Once Upon A Valentine

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Once Upon A Valentine Page 22

by Emma Roman

  “You didn’t knock,” Barrett growled at the drenched Guardian. It had been storming for hours and hadn’t let up. He dragged his gaze to the civilian werewolf standing beside him.

  “This is Walter Meadows. And he has something very interesting to tell you.” Jayden swiped the rain off his face and nodded at the older man to talk.

  Walter was in his early to mid-sixties, if Barrett had to guess. His salt-and-pepper hair gave him a distinguished look while his eyes remained pensive.

  “Your highness.” The guy bowed and then nervously looked up. “Or should I call you my Master of Arkansas? I’ve never met a Pack Master of a state before.”

  Barrett cringed. “Barrett will suffice.” He was a wolf, not a lion, and he sure as fuck wasn’t the king of anything.

  He glared at Jayden. “Jayden this is highly irregular for you to bring civilian werewolves into my office.”

  “I know, but you’re going to want to hear what he has to say.” Jayden crossed his arms over his chest and cut his eyes at Walter.

  Barrett dragged his gaze back to the middle-aged Were.

  “Yes, well, you see my car was stolen.”

  “Then you should probably go to the police. We don’t monitor things like that here.” He shook his head and walked around his desk to his chair.

  “It was stolen by that criminal on the loose you’re looking for.” His eyes got wide.

  “Robert Waldon?” Barrett froze midway to taking a seat and stared. “How do you know it was him?”

  “Well, you see I was at the gas station gassing up my car. I had a date tonight. First date in twenty years. Was going to meet her at a restaurant here in Little Rock…”

  “Can you get to the point faster?” Barrett leaned over his desk and glared.

  “Well, I went inside to talk to the attendant. The card reader wouldn’t accept my card. Anyway, and I passed this fellow. Gave me a weird feeling. Had soulless eyes. He was a Were too. Anyway, when I came out he was driving away in my car.”

  Barrett narrowed his eyes and opened the file on his desk. “Could you identify him if I showed you a picture?”

  “I think so.” He nodded eagerly.

  Barrett pulled a photo of the suspect out of the file and held it out. “Is that him?”

  “Yep. That’s him all right.” He glared at the picture like he wanted to rip it into a thousand pieces. “My nice cream-colored striped jacket was in that car along with my wallet.”

  “So he’s headed in this direction.” Jayden looked at him.

  “He’s going to hit Little Rock and then go up to Missouri.” Barrett nodded. “Thanks for the info. I’ll be sure you’re compensated for your loss.”

  “What about my date? I haven’t had a date in twenty years. I finally found the woman of my dreams and now she thinks I stood her up.” He looked at the floor and shook his head, his expression one of despair.

  “There’s a lot of fish in the sea,” Jayden assured him.

  “Not like this fish. She was different.” His eyes glazed over. “I even saved her picture off that dating site just so I could stare at her.” He brightened and pulled out his phone. “Want to see a picture?” He looked at Barrett.

  “Not really.” He picked up his phone and dialed Damon’s number. Robert was probably in Little Rock by now.

  “But she’s a beauty,” Walter insisted.

  “Hello?” Damon answered.

  “Robert’s been spotted. He’s stolen a car and was last seen headed towards Little Rock. You need to get out on patrol and start searching.” Barrett looked at Walter. “What’s your license plate and the make and model of your car?”

  Walter rattled off the information and Barrett repeated it back to Damon. “Start searching for that car. It could be anywhere.”

  ‘Well, not exactly,” Walter said softly.

  “What do you mean?” Barrett cut his eyes at the civilian Were.

  “I only had one fourth tank of gas when I pulled into the gas station. I never got to fill it up. I took my debit card with me and I only had a few dollars in my wallet. Not enough to fill his tank up. He wouldn’t make it to the city limits of Little Rock before he runs out of gas.”

  “Damon, I want you to patrol the outskirts of Little Rock coming in from the east. He might not have made it to the city. He probably ran out of gas. If that’s the case then he’s on the run, on foot until he finds a victim who has a car.”

  “Got it. We were done eating anyway.” Damon hesitated. “There’s something else… never mind.”

  “What? If there’s something you need to say, spit it out.” He didn’t have time for games. Time was of the essence.

  “Just something weird,” Damon said.

  “Weird? What do you mean?”

  “Well, Granny. She came into the restaurant,” Damon said.

  “So?” He rubbed his temple.

  “She came in with a date. Dude was an older Were, looked jumpy.”

  “Well, he was on a date with Granny so…”

  “Something was off,” Damon finally said. “He was wearing pants and a jacket that didn’t match. In fact the jacket was the wrong size.”

  “So what…” Barrett cut his eyes at Walter and dropped his gaze to his pants. His gut twisted. “Was his jacket a cream color with a stripe?”

  “Yeah, how’d you know?”

  “Because I’m standing in front of the guy he stole it from.” His gut twisted and anger boiled over into his chest. “Listen, when I hang up I’m going to text you a picture. Tell me if it’s the same guy Granny was with.”

  “You got it.” Damon cut the call.

  “What about Granny?” Jayden edged near the desk. “Barrett, what is it?”

  “Give me two seconds.” He held up his hand. He snapped a picture of Robert Waldon and sent the text to Damon.

  His phone vibrated within seconds.

  Yes. That’s him.

  His gut sank. He looked at Jayden and knew he couldn’t keep this from him.

  “I know where Robert is and I know who is with him.”

  “Who?” Jayden’s face paled as he waited for Barrett to give him an answer.

  “He’s got Granny.”

  “Holy shit.” Damon threw some large bills down on the table and grabbed Ava’s arm “We’ve got to go.”

  “Why? What’s wrong?” She pressed her hand against his chest, her demanding eyes searching his.

  “That guy that was with Granny…”


  “He’s not a date. He’s the escaped suspect from Tennessee. The one trying to cross into Missouri so he can’t be extradited.”

  “Oh my god.” Her hand flew to her chest and she paled.

  “We’ve got to get to her home before he does something to her.”

  “No.” She stopped and shook her head. “They’re not going home. She said they were going to a movie.”

  “All right, all right. Let’s get outside and get in the truck.” They hurried out the front door and into the rainy night. They ran toward his Hummer and he clicked the unlock button. He got Ava safely inside and out of the rain before heading over to the driver’s side.

  He started the engine and reached for his cell phone. He dialed Lucien’s number.

  He pulled out of the parking lot and onto the street.

  “Hello?” Lucien answered.

  “Lucien, our suspect has been spotted. And we have reason to think he has Granny.”

  “Are you fucking joking?” Lucien growled through the phone. “But wait, how did he have Granny if she’s on a date?”

  “How the hell did you know she was on a date?” Unease prickled his spine.

  “Because I saw them. We actually got a ride from Granny and …Walter I believe is his name. They were going to the movies too, but they never came inside.”

  “Shit. Her date is the suspect, Robert Waldon.” Damon cut his eyes at Ava. “You said they never came inside the movies?”

  “Yeah.”r />
  “So where do you think they went?” “I’m guessing her house. Jesus man, I can’t believe I had him all along and let him slip through my fingers. And now he’s got Granny.”

  “Don’t be too hard on yourself. Same thing happened with me.”

  “That fucker has some balls rolling up in our city and taking our Granny,” Lucien growled.

  “No doubt. By the time we send his ass back to Tennessee we’ll have to ship all the pieces in boxes,” Damon growled.


  “He’s either going to understand or he’s not. I’m too damn old to be waiting around for a man’s approval.” She stepped out of her bedroom and stalked toward the dining room. The slap of her high-heel shoes echoed against the hardwood floor.

  “Okay, Walter. Here’s my secret.” She stepped into the dining room, dressed in a skintight black latex mini skirt and matching black top. She wiggled her toes in her black high heels. Her feet had been cold so she’d put on her long orthopedic socks under her fishnet stockings.

  When she wiggled her toes, her fishnet stockings began to sag and she reached down and gave them a tug. The stockings were one size fits all, yet here they were dropping like a saggy diaper. She was going to have to give the customer service a piece of her mind.

  She held the dildo called the Black Beauty in one hand and in her other hand a leather whip.

  “Holy hell. You’re a hooker? That’s your secret?” He took a few steps back, his eyes wide and frozen in fear.

  “A hooker?! No, of course not.” She frowned and pointed the vibrator at him in an accusatory wave. She took offense at the way he was staring at her. “Hey, wait a minute. Are you trying to tell me I’m too old to be a hooker? Why you’re not exactly a spring chicken yourself, buddy.”

  “Lady, I’ve seen some crazy ass bitches in my day, but you take the fucking cake. When I get through with you, you are going to wish you were dead,” he snarled.

  “Don’t you dare use that language with me, mister.” She propped her hands on her hips and glared.

  His face twisted in disgust and he took another hasty step back. His shoe caught on the exposed lamp cord and he tumbled backward. His head slammed into the buffet with a thud and he slumped to the floor in a heap.

  “Oh my god. I’ve killed him.” She hurried to his side and knelt on the floor. His eyes rolled back in his head and he growled as he shook like a leaf.

  She gasped. “He’s having a seizure.”

  “Don’t you worry, Walter. I’ll take care of you.” She shook her head and dropped the forgotten vibrator on the floor next to him. “I saw this on an episode on TV. Head injuries can cause a seizure. But don’t worry. I know what to do.”

  She knew a seizure victim needed something in their mouth to prevent them from swallowing their tongue. She saw it on TV or maybe she’d read it in a suspense novel. Damn, she couldn’t remember.

  She glanced around the room. Her frantic gaze landed on the box on the table.

  She stood, her knees cracking like cereal in milk, and opened the lid of the box.

  She pulled out the tissue paper and tossed out the dildos, vibrators and edible panties on the floor, trying to find something she could use. When she reached the bottom, she frowned.

  “I don’t remember someone ordering from the Dark Secrets Line.” And then she smiled.

  She tore open the package and eased back down to Walter. He was trembling and growling and had something in his right hand.

  “It’s okay now.” She lifted his head and his eyes shot open. “This will help keep you from swallowing your tongue.”

  She shoved the ball gag into his mouth and fastened it around his head. He struggled against her.

  “Now, now. I’ll take this off as soon as your seizure’s over. I’ll call the paramedics.” She patted his head and grabbed the buffet to help her stand. She’d never been on her knees so much in one night. Not even on her wedding night.

  He grabbed her arm and glared around red ball gag. He growled and brought his hand toward her head.

  She frowned just as she saw the glint of metal coming towards her.

  “Nobody do a damn thing until I say so. We don’t know what kind of situation he has her in.” Barrett looked from Damon, to Lucien, and let his gaze linger a little longer on Jayden. “I know it’s hardest for you, Jayden. But you have to trust me.”

  The rain was now only a drizzle. The only light in the neighborhood was the security light in the cul-de-sac a few houses away from Granny’s.

  “Barrett,” Jayden growled.

  “I get that it’s your grandmother in there. But you’ve got to listen to me. You’ve got to trust me.” His voice vibrated with rage. If one hair on Granny’s head was harmed he was going to disembowel the bastard himself.

  “I understand.” A muscle twitched in Jayden’s clenched jaw. His hands were fisted at his side and his eyes were flashing dangerously from blue to yellow, his blood lust and anger palpable.

  “So what do we do? We can’t just barge in there. One look at us and he’ll know why we’re there.” Lucien shook his large frame like a dog, sending droplets flying in the air.

  “Well, you guys can’t. But we sure as hell can.” Catty spoke up.

  “Lucien, I told you not to bring her.” Barrett glared.

  “I told her to stay in the Hummer with Ava, but she doesn’t listen very well.” Lucien gave her a warning look.

  “I agree with Catty. He’s not going to see us as a danger. We should be the ones to knock on the door.” Ava looked at Catty. “From the way he was looking at us both, I bet he would think he hit the jackpot if we came a knocking. If you know what I mean.”

  “I’ll fucking gut him,” Lucien growled and tucked Catty under his arm.

  “Not if I get to him first,” Damon said lethally.

  “That’s why Ava and I are the ones who should knock on the door. It will distract him. You guys can go around the back to the kitchen and enter that way. You have a key, right Jayden?” Catty asked.

  “Yeah, I do.” Jayden reached in his pocket and pulled out his keys.

  “Barrett?” Damon looked to him and everyone stayed silent.

  “I don’t like it…”

  “Come on.”

  “You didn’t let me finish.” He cut his eyes at Ava. He was so fucking not ever getting mated.

  He would be satisfied to live alone for the rest of his life.

  “What I was going to say was for you and Catty to go ring the doorbell. Jayden and Lucien will be around the backdoor. They will come in through the backdoor and I’ll be with Damon near the front door. We’ll stay hidden where he can’t see us. If Robert answers the door, then I’ll take him down. But if Granny answers the door, then I’ll put her outside while Jayden and Lucien get the suspect. The goal here is to get Granny to safety before we take him down.”

  “Understood.” They all answered in unison.

  “Good. Now Jayden and Lucien, go get into place.” He cut his eyes at the two females. “And you two…I don’t want you to try to pull something. I want you to ring the doorbell and then get out of the way when he opens the door. That’s it. No heroic shit. Got it?” His gaze lingered on Ava. She was the most hardheaded female he’d ever known. Catty was fairly new to the group but just as stubborn. And she was likely to follow after Ava since the two had gotten to be quite chummy.

  “Damn, Barrett. You act like we don’t listen to you.” Ava’s tone was tinged with pain and she wore a pained expression.

  “You usually don’t,” he countered.

  She opened her mouth and then must have thought better of it and nodded her head.

  “Everyone get into place before the neighborhood gets suspicious about a bunch of big ass bikers hanging around,” Barrett growled.

  The group nodded and broke up. Jayden and Lucien kept to the shadows and eased around to the side of the house where there was a large privacy fence. Both Jayden and Lucien jumped and cleared it without any pro

  Ava and Catty walked down the sidewalk chatting animatedly and trying to blend in like they belonged there. Their footsteps made tiny splashes with each step they took.

  “Come on.” Barrett eased around the front of the house keeping in the dark and away from any lights. Damon silently followed his lead.

  Barrett stepped behind a tree nearest the house, hiding his body from the front door and large window. He was a few feet away, but he knew he could be on the doorstep within seconds, regardless of who opened the door. He glanced to his right. Damon crouched near the shrubbery out of sight.

  Damon gave Barrett a single nod indicating he was in position and ready.

  Ava and Catty strolled up to the front door, giggling like two girls. Catty reached out and pressed the doorbell.

  The doorbell echoed inside the house and Catty turned to walk away. Ava frowned and hesitated.

  “Move back,” Barrett hissed through the dark night. He’d warned her about not following orders.

  A female cry tore through the house. His gut tightened, and before he could move, Ava and Catty rammed their shoulders into the door.

  The door gave way under both females’ weight and the girls ran inside.

  “Fuck.” He growled and ran through the door with Damon on his heels.


  Barrett’s heart beat in his chest and echoed in his head. Grotesque images ran across his brain at what he would find inside. Anger, rage and vengeance soared through his veins and thoughts of retribution clouded his mind.

  He came to a stop when he saw the horrified looks on both Catty’s and Ava’s faces. Standing in the doorway of the dining room, both females were wide-eyed with their mouths hanging open. Catty covered her mouth and Ava couldn’t stop blinking.

  When they saw him and Damon, they quickly stepped toward them.

  “We’ll let you males handle this.” Ava’s lip trembled.

  Catty snorted.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Jayden bellowed from the dining room. Apparently he had beaten both Damon and Barrett into the house.

  “Jayden, language,” Granny shrieked.

  “Ah, you’re gonna want to see this, boss.” Lucien chortled, looking at Barrett.


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