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Fire Born

Page 20

by Rayanne Haines

He watched, fascinated as she shoved more food in her mouth. “Mating?”

  She leaned back in her chair and put her boots up on his fifteen-thousand-dollar table.

  “Yeah that's probably why they're arguing up there. From what I could tell through the paper-thin walls in castle dragoooon, she loved the biting part of it. Pretty sure it's the married-without-knowing-it part she has issue with.”

  “I'm going to slice that dragon’s heart out.”

  “Could you pour me another coffee before you do that? I'm honestly so ratcheted up right now. I mean, you people are nuts. In the past four days, I've had hardly any sleep, been drunk twice, flown on three transcontinental flights, and performed stunning acts of sorcery. Give a girl a break already. Or on second thought, you could give me a massage. My shoulders are killing me.”

  Neeren looked closer at the little witch across the table. She was dressed head to toe in winter gray leather. It was butter soft and of obvious quality. Her top, if it could be called a top, barely covered her breasts. She had a tiny waist he could probably wrap his hands around and her hair flowed in rich mahogany waves down the flesh of her bare back. Thick full lashes covered mischievous hazel eyes.

  He walked around the table, laid his hands on her shoulders and slowly began kneading the soft skin.

  “That feels amazing. Don't stop.”

  “I won't stop until you tell me too,” he purred at her.

  His fingers pushed into the muscles finding an easy rhythm. Soon the woman’s head rolled back and little sounds of pleasure escaped her lips. Neeren kept a steady pace, felt himself grow harder by the second listening to her mewling noises.

  He moved his hands in larger circles, worked the skin up her spine. Reached further down her chest. “Does that feel good?”

  “It's perfect,” she groaned.

  Emboldened, he pushed his hands lower and stroked the swell of her breasts.

  She jumped up, smashing the top of her head into his chin. “Ow. What the fuck are you doing? I asked for a massage not a feel up.”

  He cracked his jaw. “You said you liked it. I thought that’s what you wanted.”

  “Yeah, well next time ask idiota. You can’t just grope a girl without asking first, you know.”

  “You were practically melting under my hands. What was I supposed to think?”

  “How about listening to my words. A freaking massage is all I asked for. If I'd wanted more from you I would’ve said so. I'm not one of your little kitties you know.” She sneered. “Yeah, I know all about you. Biggest male slut on the face of the earth. I'm not interested so back the F off.”

  “You are insane.”

  “And you're a chauvinist pig.”

  Domhall walked in the kitchen then with Quinn and Gray behind him. “A little decorum please. We can hear you two kids down the hall.”

  Neeren caught his mother’s eye as she said, “What have you done now, Neeren?”

  Chapter 43

  Lachon and Taurin walked across the tarmac to the waiting aircraft. Ealian strolled ahead of them, almost at the stairs to the private vessel. She wore a sheer lace dress that did nothing to hide her bare breasts. Tiny, black panties barely covered her bottom. Sickened, Lachon watched Taurin and half the men in his employ ogle the woman.

  “It is good you called us,” Taurin said to him. “Ealian and I wondered when you planned to act against the Taleisin family. It is past time to put them all down, my old friend.”

  “I haven't said we are putting them down. Only that justice must be served for the crimes committed and the stealing of secured information.”

  “And yet, you bring twenty armed men.”

  “I always bring soldiers when I'm uncertain what I'm walking into.”

  Stewardesses, employed by Lachon for over fifty years, welcomed them as they boarded. They prepared to show the three elders to separate resting areas. Lachon was pleased to see Idris waiting patiently near the rear of the plane. Over the speaker, the captain informed the crew they'd lift off as soon as the runway cleared, and asked the passengers to secure themselves.

  Lachon preferred to spend as little time as possible with the two siblings. He made his way to his private quarters after giving strict instructions to Idris to join him for a debriefing two hours before they landed. Lachon watched as, heads and hands together, the twins made for their room.

  As he settled in his room, he thought about what was to come and the choices that had been made—by all of them. What would the past years have been like if they'd acted differently? What would happen now if the wrong choice was made? He kicked off his Italian leather boots and removed his navy-blue sweater to lay back on the king size bed. The passing clouds eventually soothed him. He remembered feeling happy once. Could he again?

  The abrupt knock on the door broke through his self-reflective mood. He bade whomever it was to enter.

  Ealian crossed the threshold on silent feet. “Lachon, we need to talk.”

  He lurched up wishing he'd have thought to ask who it was. Felt dirty as her eyes roamed over his bare chest. “I'm tired, Ealian. Can we talk later?”

  She sat beside him on the bed without waiting for an invitation. Rested her palms on his flesh. “You wound me, Lachon. We have been so close forever.” Her hands played with the auburn hair on his chest. “I need to know we’re still strong. Can you promise me you won't forsake us?”

  He grabbed her hands before she took it too far. Stopped her stroking of him. Her petting. Ealian’s power of compulsion had always been strong. Lachon had seen it used for both selfless and selfish reasons.

  “Lachon, why do you fight against me? We could be so good together.”

  “Ealian, that isn't what we are. You know that. The only way the council stays strong is if we don’t cross lines we shouldn't.”

  She pouted. “How can you say that to me after all we have been through.”

  “It was one drunken night three hundred and fifteen years ago. Let it go already.”

  Lachon could see the gears turning in her mind. Judging the best course of action to get what she wanted. She softened her voice, crawled further up the bed and rubbed her body against his bare chest.

  “Let me taste you, Lachon. I can make you feel amazing. You know that I can.”

  “Yes.” He sighed. “I know that you can, but I don't want you that way.”

  She sat back like a hurt child. “Why? Everyone wants me.”

  He knew he must tread lightly to keep her under control. The last thing any of them needed was her losing control of her wind element while on an airplane.

  “Ealian, you are passion and desire, everything every man could want, but I see you as my sister. We have been that way for too long for our relationship to be any different. Of course, you set my blood to boil but I cannot be with you the way you want. It would be wrong.”

  She smiled sweetly at him then. “One kiss, between brother and sister?”

  “I do not wish to lead you on. To hurt you.”

  “Lachon, you wound me when you refuse me. Do you think yourself above me?”

  “You know that isn’t it.”

  As her eyes cleared, Lachon was reminded she was a danger still.

  “Then what is it? I simply ask you for a kiss. A sign of affection for the bond we hold.”

  He touched the side of her face. Recognized the malice in her eyes. “Very well. How could I deny you? Of course, one kiss.”

  She climbed over him, sat on his waist and placed her mouth against his. Knowing what she craved, he wrapped one hand in her hair to hold her against him.

  She ground her body into his as she whimpered into his mouth. “Take me, Lachon.”

  “No. It is only this.”

  She heaved against him then. Force
d her tongue inside his mouth. Lachon fought her with his tongue. She reached down, grasped his cock through his pants, rubbed him through the fabric, began to rub herself against his leg. He grabbed her hand and wrenched his mouth free of the kiss. Reminding himself to be gentle, he lifted her and settled her beside him.

  He schooled his voice, removing all emotion. “Enough, Ealian. No more games.”

  Tears clouded her eyes as she looked away from him. “I want more from you. Why do you not give me more?”

  “I’m not having this conversation again. I’ve told you why countless times over the years.”

  “But you have no one else. Be with me.”

  “Stop now. I love you as a sister, nothing more. It will never be more.”

  She stood. Anger clearly written on her features. “You are flesh and blood like the rest of us. Your heart fills with sin like the rest of us. Remember that you did not stop until after I held your cock in my hand. You would do well to climb off your high horse.”

  Lachon leaned back against the headboard and rested his arms behind his neck. Refused to give her the satisfaction of appearing concerned by her words. “Are you threatening me?”

  She sneered. “Do not forget to respect me. And what I am capable of.”

  “I will always respect you, dearest.” He sat up and grasped her hands. “I’ve always known what you are capable of. It is why I aligned myself with you long ago.”

  She smiled at him. Her face softened. “You’ve sinned as much as I have.”

  “That remains to be seen, my dear.”

  “You would tell me if you knew more about what was going on than I did, wouldn’t you, Lachon?”

  He stood then. Pulled her body against his. Began his own game. He rubbed his hands along her arms with a touch that was both comforting and a reminder of his strength. “Of course, I would. Just as I know you would do the same for me.”

  Her eyes drifted off again. Lost the focus of moments before. “I should go check on Taurin. He’s probably wondering where I am.”

  "Yes.” He grimaced. “Taurin needs you.”

  She smiled sweetly at him. Replied, “I'm all he has you know,” before blowing a kiss and walking out the door of his room.

  Idris poked his head in seconds later. “You okay, man?”

  Since the day Idris began working for him, Lachon thanked whatever force sent the man to Vancouver from South Africa. He'd been tempted on more than one occasion to fire him for crossing the line, or disappearing without notice, but could never bring himself to do it. Idris was something of a super soldier. Not only that, he had Lachon’s back. And Lachon needed that badly the past few years.

  He and Idris were as different as night and day. Idris hardly spoke. When he did, it was usually to remind Lachon of how stupid he was. Still, without fail, he followed command. Intricate tattoos covered the man’s dark skin. Lachon had no idea what they meant. He’d never asked. Over the years, they'd become strange companions. Not quite friends, but maybe something stronger.

  “God, that woman gives me the creeps,” Lachon said the minute Idris shut the door.

  “Yeah, she gives everyone the creeps. Thankfully, she ignores the rest of us and fixates on you and her freak of a brother.”

  He cautioned, “They are still council members. Only, ever say that around me.”

  Idris pulled a bottle of whiskey from behind his back and handed it to him. “Here. Thought you'd need this in case you need to wash the taste of something vile out of your mouth.”

  Lachon arched a brow. “Seriously . . .”

  “Yeah, I know, I'm watchin’ it . . . and your back.” He winked, exiting the room without another word and shutting the door behind him.

  Lachon took a long pull of whiskey from the bottle before going into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

  Chapter 44

  Alex studied her extended family while shoveling food in her mouth. The entire clan, including the weird witch, had settled around the large, glass dining table. Neeren's staff served them a breakfast of fruit and pastries.

  Neeren refused to speak to Collum after hearing that under dragon law, Collum and Alex were considered mates. Collum rubbed it in by touching Alex every time her brother glanced their way.

  She swatted his hand away from her hair as Neeren grimaced . . . again. He wore a permanent grimace that morning. Honestly, she was still trying to understand it herself. She knew there was a different set of rules in the immortal world than the human one. But even though logically she knew she wasn't, she still considered herself, a human. Twenty-six years of living as a normal young woman weren't going to disappear. She'd told Collum as much when they finally calmed down enough to talk.

  She'd agreed to dating, seeing where this thing between them went. She might be falling hard for him, could barely concentrate when he wasn’t around, but she wasn't considering herself married yet. For that she'd need some time. And they'd both need to survive whatever came next.

  Her grandfather was a source of confusion as well. He sat at the head of the table. For all intents and purposes, appeared to control the world. But she’d had first-hand experience with his erratic behavior. Still, somehow, he’d played them all. Pulled all the strings necessary to get them in one room. He caught her eye and smiled, almost as though he knew what she was thinking.

  His voice carried across the table to the assembled group. “A plane carrying the remaining council members has landed in Athens.”

  Silence descended over them as they looked at him with varying degrees of dismay and acceptance.

  “Neeren,” he said. “I think it best if you extend an invitation to visit your kingdom.”

  The table broke out into a frenzy of activity as Neeren stood. His trademark smirk fell from his face and he released a long, slow breath. Alex wondered if he’d held that breath his entire life.

  Neeren nodded crisply and replied, “I'll see to it,” before leaving the room.

  Alex grabbed Collum's hand. “I thought we'd have more time.”

  He squeezed her hand and turned to Domhall with a scathing tone. “Was this always the plan? To bring them here and eliminate them?”

  “What did you expect? That we’d hide with the Parthen forever? It's the only way my family can be truly free. You know that.”

  “So, you lied to everyone. How many more lies, Dom?”

  “Who is lying, Collum? Who has always been lying?”

  “Don’t go somewhere you can’t back down from, Dom.”

  The two men glowered at each other before Domhall broke eye contact.

  “Are you going to let Neeren kill them all?” Collum asked. “You know I can't condone that. If you invite them on to your land it becomes murder. I have to judge that.”

  “They tried to kill my daughter. They destroyed my family. What would you have me do?”

  Collum pounded his fists on the table and roared back, “Find another way, Domhall.”

  “There is no other way. Don’t you think I’ve thought of this? We can’t involve the entire race. You were all I needed, the last puzzle piece really. Jesus, don't you see that I'm trying to stop the bloodshed.”

  Alex studied the group, turned to her Aunt Quinn. “Did you know his plan?”

  “I did. Trust me when I say I'm telling you the truth. I have no love for my father, but I love you with all my heart. I will do anything to protect you and the rest of this messed up family.”


  When he finally looked at her, the pain in his eyes was easy for Alex to see.

  “They would have found us eventually, you know that. Taurin and Ealian have darkness in them.” He sighed before looking at Collum again. “And the first thing they would have done is gone for your lover’s heart. I need you to underst
and. I cannot live with this any longer. The stain on my heart . . . knowing what I was party to. I’ve barely survived. I'm prepared to answer for my choices. Justice must be served.”

  “What about the justice I’ll be called to serve when this all comes out?” Collum asked.

  “Leave it to someone else,” Domhall replied.

  The air in the room tightened. Alex saw the change in Collum. It scared her.

  “You know, there is no one else,” Collum growled.

  “Do I?” was her grandfather’s reply.

  “My role in this begins and ends with Alex,” Collum said, anger ringing in his voice. “You put her in danger with this foolishness. They’re coming for her, you idiot.”

  Neeren walked back into the dining room as the two men stared each other down. “I have sent ambassadors to meet them at their hotel. I've extended the invitation to discuss our situation tomorrow morning.”

  Collum questioned, “Did you know your grandfather called them? And what happens tonight? Do you sneak into their minds and eliminate them?”

  “Of course, I knew. This has always been the only outcome. You know that as much as I do,” Neeren said. “In answer to your last question. If you must know, I can't reach them. I've tried but they are protected by wards similar to the kind that hid Alex all these years.”

  Alex watched everything in a kind of trance. But she grinned when her brother turned his attention to the witch slurping her coffee in the corner.

  “I suspect you had a hand in that,” he said.

  The witch licked pastry sugar off her fingers, raised her eyes, and gave a little shrug. “Go figure witches, hey? Always getting involved where they shouldn't. Keeping people from committing acts of murder and mayhem.”

  Alex choked on her coffee as laughter bubbled up. It felt good to laugh. If she managed to stay alive over the next few days she planned to do it more often.

  Domhall replied, “Those wards are there for a reason. I wouldn't let Mar pull them down even if she could. Look at me all of you. I have my family under one roof. Alive and well. With new friends to keep things interesting.” He winked at Mar, nodded slightly to Collum. “Tomorrow is a new beginning for us. Raise your glasses in a toast to the future. Whatever it may look like.”


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