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Secrets & Lies (Undercover Love Series Book 2)

Page 14

by Michelle Iannarelli

  Miguel kissed Alex before he pulled out and placed her down on her feet.

  “You know how much I love you, right?”

  “Of course I do. What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing’s wrong. I just want to make sure you know.”

  “I know but I will never tire of hearing you say it.” Alex smiled, although she couldn’t help feeling that something was bothering Miguel.

  Ryan stopped to grab coffee from the office kitchen before chaining himself to his desk for the day. He had been trying to make some headway with his case but he was getting nowhere fast.


  Ryan turned around to see where the hello had come from and there was a very cute, petite blonde standing there smiling.


  “I’m Darla Smyth.”

  Ryan extended his hand. He knew that they hired a new lawyer but he had been so busy between his case and drinking that he excused himself from the interview process and left it up to the other partners. “Ryan DiPietro, pleased to meet you.”

  “Mr. DiPietro, Sir, I’m so happy to have been given this opportunity to work for your firm.”

  When Ryan heard Sir come out of her mouth he almost lost it. As it was he was already fucking her with her clothes on.

  “Call me, Ryan. We are very happy to have you on board.”

  “Well, it was nice to finally meet you. I had better get to work.”


  Ryan needed to dump a cup of ice in his pants and avoid that woman or he’d never get any work done.

  Miles helped Eden up the front steps while he carried the baby.

  “Miles, I really can walk on my own.”

  “I know but the doctor said to take it easy so I’m helping you.”

  “Honey, you’re going to help me into a nervous breakdown.” Eden laughed.

  “I just want to make sure that you don’t overdo it.”

  “I won’t. I know my limits and if I need ANYTHING, I will ask you.”

  “Ok. I’ll try to calm down a bit.”

  Miles opened the door and they walked inside.

  Eden looked down at Cruz. “Hey, Baby Boy, this is your home.”

  Miles took Cruz out of his car seat and handed him to Eden.

  “You two go and relax. I need to finish building his crib.”

  “Oh gosh, I forgot about all of that. It seems like so long ago that it was just the two of us.”

  “It does.” Miles kissed Eden and headed towards Cruz’s bedroom. “Call me if you need anything.”

  Eden smiled as she looked down at the warm little bundle in her arms. “Your daddy is the best man ever.”

  “OH MY GOD!”

  “Miles, what is it? Are you alright?”

  “I’m fine but you’re not going to believe this.”

  Eden got up and walked to the baby’s room. Miles was right…she didn’t believe it. The entire nursery was set up and completely decorated and there were two rocking chairs with blankets in the corner of the room with a note hanging from a blue ribbon on one of them.

  “You’re right, I don’t believe it.”

  Miles untied the ribbon and slid the note off and handed it to Eden.

  “It’s from Miguel.”

  Eden read the note aloud:

  Dear Eden & Miles,

  Words can never express how much you two truly mean to me.

  I cannot imagine my life without both of you in it.

  Now Cruz has come along and I already love him so much.

  I am so proud of you both and know that you will be amazing parents.

  Why two chairs you may ask? Well, because I know that wherever

  one of you is the other will always be by their side.

  I love you both very much.


  “He’s right you know. I will always be by your side, Eden.”

  “Me too.”

  Miles walked over to the rocking chair and lifted up the blanket and Eden sat down and Miles covered her and Cruz up and then he sat down in his chair and reached for her hand.

  “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  Zac knocked on Ryan’s door before he walked in.

  “Ryan, do you have a minute?”

  “Sure, have a seat. What’s up?”

  “Since Eden is out on maternity leave and she is the one who usually steps up and helps you out, I was thinking that maybe Darla could give you a hand on the Grimaldi case.”

  “Sure. Whatever you think is best.”

  “Is everything alright with you?”

  “Yeah, fine. Too much sex and alcohol and not enough sleep.”

  “I don’t know how you do it night after night. Haven’t you ever considered settling down and having a family?”

  “I did once for about five minutes.” Ryan laughed.

  “What changed your mind?”

  “I knew I’d never be good enough for her.”

  “Hey, Ryan, isn’t that for her to decide?”

  “Maybe but she’s with someone else now so it’s a moot point.”

  “Is she married?”

  “Not yet.”

  “Then it’s not a moot point. If she made you consider settling down, then maybe she’s the one for you. Go and tell her how you feel and fight for her before it really is too late.”

  “Nah, I think I was meant to be an oversexed bachelor.”

  Zac laughed as he stood up. “You’re killing me, kid.”

  “Spend one night with me and three or four girls and you might change your mind.”

  “If I survived. I can barely handle one woman. I keep telling Faith that one day she is going to kill me.” Zac laughed.

  Ryan didn’t need to hear that comment about Faith. He knew she was a firecracker in bed but he didn’t want to even think about her in bed with Zac.

  “Well good luck with that then. I will call Darla and ask her to come and give me a hand.”

  “Great. I will see you at the partner’s meeting.”

  “You got it.”

  Zac walked out and Ryan opened his drawer and took a shot of Vodka.

  EDEN WAS OUT JOGGING with Cruz. She couldn’t believe the last two months had gone by so fast or that in less than two months she had to fit into her bridesmaid’s dress. “Hang on Cruz, momma needs to kick it up a notch.”

  Ryan was out for his morning run and thought he saw Eden on the other side of the park so he cut through to catch up to her.

  “Eden, slow up.”

  Eden slowed down so that Ryan could catch up.


  “Long time, no see.”

  “This case is killing me.”

  “Can I help?”

  “Nope. You’re on maternity leave.”

  “I’m not on friend leave.”

  “I have our newest attorney, Darla, helping me out but she definitely is not you.”

  “As much as I miss work, I will miss this little man even more, when I go back to work.”

  “Don’t take this the wrong way but did you ever consider not coming back to work? I mean you could take an extended leave or open your own small practice and work from home? It isn’t like you need the money.”

  “I did think about it a few times to be honest. I just love this little guy so much that the thought of leaving him makes me sad.”

  “You circling around again?”

  “No, our car is right over there. It is almost time for this little guy’s third breakfast.”

  “I’ll walk you to the car.”

  “You don’t have to. You can circle back.”

  “Nah, I already did that and was headed out when I saw you.”

  “Oh that was sweet of you to come visit us.”

  “I kind of miss seeing you and talking to you every day.”

  “I know. I’m sorry, I have been scarce.”

  “It is quite understandable. I have been too.”

  “Maybe we should set a lunch dat

  “That’s a great idea but you have to bring this little slugger with you.”


  Eden opened the trunk and took Cruz out of the stroller. Ryan leaned over and was folding up the stroller when he heard Eden scream. He spun around and was punched in the stomach and then hit in the head. The last thing he remembered seeing was Eden lying on the ground and a pair of red sneakers running away.

  Miguel and Miles were in Miguel’s office going over notes for Miguel’s next takeover. Alex knocked on the door and poked her head in.

  “Got a minute?”

  “For you, I have five.” Miguel smiled.

  Alex walked in and plopped herself down on Miguel’s lap.

  “Hi, Miles!”

  “I’ll leave you two alone.” Miles barely reached the door when his cell phone rang.

  Alex’s phone rang at almost the same time. Alex grabbed her phone and answered it. “Oh my God. When? Where? Is he going to be alright?”

  Alex hung up first. “We have to get to the hospital. Ryan was attacked.”

  “Sure.” Miguel jumped up. “Miles, are you alright?”

  “That was the police.” Miles stood there blinking, he was in shock. “Cruz…Cruz, is gone.”


  “Somebody took him.”

  “Took him? Like kidnapped him?”

  Miles nodded. “I need to find my son.”

  “What about Eden?”

  “She’s at the hospital.”

  Miguel pulled his phone from his pocket.

  “Joe, pull the car up to the front NOW!”

  “Let’s go!” As Miguel, Alex and Miles ran to the car, Miguel continued with his calls.

  “Ray, I want you to assemble a team to search for my nephew. He’s been abducted. Stand by for photos and further details.”

  Then he dialed again.

  “This is Miguel Cruz, as you may or may not know my nephew, Cruz Dawson was just abducted. I want every man you have called in, I don’t care what it costs…I will foot the bill and make a very large donation.”

  “Miles, was Eden with Ryan?”

  “I don’t know. I can’t think. Why?”

  “Because I got a call just now that Ryan was attacked and that he was at the hospital.”

  “I don’t know, maybe.”

  Alex grabbed Miles hand and prayed that everyone would be alright and that Cruz would be found safe.

  Miles, Alex and Miguel all rushed inside the Emergency Room entrance. Miles ran to the front desk.

  “My wife is here, Eden Dawson.”

  “Yes, she suffered a mild concussion but the doctor did have to sedate her because she was hysterical.”

  Miles gritted his teeth. “Hysterical, our baby was taken and you drug her for being hysterical?”

  Miguel grabbed Miles and he broke down. “Miles, it’s going to be ok. I’m going to find Cruz. I promise. You need to calm down. Eden needs you and so does Cruz. Ok?”

  Alex approached the desk.

  “I received a call that my brother, Ryan DiPietro, was brought in.”

  “I can have someone bring you to him. I’m not sure if he was moved into a room yet.”

  “Room? He’s that hurt that he needs to stay?”

  “He has a severe concussion as well as some other injuries he sustained in the beating.”

  “I see.” Hearing that Ryan was hurt was one thing but when the nurse said beating it just ripped right through her.

  Miles walked towards Eden’s room and saw that there were two policemen outside her door.

  “I’m her husband. Do you have any news?”

  “We have patrolmen interviewing people that may have witnessed the kidnapping and attack.”

  “My brother-in-law, Miguel Cruz, will give you whatever resources you need to find my baby.”

  Miles pushed between the two policemen and went inside to see Eden, leaving Miguel to deal with them.

  Eden was asleep. Miles walked over and hugged her. He burst into tears. When he calmed down he stepped back and held Eden’s hand.

  “I’m going to find our son and bring him home. I promised that I would always take care of you and Cruz and I intend to keep my promise. You sleep, my Queen. I love you.”

  Miles leaned over and kissed Eden and then he pulled the door open and pushed his way back out of her room.

  “Miles, where are you going?” Miguel followed Miles down the hall.

  “To find my son and then I’m going to make the person who did this pay!”

  “I’m coming with you.”

  Alex waited outside Ryan’s room while the doctor was inside. She called Faith to tell her before she saw it on the news but Faith didn’t answer. She couldn’t believe that someone would steal Cruz unless it was for a ransom.

  The door opened and the doctor came out. “Your brother is still unconscious but you can go and sit with him if you’d like.”

  “Doctor, will he be ok?”

  “I’d like to think so but until he is awake, I don’t want to make any promises.”

  Alex nodded and walked inside. Ryan’s face was all bruised and he had a gash in his cheek. Alex reached for his hand.

  “Miles and Miguel are going to find out who did this to you and Eden and they’re going to bring Cruz home.”

  MIGUEL AND MILES ARRIVED back at Miguel’s house and headed into the study. As Miguel approached he noticed a shadow from under the door. He looked back at Miles and pointed to the door. Both Miguel and Miles pulled their guns. Miguel pulled the door open and both were relieved and shocked to see Dane standing there.

  “What the fuck, Man?” Miguel shook his head.

  “I’ve missed you too!” Dane smiled. “I flew in as soon as I heard. Miles, I’m so sorry.”

  Miles walked towards him and shook his hand. “Thanks.”

  “Dane, I never expected you to come when I called in for help. Thanks, Bro.” Miguel patted Dane on the back.

  “After everything you’ve done for the Agency and for me, personally, I had to come.”

  Miguel looked over at his desk which had papers covering it, ten monitors streaming with a team of men intensely watching them.

  “Any leads yet?”

  “I had the police send me all the witnesses’ statements and I have five men out speaking to them now. The monitors have footage from all the cameras that are within a four block radius of the park. That’s what these guys are watching.”

  “Who’d want my son?”

  “I thought at first that maybe he was taken for ransom money but I think someone would have contacted us by now.” Miguel ran his hands over his face.

  Miles’ phone vibrated in his pocket, he pulled it out and quickly answered it.


  “Is this Miles Dawson?”


  “I’m calling from the hospital. Your wife is beginning to wake up and I think that you should get over here as quickly as possible.”

  “I’m on my way.”

  Miles pushed his phone back in his pocket.

  “That was the hospital. Eden is waking up. I have to get over there.”

  “Do you need me to come with you?”

  “No Migs, you stay here and…” Miles couldn’t even speak he just shook his head and walked out.

  Ryan moved his fingers so Alex squeezed his hand and he squeezed back. She pressed the button for the nurse to come in so that she could tell her.


  “He’s waking up, my brother squeezed my hand.”

  “While that is encouraging it doesn’t necessarily mean that he is waking up.”


  The nurse placed her hand on Alex’s shoulder. “These things take time. Why don’t you go for a walk or grab a cup of coffee?”

  “Maybe in a bit.”

  The nurse wasn’t gone for more than a minute when Faith came flying through the door.

  “Oh my God, I just heard. How is he

  “Faith, calm down.”

  “I think I stopped breathing when I heard Ryan’s name on the news.”

  “To be honest I’m more worried about the poor baby.”

  “I can’t even imagine what Eden is going through.”

  “Actually, would you mind staying here with Ryan so that I can go and check in on Eden?”

  “I’m not sure he’d want me to be here.”

  “I’m pretty sure he would.”


  “I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

  Alex winked and walked out. Faith sat down in the chair next to Ryan’s bed. She looked at his battered face and her heart broke.

  Miles was on his way down the hall to Eden’s room when he heard her cry out, “MY BABY! MY BABY!” Miles started to run, he burst through Eden’s door and went straight over to her. Two nurses were trying to calm her down. Miles pushed them away and grabbed Eden and held her tightly in his arms.

  “We’re going to find him. I promise.”

  Miles could barely understand what Eden was saying, she was hysterically crying. He just held her tight and rocked her back and forth until she calmed down.

  “I want my baby.”

  “Miguel has a whole crew out looking. Dane flew back. We’re going to find him.”

  “He’s all alone. What if he’s hungry or needs a diaper?”

  “I know. Look, why don’t we get you dressed and I will bring you to Miguel’s house. That’s where everything is set up.”


  “Eden, you’re awake.” Alex ran over and hugged Eden.

  “They took my baby. Ryan was…oh God, is Ryan alright?”

  “They’re taking good care of him, he’ll be ok.”

  “It’s all my fault. Ryan walked us to the car. I’m so sorry, Alex.”

  “Eden, don’t apologize.”

  “Miles is going to bring me to your house. Miguel is there and he has people looking for Cruz.”

  Alex could barely hold back the tears, looking at Eden and Miles was breaking her heart.

  “Miguel will find him.” Alex hugged Eden.

  Eden just nodded.

  Miles gave Alex a hug. “You go take care of Ryan.”


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