No Regrets (Sin's Bastards MC Book 3)
Page 9
Sam didn’t say anything, he just wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. It broke his heart to listen to her sobs but he let her cry. She needed this and he was going to give it to her. Quinn was right, someday, she would want the angels. He would fix them as good as new and she would want them even if they were broken.
Later in the day when they were almost done, Sam heard the sounds of cycles coming. He looked over at Deke and together, they went outside to meet whoever was coming. They waited while three bikers pulled into the driveway.
When they turned off their machines one of the bikers stared at them. “This is Blue Devils property. You have no right to be here.”
“We’re just collecting my daughter’s clothing. We’ll leave shortly,” Sam assured them.
“You’re Adriana’s dad then?”
“Yeah, that would be me.” Sam nodded. “I’m not looking for trouble, I just wanted her clothes.”
The door opened behind him and Sam saw from the corner of his eyes it was Adriana. “Go back inside girl.”
“No, I won’t,” she growled. “This was my mother’s house. It didn’t belong to the Blue Devils. Mom and I lived here for years before that jackwad moved in. You guys have no right to claim my mom’s house.”
Sam turned to the men on the bikes. “I guess you were wrong. It doesn’t belong to the Devils.”
“We’ll see old man, we’ll see.” They started their engines and tore out of there, leaving behind a trial of dust.
Sam turned to Deke. “Can you have someone check on the house and see if Stacy owned it? I’d rather know before starting a war with them.”
“Yeah.” Deke nodded. “I can have Zipper check things out.”
“Maybe I should touch base with their President as well?” Sam suggested.
“Can’t hurt.” Deke nodded as he reached for his phone.
An hour later over two dozen bikes roared into the driveway. Each of the bikers wore the same leather vest proclaiming them to be Blue Devils.
As Sam and Deke waited to greet them they saw the look in each man’s eyes. They were calculating and belligerent. One man got off his bike and came forward. As he did the silence was shattered as bike after bike came in behind the Devils. Soon, the two dozen Devils were surrounded by five dozen Sin’s Bastards. The men wearing the Devils vests were silent now and maybe a little nervous.
The man standing in front of Sam was the same man as before. His attitude had been cocky before but now he was a bit more respectful. Sam crossed his arms over his chest and stared at the other man. “I spoke to your President and I explained what we were doing here. He was surprised when he found out about your earlier visit. He told me you were Radar’s brother and that I should not take offense at your mistake about the house.”
The other man shrugged. “My brother lived here, this house belonged to him.”
“No,” Sam told him. “This house belonged to Stacy Rimmer and her daughter Adriana. The house never belonged to your brother.”
Suddenly, the quiet was shattered once again by the sound of bikes coming closer. This time there were only three and as they got closer, the Sin’s Bastards opened a path. The three bikers got off their machines and came up to where Sam, Deke and Radar’s brother were standing.
“Michael,” one man spoke.
Sam glanced at his vest and he saw the President’s patch below the Blue Devils signature patch on his chest.
“Lincoln, this isn’t your fight,” Michael told him.
“Michael, you have no rights here,” Lincoln replied.
“That little bitch cost my brother his life.” Michael growled.
“No your brother did that without anyone else’s help.” Lincoln said. “Radar drew a gun on the cartel, that was his mistake and that’s what cost him his life. Adriana had nothing to do with that.”
“Do you condone selling a fourteen year old kid into slavery?” Sam asked.
Lincoln frowned “What are you talking about?”
“Radar was going to sell Adriana to the Cajuns,” he informed the others. “That’s what got him killed.”
Lincoln took a step back and turned to his man Michael. Reading the truth on Michael face, he turned to Sam. “I never would have agreed to that, I hope you understand my position.”
“But would you have ever known the truth?” Sam sneered. “Somehow, I doubt it. We’re here to collect my daughter’s things and settle Stacy’s affairs. I don’t want any trouble but I won’t be disrespected either and I will protect my daughter at any cost.”
Lincoln drew up to his full height. He turned to his men and raising his voice he told them, “You and yours will not be disrespected in my town. I will not tolerate any trouble. We’ve all lost someone here and it’s time to let it go. This is no business of the Devils.” He went over to his bike and started the engine. Turning around, he slowly led the group away.
Everyone followed but Michael. After everyone else had gone, he stared at Sam. “Radar was my brother. He wasn’t perfect but he was still my blood.”
Sam leaned in close and said, “If you come after my daughter or any member of my family, I will kill you. As sure as you are standing there, I will kill you. Then I will rain hell down on this town. I will bring in every biker I know and the Blue Devils will be no more. I have ties to not only the Sin’s Bastards but the Satan’s Bastards out of Maine and the Sinners out of Boston and the Sons of Satan out of Texas. I can get them all here if I need too. If you want a war over this, I’ll give you a war you cannot win. You won’t win because you’ll die first and you’ll go to your grave knowing you took your brothers with you for no good reason. So why don’t you be smart and do as your President says and just leave this alone?”
Michael glared at him for a moment, then turned and walked back to his bike. Throwing his leg over the side, he started the engine, turned around and rode away.
Deke looked over at his dad. “Well, that went well, don’t you think?”
Sam snorted. “I think we haven’t seen the last of that man.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to a war.” Deke shook his head. “I’d like to be there when my daughter is born. Cassie will kill me if I end up dead before she’s even here.”
“Yeah,” Sam agreed. “I’d kind of like to be there to see T-Bone grow up myself. If he’s anything like you was I need to be there to stop him from killing himself.”
Deke chuckled. “Come on old man, I think the girls are about done here.”
Sam turned to look at the house. “How do I reach her? How do I tell her I’m here for her if she needs me?”
“Just listen when she wants to talk about her mother,” Deke advised. “Quinn and I will be there too.”
“Yeah, so will Melora,” Sam added quietly.
“Then she will be okay, maybe not great but okay is good too.” Deke nodded.
Sam sighed deep. “Yeah, let’s get the hell out of here.”
They moved inside and began bringing boxes out and loading them in the truck. The others helped and before long, both Deke and Sam’s trucks were loaded. When they finally locked up the house, they moved on to the funeral home.
Stacy’s funeral would be later in the day and Sam wanted to give Adriana one last time alone with her mom.
As people began showing up for the services, Melora and T-Bone took their places in the first row. She didn’t intrude on Sam and Adriana when they were standing at the front beside the coffin.
Quinn came over and sat down beside her.
“How did things go this morning?” Melora asked.
“Things went ok,” Quinn told her. “They got a little crazy when the Devils showed up and told Sam the house belonged to them but Adriana told them different. Then they showed up again and their President had to clue Radar’s brother in. Hopefully, it will be better now.” Quinn paused for a moment. “Why didn’t you come with us this morning?”
Melora smiled. “Because this needed to be a family only
trip. I’m not family.”
Quinn searched her face. “You’re going to be Sam’s wife. That makes you family.”
“But I’m not his wife yet.” Melora shook her head. “This needed to be just Sam and his kids.”
“Do you want to know something?’ Quinn asked her.
“I almost hated Sam. Most all my life I watched my mother struggle to pay the bills and put food on the table for me and Charlie. I watched her struggle every day to just simply get through the day. I’d see Sam watching us but never coming around and I resented him because I knew in my heart that Mom loved him. She would have welcomed him back in our lives if he would have loved her even just a little bit.”
“I think he did love her, in his own way.” Melora told her as she stared at the man himself.
“Maybe.” Quinn shrugged. “But he was never meant to be for my mother. He was waiting for you all this time. Me, Deke and Adriana, we share his blood and his heart but he loves you. Does that make any sense to you?”
Melora nodded. “I know exactly how your mother felt. I know he’s older than I am but I love him with all my heart.”
Quinn didn’t say a word. She finally understood her mother’s love for the man she shared her child with. She hoped one day to find her own man to love and although she had her eye on one, she didn’t know if he returned her feelings. Only time would tell.
The next morning, Izzy found Melora sitting outside on the patio. Flopping down beside her friend she said, “Talon and I are taking a trip.”
“Oh, yeah?” Melora smiled. “Where are you going?”
“I think you know where we’re going.” Izzy rolled her eyes at her. “And you know why.”
“Yeah, I do.” Melora shrugged. “He asked for my opinion and I gave it to him.”
“Do you really think we should go, now I mean? He won’t be eighteen for two more months.”
Melora leaned over to her friend. “I think you need to be with your brother. You guys have been separated long enough. Your uncle had no right to kick you out of Boone’s life the way he did. What happened was your father’s fault, not yours.”
“And you’re okay with us bringing him here?”
“Yes, I am.” Melora grinned. “Although knowing my dad’s plans, the three of you won’t be here long.”
“Yeah, he told me what he wants to do but we need to get the place ready for the three of us before we move in.”
“I truly wish the best for you Izzy. You helped me get my dreams, now it’s your time.”
“Uncle Mike doesn’t believe in dreams.”
“Your uncle Mike is a douchebag.”
Izzy giggled. “Yeah, he is. But he’s taken care of Boone all this time, so he does have some good qualities.”
“Sweetie, I have to tell you something and I’m not sure how you’re going to take it, so please just listen before you say anything.”
“You’re scaring me,” Izzy whispered.
“I don’t mean to scare you but there is something going on.”
“What? What is going on?” Izzy demanded to know.
“Do you remember the day I first met your brother?”
“Yeah, he was outside and you told me to wait while you talked to him.” Izzy remembered. “Why?”
“Boone told me something I wasn’t supposed to ever tell you.”
“Is my brother in danger?” Izzy whispered. “Is that why we need to go get him now, instead of two months from now?
“Yeah, sweetie.” Melora nodded. “Your dad is due to get out of prison before Boone turned eighteen. Boone told me he blamed his kids for having to go to prison and that he was pissed about that. He overheard a phone call between your dad and your uncle. Boone had no illusions about his dad at all. His uncle Mike was doing what he did, so your dad could get his revenge. Your dad asked him to do this when he was in the hospital waiting to go on trial. When he was convicted, your uncle put his plan into effect. He made sure you weren’t there to protect Boone all these years.”
“That rat bastard!” Izzy swore. “If Uncle Mike hurts one hair on Boone’s head, I will kill him.”
“He’s okay for now,” Melora assured her.
Izzy studied her for a moment. “How do you know?”
“Do you remember a guy named Timber?”
“Yeah, I remember Timber.”
“Well, Timber has been keeping an eye on Boone for me,” Melora informed her. “Every Monday, Timber posts an online ad that tells me how he’s doing. I’ve been monitoring him for years. That’s how I know your dad is due to get out soon. I knew this day would come and I planned for it too.”
Izzy felt tears roll down her cheeks. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
Melora pulled her friend into a hug. “Honey, we were barely making it ourselves. On the move all the time, then running away and you were a prisoner for two years. We couldn’t bring Boone into that. But now it’s different, now we have a good home and strong relationships. We can give him a home, now we came make a difference in his life.”
Izzy hung her head and let the tears fall. When she looked up again, she whispered, “I love you girlfriend.”
Melora pulled her into a hug. “I love you too. Now go get your brother and bring him home.”
~* * * *~
Reva sat in the corner of the kitchen on the floor alone. Tears rolled down her checks but no one could hear her cry. The last few days had been so busy. No one had had time to even think. First, the problem with Bulldog came up and that was barely settled when Sam had taken his new daughter back home and then half the club had been called out to put some threat down. Now, Mountain and Izzy were leaving for Chicago to bring back her brother. Everything was going at such a fast blur, it was hard to keep it all straight.
Cassie joined her and despite her big belly, she sat down on the floor beside Reva. “How is it going?”
Reva turned stunned eyes to her friend. “I’m not sure. So much has happened with barely a breath between events. I’m not sure what’s gonna happen next.”
Cassie smiled. “What’s going to happen next is you and Gator getting married.”
“I’m still digesting that,’ Reva admitted. “It’s been in the back of my mind for years now. I’ve wanted this ever since I could remember but there was always the fact that I was married to another man to stand in the way.”
“Well, you aren’t married anymore, are you?” Cassie asked. “There’s nothing to stand in your way now.”
“Did you know Marnie asked Gator if we wanted to adopt the kids the other day?” Reva asked. “Can you imagine me and Gator as parents to three little kids?”
“Yeah, I can easily imagine it.” Cassie grinned. “And what did you and Gator say about that?”
Reva smiled through her tears. “We said we would love to, actually. Just as soon as we can get married.”
“And?” Cassie asked.
“Me and Gator are getting married and then we’re adopting three kids,” Reva whispered. “I never thought I’d hear those words come out of my mouth. I still can’t believe it.” She stared at Cassie. “I’m going marry Gator, a man I have loved for seventeen years and we’re going to have a family. Me with kids!” Tears rolled down her face.
“It’s wonderful,” Cassie whispered.
“Do you know what Jack said when we told them this morning?” Referring to one of the kids she took care of and would now adopt.
“Do I want to know?” Cassie chuckled.
“He said me and Gator were too old to get married.”
“That little shit!” Cassie slapped her hand over her mouth. “I’m sorry, that slipped out before I thought.”
Reva chuckled. “That’s okay, Gator corrected him by telling the boy he would never be too old to love me. Alaina and Benny thought it was wonderful and when we asked them if they wanted to stay and be part of our family then all three said yes. We could barely get them all out the
door and onto the school bus.”
“Does Gator realize everyone will know his real name now?”
Reva’s hand flew to her mouth as she thought about that. Then she giggled. “Well, no one has called him Aaron in years.”
“No one knew his real name,” Cassie reminded her. “He’s been known as Gator since he was sixteen years old.”
“He was so proud when you gave little Sammy his name.”
“He’s been a friend and a father figure to Deke when Sam couldn’t be. It was something both of us agreed to.”
You know something,” Reva commented. “Parts of my life have been pure hell but the rest of it has been pure pleasure. And all the pleasure has come from one man.”
“I can say the very same thing,” Cassie reminded her. “Do you have any regrets about that?”
“Nope, no regrets…none at all.”
“Yeah, me neither. Funny how that works.” She watched Reva get to her feet then sighed. Cassie reached up her hand. “It isn’t hard to get down here but it’s getting harder to get up.” Patting her growing belly, she grinned. “So help a lady up, will ya?”
Reva chuckled and reached down to help her up.
~* * * *~
Two days later, Mountain drove his truck into the heart of Chicago.
Izzy, sitting beside him was getting nervous. She hadn’t been in this city for the last six years. So much had changed, yet so much still remained the same. It didn’t make any sense unless you lived here, but that’s just how it was.
Some might view Chicago as a dirty city but Izzy didn’t. Chicago was an older city. One that had been around a very long time. A spot with history as old as the nation itself. Chicago was a busy little town, when one part shut down for the day, another part was just waking up. It had its good points and bad points but anyone who lived here could feel the undercurrent running through the city.
As they made their way through the streets, Izzy pointed out landmarks important to her and Melora, all those years ago. She showed him the pizza place near the interstate that always gave them the left over slices at the end of the day. Melora had made friends with the manager there. Then she showed him the abandoned building they stayed for three months shortly after she and Melora met for the first time. That was their first home together. She shared with him some of their history and gave Mountain some understanding of how the two most important women in his life had survived living on the streets.