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One Last Chance: A Sports Romance

Page 13

by J. A. Collard

  “Chloe, are you okay?”

  Finally, my vision becomes clear, and I look around for Cassandra, but she’s no longer there.

  “Chloe?” Feeling Sophia’s hand on my arm, I focus on her. “I’m not feeling so well, Sophia,” I lie, placing my fingers on my temple. “I’m coming down with a migraine, I think.”

  Sophia frowns as she struggles to hold all the food on the tray for Tracker.

  “You were fine a minute ago. Did it just come on?”

  Nodding, I reply, squinting my eyes, doing my best to fake it. “Yeah, just like that. I’m gonna head back to the lodge.”

  She places the tray on a nearby table. “We’ll take you back. I’ll call Tracker, it will be quicker.”

  “Please don’t,” I beg, placing my hand on hers that’s in the middle of dialing Tracker’s number. “Tracker’s looking forward to this game, and I don’t want it ruined by me. Please, Soph, I’ll catch a cab. Honestly, there are plenty out front. I promise I’ll be okay.”

  She cocks her head to the side. “Are you sure, Chlo?”

  “I’m sure.”

  “Promise me you’ll call me when you get back to the lodge.”

  Hugging me, I pull back, saying, “Of course. I promise. Now go… before you miss the kick-off. Say bye to Tracker for me.”

  Grabbing her tray of food, I place it in her arms. “You better go, it’s starting....” The music has begun, and I don’t want her to miss it.

  Sophia kisses me on the cheek, smiles, then says bye before she turns and heads back to our seats.

  As Chloe walks away, my eyes catch a glimpse of Cassandra, who’s now on the field standing beside Coach and her father, Timothy Miles.

  The team runs onto the field as the sound around the stadium plays their victory song with the number thirty flashing on the board—the number of years the team has been together. Cheerleaders do their thing, and the crowd goes wild. Whistles sound and cheers abound as the team waves to the crowd along with Cassandra and Mr. Miles.

  It’s hard not to notice Domenic, his tall frame standing out from the other players. When they make their way back to the sidelines, Mr. Miles and Cassandra give one more wave to the fans, then turn around to walk out, but not before Cassandra kisses Domenic as she passes him.

  That’s my undoing.

  Feeling sorry for myself, I run.

  I run so fast that when I exit the venue, I’m panting and trying to regain my breath. Wiping away my tears with the back of my sleeve, I enter one of the cabs, giving the details of where I want to go.

  The lodge.



  Where is she? I can’t see her in the seats. Tracker’s there, and Sophia has just taken a seat next to him. Before I can look around, arms are wrapping around me, and lips fall on mine, distracting me from looking for Chloe.

  Cassandra has her arms linked around my neck, and her lips are devouring mine.

  Grabbing her by her arms, I pull her back, angry that she’s doing this in front of everyone. I just hope that wherever Chloe is, she does not see this. I was a jerk to her today when she called me this morning. I’m a full-blown coward. I didn’t know how to tell her that Cassandra won’t give up on us, and that she’s using her father against me. I need to have a word with Coach after the game and tell him my situation. I know he’s going to be furious that I’m playing with my future by breaking up with Timothy Miles’ daughter since he warned me before I started dating her that it’s not advisable to date the owner’s daughter. I now wish I had listened to him. It sounds ridiculous, but his daughter always gets what she wants when it comes to her father and is spoiled rotten.

  Why am I only just realizing that fact now?

  Cassandra smiles. “Good luck, baby.”

  “Yeah, thanks,” I reply, looking away from her, and to the crowd again where Sophia and Tracker are sitting.

  Tracker spots me and waves over to me, followed by Sophia. I point to the empty seat beside her, and Sophia places her fingers to her head, obviously trying to tell me that Chloe has a headache. I guess Chloe’s avoiding me, and she didn’t want to be here because she knows something’s wrong.

  I basically blew Chloe off this morning when she called. I knew she was fishing for details on my chat with Cassandra, but I didn’t know how to tell her that Cassandra won’t take no for an answer. Let alone the influence she has on her father—would Mr. Miles really mess up my career when I’m the reason why the team has gotten this far this season?

  Once I have a chat with Coach after the game, I’m going to tell Cassandra it’s over for good, and then head to the lodge. It’s about time I start looking after my happiness, and that’s simply to be with Chloe.

  Mr. Miles can do what he wants. If he’s going to give up his star quarterback player for his daughter, then I’m on the wrong team.

  “Great game, boys. Kurt, that touchdown was exactly what we spoke about this morning. That’s how you win a game and get to the playoffs,” Coach yells, revving up the team.

  Cheers sound around the locker room, and we pat each other on the back. We won by ten points, and although my mind was elsewhere, I still played well on the field.”

  “Domenic. Great leadership, son. This is why you’re our quarterback.”

  My team taps my back once again and congratulates me, and I thank them not liking that I’m receiving all the attention—this is a team sport.

  Once our after-game meeting is over and we finished celebrating our win, I head to the showers and quickly change, so I can head to Coach’s office.

  “Come in,” Coach says after I knock on his door.

  Swinging it open, I find Coach sitting back in his chair with a cigar in his mouth. After each win, he celebrates with a cigar in his office.

  “My star quarterback… please, join me.” Coach points to the seat in front of his, and I sit facing him.


  Shaking my head, I reply, “No, thanks, Coach. Just wanted a word with you.”

  “Of course, anything for our star.” He inhales his cigar then blows out the smoke, then he lays it in the nearby ashtray. “So, Mr. Reed, what can I do for you?”

  Clearing my throat, I begin, “Coach, you know I love this team, and I’d do anything for it?”

  He leans forward, his hands linked in front of him on the desk. “Where are you heading with this conversation, Domenic.?” he asks in all seriousness.

  “I’ve broken up with Cass, and I wanted you to be the first to know. I thought I owed it to you to tell you first considering her father owns the team.”

  Coach angrily slams his fist on the desk and stands. “Dammit, Domenic! Didn’t I warn you not to get involved with Cassandra, and that it could end bad for you?”

  “I know, but I can’t—”

  “You can’t what?” he growls. “Have a gorgeous model as your girlfriend? Are you fucking kidding me? There are only a few more games left in the season, why now, son? Why not wait till the season is over, then break up with her if you must.”

  Not prepared for his reaction, he takes me by surprise. But when I see him shake his head in disappointment, I realize that he’s only looking out for me.

  “Look, Coach,” I explain, standing to meet his steady gaze and trying to keep my temper in check. “This has nothing to do with her. This is about me and how I’m not going to stay in a relationship because I’m worried her father will release me from the team. You and I both know that would be a huge mistake. I’m a hell of a quarterback. I know it, you know it, and so does Timothy Miles.”

  “Are you sure you want to do this?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. And if this means the almighty Timothy Miles trades me to another team next season, then so be it.”

  Moving around my chair and gripping the top of it with my hands, I continue, my voice now a little calmer. “Look, Coach, I love the team, those boys out there are my brothers,” I say, pointing out the door to where the other players are cur
rently milling around. “And you and I have a great relationship. But I’m leaving Cass, and that’s that. I don’t care what happens to me. I’m not staying with someone I don’t love. That much I can guarantee.” Turning around, I head back to the door and pull it open.


  I turn to face him.

  “I’ll do what I can.”

  I nod. “Thank you, Coach. I appreciate it.” With that said, I walk through the door and shut it behind me.

  The sound of swearing sounds from Coach’s office, but I ignore it. I know he’s pissed. Hell, I’m pissed, but I’m the only one who can decide my future, and that future includes Chloe being by my side. I continue to my locker, grab my bag, phone, and keys, then head to my car to go see my girl knowing that I’ve made the right decision.



  “Boarding pass, please.”

  Looking in my bag, I grab my boarding pass and ID and hand it to the flight attendant who’s standing inside the plane.

  “Welcome, you’re sitting in business class, seat A. Please turn left, your seat is on the right.”

  “Thank you,” I reply, accepting back my boarding pass.

  Making my way to my seat, I open the overhead compartment and place my camera and hand luggage inside.

  Taking a seat, I look out the window and sadly think about how I’m leaving for the same reason I did five years ago.

  Because of Domenic.

  When I got back to the lodge, I cried a little, but then I decided to leave Vixen Falls and forget Domenic ever existed. Anger took over. How dare he play me like that? How dare he say he loved and wanted a future with me when all this time, he was planning to propose to Cassandra, anyway? Why would he do that? Was it to sleep with me again? Was it revenge for leaving him?

  Shame fills me, and I close my eyes trying to hold back the tears from falling down my cheeks. The last thing I want is to cry on the plane.

  Grabbing my phone and AirPods from my jacket pocket, I go to my music app and enjoy some music from my playlist.

  A song comes on, and I immediately change it. I don’t need any song to remind me of my heartache. I need to get home and leave Vixen Falls far behind me.

  Three Weeks Later

  “Take a seat, Chloe.”

  I’ve just entered Jim’s office after a day of photo shoots on the beach. I’ve received calls from Domenic and voice messages, but I haven’t accepted nor replied to any. I did, however, take a look at his text messages, but all they did was explain how it’s over with Cassandra, and we can finally be together.

  I’ve heard that before.

  And after he lied to me, there’s no way I can trust him.

  No, it’s quite clear to me that I’m better off without him, and the last thing I want to do is waste another minute wanting a man who belongs to someone else.

  Taking a seat in the chair, Jim sits in his and clasps his hands in front of him on his desk.

  “A big well-done to you, Chloe, for your job on Sleek Sports Magazine. Tom called earlier and was happy with your edited shots, and wanted to thank you himself, but I told him you were out on a job.”

  Placing a small smile on my face, I reply, “That’s nice, coming from Tom. I’m glad he was happy with the final product.”

  Jim sits back in his chair and cocks his head to the side. “Chloe, if something’s wrong, you know you can always talk to me, don’t you?”

  Nibbling on my lip, I look away, feeling a little emotional and not liking where this conversation is heading. Anytime the subject of the photo shoot comes up, the memory of Domenic comes to mind, and it’s a memory I want to forget.

  “Chloe, did you hear me.”

  Facing Jim, I reply, “Thank you, Jim, but I promise everything is fine. I just want to get on with my life. I’m happy Tom liked the shots, but please, Jim, do me a favor?”

  He runs his hands over his jaw. “And what’s that?”

  “Don’t ask me to go back to Vixen Falls for any job because, quite frankly, my answer will be no.”

  Not saying a word, he gives me a swift nod. “Okay, Chloe, if that’s what you want.”

  “It’s what I want.”

  Getting up from my seat, Jim leans over and picks up something from his side drawer. Fascinated, I focus on what’s in his hand, and before I can see what it is more clearly, he drops it in front of me on his desk. “I thought you would like to see your work.”

  My heart squeezes at the image before me. It’s the chosen photograph of the team playing ball. Domenic stands out as he’s throwing the ball to a teammate. His right arm is pulled back as he gets into position. Players are all around the field. Beneath the picture is a description of the players, and Domenic’s name is beneath it.

  Tears now fall as I lift the magazine and bring it closer to my face for a clearer view. Beneath the photograph is a small feature on the team, and it’s the image of them all seated together. It also states that they won that game, and there’s a good chance they’ll be playing in the Super Bowl. I already knew that, though. I mean it was televised everywhere throughout Vixen Falls, and that included the airport.

  Not noticing that Jim had walked around to me, I feel his hand on my shoulder. “Chloe, I know you don’t want to talk about it, and I get that, but please take some time off like I promised you. You could really do with a break. You’ve worked so hard this year.”

  Nodding in agreement, I sniffle then say, “I think you’re right. A break would do me some good.”

  “Here you go.” Jim hands me a tissue, and I use it to wipe away my tears.

  Dropping the magazine back on the desk, I take a few steps to the door, saying, “I’m going home. I’ll call you in a couple of days.”

  “Sure, Chloe, anything you need.”

  I try to smile, but unfortunately, it’s the last thing I feel like doing, so I walk out of his office and shut the door quietly behind me.

  With my head looking down, I make my way to my office and grab my bag before I head out of the building to go home.

  Unlocking the door to my apartment, the familiar scent of sandalwood and amber hits my senses, instantly making me feel at ease. Removing my heels and placing my purse on the nearby couch, the sudden desire to have a glass of wine calls to me.

  Opening the refrigerator and then cupboard to grab a wine glass, I pour myself some chardonnay to take the edge off today’s emotions.

  This day did not go the way that I’d planned it to.

  I’d thought the photo shoot of the Vixen Rapids’ football team was behind me, but then Tom decides to send us a copy of the magazine for me to see the finished product. To be honest, that’s the last thing I needed. I don’t need a reminder of Domenic, and how before the football game, we were planning to be together and work out our lives so we could be—

  Stop it, Chloe. You need to forget him.

  Taking a sip of my wine, my feet lead the way to my bedroom, where I plan on taking a bath to soak in warm water and lavender-scented oil to help calm me. Looking down at my phone, I flick through my playlist and tap play on the song, ‘I’m a Bitch, I’m a Lover.’ With the music on loud, phone and wine in hand, I make my way to the bathroom, where I turn the faucet on and disrobe.

  Singing the chorus of the song, I hear the doorbell. Thinking I have imagined it, I ignore the sound and continue to sing. But then the sound comes through again along with banging, so I stop what I’m doing.

  “Crap,” I say under my breath.

  Grabbing my towel robe, I cover my nakedness, then make my way to the front door. As I look through the peephole, an image of a shirt comes into view, but because whoever it is, is standing too close, I can’t make out who it actually is.

  Tightening my robe a little more around my waist, my hand grips the door handle, and I unlock the latch.

  “Yes,” I say, allowing the door to open a little but keeping the chain on the door in place. My body freezes, my hands are barely able to kee
p my body from falling as they hold onto the door.

  What is he doing here?

  “Chloe, can I please come in?”

  This can’t be happening.

  I’m hallucinating.

  Today has been one rollercoaster after another.

  Blinking a couple of times, my eyes squeeze shut, then reopen.

  Nope, not seeing things.

  Domenic Reed is here.

  He smirks and places his palms up. “Chloe, it’s me, Domenic. Can I please come in? I need to talk to you?”

  He needs to talk to me.

  Oh, I don’t think so.

  Finally finding my voice, I swallow hard and shout, “No! I’m not talking to you, go back where you came from.” Unshed tears burn my eyes as I slam the door in his face. My hands tremble as I lock it, and stand with my back to the door.

  This can’t be happening.

  Loud banging sounds from behind the door, making me jump. “Chloe, please, let me explain. You need to understand it’s not what you think.”

  My knees give way, and I slide down the door falling in a heap. Bringing my knees up under my chin, I let my tears slide as Domenic continues, “Please, Chloe… all I need is five minutes of your time.”

  His voice sounds desperate and full of emotion as he begs me even further.

  “Please leave,” I rasp, but it’s almost a whisper. I am trying desperately to hold back my sounds of grief.

  Silence falls, and just when I think he’s left, his voice is low. “Chloe, I love you.”

  There’s a ruffling noise, and then it’s as if he’s also sat on the floor because he’s voice is coming through so close to my ears.

  “I fucked up. I should have told Cassandra it was over sooner. But when she threatened to run to her dad and mess with my career, then it no longer became about just me, it was about my team and coach and how I’m a huge part of that.”

  Have I heard correctly? Cassandra threatened Domenic that if he left her, she would run to her dad to release him from the team? No, she didn’t.


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