Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203)

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Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203) Page 7

by Flora Ferrari

  “I noticed only one or two floors lit up on the way over,” he muses to himself as we rise up.

  “Public relations and accounting looked like a Christmas tree,” he adds, and I know what he means by that.

  My dad.

  “That’s a good thing, Chrissy, trust me. I had a feeling about your dad, as much as I had a feeling about you,” he tells me, pecking my lips and rubbing my arms, noticing me shivering.

  “Mine,” he says firmly. “I guess you both are, now.”

  The elevator opens into Logan’s office, his home.

  I try to picture me here, every day.

  It’s difficult to imagine even though I’ve never been past his office, his desk.

  The sight of his desk makes me blush though, a smile playing on my lips as I recall what happened earlier, which already feels like a lifetime ago.

  I’m not sure which happens first next, whether it’s Logan’s eyes rolling as he smiles or if it’s the rattling on the glass of his office door. The shadow of a man almost filling it in the dim light from the corridor.

  “So much for a whole day,” Logan says, and I recognize my dad’s profile as Logan unlocks the door himself, holding it open and ushering my dad in.

  “Mr. Foster, I’m sorry to have kept you in the dark all day. I’m eager to hear of your day so far but understand too-”

  My dad all but brushes past Logan, making straight for me.

  “Chrissy? What are you doing here? I thought you would’ve been home hours ago. I tried calling, but figured you’d gone to bed…”

  His voice trails off at that last word, and after registering what I’m wearing he turns back to face Logan.

  As a daughter’s father now, not as an employee.

  “And how about you tell me about your day, Mr. Parker. Your day with my daughter?” he says cuttingly, looming up but nowhere near Logan’s size.

  Logan sits down at his desk, pressing his fingers together in a triangle and taking a moment to think before speaking, eventually tracing the same fingers over the very spot he devoured me on not so long ago.

  “I think you came here to ask me more than that,” Logan says cryptically but throws my dad a bone.

  “Chrissy and I were out celebrating. Her new internship here at Logan Industries. I tried to contact you but I understand you’ve been somewhat busy with your new position?”

  My dad seems confused, he relaxes, then tries to say something but only looks me up and down again, then casts his eyes back to Logan who’s as smooth as marble. And just as cool.

  “Internship?” My dad whispers, half smiling, half gasping as he looks at me again.

  “I… uhhh, yes… I do have news to report,” my dad adds, finding his place again, his manners, which I notice Logan appreciates.

  “Take a seat, Mr. Foster. Tell me all about it,” Logan adds, shooting me a glance to do the same but also apologizing for the interruption to our evening.

  “Well, umm. It’s been a strange day, Sir. Filled with all sorts of accusations,” My dad begins, suddenly unable to look me or Logan in the eye, choosing a spot on the floor in front of him instead.

  “But it’s stranger still,” he says, trying to find the right words.

  “The points I’m connecting between what I discovered in accounts and what I’m seeing through your senior staff are… well… nothing short of astonishing.”

  Logan’s brow darkens.

  “Meaning? Speak plainly, Charles.”

  “The whole board of directors, apart from yourself… and most all of your senior staff who hold significant company shares have been working hard to set up a hostile takeover of your entire company, Sir… using another business as a proposed backer… and channeling fake profits… bogus trades…”

  I have no idea what any of this means, but it sounds serious. Logan stands up, leaning on his desk as his eyes bore into my father’s.

  “Hotels?” he asks, and my dad nods stiffly, surprise at Logan’s reaction.

  “I thought so,” is all Logan says, before resuming his seat.

  Chapter Eighteen


  So it’s true, my suspicions are realized. The whole board working to undermine me, but at the same time, no surprises at all.

  I knew something was going on. You don’t build something from nothing, live, breathe and eat it twenty-four seven for twenty years while the others play golf and take holidays to know something’s not quite right.

  That the ship has more than its fair share of rats… but all of them?

  I’m not surprised at all.

  The office phone on my desk is flashing three, then four lines. In another second the whole thing’s lit up.

  My cell phone chimes, which I answer.

  It’s my private security detail, repeating what I’ve just heard but they have no hard proof.

  “You have the proof?” I ask Chrissy’s dad as I cover the mouthpiece. He nods swiftly, with security telling me everything was wiped before they could get to it.

  I order a full report due in the morning from the security team, saying nothing of the proof Chrissy’s dad says he has and hang up, knowing the other lines are choked with assholes trying to save their own necks.

  “By proof, I mean…” I start to say, but Charles Foster, father of the woman I love beats me to it; pulling a simple envelope from his pocket and sliding a flash drive across the desk.

  “All that’s needed, and all that’s left,” he says, adding, “They can’t deny any of it now.”

  “The feds?” I ask, wondering just how far this has gone, but he only shrugs. “That’s up to you, Sir. I’m just reporting the facts, everything’s on that flash drive and it’s the only copy.”

  I notice him looking over at Chrissy, focusing on her dress, how beautiful she looks.

  His eyes turn and meet mine head-on, he’s done his job and now he’s entitled to say his piece… as Chrissy’s Father.

  It is Father-Daughter week after all.

  “Mr. Parker? Chrissy,” he starts to say, but she interrupts us both.

  “Daddy? Logan? Let me say this, let me the one to…”

  I watch her dad’s face fall and he cringes, knowing what’s coming. He holds his hand up.

  “I want you home, Chrissy. Thank Mr. Parker for today but it’s time to come home now,” he says, a hard tone in his voice at the last word, which I have to say. Gets my back up.

  “She is home, Charles. And will be wherever she is, with me,” I tell him, shrugging a little in Chrissy’s direction and standing up.

  I don’t need her to explain things. I won’t hide behind her and I certainly have no fear of her father.

  He’s shaking his head, which he grips in both his hands before he stands up too, looking over at Chrissy with a tear in his eye.

  “Tell me this isn’t true… tell me you didn’t…?” he asks her, breathing in sharply when she nods, moving over towards me as I hold out my hand for her to take into mine as she comes over to me.

  “I love Logan, dad. It’s happened quickly but we just both know we’re supposed to be together,” she says, looking up to me and squeezing my hand.

  I hear myself starting to growl as her dad moves closer, letting himself behind my desk and stepping towards us both.

  “Promotion or not. I’m sorry about your internship, Chrissy… but…” he starts to say, his voice cracking with emotion as he raises a fist.

  I hear Chrissy gasping, trying to move forward to stop him, but I hold her back, letting him have his one shot.

  He’s got a pretty good right hook, which connects well to my jaw.

  I’ll admit, it’s harder than I expect, even hurts some as I hope he hasn’t broken any teeth.

  I did lean in a little though.

  But I don’t budge. I stand my ground and look down at him, flexing my neck only a little and opening my jaw a couple of times to make sure nothing broke.

  “That’s your one shot, Charles. Now, take a seat,” I
tell him, letting go of Chrissy only long enough to put my shadow over her dad as he takes my advice.

  I pull up a seat next to him, sitting down and getting to his eye level, rubbing my jaw for his benefit.

  “Are all those rumors true then?” he asks, sounding shocked, his hand trembling now, scuffed from where his knuckles met my jaw.

  Chrissy rushes over to him, finding a handkerchief from her dad’s shirt pocket and wrapping it around his hand, glancing at me with a little bitterness.

  “What rumors?” I ask, raising my eyes to the ceiling, half-wishing today could be over already if it weren’t for my desire to spend the rest of it balls deep in the man’s only daughter.

  I take a deep breath and observing the affection Chrissy has for her dad, I figure I’ll level with both of them.

  “Truth is, Mr. Foster. I did make love to your daughter today.”

  Chrissy’s eyes widen and her dad growls gain, wanting to leap at me but I hold my hand up as Chrissy uses both hers to hold his shoulders.

  “But,” I continue, looking Chrissy in the eye now, “She really is the only woman I’ve ever been with… and I the only man she’s been with. I think that should answer any questions, dispel any and all rumors, once and for all between us three at least. Until I lay with your daughter, Charles… I was a virgin, just like Chrissy was.”

  A long silence follows and I feel like a great weight’s been lifted, that I really don’t care what happens next, as long as Chrissy stays with me, as long as I know she’s mine.

  “I can give Chrissy a life like nobody else, Charles, even with all this board nonsense. I’m still the major shareholder, this is my company. I can provide for Chrissy for a hundred lifetimes.”

  My voice seems to echo in my office, the words sinking into her father’s mind and if nothing else, reminding Chrissy too of what I can give her outside of the bedroom.

  “A life like no other,” I repeat.

  “And… you… really love him?” he asks his only daughter. “After knowing the man less than twenty-four hours?”

  He doesn’t ask with anything but genuine curiosity, as shocked and stunned as I guess I still feel that things have panned out in my absolute favor by having Chrissy give herself to me, being my woman now.

  I’m happy to see the man’s hand eventually reach out for mine in peace once Chrissy tells him it’s true. Her eyes are so clear, so pure that there’s no doubt she does love me.

  I know my own heart, and so does she when it comes to how I feel about her.

  “I do daddy. I love Logan like I love the missing part of my soul,” she says clearly.

  “There’s still a place for you too, Charles,” I remind him, gripping his hand still bloody from my lip, my mouth he just clocked.

  “I need good people now, people I can trust. Your future is as assured as Chrissy’s, but only if I have your blessing,” I tell him.

  Not as a threat, but as one man to another, a man asking for another man’s daughter.

  Like any gentleman should.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Everything happens so quickly, and Logan only shows that he’s more man than anything else once it’s clear my dad wants to punch him.

  There’s an imperceptible moment where Logan’s eyes meet mine and my dad’s hand becomes a fist, reaching up for Logan, who actually looks like he’s leaning into it a little for my dad’s benefit.

  He has to be, there’s no way Logan would willingly take a punch from anyone… except for me.

  I feel like launching myself between the only two men in my life.

  But as quickly as it starts, it’s done and Logan explains things a little better to my dad and I can only tell them both how much I love Logan. How I’ll stick with him no matter what.

  It’s a shock for my dad, but he’s worked for Logan for years now, and seeing a time of crisis for the company I can see that he’s already made his mind up and whose side he’s on.

  The mention of us both being looked after changes my dad’s look. It also makes me think about more than just a necklace in a velvet jewelry box.

  He takes a long moment to think things through, and even after Logan tells him he has indeed slept with me, I put myself between them both if only to stop any more violence. Which never happens, fortunately.

  But my dad’s slumps back. And Logan only looks more thoughtful.

  “So what do we do?” I ask, sounding more reasonable than hopeful.

  Logan meets my stare with determination.

  “We get through this, and I don’t mean your daughter and me, Charles,” he adds, turning to my dad again.

  “I mean Logan Industries gets through this, and we all win,” he adds with a final tone of determination, settling his dark eyes back on mine.

  I see a light go on in my dad’s eyes, he’s nodding and when he finally reaches out for my hands, I feel his love and acceptance of what’s nothing but a totally awkward situation.

  “Seeing as we’re being straight with each other,” My dad says to Logan, “Can I tell you how much I hate the idea of being in charge of Public Relations. Almost more than I hate you taking my daughter from me? I’m an accountant,” he says awkwardly, and despite myself, I start to laugh out loud. Then Logan chuckles too and finally, we’re all smiles.

  “We’ll talk it over again in the morning, for now, I want you to-” Logan starts to tell him, ushering him to the door after patting him on the back.

  But Dad’s looking at me, waiting for me to join him.

  I move towards the door, but Logan doesn’t look worried, I’m only hugging and kissing dad goodnight.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow dad, okay?” I ask him, a little bit of pleading in my eyes, I’ll admit.

  I feel a wave of relief when he nods slowly. I can see he’s hurt, but when he sees Logan take me under his arm, it’s pretty clear he can see I’m with the best man, the only man in the world who my dad would let his daughter be taken from him by.

  Dad gives a little smile before closing the door, and both Logan and I know he’s not going home tonight.

  If I know my dad, he’ll be working all night, getting all the accounting information he can to further back up his evidence for Logan. That’s just how he rolls.

  “You gonna be okay?” Logan asks, holding me closer to him, his lip curling when I nod and smile up at him, my hand going just where I know he wants it.

  “I’m glad,” he groans, and I let out a tiny squeak as he scoops me up in his arms, carrying me where I know he’s wanted me since we first met, what seems like ages ago but was only this morning.

  His bedroom.

  I would say ‘our’ bedroom, but this man’s tastes certainly need a woman’s touch.

  Lots of big, chunky wood. Powerful furniture in leather and suede.

  It’s nice, but…

  “We don’t have too,” Logan says, easing me down onto the huge bed, making even his frame look smaller once he kneels next to me on it.

  “Oh we do,” I blurt out, making him smile and I let him know, looking around that I was just thinking about something else.

  “Like redecorating?” he asks, laughing softly as he reads my mind.

  “Anywhere with you is fine by me,” I remind him, feeling fresh shivers up my spine as he slips his huge arm around my waist and pulls me towards him, kissing me hard and carefully unzipping me out of my dress before peeling it off.

  “Now, let me look at you,” he says as I watch the bulge in the front of his pants lengthen and expand as he casts his relaxed eyes over me, making me feel like laying back and giving him something to look at.

  Tearing at his new suit to get it off, he moans and grunts like an animal, his deep sounds traveling right through and making me excited at the thought of him claiming me again.

  I notice him wrenching at his pants but taking care of his jacket, the jacket I know still has my picture in it.

  I want to look at his body too, but he’s so ea
ger to be skin to skin, I only steal a short view of his perfect muscular frame as it flexes effortlessly as he hovers over me on the bed.

  My hand drifts up, touching his jaw and he winces.

  “Don’t tell your dad,” he cautions me, “but he has a pretty mean right hook.”

  I offer to kiss it better and he shakes his head, growling and curling his lip as his huge hand pulls my legs apart in one sudden movement.

  “This is the only thing I need to make it better. Mine,” he tells me again, and I melt into his weight on top of me, gripping his firm body with my legs as I feel his rock hardness pressing deeper inside me.

  Chapter Twenty


  I’m usually at my desk by this hour, watching the sun come up.

  But not today.

  Today I’m watching the same sun dance across Chrissy’s face, her naked chest as she clings to me in her sleep.

  If today could even be just half as magical as yesterday, I tell myself, knowing full well that every day is going to be magic from now on, as long as I have her by my side.

  I can’t feel my arm but I don’t care. Having her so close for so long is the only feeling worth having.

  My jaw aches a little, and there’s that pleasant ache all over from everything we did last night, yesterday… on my desk.

  The faintest memory of it all sets my dick pounding again, and I watch her open her eyes slowly after mewing some. Pressing herself back into my growing heat.

  “Good morning,” she coos and I kiss her, turning her over, ready to give her something to make her morning extra good.

  But before I can have my way with her, she calls time out and pecks my cheek as I remind myself.

  “A few minutes of what a girls gotta do?” I ask, and she smiles, nodding with a cocked brow.

  I roll onto my back and flex my arm some while she finds her way to the bathroom. The usually quiet morning is interrupted by other sounds though, from outside.


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