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Twin Dragons: Dragon Lords of Valdier Book 7

Page 19

by S. E. Smith

  “What you’ve told me is incredible,” he finally said. “Thank you.”

  Melina rose, stiff and cold from sitting for so long. She turned to face Joe as he rose as well. A light breeze ruffled the color of his jacket. She smiled up into his dark brown face.

  “Do you have a family, Detective Manchester?” She asked quietly.

  “Yes,” he replied, startled.

  “Keep them safe and tell them you love them,” she whispered. “The universe is a very large and dangerous place. It is also an empty one without them.”

  Joe watched as Melina turned away from him and walked back to the old truck. Her head was held high and her back stiff against the bitterly cold wind. Still, there was an air of frailty that made him think of a spider web blowing in the breeze.

  He turned to walk back to where he had parked his own car. Out of the corner of his eye, a glimmer of gold caught his attention. A shiver of apprehension ran down his spine and he glanced back to see Melina pulling away. His eyes swiveled back to where he thought he saw the shadowy image, Melina’s words haunting him as he stared.

  The universe is a very large and dangerous place.

  “Shit,” he muttered as he hurried to his car.


  It was almost midnight before Melina finally collapsed onto the bed in her old bedroom. She couldn’t stand the thought of sleeping in the bed where Cree and Calo had made love to her. Her hand reached out and pulled the Teddy Bear closer to her.

  Rubbing her cheek against it, she released a tired sigh. She had finally been hungry and had devoured the whole pint of Chicken Noodle soup. Between the lack of sleep, her full belly, and the work she had been doing, she was exhausted.

  Her eyes began to droop as she rubbed against the soft material of the bear in her arms. They fluttered for a moment when she felt a movement inside her before they closed. As her mind became fuzzy, she swore she heard a soft voice inside her whisper in glee.

  They return. We go home now.

  Chapter 28

  “How is she?” Calo asked worriedly as he stepped into their living quarters.

  “Still sleeping,” Cree replied in a husky tone. “I think the combination of the sedative we slipped into the soup and her exhaustion is the reason.”

  “Do you… do you think we should have talked to her about this first?” Calo asked as he sat on the edge of the bed next to Melina.

  “No,” Cree grunted, rising from where he had been sitting watching her. He walked over to look out the viewport into the darkness of space.

  “She looks so fragile,” Calo murmured, running the back of his fingers across her cheek. “I still can’t believe that we found her.”

  Cree turned to watch as his brother gazed down at Melina. His fingers curled into a fist. The last two days had been torture. They had pulled away from her, not left her. The symbiot around her wrists and neck connected them to her the entire time they were separated, so they were aware of where she was and what she was going through. It had been necessary to give her the illusion that they had left so that she could understand the pain.

  “She is stubborn,” he murmured.

  Calo chuckled as he watched resignation flash across Cree’s face. Yes, she was very stubborn, he thought as he stared back down at her. He wouldn’t have her any other way. She would need to be stubborn and firm, and so much more with the two of them as her mates.

  “She is perfect,” Calo replied. “We would walk all over her otherwise.”

  “You don’t have to enjoy it so much,” Cree complained, but the small lift at the corner of his mouth belied his words. “I wonder how she is going to handle finding we have kidnapped her from her world.”

  “Kidnapped is a rather… strong definition of what we have done,” Calo grimaced, picking her right hand up in his. “Perhaps we can say… borrowed.”

  “To borrow gives the implication that we plan to return her,” Cree pointed out as he turned and leaned back against the wall. “I have no intention of returning her.”

  “Kidnapped it is,” Calo muttered. “But, for all the right reasons.”

  “The only thing I worry about is…” Cree’s voice faded as he stared broodingly at Melina’s relaxed face.

  “Is what?” Calo asked with a frown.

  “What if she requests assistance from the royal family? We have sworn our allegiance to them. If she approaches them and requests their help in returning to her world, what will we do?”

  Calo cursed and his hand tightened around Melina’s slender fingers. He thought when Creon gave them permission to escort her back to her world, that the Prince would understand that they were claiming her. But, even with that understanding, Melina could approach Zoran and ask for asylum. Even Creon would be defenseless to help them. Zoran ruled the Valdier since the death of his father. While his brothers could make decisions, the ultimate decision would come from Zoran.”

  “Zoran has a human mate,” Calo said in a low voice. He looked at Cree. “Surely he will understand and deny Melina’s request should she ask.”

  Cree turned back around and gripped the edge of the window. His lips tightened as he thought about all the different scenarios. It was true that Zoran had taken a human female as his true mate. It was what gave hope to the Valdier after centuries of fewer and fewer females being born. Still, it was not within a Valdier warrior’s code of ethics to take a female against her will, true mate or not.

  “We will not give her a chance to ask,” Cree finally said. “As soon as possible, we will return to the Northern Mountains with her.”

  “To mother,” Calo said with a grin brightening his face. “She will help Melina understand why we did what we did. Mother will love her almost as much as we do.”

  Cree nodded as a smile slowly lit up his face at the plan. Calo was right. Their mother and father would love Melina almost as much as they did. She would also know how to talk with and guide Melina to understanding that they loved her more than life itself. In the meantime, they would do everything in their power to make sure that she was protected, cared for, and thoroughly loved.


  Melina instantly knew that she was not back at her house the moment she woke. Two very distinctive things told her that and they were pressed firmly against each side of her. She blinked up at the ceiling, recognizing the structure of the warship.

  Told you they come, the dragon inside her hissed in a contented voice.

  Now you talk to me, Melina responded dryly. You were cheerfully silent for two and a half days.

  I mad at you, her dragon replied. You wake them?

  No, I no wake them, you little hussy, Melina retorted. I know how you want me to wake them. I’ll be lucky to get out of the bed as it is and I have to pee.

  Humph, her dragon snorted, totally unsympathetic to Melina’s full bladder.

  Melina thought of a few words as well as she slowly shifted, hoping to wiggle her way out from between the two huge bodies fencing her in. She knew immediately that she had failed when two arms and two legs moved over her, trapping her to the bed. She glared up at the ceiling in frustration.

  “Where are you going?” A husky, masculine voice murmured in her ear.

  Melina felt a ripple of awareness shoot through her. A light curse escaped her lips before she could catch it. This is why her Gramps and Harry did it so often. It was a wonderful way to express your frustrations, she thought as she wiggled again as Cree’s leg rubbed along hers.

  “I need to use the restroom,” she mumbled as she sat up. Blushing, she realized that she was also missing her clothing. “What happened to my nightgown?”

  Calo rolled and reached down next to the bed before rolling back over with it in his right hand. A boyish grin curved his lips as he held it up. He pulled it out of her reach when she tried to grab it.

  “It was in the way,” he said mischievously. “I like the feel of your skin against mine.”

  “Can I please have it?” Melina asked betw
een clenched teeth as she held the sheet against her chest.

  “For a kiss,” Calo replied with a raised eyebrow, daring her.

  “I’ll give you a kiss,” she muttered along with a few other words. Bending over, she pressed a hasty, but hot kiss against his lips. “Thank you.”

  Calo and Cree chuckled at her insincere words of thanks. She ignored both of them and slipped her short cotton nightie over her head. Once she was decent, she pushed the covers down and climbed toward the end of the bed.

  The soft rumbling of the two males had her scurrying for it as she realized that the nightgown was a little on the short side and showed off more than she thought it would. She barely made it to her feet ahead of the twin sets of arms that were reaching for her. Breathless, she ran for the bathroom. She turned right before she entered and stuck her tongue out at both men before pressing her hand over the control to close the door.

  The faint sound of laughter echoed through it as she quickly used the bathroom. She glanced in envy at the shower, but decided against it. Instead, she washed her face and hands in the sink before searching for the device they used to clean their teeth.

  Opening her mouth, she watched in the mirror as a small beam came on and ran over the inside of it. It still amazed her how refreshed her mouth felt after she ‘brushed’ with the weird beam. Returning the device to its container, she picked up a comb and went to work on her tangled hair. Her mind reeled with confusion, exasperation, and just a tiny bit of relief.

  A tiny bit? Her dragon purred.

  Okay, a lot. But, I don’t want them to know that. If they do, they will be impossible to deal with, Melina informed the determined creature.

  We two, her dragon pointed out.

  Yeah, but that would make them four if I counted dragons, too, Melina retorted.

  Their dragons don’t think with right head, her dragon responded with a giggle.

  “Oh,” Melina groaned. “You aren’t much better than they are, you know that, right?”

  Warmth and happiness flooded her. She was learning very quickly that when her ‘dragon’ was happy, it was impossible to not see the humor in the situation. The damn thing was practically prancing inside her.

  The last two day had also helped her to realize several things. First, that being back on the farm didn’t mean that she was home. Life on Earth had continued and while it might not have changed very much, she had.

  In more ways than one, she thought as she felt the dragon inside her.

  Harry had also spent time with her as well when he came to check on her. In his own unique way, he helped her understand what her Gramps had been trying to tell her. All her Gramps wanted was for her to be happy. She had fulfilled her duty by bringing him home. There was nothing really left for her back on Earth but memories. Her life now was tied to the two men that she had been slowly falling in love with over the past several months.

  “I’m still just trying to get used to you being inside me,” Melina whispered to her dragon, looking in the mirror. “This is all new to me.”

  Let me show you, her dragon whispered. Call to me.

  Melina bit her bottom lip as she continued to stare at her reflection. Setting the comb down on the counter, she drew in a deep breath. Her hands trembled as she whispered softly for her dragon to show her what she looked like.

  Awe spiral through her as soft, delicate dark green scales rippled along her skin. Her pupils changed, becoming elongated and the room seemed to sharpen and become clearer. She raised her left hand up and watched as it changed.

  Her startled eyes widened when she saw that the door had opened and Calo and Cree stood behind her, watching her. Her eyes refocused on the image in the mirror. The scales had a design to them that she hadn’t noticed at first. Each one was uniquely shaped and pulsed as if it was alive.

  “I didn’t know,” she began. “I wanted to see…”

  Cree entered first, followed by Calo. Like in the bed, they stood protectively on each side of her. Cree reached out and touched the hand she held up, sliding his fingers over the scales before he wound his fingers through hers. He turned her toward him.

  “You are beautiful, Melina,” he murmured, touching her cheek where more of the green scales rested. “In both forms.”

  “How did this happen to me? How could I… become one of you?” She asked in a small voice.

  Cree whispered to his dragon. Topaz and black scales ran along his skin. His fingers tightened around Melina’s when she started to pull back. Calo stepped up behind her and ran his hands along her hips to prevent her from retreating.

  “Watch him?” Calo whispered in her ear. “Our dragons are a part of who we are.”

  “But, it's as if she… it… is living inside me,” Melina said. “When she took over, I could feel myself inside her. Like I was trapped.”

  “Not trapped,” Cree responded, rubbing his cheek against the back of her hand. “Never trapped. You are both separate, yet the same. Two halves that make up the whole.”

  “But, how?” Melina asked, looking into his eyes with a gasp as she noticed that they had changed as well.

  “It is a gift from the Goddess. Given to us in return for the selfless act of our ancestors,” Calo answered. “I was better at listening to the stories than Cree was. He was too busy playing around when we were younger.”

  “I was not,” Cree protested with a grin. “I just had selective hearing.”

  “I had not heard you use that excuse before,” Calo retorted. “I think it was more like he was bored. Our first teacher was not very interesting.”

  “Our second one was,” Cree said with a grin.

  “She was older, but she showed a lot of cleavage,” Calo whispered.

  “Really,” Melina replied, tilting her head and raising an eyebrow at Cree.

  A dark red mixed with the topaz and black scales on Cree’s cheeks as he threw his brother a dark look promising revenge. When he turned back to Melina, he had a sheepish grin on his face. Shrugging, his eyes moved down to her chest.

  “I like yours better,” he admitted in a husky voice.

  Melina felt her body react to the deep tone. She pressed her legs together as a shaft of need pierced her and liquid heat pooled low between her thighs. A blush stained her cheeks when both men sniffed loudly.

  “Together,” Calo muttered, sliding his hands up under her nightgown to cup her breasts.

  “Calo!” Melina moaned as she felt him rub against her ass with his cock.

  Cree leaned forward to capture her lips. His hands tangled in her hair as he kissed her deeply. Melina’s body felt like it was short-circuiting as Calo continued to massage her breasts in his hands and press hot kisses along her neck and shoulder where the nightgown had slid down.

  “Take her clothing off her,” Cree mumbled against her lips.

  Melina shrugged her shoulders, helping Calo remove the thin material. She hadn’t even felt Cree’s fingers working the buttons on the front. She wound her arms around Cree’s neck and kissed him back with a hunger that took her by surprise.

  The misery of the last two and a half days faded as the world righted itself again. She loved both of them so much that it hurt. How she thought she could be happier without them had been pure craziness.

  “I love you, Melina,” Cree whispered. “I love you so much it hurts. The last few days…”

  “I love you, too,” Melina admitted. She turned to look over her shoulder at Calo, who had stilled. “I love you both. I just didn’t realize how much until I thought I had lost it.”

  “You are ours, my little mate,” Calo said in a husky voice. “For now and eternity.”

  “Love me,” Melina said, biting her lip. “I need you… both.”

  “You shall have us,” Cree promised with a grin. “Both of us, together, forever.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered. “For not giving up on me.”

  Calo leaned in behind her and pressed a kiss to her bare shoulder. “Never,” he
muttered as his hands ran over the curve of her ass again. “We are going to take you together this time, Melina. You will be ours in every way.”

  Melina trembled at the dark promise in Calo’s voice. She looked at his eyes in the mirror. Dark flames burned in his eyes. Her head turned as strong fingers pressed against her chin. Cree stared into Melina’s eyes as he leaned into her.

  “Are you upset that we kidnapped you?” He asked as Calo turned on the shower behind them.

  Melina sighed. “I would have been more upset if you hadn’t,” she admitted. “I felt like my heart was breaking.”

  Cree brushed his fingers over her cheek. “So did I.”

  “Me, as well,” Calo murmured as he wrapped his arm around her waist. “I will bathe her.”

  “We need a larger shower,” Cree complained.

  “You can watch,” Calo chuckled.

  “I’ll be doing more than watching,” Cree promised.

  “How about I wash myself?” Melina suggested with a blush.

  “No!” Both men said at the same time.

  Melina giggled when Calo swung her around in his arms. Her hands gripped his shoulders as he picked her up. Her hair swung forward as she twirled. For the first time, she felt like a woman.

  “You are our woman,” Calo growled playfully before he moaned. “I love you, Melina.”

  “I love you, too,” she said breathlessly as he stepped into the shower unit with her. Her eyes moved to Cree who watched them. “I love you both. Thank you for not leaving me alone.”

  Calo’s fingers turned her chin towards him. He captured her lips, holding her locked to him until she was breathless. He turned when he heard his brother’s low curse.

  “I think Cree is jealous,” Calo muttered with amusement.

  “I’d like to see how your dragon feels if the positions were reversed,” Cree grunted, pushing into the shower unit.

  “You take the front. I’ll take the back,” Calo laughed. “This way we can get her to bed faster.”

  Melina moaned as they ran their hands over her. She gripped Cree’s shoulders in a death grip as they touched every part of her. She knew it was a systematic attack on her senses. By the time they stepped out of the unit, she was burning all over.


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