If you don’t want me here, please let me know, and I will happily leave Vixen Falls and go back to New York.” I swiftly place my camera over my shoulder, lift my briefcase, and head for the door.

  “Wait, Miss Mason,” Tom interjects.

  I stop in my tracks and turn around to face them both. “Yes.”

  “We didn’t mean to upset you, but Domenic is a big part of this team, and if he doesn’t want you to be the one to take pictures, then I need to make this right. So, I’m wondering… can you two work this out?”

  “Sorry, what? Work what out?”

  “This issue you two have. Obviously, you feel the same about him,” Coach says, raising his eyebrows.

  “Look, I may not like the man very much, and I’m sorry, but the reason for that is none of your business. I was happy to put my personal life aside for this photo shoot, but unfortunately, he is not able to do the same,” I state angrily. I turn back around and swing the door open, ready to storm out of the office, but freeze as I come face to face with the man himself. He’s no longer bare-chested, but now wearing a tank top and a towel around his neck, his hair is wet, and from the scent of him, I’d say he’s just showered.

  My breath hitches at the sight of him, but he doesn’t smile or say anything. He simply walks around me into the office and demands, “What is this about? Why did you ask me here?”

  Turning to me, Tom pleads, “Miss Mason, won’t you please take a seat again? We were hoping we could all meet and talk in a civilized manner.”

  “I’m sorry, Tom, but I know when I’m not wanted,” I reply, my eyes looking over at Domenic as he stands there with his arms crossed, his back facing me.

  Tom walks over and gently places his hand on my shoulder, ushering me back into the office. He closes the door behind me and walks me back to the seat I vacated.

  “Coach, what the fuck is going on? I have shit to do.”

  Coach gestures to another seat on the other side of me and says, “Sit, Dom, or I’ll have your ass on the bench this weekend.”

  “You wouldn’t dare! You can’t win this game without me, Coach.”

  Coach places his hands flat on his desk and narrows his eyes at him. “You want to test me, boy?”

  Domenic doesn’t reply but slides into the seat beside me. I look over at him, and he links his hands and places them behind his head. I don’t miss his large biceps, and how I can see the side of his pecs through the opening of his tank top.

  “Good. Now, you…” Coach says, pointing at Domenic, and then at me, “… and you are going to fix whatever problem you two have. Domenic, Miss Mason is the best, and I promised Tom here from Sleek Sports Magazine that he would get an interview with us and photos tomorrow, so I need you to work out what the hell is going on between you tonight.”

  Domenic removes his hands and rests his elbows on his knees. “Not gonna happen, Coach. I’m meeting Cass for dinner.”

  My heart squeezes at the mention of Cassandra, so I quickly step in, “Please, Coach. There’s no need, I’m sure we can both behave in a civilized manner for work purposes.”

  Coach shakes his head. “I’m not willing to take the risk. I saw the way Domenic responded when I told him you were coming today, and I don’t need a repeat of it.”

  I look over at Domenic, and he faces me. He’s pissed, his face is void of any emotions but anger. Whatever happened to that smile and playful boy I fell in love with? Is this all my fault? Is he still angry that I left? I know I never answered any of his calls, but that was five years ago for God’s sake. Surely, we can move on. Plus, if he’s dating what’s her face, why is he bothered about me?”

  “You two are going out tonight, and that’s final. Domenic, Chloe’s staying at Vixen Lodge, pick her up and take her out, and fix whatever this is between you two.”

  I swallow, nervous to see Domenic’s reaction. I hate that he’s being forced to do this.

  God, why is this so hard?

  “Fine,” he concedes. “But I’m not picking her up.” He looks back at me. “Meet me at Harry’s Bar at seven and don’t be late.”

  His chair slides against the wooden floors as he stands. “Happy now, Coach? Can I leave?”

  Coach sighs and looks at me. “Are you okay with that, Miss Mason?”

  Hesitantly, I say, “Sure. I’ll meet you at Harry’s Bar.”

  Domenic turns to face me then restates, “Don’t be late.”

  Then he leaves the room, slamming the door behind him.



  I wake with a jolt as the morning light hits my face. Images of last night come to mind and the way Domenic had woken me twice, wanting me again and again. I sink my head in my pillow as guilt washes over me.

  I can’t believe I did this. I slept with my best friend’s boyfriend.

  Slowly, I turn to face Domenic and see him sleeping on his back, one hand is behind his head, and the other lays flat on his stomach. The sheet is low beneath his waist, and I can just make out the hair on his pelvis. His mouth is slightly open as he takes even breaths, and I take a moment to have my fill of him.

  What will I do when he wakes?

  What will I say? I mean, I’m leaving for New York next week.

  How can I ever face Sophia again?

  Oh God, I’ve made a mistake. Dammit, Chloe, what were you thinking? Regret and guilt run through my mind, and a plan forms on how I’m going to get out of this.

  Sophia is my best friend—I can’t stick around to see her reaction when she finds out.

Slipping out of bed, I spot my panties and dress on the floor. I quickly grab my panties and pull them on, being as quiet as possible. I watch Domenic sleeping as I slide into my dress, and when he doesn’t wake, I quickly grab my shoes and tiptoe out his bedroom, being very careful not to make too much noise.

  I shut the door behind me and tiptoe down the stairs toward the front door. I don’t know if anyone is around because all I can focus on is getting the hell out of here and out of Vixen Falls.

  And that’s exactly what I did.



  Looking at my watch again, I see it’s seven forty.

  Asshole, how dare he stand me up.

  With the shoot happening tomorrow, I wanted to have a quiet meal by myself and head to bed early. It seems an early night is not on my radar tonight.

  Taking a sip of my red wine, I feel a man’s eyes on me. So, I look up and see that he’s seated at the end of the bar. He’s attractive from what I can see. He takes another sip of his amber liquid, gets up off his stool, and heads over to me.

  “What’s a pretty girl like you doing alone?”

  He’s wearing a gray suit, gray tie, and white shirt. His hair is blond, and he has blue eyes.

  I smile then reply, “I’m waiting for someone.”

  “You don’t recognize me, do you?”

  My gaze falls back to him, and suddenly awareness flashes through me. “Sam? Is that you? Oh my God, it is you.” I jump off my stool and hug him tightly. He’s broader, taller, and just more man.

  I pull back and look at him. “I can’t believe you’re really here. I was only thinking of you the other day. I wanted to call you to say I was coming home, but I got busy.”

  “That’s okay,” he replies, taking a sip of his drink. “Tell me… what brings you back to Vixen Falls? It’s been what? Four, five years?”

  I sigh. “Yup, five years.” Taking another sip of my wine, I sit back down and notice a wedding ring on his finger. “You’re married?”

  He lifts his hand, displaying his yellow gold ring and says, “Yes, I am, fourteen months and counting.”


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