Book Read Free


Page 16

by AKM Miles

  “So, uh... think we can get a new couch, Soldier?” Dillon’s voice held laughter.

  “Think we better. Maybe a couple, and maybe a new recliner for Gom and me. Hey, Tommy, and you, too, Gom, I want to thank you for what you said and how you were so brave.” He touched each of them on their shoulders, showing his love and respect for them. Thanking them. “And you, too, Jack. He was a really mean man, but you were all so good. You told the truth and you were very strong. I’m proud of you all. Aren’t you, Dillon?”

  “I’m so proud of all of you I could just bust. I think we need a treat. I was trying to figure something out.” Dillon said. “I’ve got an idea. Since we can’t be with all of them all the time I’ve resisted getting a TV, but what if we bought one and used it for movies? Get a DVD player and pick out the movies. We could have a couple of movie nights a week, with popcorn of course, for special treats for good behavior or something. What do you think of that idea?”

  There was a chorus of positive responses in various forms and degrees of loudness. They decided that it would be a good day for their first outing as a group. They asked each of them if they felt safe enough, with the two of them going, to be out. They all agreed and they went to get into their good outfits.

  Soldier and Dillon decided they would take them out to eat at a local buffet and then to a large discount store for furniture shopping. They’d buy some movies and set up a rental account at a local movie store for more later. They all needed a treat after that meeting.


  They had a ball. They went to an early supper and neither was surprised when the boys all wanted juice to drink instead of Cokes. The amount of food those boys packed away was awesome. Even the waitresses were impressed and seemed to have fallen in love with the boys. They were very attentive and helped the little ones with their plates and suggested ideas to the older ones.

  Soldier and Dillon just watched the boys enchant the ladies and clear plate after plate. They left a generous tip and headed for the big chain store. It was only about seven or so, but it was busier than Soldier had expected at this time of night. He and Dillon told them over and over to stay together, no wandering off to look at stuff. They held the hands of the two smallest ones and the others huddled close. Good.

  They went to the furniture department and found a couple of good, big couches and a couple of end tables with doors and drawers in them for storing things. He and Gom tried out three chairs before they found one they agreed was a good one for sleeping.

  They headed to the TVs and DVD players. Each boy was going to be allowed to pick one movie and if it passed inspection from the grown-ups, he would own it. Soldier and Dillon picked out a few for all of them, also. They were looking at one that Ben was showing them when they heard Tommy yell from the next aisle over.

  “Soldier! Help! Get away from me! Soldier!” There was panic and fear in his voice and Soldier sprinted. He reached for a gun that hadn’t been there for over two years. He turned the corner at a dead run and saw Tommy backed up against the shelves of movies with a man and woman standing right in his face. The man reached for Tommy’s arm and Soldier was there in seconds.

  “Touch him and I’ll break your arm. Get away from him. Tommy, come here. Get behind me.”

  “Who the hell are you, you ugly son of a bitch?” This from a big man in dirty overalls and stringy gray hair. He smelled like he hadn’t washed in ages and the woman with him was no better. She was dressed like a hooker, in a low cut top that showed more than Soldier wanted to see and a skirt that was so short he was afraid they were going to see enough to scar them all for life.

  “I’m the man that’s protecting this boy from anyone, including you. Now leave.”

  “That’s my boy. You got no right to treat us like this,” the woman said. She started for Tommy. Soldier took a step toward her. She stopped.

  By this time the whole group had arrived and were watching the drama with wide eyes, huddling together. Dillon stood with them, just as riveted.

  Tommy was tired of being scared, he’d told Soldier that. He stepped around Soldier and said, in a surprisingly clear voice, “I don’t have to go with you ever again. I know that. They told me that. You can’t hurt me any more. I will never go with you.” His voice was strong. “I’m safe and I like where I am. I don’t like you.” He stood with his feet planted and his arms crossed over his chest.

  Soldier was so proud of him. He could see Dillon was, too. “I think he made that pretty clear. If you try to come around him again, I will call the police and you better hope they get there before I get done with you. If you ever touch him again, I promise I’ll make you sorry. I can do it... and I will.” Soldier meant every word.

  “Why do you care about him? He ain’t nothin’.” The mother was being ugly and belligerent now.

  “There are so many answers to that, but I doubt if you would understand them,” Soldier said, knowing as he said it that the sarcasm would be lost on those two.

  Gom, little Gom, stepped up beside Soldier and took him by the hand, and said, “Tommy’s a good boy. He helps us all and he sings like a angel when we can’t go to sleep and he is never mean. He is too somethin’!”

  Soldier was about to bust his buttons, he was so proud of his boys. What a day. What beautiful, strong, brave children they had.

  “I think it’s time for you to leave. If you don’t, I’ll get that officer I see heading this way to take you away and I’ll make sure he has reason to lock you up. Never come near this child again. I mean it.” For the first time Soldier tried to look menacing. He used his fiercest glare and turned his scarred face to them and nearly laughed when they scuttled away.

  He turned back to the group and they all looked at him with awe.

  Jack spoke up. “Wow, dude. I’m glad you’re on our side.”

  Little fart.

  “You better believe it, buddy. I’m on all your sides. Let’s go home. This stuff will be delivered tomorrow, and tonight we stop for ice cream on the way home... or is everybody too full from supper?”

  This time, a negative chorus met his question. Soldier looked over at Dillon and winked. Whew! He could use some time on the log. Hell, they could use some time in the suite. Where was Daniel when you needed him?

  Of course, there was no way either one of them would leave the boys tonight. Too much had happened today. The boys needed to be reassured and comforted despite their show of bravery. When night came, the demons would be back, but these boys were getting better. They were beginning to have faith in themselves, especially Tommy. And what about Gom standing up for Tommy like that?

  Soldier looked forward to talking over the day with Dillon tonight. Lord, he needed to kiss the man. Seemed like it had been ages! He wished for more than a kiss, but that would wait. Not too long, he hoped.


  Kids in bed, dogs taken care of, house quiet. Soldier and Dillon were on the ground in front of their log and Dillon was straddling Soldier’s legs and rubbing his groin hard against Soldier’s. They were trying to control their breathing and not separate their mouths at the same time. It was hard, but Soldier didn’t want to give up the connection. They’d come out, sat down, and turned toward each other, and Soldier knew they’d both planned to talk first about the unbelievable day they’d had. It didn’t happen quite that way, because as soon as they'd faced each other, they were like magnets. Their lips were together and Soldier was reaching for Dillon, pulling him over his legs, wanting to be as close as possible. Finally, having to breathe, they stopped and took a few deep breaths. Dillon rolled his forehead on Soldier’s shoulder and sighed into his neck.

  “I love you.” Soldier just put it right out there.

  Dillon gasped, his eyes going to Soldier’s as if trying to read the truth there. “I love you, too, so much. I’ve thought about telling you for a while.”

  “I think we’ve been through enough together, it’s like we’ve known each other forever. I feel like I know you so w
ell. I’m sure about this, Dillon,” Soldier said very seriously.

  “I have no doubts about us either. This is the real thing. We’re in love with each other. Isn’t that the coolest thing? I thought I’d be alone, just me, taking care of these children.”

  “Now we’ll take care of them together.”

  “That makes me happy. You make me happy,” Dillon said, leaning to steal another kiss.

  Soldier spoke, playfully now, “Do you want to know what I want to do to you? Do you want to hear me say it out loud? We can’t act on any of it, but I want to strip you bare and start at the bottom and lick all the way to the top.” He loved the shudder that went through Dillon at his words.

  “I swear to God, I won’t miss an inch. I want to lick your asshole 'til you cry out and beg for more. I want to fuck you and hear you hum for me 'til you come. I want to suck you dry and touch that tender place behind your balls that makes you shiver and shake for me.”

  Dillon gasped now and pulled back to look at Soldier, his eyes huge, hungry.

  Soldier wasn’t done. “I want to watch your mouth slide onto my cock and take it as far as you can. I want to feel that long, hard dick slam into my ass over and over as hard as you can. I want to feel your...”

  Dillon slapped his hand over Soldier’s mouth. “One more word, just one, and I’m going to come in my jeans, right here, right now. You’ve got me so hard and so hot...” Soldier moved his hand away.

  “Tongue. I want to feel your tongue on my neck.” Soldier slid Dillon’s hand on down his chest, and said, “I want you sucking here,, and then I want your mouth on my...” Dillon sobbed once and shook. Soldier could smell him, and held Dillon tight as he shuddered against him. Soldier rubbed Dillon through the wet jeans until he stilled.

  “That was cool.” Soldier liked that his hot words of want and need had gotten Dillon off.

  “Says the man not in the wet jeans and red face. Damn, I never thought I’d come just from hearing you talk. But you really are mean. You did that on purpose.” Soldier could tell that Dillon secretly loved it, reveled in it.

  “Sure did. It was totally cool. I was just telling the truth. You wait 'til next time we’re alone. I’m gonna do everything I said, and by then, I’ll have thought up a few more.”

  “Well, right now, I’m gonna do one of ‘em.” With that Dillon moved over and reached for Soldier’s zipper. He had it down and had bent to take Soldier into his mouth before Soldier could even begin to say maybe they shouldn’t out here. Too late, they were.

  Soldier sighed and gasped as Dillon moved his agile tongue up and down his shaft and then took the head into his mouth. Putting both hands on Dillon’s head, Soldier smoothed and rubbed and grasped, trying to be silent while getting blown by the best mouth ever. Soldier knew Dillon was great at what he was doing because he was working with love. He’d obviously set out to make Soldier happy and he was doing just that.

  Dillon would be soft and sweet, licking and lapping up and down, and then he would suck like a Hoover as hard as he could. He hummed, showing he loved it when Soldier’s ass would come up from the ground trying to get more of him. He got hold of the base of Soldier’s cock and then his head bobbed up and down rapidly as he sucked and slurped until Soldier was coming hard, deep into his throat. Taking it all down, he spent a good while making sure Soldier was perfectly clean before he put him back. Finally, Soldier was all tucked in and Dillon scooted up for a kiss.

  “Can I have one of those special kisses? Then I want to talk a while about our fabulous boys.”

  Soldier took Dillon's lips softly, knowing how Dillon liked that. Dillon liked all the different kisses Soldier offered, but Dillon seemed to like it best when Soldier started out slow and sweet and then built to passion and heat, hard and thrusting, then ended the way they started. Soldier liked it that way, too. They spent a long time, nuzzling and nipping and loving on each other. When Soldier finally lifted his swollen lips from Dillon’s equally puffy ones, all Dillon said was,”Oh.”


  They sat, coming down for a few seconds and then they talked and whispered for a long time about the events of the day and how proud they were of the boys. They agreed that they had both found their calling in life. This was what they wanted to do. They got so much from these boys. Each boy was discussed and their accomplishments noted and it was a long time before they headed back in.

  When they got into the kitchen they were surprised to see a note on the table with their names on it. Looking at each other they picked it up and read it together.

  Dill and Soljer,

  We all want you to no that we luv you all. We had a good time toonite and we want to thank you for standen up for us today. We was skared a lot but you are both reel strong and tuff. We feel that way with you here four us. Goodnite.

  Tommy, Gom, Ben, Jack, Bart, J.J.J., and Randy.

  Each name was there, some big and awkward, others tiny and barely legible, but they were so dear. Tommy had obviously written the letter and helped the little ones. Soldier decided he needed to do a little work on spelling with the kid, but that was the least of his worries right now.

  “We’re lucky. This is a great bunch of guys. It won’t always be this easy. But I swear I want to wake them all up and give them a big hug. They’re such good guys.” Dillon said, his eyes crinkling as he looked from the note up to Soldier’s face.

  “Yeah. I think this gets framed and put in an office some day,” Soldier added, smoothing it, taking special care with it.

  ”Good idea.”

  Chapter Eleven

  It was about five o’clock in the morning. Gom and Soldier woke at the same time. Soldier was thinking, Smoke. Is that smoke? Shit! Is that smoke? and Gom said, “Soldier, somethin’ smells funny. Like a fi-yer.”

  Soldier held on to Gom and jumped up, looking around wildly. He really had a thing about fire. Understandably. He saw that smoke was coming into the front room, where they were, from the kitchen area. He set Gom down and told him to run out the front door and stand by the porch and wait for the others.

  “No! What about Pee Wiggles?”

  “I’ll get them all. I promise. You just go. Now, Gom. Don’t make me worry about you, too.” Soldier set off up the stairs at a dead run, yelling for Dillon and the others to get up, grab some clothes, and hit the front door running. He pulled his cell from his pocket and called 911 as he ran, opening doors and rousting kids. He found the two dogs in with J., Randy, Bart, and Jack. He hurried them all down the stairs carrying their clothes and trying not to trip over the dogs. He got those four out with Gom, who was sitting by the front step, crying. But the boy had followed Soldier’s orders. Good boy. Soldier would see to him later.

  Back in he went. He met Dillon and Tommy on the stairs. “Where’s Ben?”

  Dillon stopped and said, “I thought he was with you. Ben!” he screamed and headed back up. Soldier stopped him and said, “You go and get them all out and keep them together, and I’ll find Ben.”


  “Go! It’s moving fast. What in the hell caught fire? Damn it. Ben, hey! Ben, answer me, buddy. You up here?” Soldier started a methodical search through each room. Ben and Gom shared a room and Soldier looked through it but didn’t see or hear the boy. He’d checked them all and was passing that room again when he heard a sound. He ran back in and said, “Ben, honey? You in here? We’ve got to get out of here now. The others are waiting for us. Where are you?” He heard a thump in the closet and ran over and there Ben was, huddled in the corner. Soldier reached for him and Ben screamed.

  “Noooooooo! It’ll get me. I got to hide.” Ben had covered his head with his arms and his little body was shaking hard. “Don’t take me. I smell it. It’ll kill me, too. No, Soldier... please... oh...” He dissolved into tears as Soldier picked him up and carried him out. Soldier ran down the steps, choking now on the smoke and cringing as he saw the flames now coming into the room. He hit the door running and was glad to
see that Dillon had them all dressed and huddled close out by the street, well away from the house. He could hear sirens. Good.

  He didn’t know if the house would be worth saving when it was all over with. It didn’t matter. All the kids, and Dillon, were safe. The dogs were excited and barking, but staying with the boys. He remembered the Hummer parked close to the back door. His keys were in his pocket and he handed Ben over to Dillon and said,

  “Stay here.” He sprinted around the side of the house and could see flames coming out of the windows of the house. It had reached the top floor now. He went to the door of the Hummer and unlocked it quickly, hopping in and turning to back out. Out of the corner of his eyes he saw a movement in the back yard, back by the fence. There was just a glimpse of a man. Soldier had only a quick sighting of him but he saw enough to know it was the big man from last night, the one with Tommy’s mother.


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