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Page 6

by Crafter, Sol

  "How do you stay so fit if you eat like that all the time?" Cole asked, watching Anderson dip a large chunk of meat into a healthy amount of horseradish and au jus. "And I thought you didn't like spicy food?"

  Anderson chewed quickly, then took a gulp of his drink before answering, "I have good genes. So as long as I do some exercising during the week, I can pretty much eat whatever I want whenever I want. And prime rib is always delicious, but it's better with a little bit of kick. I just don't like the horseradish too hot."

  Using just the first finger and thumb of each hand, Cole carefully disassembled and ate his sandwich in pieces. A piece of toast with a clump of meat. A tomato wrapped up in lettuce. A slice of cheese by itself.

  "I can't believe you're mutilating that sandwich like that," Anderson said, sounding shocked.

  Cole glanced up at him. "I can't believe you're mutilating that sandwich like that. If you think this is gross, then you really don't want to see what I do to spicy chicken wings." He licked his fingers then wiped them on his napkin so he could take a drink of his milk. "I'm not allowed to eat chicken wings around my cousin anymore. He says it's the most disgusting thing he's ever seen."

  Anderson looked at the pieces of sandwich spread across Cole's plate and made a face. "I can see where he's coming from. That's pretty gross." He smiled at Cole. "It's a good thing you're so damn cute, or this," he waved his hand over the table, "would totally be a deal breaker. I'd never talk to you ever again."

  "I'd never talk to you ever again," Cole echoed, then grimaced. "You're a very mean man, aren't you? That's the only explanation."

  He met Anderson's eyes and couldn't help the surge of warmth that went through him when he noticed that Anderson was completely focused on him.

  He'd never had anyone outside of his family really focus on him as a person before. It made him feel special and cared for, as though there was finally someone in his life that wanted him and him alone.

  Anderson's grin was rakish. "Yep, I'm the meanest man you'll ever meet." He glanced down at the table. "Do you want some more chocolate milk?"

  Looking at his tomato smeared hands, Cole nodded.

  He couldn't help smiling as he watched Anderson pick up his cup and carry it toward the dispenser for a refill. And if he maybe let his eyes flick down to Anderson's ass, that was just chance.

  * * *

  He'd wanted to go home with Cole, but Frank from accounting had cornered him and by the time he'd wrested himself away, Cole had already left. So he'd gone to his penthouse and changed into jeans and a tee shirt before making his way to Cole's apartment.

  The only thing he knew was that he wanted to see Cole. So when he rang the doorbell, he was understandably surprised to see a handsome guy that definitely was not Cole.

  He licked his lips, barely keeping himself from saying anything rude. "Is Cole here?"

  The guy looked him over suspiciously, then gave him a charming smile. "You must be the Anderson I've heard so much about." He stepped out of the way, holding the door open. "Come on in, he's taking a shower and should be out in a minute."

  Anderson felt something freeze in him. Why was Cole taking a shower while this guy was here?

  Walking into the apartment, he didn't really see anything suspicious or anything. A video game was frozen on the TV screen and two controllers were sitting on the coffee table along with a bunch of empty soda and energy drink cans. There was an open bag of potato chips on the floor and a plastic bag showing the tops of what looked like candy wrappers.

  "So, what's going on here, then?" Anderson tried to sound cool when really he wanted to slam the guy into a wall and demand to know who the hell he was.

  The man walked over to the couch and flopped down. "I came by earlier today, so Cole didn't even know I was going to be here. We were playing video games until he decided to get stupid and dumped a full can of soda in his lap."

  Anderson sat down in a recliner next to the coffee table. He ran his eyes over the man, getting the niggling sensation that he knew him from somewhere. It was hard to tell, since the guy had a scruffy beard going and was wearing a pair of wire framed glasses and a ball cap. He looked like kind of a hot mess, honestly.

  "You want some chips?" the guy asked, kicking at the bag lightly.

  "No thank you." He held out his hand. "I'm Anderson Bester."

  "I know," the guy rolled his eyes, but took his hand in a firm grip. "You're all Cole's been talking about for the last couple of days. I'm Jeremy."

  "Nice to meet you," Anderson gritted out.

  Jeremy shrugged and leaned forward to grab his controller.

  The room was filled with the sound of some shooter-killer video game with a hard rock beat. Anderson tried to pretend that he was paying more attention to watching the game than trying to figure out who the hell this guy was.

  He hated the sick feeling he got at the idea of Cole with some other guy. Especially since underneath the scruff, the man was really good looking. A shave and a change of clothes and he might have been a model somewhere.

  The tension vibrating through him was just about to kill him when Cole's bedroom door opened and he walked out. His black hair was damp and his skin was flushed pink from the heat, but just seeing him made Anderson want to smile goofily. Until he remembered Jeremy.

  "Oh," Cole said on seeing Anderson, then smiled brightly. "I wasn't expecting you until later. Did Jeremy at least ask if you wanted to play too? I have another controller in the cabinet."

  "No he didn't," Anderson said. "We just met like a minute ago."

  "We just met like a minute ago. Well, you guys are very comfortable together," Cole said. "You seem like you've known each other forever."

  He went over to the couch and sat down next to Jeremy. And Anderson wasn't upset about that. At all.

  "Do you want to play?" Jeremy asked. His fingers were flying across his controller with frightening dexterity. It seemed as though he'd played a lot of games.

  "I'm good," Anderson said. "I'll just watch for a while."

  "Cool." Jeremy didn't seem all that broken up about him not wanting to play.

  Anderson settled into the chair and tried not to seem all brooding as he watched the two men play. There was an organic quality to their relationship, as though they'd always been together. It made him feel like some kind of interloper, and it didn't really matter that Cole was trying pretty hard to fit him into the conversation.

  He was tempted to just get up and go home, but there was no way he was going to give up that easily.

  He'd probably been watching them play video games for about an hour when Jeremy gave a sudden, startling "Whoop!"

  Anderson couldn't help his twitch of surprise. He'd pretty much been lulled into some sort of fugue state and didn't really know what was going on at first.

  "Yes! Take that, sucker!" Jeremy yelled, then jerked his hat off his head and threw it toward the table. He was dancing around obnoxiously on the couch.

  "Take that, sucker. Really, is that how you're going to be?" Cole rolled his eyes at Anderson. "He's the worst winner ever. You should have seen him when 'Demon Daze' was picked up for syndication. I had to deal with weeks of him being a major douche."

  Sudden recognition hit and Anderson couldn't help blurting out, "You're Jeremy Heath!"

  Two sets of eyes looked at him in disbelief. "You didn't know?" Jeremy asked. "I thought you knew who I was and were just being cool about it."

  Anderson felt himself flush in embarrassment. "Actually, no. In fact, I was getting a little heated about how close you guys were being."

  "You thought something was going on between us?" Jeremy jerked his thumb at Cole. Then he laughed. "Oh my God, that's so funny."

  "That's so funny," Cole echoed. "Why didn't you say anything? I just thought you knew he was my cousin."

  Anderson shrugged. "I don't know. He looks different than he does on TV."

  "He looks different than he does on TV. He always looks like crap when he's
not working," Cole said, ducking away from Jeremy's swiping hand. He got up and came over to Anderson's chair, nudging him over so he could squeeze in next to him, though he couldn't fit all the way and leaned against Anderson's shoulder. "If you thought something hinky was going on, you should have said something."

  Anderson nuzzled his face against Cole. "Next time I'll be sure to say something."

  Cole wrapped his arms around Anderson's neck. "Next time I'll be sure to say something. You do that. There's no reason for you to be wondering about what's going on without saying anything."

  Jeremy watched them for a moment, then stood up. "I think I'm going to head back to my place." He stretched, then reached down to grab the plastic bag of candy he'd tucked under the table. "I'm taking the candy with me."

  "I'm taking the candy with me. You don't have to go," Cole said, pulling out of Anderson's arms to stand up. Anderson had to fight the urge to pull him back down.

  "Yeah, but I've been here all day and I was supposed to be learning my lines. I think the studio will be pretty mad if I wreck the budget because I don't remember what I'm supposed to say." Jeremy slapped Cole on the shoulder. "I should still be in town then, so I'll see you on Saturday?"

  Cole nodded. "So I'll see you on Saturday. Let me know if you want to meet at the comic book store or if you're just going to come here. We can rent some movies or something."

  "Sure," Jeremy said, then held his hand out to Anderson. "It was nice meeting you."

  Anderson stood up and shook his hand. "You too."

  Jeremy looked at him closely for a moment, then jerked a nod. "See you guys later."

  Cole walked Jeremy to the door and let him out. They paused to whisper to each other, then Cole closed the door and came back to sit down on the couch.

  "He was surprisingly nice," Anderson said. Off Cole's look, he shrugged, "He's getting to be a pretty big Hollywood actor. I wouldn't have expected him to be so cool."

  "I wouldn't have expected him to be so cool. He's always been like that," Cole said. "I don't think he's ever going to turn into one of those douche bag actors that treat people badly. He's very down to Earth."

  "I just feel kind of dumb that I didn't realize he was your cousin," Anderson said, standing up. He walked over to the couch and sat down next to Cole, where he reached out and pulled the other man close against him.

  "I just feel kind of dumb that I didn't realize he was your cousin," Cole laughed, shaking his head. He turned in Anderson's arms, snuggling close against him. "What are you trying to do?" His voice lowered, "Are you maybe trying to seduce me?"

  Anderson's lips quirked. "Maybe just a little. Does it bother you?"

  Cole shook his head.

  Anderson's skin felt hot and prickly and he couldn't resist snuggling in closer against the other man. There was just something so nice about human contact. It was something he'd been missing without even knowing it. He'd had a few flings, but it had been awhile since he'd last tried for a real relationship.

  Anderson pressed a kiss against Cole's forehead, then against his cheek, then kind of bent around Cole's body to kiss his lips.

  When Anderson brushed his tongue against his lips--silently questioning--Cole opened his mouth and let the kiss be deepened. Anderson could feel his body starting to catch fire and he liked the way Cole's fingers gripped the front of his shirt tightly, pulling him closer in wordless demand.

  "Hold on," Anderson panted, pulling away.

  Cole made a piteous sound in the back of his throat. He'd never realized before just how much he liked kisses.

  Anderson laughed, a low sound that went right to Cole's groin. "We're not stopping. I just want to get a little more comfortable."

  He got up on his knees and straddled Cole's lap. It probably looked ridiculous, considering Anderson was the taller man, but all Cole knew was that he was getting some contact against his erection. And when Anderson started kissing him again, his fingers combing through Cole's hair, he didn't have any objections.

  They made out for what felt like hours. Just kissing and grinding against each other without removing any clothes or either one coming. It should have been frustrating, but instead Cole thought it was incredibly hot.

  After a while Anderson pulled away and sat on the other end of the couch from Cole. "I don't want to do this yet," he said. He drew in deep breaths and fought for control, pressing the palm of his hand against the base of his cock. He was just glad he hadn't taken his jeans off or it already would have been over because there was no way he would have been able to let Cole go.

  Cole groaned. "I don't want to do this yet. What are you talking about? I'm totally ready to do this."

  "I'm not stupid. I can tell that you don't have very much experience," Anderson said frankly.

  Embarrassed, Cole bowed his head. His cheeks were burning and he felt all itchy in his skin. It was a real trial not to run away.

  "It's all right." Anderson put his fingers under Cole's chin, tipping his head back up to meet his eyes. "I talked to my dad today."

  Cole raised his eyebrows questioningly.

  Anderson shrugged. "Yeah, that's kind of a mood breaker. Anyway, I talked to my dad today and he's basically forcing a house on me."

  "He's basically forcing a house on me. He's forcing a house on you? What are you talking about? How does someone force a house on you?" Cole asked.

  "My dad is crazy," Anderson said. "He wants me to live closer to him, so he went and bought me a house in his neighborhood. Just a couple of wrong words from me, and next thing I know I have a house." Anderson shrugged. "Anyways, do you want to go look at it with me? We could go tomorrow afternoon and spend the night."

  "We could go tomorrow afternoon and spend the night. What about work? If we spend the night there, how are we supposed to be back in time for work the next day?" Cole asked worriedly.

  "I'm fairly sure your boss isn't going to fire you if you happen to miss one day this week." Anderson grinned cheesily, waggling his eyebrows suggestively. "Besides, you haven't missed a single day since you started with the company and you've done way more than your fair share of work. Come with me, please? I don't want to go by myself."

  Cole looked at him for a long moment. He really didn't know what he was supposed to say.

  He'd never thought about dating the boss, yet here he was. So was he supposed to take advantage of that relationship? Wouldn't the other people at work start hating him or something?

  "Please?" Anderson begged cutely.

  Cole made a face, but said with a sigh, "Please? Okay. I'll go with you."

  Anderson cheered and Cole shook his head at his childishness. He had a feeling that he was going to end up giving in to Anderson a lot.

  But when Anderson went back to those amazing kisses that left Cole's head spinning, he didn't feel so guilty at the idea of missing a day of work. Not if he got to have kisses--and maybe more--if he went with Anderson.


  The day seemed to drag and being able to glance out his door at Cole's office didn't really help him a whole lot. Every time he thought he was starting to get into the proper "work" mindset, he would catch a glimpse of Cole's bowed head and his cock would instantly pop to the forefront of his attention.

  He couldn't help thinking about all the things he wanted to do with Cole. Or to Cole.

  Finally the day was over and he hurriedly packed up his briefcase and left his office for Cole's. "Are you ready to go?"

  Cole looked up in surprise. His hair looked as though he'd been running his fingers through it and there was a streak of yellow highlighter next to his mouth. "Are you ready to go? Already?" He looked at his watch.

  "Yeah, let's blow this popsicle stand before someone makes us stay," Anderson said.

  Cole shrugged and started packing his own things away. But Anderson didn't think he was moving fast enough and came around the desk to start scooping things up.

  He knew he was making a bit of a mess, but the outrage
d expression on Cole's face was worth it. He was just so cute.

  "Enough! Enough!" Cole slapped his hands away and finished clearing things away himself. "You sure make a mess."

  Anderson slung his arm around Cole's shoulder in a quick hug before letting go. "Are you ready to go now?"

  Cole looked around the office, a frown pulling his brows together. "Are you ready to go now? I really think I am."

  "Okay." Anderson felt as excited as a child. "Come on, let's get out of here."

  Cole slung his backpack over his shoulder and followed Anderson out of the office.

  Anderson waited impatiently for Cole to clock out, then took him down to the parking garage and his car. He'd given Cole a ride to work that morning, so Cole's duffel bag was already in the back and they were ready to just go.

  "You drive like a maniac," Cole said as they left the parking garage and went zooming out into the city toward the nearest freeway exit.

  Anderson flashed him a quick grin. "Don't worry. I have insurance."

  Cole rolled his eyes. "I have insurance. That'll be such a gigantic relief when I'm in full body traction or dead."

  "You're so negative." Anderson thought it was hilarious that Cole was so worried. He was actually a very good driver and hadn't gotten into an accident since he first got his license. "You've gotta live a little, that's all I'm saying."

  * * *

  He didn't know how it happened, but after they'd been driving for about twenty minutes he fell asleep, his head leaned up against the window. One minute he was listening to Anderson sing along with the radio, the next he was being shaken awake and the car was parked.

  Cole sat up with a yawn, looking around. "This doesn't look like a house," he said.

  Anderson laughed. "I thought we could pick up some snacks and something to drink before I introduce you to my father."

  Cole felt all the blood drain out of his face. "Something to drink before I introduce you to my father. You never said anything about your father. What if he totally hates me or something?"


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