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Blood Sea

Page 6

by Cece Rose

  Both ankles, both thighs, both hipbones, my ribs, two on my back, both wrists, and I feel a burn on the back of my neck. Wait, how many is that? I do a mental count. Twelve. That's got to be wrong. I count again. A throat clears drawing my attention to the hooded figures, knowing I need to announce my markings. I try to count again, coming up with the same answer, twelve. How is that possible?

  “Miss Crowe?”

  “Tw-twelve,” I stutter quietly.

  “I'm sorry?”

  “Twelve,” I repeat more clearly. “I have twelve marks.”

  Whispers start around the room. It doesn't take long for the volume to rise and for it to become shouting. Twelve marks, it's impossible.

  I can hear people yelling things like “liar” “deceit” and “check her” as I swallow and slowly make my way across the rest of the pool. I stand before the robed elders, waiting for them to allow me to pass and enter The Academy.

  One of the figures steps toward me and holds out their hands, palm up, requesting my own. I place my hands in theirs and they turn my hands over and inspect the two markings on my wrists. The symbol of flames on one, and water on the other. They release them and twirl their fingers, asking me to turn around. I do as they say, facing the other students who are waiting for their own initiation to begin. I feel fingers lightly brush my thick dark hair out of the way and then trace over the marking on my neck. I shiver from the gentleness of the touch.

  “I don't need to see anymore,” the man's voice says quietly. “This is the twelfth marking on your neck. I've never seen anyone wear this mark. I believe what you say is true.”

  I release a breath I didn't realise I'd been holding. At least he isn’t going to make me strip in front of most of my classmates on the first day. Now that would have been embarrassing.

  “Continue into the school, Miss Crowe. We will speak with you once the ceremony is over,” he says it softly, so the words don’t carry.

  I nod my head and slip past him, eager to get away from all the eyes watching me. I reach the large door and push, it opens far more easily than I'd expected. I walk through and allow the door to close behind me, cutting off the stares. Just as the door is about to close, I hear them call Kelly's name.




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