Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203)

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Dad's CEO Boss: An Instalove Possessive Age Gap Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 203) Page 8

by Flora Ferrari

  The phones all start ringing, there’s a definite pounding on my office door like someone’s trying to knock it down.

  I call out to Chrissy, telling her to take her time, and slipping a robe on I make my way to my office and then the door, vowing to fire whoever the hell it is who thinks they can just-

  FBI? Oh, okay then… followed by Chrissy’s dad and the head of security from the building and about a half dozen other people carrying briefcases and envelopes I can just tell contain a lot of ‘yes, we fucking can.’

  I take a seat at my desk, watching them fill up my usually vast office space, cocking my head and relieved when I hear the faint sound of Chrissy humming off in the shower.

  “Make this brief,” is all I have to say, ignoring my flashing switchboard and dialing up some breakfast for Chrissy and me.

  Her new outfits arrive just as I’m dialing, and I signal for them to be put where I can reach them.

  I’m used to multi-tasking, but the FBI guy wants the floor, which I refuse to give up.

  “I’m listening,” I remind him with a glance, bored already, and becoming increasingly annoyed at this interruption.

  “First of all, Mr. Parker, you’re not in any trouble,” he starts to say.

  “Then get out. Foster, you stay along with legal and security, but if you’re not here to arrest me then fuck off. FBI… search whatever you want but get the fuck out of my office and close the door you nearly cracked gently on your way out.”

  He stands there. His mouth opens, and I ask the only one I recognize from legal, “Does he have to be in here?”

  Legal shakes his head. “It’s more of a courtesy thing, Mr. Parker, but no… they don’t have to be in here.”

  More silence

  There’s finally some throats clearing, someone even snickers a little laugh, but my word, as usual, is final, and in a few more seconds I’m left alone with a lawyer, Chrissy’s dad, and the head of security.

  “Speak,” I tell Chrissy’s dad, not letting up my annoyance just for his sake.

  I’m missing out on his daughter in the shower for this crap.

  “Long story short? The feds have been watching Mike Collins and my PR predecessor for a while… after yesterday they… the board, all called a secret meeting and a half-hour later most were trying to leave the country.”

  “The whole board?” I ask, hardly believing what I’m hearing.

  “Except for you,” somebody chimes in.

  Foster nods and looks at his feet, the lawyer starts to say something, but I find myself actually starting to laugh as I check the time, listening out for Chrissy again.

  “Well! I’m not totally surprised, but am a little I guess. Take a seat in the boardroom, gentlemen. I need to get changed, there’ll be some breakfast up here in a few minutes; some of you look like you could use it.”

  I stand up, ushering them out to the hall, and watch as they file to the boardroom across the way.

  I shake my head, still smiling when most CEO’s might be looking for an open window to hurl themselves out of.


  I’ve got Chrissy and I still have the majority share of the company, so if everyone who was out to rip me off is busted, then it’s the perfect excuse to start everything over.

  From scratch.

  Chrissy’s just coming out of the shower as I get dressed, deciding smart casual is okay for today, no board to dress up for now.

  I keep my jacket though and clench my jaw as I see her coming out in nothing but a towel.

  “Board meeting in two minutes,” I tell her in mock seriousness. “New clothes on the bed,” I tell her, jutting my chin towards just a few items of her new wardrobe.

  “I thought I heard voices,” she muses, “My dad?” she asks, and I nod, looking as serious as I can.

  “Two minutes,” I clip and turn on my heel, only because if I don’t leave the room I never will, seeing her so fresh and still wet from the shower is almost unbearable if I can’t have her on the spot.

  I can feel her hurt, but I also hear her gasping as she discovers her new outfits.

  Two minutes, she’ll be an hour. I smile to myself, heading over to the board room and breathing in deep the smell of fresh roasted coffee and croissants as the food arrives.

  There are some surprised faces, tired faces but I can’t stop smiling for some reason, and the thought of not knowing what outfit Chrissy will wear has me needing to sit down pretty damn quick.

  All eyes are on me, and after I help myself to some coffee and a Danish, I figure I may as well get the ball rolling.

  There’s a lot of empty seats around the boardroom table and I announce that’s how I’d like to keep things.

  I ask for an update on what exactly happened but lose interest just as quickly. It’s like they already said, a whole bunch of crooks using my company as a platform to line their own pockets and break every financial law known to man.

  I’m looking over some data and figures when I sense Chrissy walking in, nervous until she sees her dad who she takes a seat next to.

  And right next to me, of course, which makes me even happier but I deliberately keep my eyes elsewhere. As hard as it is, I have to stay focused otherwise how else is she gonna manage things if I’m always ogling her?

  When I sense she’s not looking, I catch a few glances. I can see she’s concerned, but not upset I haven’t even mentioned the outfit that makes me want to groan out loud and take her from behind over the boardroom table…

  She sits patiently, and her dad does a stellar job of updating me, and the legal and security guys have nothing but news for me. It could be weeks, months even before we know the full extent of how long and exactly how much money’s been misappropriated.

  Before I know it the coffee’s gone cold and the tired look even more tired before lunchtime rolls around.

  Puffing out air, I call a break, and everyone except Chrissy seems relieved and gets up to leave the room, have a stretch, but I reach under the table and hold her thigh firmly in my hand.

  “You stay here,” I command, feeling her shiver under my touch as her thighs open, and I let my hand slide up, finally resting where I’ve been thinking about for the past few hours.

  “What are you going to do, about the company I mean?” she asks, resting her hand on mine.

  “I’ve been thinking,” I tell her with a devilish grin I can’t hide anymore.

  “About your internship,” I add, watching her brow peak with interest.

  “Starting pretty high up,” I reassure her, figuring now’s as good a time as any.

  Taking the little velvet box from my jacket pocket, relieved it didn’t spill out last night.

  “How high up?” she asks dreamily, leaning over and making me shiver now, giving me that look I never want to change when she sees me.

  “Well,” I ponder out loud, slipping the box in front of her without her seeing. “Queen of Logan Industries is a little lofty, not sure the business world is ready for that, but how about ‘President’ of Logan Industries?”

  Her eyes widen, and then she frowns, trying to take in what I’ve just said.

  “I’ll be CEO still…” Whatever that means anymore, “…but I want you to be President and your dad to run things with you as Vice President. Lawyer boys out there can be treasurers and do all the boring legal stuff, security can be security, but you… I want you to have an equal say in everything. An equal share too,” I add, letting my eyes dip to focus on the box.

  Her eyes follow mine and I can tell it hasn’t clicked.

  “What’s this?” she asks innocently.

  “The key,” I tell her, feeling my heart in my throat, suddenly panicked by the thought she might not even say yes.

  “I don’t know how to run a company,” she confesses, and I take her hand in mine and press it to my lips softly.

  “I’ll show you how,” I promise her, wishing she’d open the damned box.

  “Mrs.… Chrissy… Parker?” I
add as if I need to spell it out for her.

  Her eyes widen and I watch her hands tremble as she opens the box. The light from the brilliant diamonds set in the ring catching in her eyes.

  “I didn’t want it to be a rushed decision yesterday, you having only known me for a day,” I tell her, feeling relief when I see it finally register in her eyes exactly what I’m asking.

  “I would’ve said yes the minute I met you, Logan,” she tells me, tears welling in her eyes and I know I’ve won.

  I’ve got the only thing in this life that matters to me anymore.

  The company, the board… all the problems I would have told myself I had before yesterday really are meaningless.

  “Can we start my internship with a holiday?” she asks, and I nod frantically, glad she’s got her priorities straight.

  “I just want time with you Logan, nothing more right now… just...the two of us,” she says, a knowing smile playing on her lips.


  Six months later


  “I dunno, I think he looks pretty good,” I casually mention to Logan, who grunts, lowering his financial newspaper long enough to catch a glimpse of my dad giving a press conference on the huge plasma screen, assuring investors their new share price in stock is guaranteed for a long time, no more crooks at Logan industries.

  “Not bad,” Logan smirks. “For a guy who didn’t want to be in public relations.”

  “He’s only calling every other hour now too,” I joke, and we both laugh.

  “He does love it though, doesn’t he?” he asks, and I nod.

  “I’ve never heard him so happy. It’s like he’s got a new lease on life,” I say, looking out over the side of the yacht.

  “And the shares are being snapped up!” I add, snatching his paper from him and putting my pouted lips in its place, ready for him to kiss me.

  Logan laughs and leans in, but I double over, having to rush to the side of the yacht and throw up.


  Logan’s hand is on my back, rubbing it in a second.

  “That’s it! I’ll have Simon take us ashore, and we’re heading home. You’ve been sick for a week, Chrissy and it’s not seasickness. I’m really worried now.”

  I open my mouth to say something, annoyed when I can only retch again, but Logan’s mind is made up.

  “No arguments, Chrissy,” he says firmly. “I’ll have the jet waiting, take you to the hospital… an American hospital,” he adds bitterly and I can read the disappointment in his eyes, knowing he insisted we take the yacht a million miles from anywhere.

  I have to admit, I get worried too on the trip back. I’ve never felt so lousy in my whole life, even with Logan at my side I still feel terrible.

  I perk up on the flight home, suddenly feeling guilty, as if I’ve ruined our holiday, but in the morning, once we land it starts all over again.

  We’re in the waiting room of the Logan Parker research hospital a few hours later. Logan insisting on every test available, the best doctors, and no stone unturned.

  His worried look has me worried. He doesn’t let go of my hand the whole time, only taking it to his lips to kiss every chance he gets.

  “Whatever it is Chrissy we’ll beat this,” he promises me, making me feel sicker than ever like I must only have days to live or worse.

  “I’m scared, Logan,” I tell him, and he holds me, promising that whatever happens he’ll be right by my side.

  It seems like hours, but after all the poking prodding, scans, and peeing into cups and having so much blood taken I feel faint; we see a familiar doctor reappearing.

  Logan stands up, looming over the man, looking annoyed at the doctor’s smile and ordering him to give it to us straight.

  “Just tell me what’s wrong with Chrissy,” he barks at the doctor, who opens a folder, handing something to Logan, who looks puzzled, turning the paper this way and that before it clicks.

  “A little on the small side for six months. But...perfectly healthy, Mr. Parker, I can assure you. Congratulations! You’re going to be a daddy. Chrissy, you’re gonna be a mommy!”

  Logan kisses me so hard until I realize it’s me kissing him like this.

  “I love you, Logan Parker. You’re the most perfect man alive,” I tell him, feeling his hands move from my face to my belly, cradling me like I’ll shatter at any moment.

  “And I love you, Chrissy… Mommy…” he says the word again, a silver line at the corner of one of his dark, smoldering eyes, a little red with tears of joy.

  Extended Epilogue

  One Year Later


  The Father-Daughter week has become an institution, an annual feature at Logan industries, thanks to Chrissy. And her dad of course.

  She’s made it a week where girls of any age can get a feel for any number of departments within the company, with a scholarship set up for every successful applicant who qualifies for an internship. It pays them a real-life wage while they learn the ropes, making internship a real stepping stone, and creating future leaders from day one.

  Chrissy shared my wish for a regular house in the suburbs, but we’ve kept my top floor apartment, handy for feeding times and naps… and when mommy or daddy need some special quiet time in between business meetings.

  Charles, Chrissy’s dad, is very accommodating when it comes to this and has no problem watching baby Samantha while we have our own private meetings upstairs.

  Lately, though, there’s been some tension in that department.

  “I just don’t feel very sexy, Logan. I want to be more for you… I mean, less oh! You know what I mean… look at me!?” she often exclaims, but I can’t see the problem.

  “I see the most beautiful woman in the world,” I tell her truthfully, feeling myself getting harder by the second, even though I know she’s trying to start something else.

  “Is this how you want me?” she asks, getting upset. “Barefoot and pregnant? A constant cycle of fat then saggy, stretch marks and swollen nipples?” she says, trying to stay mad, but my eyes on her, my growls of interest cancel all of that out.

  “You’re not barefoot.” I correct her, and as far as I know, she’s not…

  The thought occurs to me, filling my chest with a tightness like I want to shout out with surprise, but I’m still not sure yet.

  I get distracted by the shape of her, her thick nipples showing through her white business shirt, those shirts she keeps stealing from my wardrobe… those shirts I love to watch her wear with nothing else on.

  “I just want to be sexy for you, Logan. I want you to…” but she doesn’t have to finish, I show her what she does to me.

  I open my pants and she gasps, biting her lip as I groan loudly.

  “Chrissy, come over here and feel just how sexy I think you are,” I command, feeling my heart pounding in my ribs as she wipes a tear away, starting to purr… starting to make that little sound that tells me she’s ready for me.

  She turns away from me, hitching up her skirt and I hear myself making the sounds I make when I’m about to lose control. It makes her smile as she turns to face me, leaning over my desk in my office.

  “Come on over here and show me what you can do to me,” she replies, and I don’t need any encouragement.

  Gripping those hips with my hands, running one over her fine ass, I push her legs further apart in one movement, making her grunt as I slide my hardness up between her thick, milky thighs.

  I inhale sharply, feeling her cool grip as she reaches around to guide me inside her, my cock starting to twitch at the sensation of her hot wetness against me.

  “Wait a minute,” I shiver out loud, trying to find a degree of control. “Did you say barefoot and pregnant?”

  She growls in reply, sliding back onto me and doing that thing she does, moving her hips and grinding every inch of me, letting me feel every part of her in one movement.

  “Uh huh,” she puffs, picks up her pace as I grip her harder,
hearing my own breath catching with each stroke.

  “Again?” I stammer, not wanting her to stop but needing to know now.

  I can see her face, her eyes closed as she turns to face me, her smile saying it all. But I can tell she wants to keep me guessing.

  “Feeling sexy enough yet?” I stammer, feeling my dick get harder than ever. My balls rising up as she starts to moan softly with each thrust of my body into hers.

  “Just promise me you won’t lose interest… we’re gonna have a lot of babies… aren’t we?” she says more than asks me.

  “We sure are,” I tell her. “We sure are.”

  I get it out of her eventually, after we collapse in a heap on my desk and I turn her around to face me so I can look into her eyes.

  “Are you?” I ask her, panting. Kissing her forehead when she nods a yes.

  “I love you, Chrissy. I’ll always love you… barefoot, pregnant, and anything else you can come up with. I’ll always love you.”

  “And we’ll love you more, Logan. All of us, every single day.”


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  Book 1: Baby Lust

  Book 2: Veteran

  Book 3: Built

  Book 4: Bambino

  Book 5: Rescued

  Book 6: Leader

  Book 7: Professor

  Book 8: Burned

  Book 9: Worldly

  Book 10: Pistol

  Book 11: Policed

  Book 12: Driven

  Book 13: Lucky 13

  Book 14: Lumberjacked

  Book 15: Protector

  Book 16: Carpenter

  Book 17: Italian Stallion

  Book 18: Gardener

  Book 19: Budapest Billionaire’s Virgin

  Book 20: Billionaire’s Babysitter

  Book 21: Cocky CFO


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