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Once Upon A Valentine

Page 56

by Emma Roman

  Her brows crinkled together. "Around the same time as every night."

  "I thought maybe you could leave a little early. We'd go out to the ranch and make sure the cattle are all right, watch the stars and melt a few s’mores."

  She laughed. "I'd love to, but my cook called in sick today and two deliveries arrived to shelve. You can always come here and restock my shelves."

  "And have to hide in the back in case your girlfriends come in? I don't think so," he said. "I bought some new lotion that guarantees pleasure for each partner." He grinned. “I thought later you could rub some on my back."

  Leaning back in her chair, she gazed at him. "Why do I have the feeling this cream you want on your back, you also want on your front?"

  "You're such a quick learner. I'm so impressed," he said, laughing as he stood.

  "Common male psychology," she replied. "Always in need of a lube job."

  "Thank you," he said. Bending over the desk, he leaned close to her and whispered, "I thought you liked my lube job."

  "Very much," she said softly, kissing him on the lips. Everything came easy with Ryan. Somehow they'd fallen into a pattern of him showing up at her door every night. Many times, staying over. It felt comfortable. Right. "See you at the house tonight."

  "Later," he said and walked out the door.

  Jumping up she ran after him. "Wait. Ryan, I need a favor."

  "What?" he questioned.

  "Jack Larkin has not been in the diner for the last two days. He comes in every day. I tried to call him, but no one answers. I'm sure he's okay, but would you please go out to his place and check on him. I'm concerned."

  "Sure," he said. "I know he lives out on Glassier Road. I'm sure it's nothing, but I'll swing out there to make sure."

  "Thanks," she said smiling and blew him a kiss as she watched him leave.


  Ryan pulled up in front of Taylor's home in his patrol car. He should have gone home first, but he couldn't. In law enforcement, there were days you questioned why you did this job. Today was one of those days.

  Numb from the afternoon events, he walked up to the door and rang the bell. He didn't care his car sat parked on the street for anyone to see if they drove by, including her girlfriends. Taylor needed to accept the time to acknowledge they were dating had come. No more hiding.

  And after today, he longed for the sanctity of her arms around him when he gave her the bad news.

  She opened the door. "Hey, I was about to give up on you."

  Coming inside, she gazed at him suspiciously. "You haven't been home?" Glancing outside she frowned. "You're still in your patrol car."

  Staring at her, he watched the slow comprehension on her face that something was wrong, terribly wrong.

  "What happened?" she asked. "A bad car wreck on the highway?"

  The tenseness in his body gave him away, but the realization of what occurred still hadn't connected for Taylor. He hated the news about Jack.

  "It's Jack," he said slowly.

  "Is he sick?" she asked, her eyes widening in fright. "Is he in the hospital? Please tell me he's all right," she said her voice rising.

  Shaking his head, he went to her and wrapped his arms around her. "Doc said it looks like he suffered a massive heart attack. He died before he could call 911."

  "No," she cried. "No. No. Tell me he didn't die alone."

  "I went there after we spoke," Ryan said, feeling numb inside. "He sat in his chair."

  The memory of Jack sitting there looking so peaceful would never leave Ryan. From the window, he seemed fine, but he never moved and never would again.

  "The doc came out, pronounced him dead. Then I waited for the coroner. Contacted his daughter and..." he ran his hand through his hair. "Tonight has been a really long night."

  Taylor began to cry. "He's been so depressed about his wife. Being all by himself in that big house, I knew he was lonely. But this..."

  Tears rolled down her cheeks and Ryan saw the shock and numbness wearing off, giving over to grief. "We became such good friends."

  "I know," he said, holding her while she sobbed against his shoulder.

  When someone perished alone, it becomes a lawman's worst nightmare. Especially calling their next of kin and telling them over the phone or in person. You tried to say things that would make that person feel better, yet what can you say that will ease their grief.

  "Coroner said he went quickly. I found him sitting in his chair, the television still blaring," he said, his voice cracking.

  Just the act of breaking into a person's house when they didn't answer the door bell was disturbing. Ryan spoke often with the man and the sight of him dead ripped at his insides leaving an empty hollow. Death was never pretty.

  "Thank goodness you asked me to check on him," he said, thinking the more time elapsed before they found his body, it would have been worse.

  "He's with his wife," Taylor said crying. "I'll miss him so much, but he's happy to be with her. He's no longer alone."

  Ryan didn't know or care who was more upset. Him because of the gruesome discovery or Taylor because she'd lost her friend.

  "Let's sit down," he said. He'd been on his feet for almost eight hours since finding the body. Spent, both emotionally and physically, Ryan needed some time away from his job in the arms of Taylor.

  Sinking to her couch, she curled into his chest. "Are you all right?"

  What could he say? He'd done his duty and yet this part of law enforcement he detested. "Worried about you. You were friends."

  "He educated me about men and women better than anyone, including my parents. He and his wife, they lived a wonderful life together and he explained to me what you need in a loving marriage."

  Jack had been an acquaintance. A nice man, who frequented town and supported the sheriff's department. Taylor had been closer to him than Ryan. Often she spoke of him with a wistful tone. "Tell me what he taught you."

  "We talked about so many things. The biggest thing he shared was simple. If a relationship doesn't come easy, then it's probably not going to last."

  Stunned Ryan stared at her. He'd never thought about dating that way before. It made sense. How many times had he gone out with women where everything became a battle. Yet with Taylor, their time together had been easy going, effortless, and oh, so enjoyable.

  She gave a sad sigh. "He made me realize how fortunate I'd not married a man who cheated on me."

  Ryan cringed.

  She laughed through her tears. "He told me stories about him and Margaret and how their marriage worked. Their life wasn't all sunshine and roses. They dealt with real life issues, but they stuck it out together even when they disagreed."

  Life gave everyone problems, but when you found the right partner, he could see how it would make life easier.

  "He said every couple has times of good and bad. He helped me understand when your companion comes along, we'll learn to work out our differences and always put the relationship first because we love each other."

  She cried harder against his shoulder.

  Warmth spread through him as he clung to Taylor like an anchor in life's storms. In the short time they'd been with each other, being with her had been smooth except for the hiding. Which had to stop. Together they needed to face his past transgressions.

  Ryan thought about what the old gentleman had taught Taylor and how it applied to the two of them. A warm aching need filled him as he held the woman he realized he was rapidly falling in love with.

  When he awoke in the morning his thoughts were of Taylor and the last person he pictured as he closed his eyes was the woman sitting beside him. He couldn't wait to gaze into her blue eyes, laugh with her, be with her, hold her. He wanted to spend forever with Taylor.

  Every night he wanted to come home after a difficult day to Taylor. Making her smile, being with her and that silly mutt she called a dog, and waking up in her arms every morning--he wanted that every day.

  If they were goi
ng to work out their conflicts, he needed to confess. Tomorrow he would tell her his secret. Soon he would admit only she could capture his heart and that he'd made a terrible mistake with Kelsey and even Taylor by lying. In the beginning, if he'd been honest, she would never have given them a chance. Now he knew he loved her and she deserved to be told the truth.

  Ryan wanted her in his life every day. Jack had helped him and Taylor and now the old guy had departed for the next life before he had the opportunity to tell him thank you.

  "You're going to miss Jack," he said kissing her neck.

  "Yes," she whispered. "I ache so badly for his daughter. She planned to come visit him this summer." She snuggled closer to him. "Talking to him every day over breakfast, he taught me so much."

  "And that's what you should always remember about him," he said, trailing kisses along her neck, her jaw, moving to her lips.

  Covering her mouth with his, he drank of her lips, his tongue seeking out and dancing with her own. The thought of losing her, caused his chest to ache, his heart pounding. He loved Taylor. He wanted her in his life for more than just a day or a night or a flashing moment. He wanted a home, babies, and to grow old together.

  Would she have him once she learned he cheated?

  Breaking the kiss, she gazed into his eyes, her blue eyes filled with longing.

  "Come to bed, Ryan," she said. "I need you."

  She didn't have to ask him twice.

  Taylor led Ryan into the bedroom. Tonight, she needed him to chase away the darkness and make her feel like she could find love. A love like Jack and his wife. A connection that would bind her to someone, hopefully Ryan, forever.

  She knew she was falling in love with him. For weeks, she denied her growing feelings because she feared getting hurt again. Afraid of the commitment to yet another man who worked in a profession brimming with danger and recklessness and a disregard for monogamy. Yet, Ryan had been faithful to her and displayed more of the goodness of a lawman. He rescued cats, he kept the peace, he helped the elderly and even the deceased.

  There was so much more to this man that she loved, and though she didn't want to cause Kelsey pain, she had a chance at happiness that she wasn't willing to walk away from. Tomorrow she would speak with her friend and tell her the truth.

  Pulling Ryan through the door, she began to remove his uniform. His fingers came up to help her and she pushed them away.

  "Let me," she said. The night had been traumatic for both. Finding her friend dead had been difficult for Ryan and she sought comfort in his arms. Together they would find solace and life affirming, healing love.

  Yes, she mourned Jack's death, but realized he was at peace. No longer missing the woman who walked beside him on earth. With one another again, only those left behind suffered their loss. Including her.

  Unbuttoning Ryan's shirt, she pulled the garment from his pants and tossed it on to the chair. Then she went to work unbuckling his belt.

  "I'll unhook my holster," he said, taking the gun and laying it on her dresser.

  Pushing him down on the bed, she removed his boots, his socks and then pulled him to stand. Her fingers returned to the hook on his jeans. With a swish they landed on the floor, where he stepped from them. When she reached up and hooked her hand in his underwear and yanked them down, his penis popped out, jutting proudly in front of him, hard and dangerous looking.

  Touching the tip, she glanced at him and he pulled her into his arms.

  "Ryan," she whispered as she pulled her top over her head and then stared at him in the darkened room. "Make love to me."

  She knew it would be love. Her heart swelled as tears filled her eyes. She wasn't crying for Jack or even for herself. These tears were joyful tears. This man helped her realize love was about sacrifice and giving of one's self for the other. And he'd done that on more than one occasion.

  His mouth covered hers, dragging her naked body closer. His kiss demanded her surrender, and she eagerly complied. She'd give him her heart, her soul, her body, and knew he would protect and love her. They hadn't said the words yet, but their actions showed the emotion.

  Falling to the bed, he took her with him. Her body hummed with a pulsing heat the friction of his skin against hers generated. His hands caressed her breasts as he kissed her, and her pulse pounded with a rhythm he created.

  A moan escaped as his fingers skimmed down her flesh, leaving a trail of molten fire that had her gasping for breath.

  "Ryan," she said as his digits delved through her silken folds, his lips suckling, pulling at her nipples, sending shivers of need through her.

  Why did this man seem to be the only one who connected with her in such a sensual way that they seemed in tune, their bodies knowing what the other demanded?

  Grabbing his rod, she stroked the length, her hand caressing the end, spreading the moisture she found there. His loving touch created a firestorm of sensations like a hurricane of heat rushing at her. Her body clamored for the fill of him. Her need roaring within her.

  "Now," she said. "Take me now."

  "Gladly," he replied as he shoved his penis into her slickened folds.

  Together they rode the crest, the two of them merging and melting with each stroke as she stared up into his brown eyes, losing herself in his gaze. There was no other man she wanted to spend the rest of her days alongside. With Ryan, she wanted to have babies, grow old, and even die together.

  Love pulsed through her veins, flowing from her eyes and into his heart as they came together with a final shudder and a gasp. Reaffirming life and love, they clung to one another, their breath slowing, their hearts beating simultaneously.

  Taylor felt gratitude that love found her right here in her home town.

  Ryan held her love in his hands and yet her best friend had suffered heart break because of him. Before she told Ryan she loved him, before she committed herself to him, she needed to understand why Kelsey hated the sheriff.

  She invited Kelsey for breakfast at the house this morning, where they could talk in private. Taylor felt an urgency to know what happened between her and Ryan.

  Enjoying being with Ryan and fearful of what Kelsey would tell her, Taylor had resisted this conversation way too long.

  The doorbell rang and a nervous tremor shuddered through her. Should she tell Kelsey she was sleeping with Ryan. Last night in his arms, they'd found solace, comforting each other from the painful reminder of how life could be snatched away in a second. Ryan had been honest and sincere and now she would break the news to Kelsey that she loved the sheriff.

  As she opened the door, Zeus went crazy barking at her friend, while she hugged her. "I fixed coffee and your favorite Snickerdoodles are in the oven. I thought we could dip cookies in our coffee."

  "If today was a lazy day, we should add some Irish cream to our brew. I'm working on the shop and the boys are coming to help me in two hours."

  "Come into the kitchen," Taylor said. "Ignore the dog. He'll soon be licking your hand. Especially if you offer him food."

  They walked into the warm, cozy room and she poured them a cup of the coffee. Taking the cookies out of the oven, they grabbed a few of the sweets and sat at the table.

  "You message sounded urgent. What's going on?" Kelsey asked with Zeus demanding attention at her feet, begging for a scrap.

  Taylor took a deep breath. "I need to ask you something. You can tell me it's none of my business if you choose, but I want you to tell me your side of what happened between you and Ryan."

  Kelsey shook her head and frowned. "Are you dating him?"

  Taylor wanted to hear what Kelsey said before she admitted her relationship with the sheriff. "What went wrong between the two of you."

  With a shake of her dark hair, Kelsey tilted her head and sighed. "Ryan was my first serious boyfriend. We were young, and I thought, in love. But I was living in the fairy dust land. I had dreams of flowers and lace and happily ever after. My family didn't like him, but I would have followed him
to the ends of the earth. Then I found out he cheated on me."

  "What?" Taylor said, her heart stopping as her stomach clenched. Nausea roiled through her like a thunderstorm. Ryan cheated on Kelsey. He lied.

  "Who was he with?" she asked stunned, reeling from the anguish of his deception. He'd promised Taylor he'd never been unfaithful. Never. How stupid could he be? Didn't he think she would find out the truth. Kelsey was one of her oldest and dearest friends. What the hell was wrong with this man? He even encouraged her to talk to Kelsey.

  "He had sex with Rhonda Smothers. That tramp who went to all those parties the boys held."

  Taylor thought about the girl, who in high school, was known as easy and suddenly doubt filled her. Her Ryan would never condone that type of behavior. "Are you certain?"

  "Of course," she said. "He confessed."

  Taylor sat there absorbing the news. At that time in their life, they were all so young and naive, yet believed school had made them ready to tackle the world. They thought they knew everything when they hadn't received the first vowel.

  "It happened at the last graduation party. The one held out at the lake. My parents said I couldn't attend because my brothers told them there would be alcohol. Ryan attended while I went shopping with my mother," she said shaking her head. "We should have broken up before the end of school. And probably would have if my brothers had minded their own business and not insisted I stop seeing him. Instead, I held on, knowing being with Ryan drove my family crazy."

  "Is this why you left town so suddenly?"

  She nodded. "After the party, I didn't hear from him for three days. Then I ran into Rhonda. She grinned and proceeded to tell me all about her new studly boyfriend, Ryan. She was cruel in how bluntly she told me about having sex with him and how I should have put out."

  "What a bitch," Taylor said, remembering the agony of Kevin being unfaithful. Those awful feelings of hurt and disillusionment that left her leery of men. How could she trust a man who thought nothing about lying to her about how he'd hurt her friend?


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