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Younger, Bree - Burn [All American Vampires 1] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 13

by Bree Younger

  Quinn leaned back in his chair. “It wasn’t something that you were looking for. On the surface, it did look like a rogue attack. Don’t blame yourself. If I hadn’t been suspicious because you were missing, I’m not sure I would have spotted it either. And it was your notes and pictures that helped me figure it out. I could tell you weren’t completely convinced it was a rogue.”

  He knew Quinn was trying to make him feel better, but it didn’t help. He was a Shield, for crying out loud. He was supposed to notice things like that.

  “You’re right. Something didn’t quite seem right, but the possibility of bloodslaves never occurred to me.”

  “I know you sent some e-mails out asking about any similar attacks.”

  “Yeah. I wanted to check around a bit. Find out if this was an isolated incident or something else. Plus, if there was a rogue, he’d obviously left the area since there’d been no more bodies reported.”

  “Did you ever hear from any of them?”

  He shook his head. “Not that I know of. I’ll need to check my e-mail to see if anything has come in since I’ve been gone. We don’t have enough to go to the Council, do we?”

  Both Quinn and Hawk shook their heads.

  Quinn frowned. “We don’t have any evidence, just a lot of suspicions. Connections. It’s enough for me, but the Council will need proof before it acts.”

  Ty looked his brother dead-on. “So what about this McElroy dude? Any more news on him? He seems to be the best lead we’ve got.”

  RJ shook his head. “We’ve been searching databases of rental agencies, trying to find where he’s staying, but so far no luck. We do have a photograph of him, though. He was seen at The Well.” He flipped through a file he held and pulled out a photograph that he passed to Ty.

  He studied the face, his face hardening. “He was there. In the woods.”

  Quinn nodded, and RJ passed him another picture.

  “This is Bobby Lee Cumbest. He was seen with McElroy at The Well a few times.”

  Ty’s lip curled up in satisfaction as he looked at the photograph. “That’s the other fucker who left me staked out to die.”

  Hawk eyed him closely. “You’re positive?”

  “Hell yeah. I’ll never forget either of those two. But this one,”—he indicated McElroy’s picture—“this one was in charge. Giving the orders.”

  “McElroy’s going to be a hard nut to crack. But Cumbest is a different story. If we can find him, talk to him, maybe we can get him to turn on McElroy. With his testimony, the Council will have no choice but to act.” Quinn looked determined.

  “I agree McElroy is going to be hard to take down. We could probably get Cumbest right now. The Council would take care of him for us,” Hawk added.

  Quinn thought about it, but shook his head. “We still need to figure out what’s going on with the bloodslaves. If we take Cumbest out of the equation, we’ll be back to square one.”

  “And we need to try and figure out who this mistress is,” RJ reminded everyone.

  “It would make it more difficult to figure out just what the hell else is going on. There’s gotta be some reason they wanted to warn you off.” Ty told Quinn. “Trying to kill me was a desperate gamble. Anyone who knows us would have realized that. They’re protecting something. Something big. Bigger even than just a couple of bloodslaves. We need to find out what that is if possible.”

  “We need to talk to Libby. She may have information that you don’t, Ty,” Quinn added.

  “No!” No way was he pulling Libby any deeper in this than she already was.

  “Come on, brother. Be reasonable. We’re not going to tie her up and interrogate her like she’s some prisoner of war or something. Just a few questions.”

  “She doesn’t know anything,” Ty reiterated.

  “Probably not. If nothing else, she can corroborate part of your story. But then again, she’s the one who found you. And she saw the vamps at the store when you stopped for gas. According to you, you didn’t get a good look at them, but she did.” Quinn stressed. “She may know something else that she doesn’t even realize. Maybe she saw something else, someone else.”

  “Like what?” Ty demanded.

  Quinn sighed. “We don’t know, Ty. She probably doesn’t know anything. But what harm could it do to sit her down and ask her a few questions?”

  Ty didn’t like it, but he knew he was being unreasonable. “Okay. But I want to be there when you talk to her. I don’t think she’s really comfortable around you.”

  “That’s fine.”

  Hawk stood up. “I need to go and check in with my men, see if anyone’s turned up anything new.”

  “I’ll go, too. It’s really good to have you back, Ty.” RJ added.


  Once the two men had left, Quinn stood, crossing to look out the wide window that overlooked the Gulf of Mexico. After a moment, Ty joined him, and for a while they both stood there staring out at the dark beauty of the waters that stretched out before them. The view usually calmed Ty. But not tonight.

  “You have feelings for this girl, don’t you?” Quinn’s voice broke through the silence which had fallen over the brothers.

  Ty turned and met his brother’s gaze. “Well, of course I do. She saved my life.”

  “Is that all it is, Ty? Gratitude? Is that why you had sex with her? Why you don’t want anyone else near her?”

  He could feel his cheeks turning red. “That’s none of your goddamned business, Quinn. I don’t ask you about your women.”

  “So Libby’s just another woman? Another fuck buddy?”

  Ty wanted to punch Quinn for using such a term about Libby, but he didn’t. He knew if he did, it would tell Quinn more than Ty wanted him to know. She wasn’t just someone he had fucked. She was more than that. He just wasn’t sure what she was or exactly how he felt about her. His emotions were all mixed up with the fear and tension of the past couple of days. You couldn’t go through something like that without developing some kind of bond with the person that shared it with you. So, yeah. The way he felt about Libby was different from the way he usually felt about a woman. He felt protective. And possessive. But that was it. That and the fact that she got him so hard so fast that he could hardly think straight.

  “Yeah. That’s right,” he blurted out, hoping his brother was buying it. “Just a fuck buddy. I mean, she’s a good lay and all. Hot and sexy. But you know me, Quinn. I’m not exactly relationship material.”

  Quinn looked at him closely, and Ty turned away from the skeptical look in Quinn’s eyes. His brother knew him better than anyone else, and Ty was aware that he wouldn’t be able to keep the truth from him for long.

  “So you’re not falling in love with her?”

  He laughed, but the laughter sounded forced to his own ears. “Love? Are you kidding me? No way.”

  Quinn just nodded, only Ty knew he hadn’t fooled his brother for a minute. But love? It wasn’t possible he was falling for a human. Was it? He’d never really pictured himself in any kind of permanent relationship except in some vague, nebulous, distant future. And he’d always thought he’d probably end up with some kick-ass vampiress who liked to play as hard as he did. Not some weak human female who’d die on him. Like his parents. His sisters. No. It was not possible.

  “That’s good to know. I wasn’t really sure, but you’ve cleared things up nicely. I’ll be sure and pass that information along to RJ.”

  “What? To RJ?” Ty could feel his fangs aching to emerge at the thought of the other vamp’s possible interest in Libby.

  “Yeah, he was asking about Libby earlier, and I wasn’t sure if you considered her your personal property or not. I know he’ll be glad to hear that as far as you’re concerned, Libby is available.”

  Ty knew what Quinn was doing. He thought he was so slick, trying to get a rise out of Ty. He wasn’t going to fall for it, though. No way. “That’s fine,” he managed to choke out, even though the thought of anothe
r man touching Libby made him crazy.

  Chapter Eleven

  Libby stood quietly in the hallway outside Quinn’s study, suppressing the tears that threatened to fall at any moment. She had wanted something to drink and had been looking for the kitchen when she had heard the men talking. Not meaning to listen, her attention had been caught by the sound of her own name.

  Well, it was true, she guessed. What they said about eavesdroppers never hearing anything good about themselves. At least she knew now how Ty felt about her. She stifled a bitter laugh. She’d known he was a player from the beginning. Obviously, Maria had been telling her the truth earlier. Ty liked to spread it around, and she was just a notch in his belt.

  She started to get angry the more she thought about the things he had said. Fuck buddies, huh. Well, he could just find someone else to screw. And when she left in four days, she would never have to see him again. She’d let him know that he didn’t have to bother with her after that.

  Without another moment of hesitation, she marched into the room. “Yes, Quinn. That’s just fine with me, too.” She almost smiled at the expression on Ty’s face when he turned around and saw her standing there. “Please give RJ my number for me, won’t you?” She rattled off her cell phone number. “Tell him to give me a call. Ty and I were just having a good time together, but it’s time to move on. Right, Ty?”

  “Libby, I didn’t know you were there.” She saw him look at Quinn and exchange an accusatory glare. Quinn just shrugged.

  “Obviously not. But it’s good that we’ve got all that cleared up. You don’t need to waste your time trying to entertain me while I’m here. I’m sure RJ will be glad to take over that duty, from what Quinn has said. And he was pretty cute. I’m sure we’ll have fun getting to know one another.” She was proud of her nonchalant tone. She almost believed it herself.

  “Hell, Libby. I don’t think that’s a good idea…”

  “Why not? We were just fuck buddies, right? And fuck buddies certainly don’t owe each other any fidelity or anything. So, yeah. I think I’d like to get to know RJ a little better. He’s a very sexy guy. I bet he’d make a good fuck buddy, too.”

  A rush of satisfaction flashed through her as she saw Ty’s face darken with suppressed anger. “Goddammit, Libby. You don’t need to be trying to find some vamp to hook up with. In case you haven’t noticed, I’m still here and very willing. And for God’s sake, quit saying ‘fuck buddies.’”

  She rolled her eyes. “But I’m not willing, Ty. First of all, I don’t appreciate being talked about like I’m some bimbo you picked up at a bar or some hooker you hired for the night. Second of all, you certainly don’t own me and have no right to tell me who I can or cannot see. And third, now that I know just what you think of me, I don’t want you anywhere near me. So—”

  “Look…” She was on a roll when Quinn’s voice interrupted her tirade. “I think you two need a little time alone to sort this out. I’m going down to the casino and check on things. I’m afraid I’ve been a little lax about my responsibilities over the past few days, so it’ll probably take a while.” He smiled at Libby. “Whatever you two decide, you are still welcome to stay here until you feel better. Please don’t let your feelings toward my dumb-ass brother prevent you from enjoying our hospitality for as long as you’d like.” With a brief smile at Libby and a stern glance at Ty, Quinn started toward the door. He paused when he got next to her. Bending down, he whispered, “Cut him a little slack. I’ve never seen him react to a woman the way he does to you.”

  Libby watched as Ty moved to shut the door and then turned to face her. “I heard what he said. Super vampire hearing, you know?” He smiled weakly.

  She shot him an outraged glare.

  “I’m sorry, Lib.”

  She tried to harden her heart against the obvious sincerity in his apology, but it was difficult. “You should be. How could you talk about me like that, Ty?” She heard the hurt in her voice and took a breath. “I mean, I know we haven’t sworn our heartfelt devotion to one another, but jeez Louise, you were talking like you were some fifteen-year-old football jock bragging about his conquests to a locker room full of his idiot buddies.”

  He ran his fingers through his hair and turned to walk across the room and stare out the window, the same pose he’d been in when she’d burst in. He laughed, a short, hollow sound. “I don’t know what to say, Libby. I didn’t mean it, if it’s any consolation to you. Not like it sounded. I just…” She saw his shoulders hunch. “I just don’t need any permanent kind of relationship. It just doesn’t work for me. But you’re not just a fuck buddy. I shouldn’t have said that you were.”

  She absorbed that explanation, not exactly sure what to make of it. “I’m not stupid, Ty. I don’t expect a declaration of undying love or anything. We’ve only known each other a couple of days, for goodness’ sake. But I do expect to be treated with respect and not like some piece of meat. You’re almost 250 years old, for crying out loud. Surely you’ve learned something about how to treat a woman in all that time.”

  He shrugged and grinned wryly. “Obviously not.” He met her gaze. “But I do have respect for you, Lib. A lot. I should never have made it sound like I didn’t. I’m just not looking for anything more than—”

  “Someone to hook up with? Look, Ty, I’m not trying to put you on the spot or anything. And if it’s just physical with you, that’s fine. Maybe we should cool it for a while. Everything’s so crazy right now it probably wouldn’t hurt for us to step back and catch our breath.” Even though she didn’t really want to, she felt it was probably for the best. She and Ty were from two different worlds. Nothing could ever come of their being together, and she’d never been a girl who could sleep around and not become emotionally involved. And no matter how he tried to explain away what he’d said, it had hurt. And she knew that he had been a player, a ladies’ man. Would he really change for her? She doubted it. “You’re right. Neither of us is looking to get serious or for any kind of commitment.”

  “Cool it? What does that mean exactly?”

  She licked her suddenly dry lips. “It means that we’re free to do our own thing. You have your harem. Maria, for one, obviously has a thing for you. You and I can just be friends.”

  “What about RJ?” His voice had hardened.

  She shrugged. “What about him? He’s good-looking and seems nice.”

  “You planning on going out with him?”

  She really didn’t like his attitude. What the hell did he want from her? She wasn’t. She sure didn’t need to jump from one player to another. But what business was it of his? “Maybe.”

  He was standing directly in front of her before she could blink. “I don’t think so, sweetheart.”

  She raised her chin. “Oh, really? Well, it’s none of your business who I see. If I want to go out with RJ or any of the other guys around here, I most certainly will. The same as you’re free to see or screw anyone you want to.”

  “Did I say I wanted other women?”

  She wanted to scream. “I don’t know what you want, Ty. I don’t think you do, either. But I will see whoever I want to see, whenever I want to.”

  “Over my dead body.”

  She laughed. “That sounds perfect.”

  He wasn’t smiling. “You let that good-for-nothing vampire lay one finger on you and he’ll wish I’d staked him out in the sun.”

  “Are you threatening me?” She couldn’t believe his attitude. Just when she’d thought they were coming to a mutual understanding, he wanted to go all he-man on her.

  “Hell yes,” he growled.

  “You can’t have it both ways, you moron.” She turned around and moved toward the door. “Just who the hell do you think you are?” She hadn’t taken more than a couple of steps before he grabbed her arm and swung her back around to face him.

  “I’m your lover, that’s who I am. And while this lasts, we’re exclusive. Just you and me. I’m telling you, Libby, you don’t want to
push me on this. You better keep your distance from any other male in the vicinity, or I won’t be responsible for my actions.”

  “That’s ridiculous.” She jerked her arm free, aware that he let her go. He could easily have kept a hold on her if he had wanted to. She knew from personal experience how strong he was.

  “Yeah, I know. But that’s just how it is.”

  “What if I say it’s over?”

  “It’s not over, Lib. Do you think I can’t smell your arousal right now? You’re so hot for me I can almost taste it.”

  She blushed. “That has nothing to do with anything, Ty.”

  “I think it has everything to do with it. You want me and I want you. I want to fuck you so bad right now that I’m within a hair’s breadth of shoving you face down on my brother’s desk and plowing into that hot pussy of yours. So do not push me.”

  She was outraged. “Like I’d let you.”

  His grin was pure self-confident male. “Like you’d stop me.”

  Without pausing to think it through, she raised her hand and slapped the grin right off his face. Her sense of satisfaction faded at the look in his eyes.

  “Oh, Lib. You shouldn’t have done that. You really shouldn’t have done that.”

  His eyes held that preternatural glow she’d noticed before. She backed up a step.

  He followed. Step by step. Until she was pressed up against Quinn’s desk. The desk Ty had threatened to fuck her over. She opened her mouth to yell, but his lips closed over hers and his tongue laid claim to her. She struggled…for about two seconds. But she wanted it, too. She wasn’t even going to lie to herself.

  Her arms clasped around his neck, and his hands slid up and down her back, moving under her shirt so that she could feel the heat of his skin against hers.

  There was a frantic urgency to his movements, and it did something to her. She tangled her hands in his hair and held his mouth tightly against hers.

  * * * *

  He wanted her. He wasn’t sure why she affected him like she did. All he knew was that if he couldn’t have her he thought he would go insane. Just the thought of anyone else touching her made him almost feral. And he knew…he’d been lying to Quinn, lying to Libby, lying to himself. He was in deep shit, but somehow he didn’t even care.


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