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Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203)

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by Flora Ferrari

  A part of me wants to take her to bed, another wanting to take us both away. Someplace where nobody will bother us.

  “I want you so much,” I tell her, tracing my lips over her ear, feeling my own arousal becoming unbearable when she makes that sound again.

  The sound of a woman who needs a man like nothing else.

  I notice her eyes stray to my desk. A huge, solid wood affair that I know could hold the weight of a hundred of me, let alone the two of us.

  Her body starts to shudder and she whimpers another needful sound, stammering my name as her eyes widen before they start to gloss over.

  “Logan… I’m gonna… It feels so…” she tries to say, and it suddenly registers with me just how close she is, just from me holding her, kissing her.

  I’ve spent twenty years building an empire, not even vaguely remembering a woman’s touch. Not even once in that time.

  But if Chrissy’s arousal is even half of what I’m feeling, which has my dick twitching in my pants and my ears pounding with the blood rushing through them, then I know I don’t have much time.

  In three strides I’m at my desk, settling her gently down on it, her legs opening wide for me as she moans like she’s in a trance. She lays back, automatically hitching up her skirt for me and I watch my hands run up the inside of the smooth creaminess of her thick thighs, groaning at the touch of her.

  “So smooth, so beautiful,” I tell her, watching with satisfaction as she gently bites the smile that dances on her lips.

  Her hands finding mine, and with her eyes still closed, she guides me to her mound. I shiver at the sight of her sweet pussy under her drenched panties, seeing at once how much she needs to come.

  I want to stand watching her all day like this, but her body starts to shudder again, her pussy lips clenching under the thin fabric as she tries to hold back the waves of her own arousal.

  Her own impending climax.

  “Logan,” she sighs again, gripping my hands this time and I know there’s only one thing to do.

  In a moment, my face is between her sweet thighs, my own hot mouth against her quivering mound. She bucks against my mouth straight away, pulling my head onto her with force as she grips my hair with both hands, a nearly painful sounding moan leaving her body.

  Fuck! She’s perfect!

  “I’m gonna drink from you,” I assure her, teasing her panties to one side and covering her whole wetness, savoring her essence and already wanting her to come, just so I can make her come again and again.

  Chrissy squirms and writhes under me, her smooth skin and sweet scent driving me wild. Her whimpering, urgent sounds get lower and as I shift my hands under her, squeezing that perfect ass in time with the movement of my tongue over her stiff clit, she starts to growl like a beast.

  I hear my own growl in reply, vibrating across her pleasure center, filling her whole body with the sound of my intentions.

  “Mine,” I growl aloud, at the same instant I feel her clutching me harder, pulling at my hair as her back arches, her whole body stiffening as she swears under her breath.

  Her first climax for me is as perfect as she is, and I savor her. Every part of her as she shudders and heaves under my mouth, my hands…

  After some time, her soft hands move to my face, wanting me to go up to hers.

  But I’m nowhere near done down here.

  I’m only just getting started.

  Chrissy’s soft laugh is muffled by her own moans as she settles into the pleasure of having her perfect pussy worshiped as it should be.

  By me. And for a very long time…

  When I feel her breath quicken and her mound shudder for a second time, she tugs at me after a moment, telling me she wants me someplace else.

  “Kiss me,” she sighs, and I can only do as she wants, lifting myself from her slick valley and letting her taste herself on my lips, in my mouth.

  My body presses against hers and I feel her legs wrap around my back of mine, drawing me closer. Telling me she doesn’t mind my whole weight on her.

  My hard body flexing over her softness is the greatest feeling, but I make sure I steady myself with my hands, my own arousal still screaming for release from inside my pants which I can feel wet against her belly.

  I feel her hands clawing for me, but not to free me from my pants. She’s gripping my shirt and tugging at it, a look of sudden apprehension in her clear blue eyes.

  “Chrissy, what is it?” I ask her, immediately lifting my weight and hoping I’m not hurting her. Praying I haven’t done anything wrong.

  She looks away her lower lip trembling where she once bit it with mischief, a sudden feeling of panic rising in me.

  “Chrissy, tell me what’s wrong,” I command her, sighing with perfect relief when she finally finds the words for her feelings.

  “I’m a virgin, Logan… I’ve never even… that was the first time I ever…” she says, and I lift her face to mine again, kissing away the lines of tears in her eyes.

  “Oh, Chrissy,” I tell her, holding her face in my hands, almost weeping for joy myself.

  “That’s the most wonderful news ever!” I exclaim, noting her look of further confusion.

  “It is?” she asks, and I tell her so again.

  “It means you’ll be all mine and I’ll be your first, don’t you see? It’s just perfect, just like you,” I tell her again, and I kiss her so hard, squeeze her so tight she squeals and we both end up laughing.

  I sigh again, relieved to see her happy, to know she’ll be mine and nobody else’s in this life.

  To know I can stop trying to fill the emptiness in my life that’s haunted me for the past twenty years.

  Chapter Seven


  For a few moments, I forget where we are. It really does feel just like me and Logan, but there’s a muffled sound from someplace far off, gradually getting louder.

  Male voices talking louder and louder until there’s another banging on the doors of Logan’s office.

  It shocks us both back to reality, and the warm wood of the thick desk underneath me suddenly feels cold. Logan’s hands feel warm though, and he holds me close to him for a moment, promising me that everything’s alright.

  “Take a second, take as long as you need,” he tells me firmly, lifting himself up, straightening his own clothes and smoothing over his hair.

  As startled as I am, almost frightened once I hear my dad’s voice in the mix, I have to smile when I notice there’s just one thing Logan can’t ‘fix’.

  His huge bulging crotch, which makes us both smile as I get up, and make myself pretty again, sitting opposite Logan in a chair in front of his desk before he sits himself down, arranging some papers and somberly commanding whoever it is to enter, casually flicking the electronic switch on his desk to unlock the door.

  Three men practically tumble into Logan’s office, with my dad right at the front, the man Mike from before, as well as another I recognize from the press conference.

  Logan frowns and is completely deadpan as he looks over to them. I cross my legs and raise my brows, trying not to give anything away when my dad’s eyes lock on mine.

  “I assume you have a supreme reason for interrupting me again,” Logan says, showing contained anger as his eyes flash at all three men.

  “Sorry, Mr. Parker, but Mr. Foster here insisted,” The one called Mike says, looking flushed. His eyes are on me again, he notices the change, I’m sure of it.

  It must be obvious, a blind man could sense the chemistry still lingering between Logan and me because it’s permanent now. I can’t help but shoot Logan a little look of my own, relieved when his lip curls for just a second, letting me know it’s okay.

  I leave it to him to take care of the situation, hoping it leads to him taking care of me again as soon as possible.

  I love my dad, and I’ll be eternally grateful for him for today…

  But seriously dad? Just not now, I’m busy!

  I’m trying
to give dad my best ‘what the heck?’ look, but he’s got a determined look all of his own.

  I know my dad, and no matter what, he’ll always put his daughter first.

  “Mr. Parker! I really have to see my daughter. I’m not sure I’m comfortable with you just whisking her away like this,” he says loudly.

  Logan gestures towards me with an open hand.

  “There’s your daughter, Mr. Foster. I was hoping to speak with you too, about a promotion. You handled the press conference very well, I thought, but now you burst into my office, unannounced and I have to say... interrupting me, which I don’t like. Not one bit.”

  I can only make a more pained expression in my dad’s direction. Even if nothing else had just happened between Logan and me, my dad’s making a fool of himself, in front of his boss and dragging me down with him.

  “Mr. Parker,” The other two men start to say, trying to talk over each other, but Logan’s hand is up and his brow is creased, giving his flaming eyes an even darker look.

  “Promotion?” my dad echoes, everything else seems to slip from his mind as he looks from me to Logan again, who’s nodding slowly as he brings his fingertips together, tapping them in silent contemplation.


  I do a little double-take myself, but those other two men are vying for Logan’s attention.

  “But, Mr. Parker?!” they both say desperately.

  Logan’s eyes silence them both and they shrink back toward the door, proving they’ve seen that look before and what comes after it.

  Logan leans over to me, excusing himself for a minute, and making me smile to myself as his arm expertly hides his still raging hard on, he ushers my dad and the man from the press conference out into the lobby.

  Mike, slinks a little closer to me, hissing a warning under his breathe before Logan comes back in.

  “I know what’s happening,” he says factually. “I’ve seen it a thousand times, you’re nothing special just one of a thousand girls. See that stack of files over there?” he asks cuttingly, jutting his chin to a huge yellow pile of manila folders.

  “Take a peek when you get a chance, kid. Get to know the real Logan Parker.”

  He sneers a little, and then stands erect, smiling once Logan slips back into his office, back to his seat after having a quiet word with my dad and the other guy, who disappeared without a sound.


  My dad would never just back down like that, and I feel a strange itch in my mind from what this Mike guy has just told me too, making me stare fixedly at the stack of folders behind Logan on a heavy shelf.

  “That’ll be all, Mike,” Logan clips in the man’s general direction, waving him away and already fingering the electronic door lock.

  Mike opens his mouth to speak, but only shoots me a sly look, and a little wink before he leaves.

  Logan catches it but once we’re alone he asks me if I want to carry on where we just left off.

  I can’t help but keep looking at those files, the sudden exit of my dad, and what that guy just said, still swimming in my mind.

  It’s not true, I know it isn’t. Logan would never…

  “Chrissy?” Logan asks, looking concerned as he studies my expression. “What’s the matter? If it’s about your dad,” he starts to say, but I have to ask him what’s on my mind.

  If nothing else, Logan has a right to know what his employees are saying behind his back.

  “What’s in those files?” I ask, pointing behind him, registering his confused look.

  “These?” he asks, swiveling in his chair, glancing over at the stack of files. “They’re the Father-Daughter participants, employees, and their daughters who’re part of Father-Daughter week,” he says without blinking.

  “Why do you ask?” he adds, looking to the doorway, his jaw flexing as it tightens.

  “Why did you really pick me?” I ask him, suddenly not so sure of my own opinion anymore.

  Whoever Mike is, he has a certain way of planting a seed of doubt in a person’s minds, and very quickly.

  “What did Mike tell you?” he asks, suddenly looking deadly serious.

  “He said you’ve had a thousand girls, that you use them up and throw them away,” I stammer, feeling my cheeks flush and my heart starting to pound.

  It all sounds so real when I say it out loud like Mike was telling the truth, maybe… because a huge part of me still thinks Logan could have any girl he wants. Why would he choose me?

  Nobody’s ever so much as looked twice at me except to make fun.

  As if Logan Parker, millionaire CEO would or even should look at me… unless he’s up to something, just like that creepy guy seems so sure he is.

  Chapter Eight


  I should’ve known better than to let that weasel in here for one second. Mike Collins…

  I make a low growling noise, vowing to finish that man off somehow, once and for all.

  Trouble is, he’s the Playboy of the board, bringing in millions in revenue for the fat, greedy board members who count their share price all day instead of trying to better the company.

  My company.

  In a single moment, it becomes so clear to me what I need to do with my company, but the only thing that really matters to me is Chrissy.

  I hold Chrissy’s gaze with mine, shaking my head as I watch a tear form in her eyes.

  “Chrissy, don’t tell me you actually believed him?” I ask her. “Don’t tell me you actually think…”

  But I can’t finish, it’s too much to even comprehend.

  That someone as dumb as Mike Collins could leave such an impact on Chrissy, my Chrissy, within seconds of me leaving her alone with him.

  “And what about my dad?” Chrissy asks. “Where’s he gone now? Promoted?” she asks with a sudden note of bitterness in her sweet voice.

  I run my hands over my face, forcing air into my lungs in an effort to calm myself down.

  I don’t want to startle Chrissy with my anger for Mike or the board right now.

  Not her problem.

  I just want things the way they were five fucking minutes ago.

  “Chrissy, I do want to promote your dad, to PR instead of accounting. He handled himself very well at that press conference. I told Campbell just now to go show him around the department and later on… I thought later on… I’d have a meeting and offer him a better position here at Logan.”

  “Because of me? So you can…?” She starts to say.

  “I want you, Chrissy,” I tell her again. “Only you.”

  Her eyes dart to the door and her breathing quickens again, but this time for all the wrong reasons.

  Damn that Mike prick. I’ll break his fucking neck myself!

  “I think maybe I’d better go find my dad,” she chokes, making my chest ache with a pain I thought I’d never know in this life.

  “Chrissy…” I start. “We can go somewhere else, just the two of us, anywhere you want,” I tell her, wishing I’d taken her away from this place to start with.

  This damned building, full of rats and cutthroats all trying to bring me down while kissing my ass all day.

  “I… I’m not sure what I want anymore, Logan,” she nearly sobs, and without looking at me again, she stands up and makes for the door, which I unlock with the flick of a switch.

  It’s the hardest thing to even think of letting her go, especially right now but I can’t keep her here if she doesn’t want to stay.

  “Chrissy, please,” I hear myself saying, but she won’t even look at me.

  She’s shaking, doesn’t even know where to go once she gets outside my office.

  I fight the urge to run over, to grab hold of her and make her stay.

  The phone rings as I watch her make her way to the elevators out in the corridor, pushing a button before she finally looks back to me as I pick up the phone.

  I mouth the word ‘mine’ to her, pleading with my eyes one last time, but she’s choosing to go.r />
  She steps into the elevator and I feel my heart sink.

  “Mr. Parker? Sir?”

  The voice on the line, it’s Campbell. Public Relations superstar.

  Know it all asshole and soon to be tasting the end of the shit stick that is Logan Parker having a bad day.

  “You’re fired, Campbell. Clean out your desk, security will escort you from the building in five minutes.”

  I can hear him gasp, then groan then snarl. He takes a breath to try and say something that will make a difference, but it’s too late.

  “Five minutes, Campbell,” I remind him, checking my watch. “There’ll be an independent inquiry regarding your conduct here at Logan too, don’t leave town. Legal will be in touch.”

  I hang up without another word, punching security and telling them to throw Campbell’s ass outta my building.

  “I want his hard drive, block his email, and phone accounts. Anything he did while in this building, I want it, and I want it looked over, find out what he’s really been up to and have a report for legal within forty-eight hours,” I say mechanically.

  “Right away, Mr. Parker.”

  I should feel better. A little anyway.

  One down, a hundred assholes to go, right?

  But I can only make a croaking sound. A painful, dry sound escapes me where the sounds of our arousal were just a few minutes ago.


  Shaking my head, I stand up and start to pace. I gnaw at my lip and clench my hands as I start doing laps in my office.

  Logan Parker is a man who knows what he wants. He always gets what he wants.

  But with Chrissy.

  She’s the one thing I can’t just pluck from the tree of life. She has to come to me, she has to want me as much as I want her.

  I thought she did, she does, she said it herself!


  Mike Collins.

  The name is painful to me now, but nothing compared to the pain I swear he’ll feel himself before this week is out.

  I punch security’s number in again.

  “There’s a young lady, Chrissy Foster… she was with me at the press conference earlier. She’ gone and got herself lost, just stepped into the elevator on my floor.”


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