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Three Dirty Harts

Page 5

by Cara Dee

  “Wh…ungh… What…” She rubbed her fists against her eyes.

  Quickly grabbing the bottle, I spread her pussy lips and gave her opening two sprays. It would be enough, I hoped. Then I crawled up her delectable body as Jace wiped his hand and picked up the camera.

  “I’m sorry, but Daddy can’t wait.”

  My cock jutted out, thick and glistening, and I gave it two quick strokes and dragged the head between her pussy lips. It was then that Belle gained awareness and widened her eyes in shock. And that look—that one, right there—did me in. The innocence, the exposure, the disbelief. With a low growl, I pushed my cock at her and shoved it deep inside of her.

  The pleasure was blinding and robbed me of my breath. A scream pierced the fog I suddenly found myself in, but my only answer was to slap a hand over her mouth.

  “We’re done with your games,” I bit out through clenched teeth. Mother of God, the sensations were indescribable. They rippled down my spine, zinged and zapped between pleasure points, and swallowed me whole.

  Peering down between us, I withdrew my cock, only to push again. Belle cried out once more, her body stiff as a stick.

  “You feel incredible, darling.” I started fucking her at a slow pace, wanting her to feel every inch that stretched her to the max. “You have the tightest little baby cunt, don’t you?” I dragged my gaze back to her beautiful face and kissed her cheek. Even her tears were delicious. “Is Daddy your first?” I whispered. “Tell me. Tell me if Daddy’s cock is the first to fuck your pretty pussy.”

  Something other than pain swam in her big eyes. It wasn’t terror or fear.

  The tightness around her eyes faded too. A low, muffled sob escaped her, and she closed those gorgeous peepers, causing another two tears to fall down her cheeks. But a hoarse moan followed, and her body was relaxing. Accepting me.

  “I’ve wanted this for so long,” she whimpered from behind my palm.

  “Oh, my baby, why didn’t you tell us?” It was safe to remove my hand and put it to better use. I got my hands on her breasts at long last, and I cupped the soft flesh and stared as her nipples constricted.

  “I didn’t know how,” she whined. “Ow, Daddy—ow, ow.”

  “So you thought it would be better to touch your father in his sleep?” I plucked at a nipple and pinched it. Mortification was etched across her features, and she tried to hide her face from me. “You think I wouldn’t notice if my own daughter touched my cock?”

  “I couldn’t help myself.”

  That seemed to be the weak defense of all of us.

  “I wanted to know what it would feel like,” she croaked.

  I grunted and pushed in harder. “Now you know.” Grabbing her jaw, I finally got to kiss her. Like the rest of her, her lips were soft and pliable and addictive. I twisted my tongue around hers and kissed her until she pushed at my shoulders. Only then did I let her turn away and gasp for air. “Your uncle and I are going to fuck every little hole in your body, Belle. We’ll make sure you know they belong to us. We won’t be done until they’re dripping with come.”

  She let out a wail, and her cunt constricted around my cock.

  “We’ll never be done,” Jace murmured.

  He was right.

  “Oh God, oh God, oh God…” Belle chanted breathlessly and dug her fingernails into my biceps. If she was still in pain, the pleasure overrode it.

  “Back away so I can film her pussy,” Jace whispered.

  I took another intoxicating kiss, then eased back on my haunches. With two fistfuls of her ass, I pulled her along so I wouldn’t slip out of her completely. Jace gave us a warning that he was turning off night-mode on the camera right before a bright flash lit up the room.

  “Oh fuck, look at this,” I groaned. The light on the camera shone over our lower bodies, revealing the crimson streaks of my stepdaughter’s virginity. Her little no-no place was drenched and puffy with juices, and the pink mingling with her arousal only made it so much sexier.

  Belle grunted and tried to hoist herself up, but it wasn’t easy at that angle. Her bottom rested on my thighs. It felt amazing when she tried, though. Each effort to sit up caused her inner muscles to clench around my cock.

  “Fucking exquisite.” Jace moved closer to shoot every inch of us, then reached out to rub Belle’s little clit. I sucked in a breath and gave her a few quick, shallow thrusts. “You’re coating his cock, Belle. You just can’t help yourself, can you?”

  He caressed her all over, between her glistening lips, down to where we were connected. I moaned under my breath as his fingers circled my cock, gathering the pink wetness.

  “That’s it,” I whispered huskily. I started up with the slow thrusts again, and he rubbed the juices across her sensitive flesh. He made Belle gasp, beg, and writhe. “Time for you to join us, little brother.”

  “How?” Belle cried out in disbelief. “Daddy, I’m hurty. He won’t fit.”

  Jace and I chuckled.

  I helped her up, positioning her on my lap, and she sank down on my cock with a wanton moan. “You have another hole, don’t you? Your uncle wants your sweet bottom.”

  She shook her head over and over. Her eyes filled with worry, yet she didn’t say anything. Was it because a part of her wanted to make it work?

  “You don’t want both of us making love to our princess?” I pushed some hair away from her face. “We just want to show you how much we want you.”

  She shuddered violently and burrowed into my embrace. It was the hand-holding all over again. She crawled toward the predator and hoped for sanctuary. Reckless little girl. She was lucky we were here.

  “We’ll take care of you.” I peppered her face with kisses as Jace lubed his cock. “Here, baby.” I twisted my body and reached for the nearest stuffed animal. “Your bunny can comfort you while we turn you into our little fuck doll.”

  She hugged the bunny tightly, making me impossibly ravenous for her.

  Jace was ready, so I picked up Belle carefully, staying inside of her, and changed our position. It would be easier for him to take her if I was on my back and had Belle’s ass in the air.

  Belle stayed snuggled against my chest with her stuffie. “Is it gonna happen now, Daddy?”

  “Yes, it is. Can you give me some sweet kisses?”

  She lifted her head and pouted at me.

  “Do you want us to stop?” I lifted a brow.

  She shook her head quickly and kissed me. Thought so. I slid my hands down her body and palmed her bottom, spreading her cheeks for her uncle. At the same time, I thrust up into her and earned myself a few delightful gasps from her.

  “Why does this feel so right?” she whispered shyly, breathless.

  I smiled, love swelling up within. “It does feel right, doesn’t it?”

  She nodded and sucked her bottom lip into her mouth. “I’ve thought about you and Uncle Jace since before uni.”

  “Dirty girl.” I released her lip from her teeth. “Did you save yourself for us too?”

  Another nod. “But it was only a fantasy. I didn’t think anything would happen—not really.”

  I hummed and waited to respond. Jace got settled between my legs, and the moment Belle tensed up, I knew he was touching her. Preparing her.

  “Kiss him.” I grasped her shoulders and lifted her off my chest. “I want to see my two favorite people love each other.”

  It looked so damn right. Jace locked an arm underneath her breasts, and she tilted her head back. It was a passionate kiss they fell into, as if they’d done this a million times before. Their tongues danced sensually. She twisted her fingers in his hair, and he stroked her tits. And whenever she whimpered in pain or stiffened from his fingers in her bottom, he paid extra attention to make her relax again.

  The bunny stayed in Belle’s grip.

  My breathing sped up as Jace stretched her, because it was my cock that reaped the rewards of her body’s struggles. Every time she tensed, every time she squirmed.

  I stroked her thighs and hips, inching closer to her pussy with every pass. Being so much larger than her had some advantages. She was slight enough for me that when my fingers brushed over her hip bones, I could almost reach her pussy with my thumbs. Those were the ghosting touches that seemed to conflict with her discomfort. One second, as Jace stretched her asshole, she whined and tried to move away. The next, as my thumbs tickled the sensitive skin at the junction of her thighs, she moaned and rolled her hips over my cock.

  “You want more, darling?” I asked.

  “Yes,” she pleaded. “You’re just teasing me, Dad.”

  Well, I supposed it was best to stop teasing her, then.

  I nodded at Jace.

  “Come here.” I coaxed Belle to my chest again and trapped my hand between us. “If you’re a good girl for Jace and take his cock, I’ll make you come. How’s that?”

  “Probably impossible,” she mumbled.

  I chuckled. Perhaps being nice to her didn’t work, because she had a vastly different reaction when I used her roughly. That was okay. I could be a bastard without a problem.

  Belle gasped and went rigid when Jace started pushing inside her. His features were drawn tight from restraining himself.

  “This is gonna go one way or the other,” I whispered against Belle’s hair. “Either you relax and let Jace fuck your ass, or he takes you until he tears you up. Are we clear?”

  She shook and exhaled around a whimper. “I’m trying.”

  I wriggled my hand farther south and stroked her pussy. “Try harder.” To give her a taste of what was to come if she behaved, I scissored her clit between my fingers and rubbed her firmly. The slow, hard circles seemed to do the trick. “Is this how you touch yourself at night? Like this?”

  She couldn’t speak, only nod. My brother was gritting his teeth, hands gripping her hips, and forcing his cock deeper, and it was taking the ability to speak away from her. Her breaths grew choppy and shallow.

  I felt how Jace claimed her. She had my cock in a wet vise, and it got tighter for every inch he pushed in.

  “Oh, fuck…” He leaned forward and dropped his forehead to Belle’s back. For a moment, all I heard was their labored breathing.

  “It h-hurts,” Belle panted.

  “It’s supposed to.” I couldn’t wait any longer. I shifted my hips, then slid deeper, through her sweet juices. “You asked for this. You could’ve told me I had a filthy fucking daughter, but no, you had to be a sneak.”

  Jace set the pace, fucking her in long, unhurried strokes, and I mirrored him. When he pulled out, I pushed in. It kept her desperate little cries and moans constant.

  We fucked with her head, praising her one second, and calling her out on her immoral behavior the next. We did the same with pleasure and pain. My brother took over and played with her clit while I stroked and manipulated her breasts.

  “Goddamn, she feels good,” Jace groaned.

  “Fuck her harder,” I growled.

  I hadn’t been bullshitting when I’d said I wanted to push her. More than that, I was starting to believe it was what she got off on. Because the faster we took her, the longer her moans became.

  “You like this, don’t you?” I clenched my jaw. My fingers dug into her flesh hard enough that she’d have bruises tomorrow. “Have I raised a pain whore, Belle?”

  “Oh my God,” she wailed. Sweat-dampened hair stuck to her face, and I swore she’d never been more gorgeous. Unfiltered, dirtied-up, flushed, mascara smeared, lost in our fucking.

  Jace pushed in with a grunt and wrapped her hair around his fist. Then he yanked her head back and grazed his teeth along her neck. “Admit it, baby niece. You wanted your daddy and me to come in here and rape-fuck you.”

  “Yes!” she sobbed. “I’m sorry!”

  I hissed, feeling every muscle in me flex.

  It killed me to wait, but I didn’t wanna come this way. I wanted to fuck her through the mattress before I filled her with my come, so I bided my time. I grasped Belle’s face and kissed the tears away, then swallowed her pleas and sucked lightly on her tongue. She mewled and kissed me back possessively, and it hadn’t escaped my notice that she was meeting Jace’s thrusts.

  “There’s my little fuck doll,” I murmured hoarsely.

  “I-I don’t know what’s happening to m-me, Dad.” She sniffled and acted as if she were trying to crawl under my skin. She let go of her bunny and clung to me. “Do I really feel good?”

  “So good. Amazing.” I kissed her deeply and twisted her nipples between my fingers. “You have the sweetest, tightest little pussy, and you’ve already got us addicted to you.” I stifled a groan, not ready for my orgasm to start rolling yet. “Fuck…that’s it, squeeze Daddy like that. Fuck yourself on me. You can be as greedy and slutty as you want with us.”

  “Every goddamn night.” Jace picked up the pace and railed her ass, the tendons in his neck protruding. “Christ, almost there. Almost—fuck.”

  When he finally came, I was close to losing it. Frustration had built up as rapidly as the need to come, and I watched him ride out his orgasm with my teeth gnashed so hard I feared I’d crush them.

  Belle was gone. Moaning, crying, gasping, pleading incoherently.

  My fucking turn.

  In a burst of rage, I hauled her off of Jace and threw her onto her back next to me right as the final ropes of come shot out of his cock. He heaved a breath and stroked himself, easily positioning himself to milk the last of his release over Belle’s breasts. In the meantime, I hooked an arm under her leg and rammed into her pussy.

  I fucked her forcefully and fast, making sure my pelvis hit her clit on every thrust. She tried to wrap her arms around me, but she had no strength left, only able to make sounds of euphoric delirium. She didn’t even seem to notice how the power behind my fucking was literally pushing her farther up the mattress.

  The pressure increased inside me, bordering on painful with how I strained myself. I just couldn’t slow down. The sounds of skin slapping and my cock pushing in and out of her drenched cunt sent me spiraling.

  A fever broke out and made me flush.

  My chest glistened. My jaw fucking hurt.

  “Please, Daddy…” The breathiest whisper left her lips, and her eyes nearly rolled back. Then her mouth opened in a silent scream. She threw her head back and tightened impossibly around me.

  Seeing her come was my undoing.

  Everything erupted and unleashed inside me, and I slammed in once, twice more and surrendered to the climax. Bursts of come rushed up my shaft. I screwed my eyes shut and buried my face against her neck, rocking lazily into her pussy as I came.


  I wasn’t gonna be able to walk tomorrow.

  Seconds passed, and with the fading high, the aches made themselves known. I pulled out of my girl, leaving a sodden mess behind, and collapsed in the middle of the bed.

  Between the two exhausted sweethearts I called family.

  Chapter 7

  “Stop squirming, darling.”

  “But you’re touching me,” she whined. “I want more.”

  “Not now.” I kept my eyes on the flat screen and my hand between her legs. She was cuddled up across my lap, pitiful and adorable. She’d refused painkillers and a bath last night, which probably caused some of her aches to be worse today. Jace had made it his first task this morning instead, and he’d given her a bath while I made us breakfast. She’d taken a couple pills to relieve her soreness too, and I was rubbing some cooling lotion with aloe in it over her pussy.

  It made her squirm.

  I slid my fingers gently between her soft lips, over her clit, then down to her sore little opening.



  “Where’s Jace?” She tried to keep the breathiness out of her voice.

  “Downstairs in the studio.” He had final edits to go through so I could send his work on Patagonia to his agent. “He should be done soon.”

; “Okay. I’d like to talk to you later.”

  I flicked my gaze to her, concerned. “Is everything all right?”

  She nodded and bit her lip. “I just…I don’t want this to be all about sex.”

  There was no question what she was talking about. And as happy as I was to hear her say that, it raised concerns. I slipped my hand out from between her thighs and wiped the remainder of the lotion on the blanket covering her. Thinking about this was…strange. It did things to my chest. A flutter of hope, a rock of unease.

  “For the record,” I said, phrasing myself carefully, “this was never about just sex for me—or Jace, for that matter. But I’d like to hear your thoughts before I go on.”

  She straightened a bit and tucked the blanket under her arms. “Um, I guess what I mean is…c-can there be relationshippy feelings and stuff also?” She blushed and looked down.


  I took a breath and pressed my lips to her temple. Something inside me squeezed. I didn’t want to think about the end of summer yet, and this conversation would catapult us right there.

  “I want everything,” I murmured. “But you’re an incredible young woman, and you’ll have to go easy on your old man. Because when you go back to London, I’ll still be here. Jumping into a more serious relationship will make it even more difficult to be away from you.”

  She glanced up at that, questioning. “But you don’t think it would be impossible to, you know, develop those feelings for me?”

  I chuckled softly and stroked her cheek. “Belle, you and Jace are already my world. That’s not because you’re my daughter and he’s my brother. I love you because of who you are as people. It’s a million memories and all your quirks.” I paused. “When I tell you I love you, I have all of that in the back of my mind. It’s you when you were twelve and won that teddy bear at the fair—that big smile you wore. It’s when you got into university and threw your arms around me…” And it was more than that too. “You’re so smart, headstrong, and funny. Whether you’re trying to teach me how to make your blueberry muffins or you’re venting angrily about animal rights, I could listen to you for hours.”


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