Once Upon A Valentine

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Once Upon A Valentine Page 21

by Emma Roman

  “Okay, well, you guys have fun.” Lucien shut the door and Granny pulled away from the curb.

  “That was very sweet. What you said.” Granny cut her eyes at him and pulled into a parking spot.

  “I’ve got an idea.” He glanced outside the window. People were hurrying into the safety of the movies away from the rain.

  He had nearly shit himself when Granny had said Lucien was a Guardian. But it made sense with his large build and muscles. Judging from the looks of the big Were in the restaurant, she knew a lot of Guardians.

  He needed to get the fuck out of Arkansas and do it fast while the Guardians were distracted by taking out their females on Valentine’s Day. He just needed a car.

  He needed her car.

  “An idea?” Granny killed the engine and looked at him. Her hair was starting to frizz from the rain making her look a bit like the Bride of Frankenstein.

  “How about we skip the movie and just spend some time alone. Maybe my place?” He knew her well enough to know there was no way this old bat was going to go to his place. If he put on the charm then she’d dump him back at the parking lot. Where he’d overpower her and take her car.

  “Your place?” Her eyes widened and she tightened her hands on the wheel in a death grip. She stared straight ahead, her breathing growing faster with each breath.

  “Yeah. I figure we can go and have some privacy. You know, to get to know each other…better.” He smiled and ran a finger along her arm.

  She gasped.

  He had her where he wanted her. He saw that horrified look on her face. The look of a woman that refused to do anything wrong.

  “Put your seat belt on,” she barked out.


  She twisted the key and the engine roared to life. She tore out of the parking lot and onto the street before he could finish his sentence.

  She took the corner so tight that he slid against the door before he could get his seat belt fastened.

  He scrambled and clicked his seat belt into place before he got thrown out the passenger’s door.

  From the illumination of the streetlights he could tell her lips were pressed into a firm line, her old eyes filled with determination.

  She looked pissed and put out at his request. He stifled a grin. His plan was working.

  He expected to get quite the talking down to when she dropped him off at the restaurant.

  But he had other plans. He would overpower her and toss her scrawny ass in the trunk. Then take the car and get the hell out of Little Rock. He would be in Missouri before the sun rose.

  She turned left and headed out of town. He frowned and turned to look out the back window. The streetlights were quickly fading as the car tore down the street.

  “We’re headed out of town.” He glared at her.

  “We’re not going back to town.” She gave a firm shake of her head and glanced at him before looking back at the road.

  “Where are we going?” He curled his fingers into fists. Was she on to him? Did she know who he was? Was she going to turn him in to the Pack Master of Arkansas?

  She glanced at him and smiled. “We’re going to my house.”

  Granny’s stomach tingled and she avoided eye contact with Walter.

  Not once in all her years on this earth had she ever brought a strange male back to her house. Not once.

  There had been many lonely nights, many times where she’d longed for the company of another or just wanted to be held. She figured she’d already had John, the love of her life for thirty years, and shouldn’t be feeling sorry for herself. She should be grateful for the time they had together. And she was.

  Now, on Valentine’s Day, looking at all those couples in the restaurant and the parking lot full of people in love going to catch a movie, she figured she deserved a little something too.

  She cut her eyes at him.

  He wasn’t good looking, but not bad looking either. He had hard eyes that had probably seen a lot of hurt in the world and it had somehow etched that pain into his expression. She noticed he had a habit of tapping his fingers along his thigh when things got uncomfortable. Like when Damon was about to come over to the table in the restaurant. Or when they were giving Lucien and Catty a ride.

  Maybe he was more of a loner. That would make sense. He seemed good one on one with people but seemed tense with a group.

  She couldn’t fault him for that.

  She took a deep breath as she turned down the street. She was almost home. She expected to feel a bit of regret over her rash decision. But oddly enough that feeling never emerged.

  Maybe it was the way he’d escorted her into the restaurant or how he’d given her his full attention when they were talking. Maybe it was just how his offer of “getting to know her better” made her feel like a woman instead of someone’s grandmother.

  Tonight she was throwing all the rules out the window and she was going to take charge of her life.

  And there were no Guardians around to stop her.


  “Have you ever heard Granny talk about a boyfriend?” Lucien leaned over and whispered near Catty’s ear. The movie had just started, one that she’d wanted to see, but something about the man with Granny had his instincts on high alert.

  “No.” She kept her attention on the screen and leaned closer. “I think it’s sweet she’s on a date.”

  “I wonder if I should say something to Jayden.” If it were his grandmother he’d want to know what was going on.

  She turned and even in the dark he could see the smirk written on her face. “You really want to have that conversation with Jayden? About Granny getting some action?”

  “What? Surely she’s not getting… you know.” He shifted in his seat, his eyes suddenly focused on the scene on the screen.

  She giggled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  “You are. You have to know she’s getting some. Or will be later tonight.” “Nope. I definitely don’t think Granny will be getting…anything.” Shit. Now he had that image stuck in his head.

  “Wrong. Number one, it’s Valentine’s Day. Number two, she’s a werewolf. I don’t think just because you get old you lose your sex drive.” She popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth.

  “Can we stop talking about Granny’s sex drive and just watch the movie?” He felt a little sick to his stomach.

  She leaned over, pressed her lips to his neck and sucked, sending a delicious shiver through his stomach.

  “Sure, if that’s what you want to do,” she purred. “You sit there and relax. You’re too tense. I know something that will make you feel better.”

  Her hand moved up his inner thigh. When she reached his crotch, she cupped him.

  He sucked in a breath through clenched teeth. His body warmed under her teasing touch.

  “Catty, what are you doing?” He wrapped his hand around her neck and cupped her cheek with the other, forcing her to look at him.

  “Just giving you a preview of what will happen once we get home.” She pressed her lips to his.

  Lust surged through his body and he opened his mouth deepening the kiss. “Let’s go home now.”

  “Not now. We haven’t seen the movie.” She pouted.

  “Well, you’re making it hard to watch the movie with your hand on my dick,” he growled.

  Several shushes from people in front of them had him thinking of standing up, throwing her over his shoulder, and getting the hell home so he could make love to her all fucking night.

  “Sorry, maybe this will be better.” She flicked his button open and shoved her hand down his jeans. Her hand wrapped around his cock and he gritted his teeth against the pleasure.

  “Catty,” he warned.

  “Shush,” she murmured against his ear. She laid her head on his shoulder and worked her hand up and down his hard length. “Just relax and let me play a little bit.”

  He white knuckled the armrests and panted with each torturous stroke of her w
arm hand. They were only a few feet away from couples that had no idea what she was doing to his body. They only had to turn around in their seats to see her jacking him off in public.

  “Does that feel good?” she whispered in his ear and flicked her tongue along his neck.

  Shivers shot through his stomach, fueling his desire.

  He reached over and palmed her breast through her sweater, but she pulled out of his reach.

  “Let me touch you,” he whispered against her mouth.

  “No. Not yet. I want to see you come. Right here in front of everyone.” She nibbled on his earlobe and nearly had him bouncing in the seat.

  “You’re so going to be in trouble when we get home.” He managed to get the words out between pants and the white noise buzzing in his ears.

  “You better make good on that promise.” She laughed. “But right now I want you to come for me.”

  “Fuck.” The combination of her talented hand, the taboo experience of pubic sex and her dirty words had him thrusting hard against her palm. Pleasure streaked out low in his stomach as he came, stifling a growl that nearly undid him.

  She tightened her grip as he came in her hand, bucking his hips and spilling his seed.

  When he was done he slumped boneless in his seat.

  She grinned and grabbed some napkins and cleaned them both up.

  “That was just a warm up.” She gave him a quick kiss. “For what’s ahead tonight.”

  “Catty.” He cupped her face. Despite the dark theater he stared into her eyes. “I love you.” She smiled and nuzzled his hands. “I love you too.”

  “I want to be with you forever.”

  Surprise flickered through her eyes. “Forever? Are you sure?”

  “Yes, there is no other female for me.”

  “You have me for life, Lucien. I’m forever yours.” She leaned in and kissed him long and deep. “So I guess we need to tell Barrett that we are going to be mated.”

  He grinned. Joy and love filled his chest. “Absofuckinglutely.”


  Robert glanced at the modest house on the quiet street. Granny pulled into the driveway, killed the engine and tugged the key out of the ignition.

  “We’re here.” She gave him a smile.

  “Yes, we are.” His mind was already at work, on how he could take her out silently and quickly. He could take her down before she got her door open, but some neighbor might see. No, it would be best to do this once they were inside and away from potential prying eyes. Then he’d grab the car keys and make his way into Missouri. Once there, he would be home free.

  He grabbed the umbrella and went around to her side of the door. The rain was now only a drizzle, but he knew how old women were about their hair.

  They walked silently to the front door illuminated by small porch lights. He surveyed the distance from her house to the closest neighbor. It was an older neighborhood and the houses were fairly spread apart from each other. There was a security light at the end of the cul-de-sac and he noticed she didn’t have any motion sensor lights. That was a plus.

  He didn’t see a security sign or cameras so it was a good possibility she didn’t have an alarm system.

  It couldn’t have been a more perfect set-up for a criminal.

  “I hope you like Wild Turkey. It’s the only hard liquor I keep in the house. My late husband was a fan of the stuff so I keep it on hand for company.”

  “Sounds good.” He followed her into the house.

  He shut the door, turned the lock. And smiled.

  He turned around ready to grab her by the neck, but she was gone.

  “I’ve got some leftover pot roast. Since we didn’t get to eat, how about we have some of that?”

  “I’m not really …”

  “I’ve also got some potato salad, green beans and corn.”

  He tapped his hand on his pants, irritation flaring in his gut. The need to make her shut the hell up was overwhelming.

  Anger and rage boiled inside his veins and he stalked to the kitchen. This old bat was going to be sorry she ever ran across him.

  “Oh, well look at that.” Her eyes widened.

  He followed her voice into the dining room ready to overpower her.

  “What?” he gritted out between clenched teeth.

  “I got a new shipment in. I guess Jayden saw the package by the front door and set it inside so no one would steal it.” She looked at him and shook her head. “You would be surprised how many people tell me my business is immoral and corrupt. Some have told me it’s against the law.” She snorted. “But it sure doesn’t stop them from stealing my shipment right off my front porch. Bunch of hypocrites. That’s what they are.” She shook her head in disgust. “The world isn’t a safe place anymore.”

  “What’s in the box?” If people were stealing it off her front porch it must be worth a lot of money.

  “Oh, well…” She gave him a shaky smile. “I’m afraid I’ve said too much. I like to keep my business ventures private. If you’ll excuse me I’ll just go warm up the leftovers.”

  “Of course.” He watched as she walked out of the dining room and into the kitchen. His smile fell the second she was out of sight.

  “She’s acting very strange. Maybe the old bird is doing something illegal. Drugs maybe.” He listened to make sure she wasn’t coming back before easing closer to the box. The large box sat on the middle of the table. He glanced at the return address. It was shipped from Miami, Florida, but there was no return name.

  Odd. And very nondescript.

  Drugs were pouring in from Florida all the time. Drugs would fit.

  He opened the drawer on the buffet and found a butter knife. He quietly eased the drawer shut and turned his attention back to the mystery box.

  He carefully slid the knife under the tape and cut the box free. He set the knife down and pulled the top open. He frowned at the enormous amount of tissue paper stacked on top.

  “What are you doing?”

  He spun around at the sound of Granny’s voice.

  Her eyes were wide and she swallowed nervously. Apparently whatever was in the box was not meant for his eyes.

  “My dear, forgive me. I couldn’t help myself. It seems you have some secrets and there’s no way to start a relationship off on secrets,” he said softly.

  Her eyes widened and she uncrossed her arms. “Yes, well, my secrets are my own. And I don’t know you well enough to be telling you my business. I mean I’ve not really asked any questions about your business.”

  “Sales. I’m in sales,” he reminded gently. “I’m not judging you. I have my own secrets as well. The world would be a boring place if we didn’t have a little secret or two to hide.” He arched his brow.

  She snorted and a small grin crept across her lips.

  It worked.

  “I suppose you’re right.” She laughed a little.

  “How about I go first?” He sat down at the dining room table and pulled out a chair for her to join him. “I’m in sales. A lot of people look down on what I do, but it’s work and it’s making me a great deal of money.”

  Her face lit up and she reached over and touched his hand. “My word. You just took the words right out of my mouth. You have no idea the persecution I’ve gotten over my line of work. Even family members are horrified.” She shook her head. “You would think your own family would support your dreams of making money instead of acting like you’re selling your soul to the devil.”

  “We are both adults and there is nothing wrong with creating an empire. If people want to talk then I say they’re jealous.” He shrugged.

  “Walter, you are like a breath of fresh air. You really understand where I’m coming from.”

  “Oh yes, my dear. And I’d love for you to be comfortable enough to feel like you can tell me anything. I promise not to judge.” He took her hand and lifted it to his lips and pressed a kiss to the back of her hand.

  “Oh my.” She took her hand and pressed
it in the middle of her sagging chest.

  He grinned. “Trust me.”

  Granny’s heart sped up and her lady parts gave a little tingle.

  She sure wasn’t expecting that. She’d thought her lady parts had been closed to the public for decades.

  Maybe this was fate’s way of bringing some excitement back into her life after all these years.

  Never one to back down from an exciting challenge, she decided to go with her hormones, or what few hormones she had left.

  She eased up from the table and stood. He frowned and stood, seeming unsure of what she was about to do.

  “You’re right. Relationships can’t be founded on secrets. Give me a few more minutes and I’ll be right back and I’ll show you everything.” She gave a nod.

  “I’ll be waiting on pins and needles.” Walter’s smile grew and something, probably excitement, twinkled in his eye.

  Poor thing. She bet he had no family and had no one to talk to. She wasn’t sure what tomorrow would bring. But she knew that tonight she was going to walk on the wild side and let her hair down. Tonight was all about what she wanted.

  She hurried down the hallway to her bedroom and closed the door. She flung open her closet and pulled out several boxes. She wanted to make sure that Walter understood clearly what she did for a living. And he was right, secrets would kill a relationship. She opened a box and fished around inside until she found what she was looking for.

  She smiled, stood and began changing clothes.

  When she was done, she stood in front of the mirror and eyed her work.


  The hair on the back of Barrett’s neck stood on end and his gut twisted. Something was off, something was way fucking off.

  He’d had this uneasy feeling for about an hour now and it had only gotten stronger with each passing minute.

  Trouble was near. He could almost taste it.

  He picked up the phone to text his Guardians when Jayden burst through the door without knocking.

  He wasn’t alone.


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