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Raven's Desires (Night Hunters)

Page 3

by Reily, Aminta

  Jasmine looked up at the clock. “Around twenty hours. Why?”

  “I had a dream about Raven. She remembered me and the love we shared. She promised me she would come get me. Then, she woke up and I felt her fear. She was afraid of something or someone. All of a sudden everything went dark again and I could not connect with her. I guess her memory got wiped again.”

  “Could be.”

  Jasmine handed him a mug. The scent of blood assaulted his senses and he gulped down the liquid in one swallow.

  “Careful there, at least taste it first.”

  Kristian’s body quickly absorbed the blood. His starving cells needed more. A lot more. One cup could have sustained him a while back but now it only quenched a little of his thirst.

  “Thank you.”

  He wanted to ask for more, needed more, but he would not overstep any boundaries with Jasmine. She helped him when no one else would, but Kristian knew he still stood alone in this world.

  Jasmine leaned against her desk. “You know, Kristian, every time I bring you to my office I’m violating every rule in the book. Freeing you from the sun. Letting you sleep. Feeding you. I don’t know why I’m taking such a big risk with you.”

  “You know I’m innocent—”

  “Do I?” Jasmine cut in. “So many beings here claimed to be innocent. But you, you are different. For some reason I do not feel that you killed anyone.”

  Jasmine pushed herself off the desk and grabbed the cup from his hand.

  “I never killed a human. I was framed. Alec Sullivan is not who he seems. He is not a changed vampire. He has something up his sleeves and I know it involves my mate.”

  “If what you say is true, Kristian, why doesn’t he just kill her like he has so many others? Why did he keep you alive when he had a chance to kill you? This all does not make sense to me, Kristian.”

  “Why wouldn’t a vampire, hyped up on slayer’s blood, want a slayer as a pet? Free blood sounds like a good idea to me. Especially if the blood you are getting is much stronger and powerful than any that you have ever tasted. I do not know why he has not killed her, but I’m sure it’s something about Raven or even her blood. She’s different.”

  Jasmine frowned at him. “What do you mean different?”

  Kristian shrugged not really knowing how to explain it to Jasmine.

  “I have had slayer’s blood before. Not fresh, but I know what it tastes like. Raven is not only human and slayer but something more powerful and stronger than I have ever tasted before. I never in my life tasted anything like it before.”

  “Did you tell her or anyone about this?”

  Kristian shook his head. “You are the first person I’m telling this to. I did not know if I wanted to tell her, since she was so new to learning the world, or just keep it to myself. I did not want other vampires trying to sink their teeth in my mate to see what she tastes like. I know that whatever she is, it’s very powerful, and I’m afraid that’s why Alec keeps her alive.” Kristian sighed at the thought of Alec actually taking Raven’s blood and finding out what was in her blood. “As far as him killing me, I don’t know why he didn’t kill me that night. Maybe he wants me to suffer knowing that my mate is alive and does not remember me. He knew that would torture me more than being locked up for a crime I didn’t commit.”

  Jasmine did not answer him, only poured another cup of blood from her thermos. His nose flared at the smell of the blood.

  “I don’t know if I should give you any more. I can’t have you strong enough that Etan can detect it. Or you trying to beat him up after today.”

  Kristian nodded while drinking the cup just as quickly as the first one. He needed that so much. It was not like Jasmine gave him blood daily. Once a week she brought him here, let him sleep for a day or so, then fed him. She mostly did it on days Etan wasn’t working. The other guards didn’t work on his floor and didn’t notice he was missing. Other inmates were too tired and tortured to notice that he is gone for long periods.

  He was actually surprised to see her today. She had been on vacation for a month and he had not gotten the blood like he was used to getting when she was here. He knew that she wouldn’t make any special trips to Arcadia just to bring him blood because that would raise suspicion among everyone.

  “I will not try to attack Etan. No matter how much I am pushed to. That would give him another reason to try to torture me. I don’t understand why he’s so interested in me and Shane.”

  “You think that he has an interest in you two?”

  “I don’t know. He gets a kick out of teasing me about Raven. Which gets to me, since so many think that she’s dead or never existed. But with Etan, it’s like he knows she’s alive and what she’s doing.”

  “Even if he knew something about Raven, the Council decided that you were not fit to be in the world, and since you are here you have to deal with assholes like Etan. And now I have to convince the world that you will not go out and kill again.”

  Kristian looked up when he heard Jasmine gasp at what she had just said. Even though Jasmine helped him through these hard times, she still believed that he killed those girls. Jasmine was no better than the rest of them.

  “I never killed an innocent human. Never,” he spoke softly.

  Kristian didn’t know how he could make her understand that he did not kill anyone. He was an innocent being. He had protected humans with his life and still would. It was his kind he didn’t trust anymore. He would probably never trust anyone as much as he used to.

  Jasmine sat beside him, which made him think that her level of trust must be high with him. A dreamwalker never trusted many people, especially anyone outside of their race. To think about it, none were as friendly as Jasmine. He wondered why she trusted him so much.

  “I trust you so much because I know who you really are, Kristian. Since you want to keep that part of your life such a secret, I will allow it. Anyhow, I got something to tell you.” Jasmine sighed.

  “What is it?”

  “I had some people to try to find Alec while I was on vacation and they did. Not only did they find Alec, they found Raven.”

  “What!? Really?”

  “Yes. For years, I thought this slayer was dead. They lied about Raven’s death, didn’t they? All this time the Council made it seem as if this slayer was dead and at your hands.”

  “I told you I didn’t kill those girls or Raven. Alec injected Raven with something and she does not remember me. She is doing whatever sick thing Alec wants her to do, but she doesn’t know it’s wrong.”

  “I know, Kristian. You just said that you spoke with her. That lets me know that this Alec, the slayer killer, can’t be trusted.”

  “I know. Do you know where they have been?”

  “One of my overseas informants spotted Raven and Alec getting on a plane from Paris to the states. Raven looks different from her pictures but he told me that he knows a slayer when he sees one.” Jasmine took a pad off the desk. “Alec reactivated the water and lights at your old home using his credit card yesterday and that’s how I was able to track where he is going. I am surprised that he did. Lately, I think he’s been using cash or using another name.”

  “That’s strange that he would use my home again. Raven could remember some things if he took her there.”

  “Maybe he wants that, Kristian. Maybe he wants her to see if his memory loss solution still works. If he perfects that, then there is no telling what he can do with it. He could reprogram minds of anyone to do his will.”

  “If you are correct, that makes him a very dangerous man.”


  “Jasmine, you have to tell the Council about this.”

  “About what?”

  “Raven being alive.”

  “Kristian, I can’t do that and you know why. I would be in more trouble once they find out that I had people spying on Alec to try to find him. I would get the death sentence from my own people if they found out that I have helped you
this much. I cannot risk it, Kristian. I did not know what information I would come up with, but I had to find out the truth. Now that I know the truth I hate that I do since I can’t do anything with the information.”

  “If you don’t want to do it for me, do it for Raven. She’s trapped in a world where she thinks Alec is good and would do no wrong when he’s hurting her more each day.”

  “I’m sorry but I can’t do that, Kristian. I just can’t.”

  Kristian sat the cup down, feeling two hundred percent better than yesterday. The blood brought back a lot of his strength but now his heart hurt with each beat knowing that someone knew the truth but could not do anything with the information. He understood their laws and since Jasmine would not help by telling the Council then he needed to tell them himself. Not just tell them. He needed to take Raven in for them to see for themselves.

  “Jasmine, I need a favor.”

  Jasmine lifted an eyebrow. “More than what I’m doing now?”

  Kristian nodded. “Since I’m in jail, my Night Hunter’s pay was put on hold. I need two things. I need to get out of here and lots of cash. I promise to pay you back every penny plus interest.”

  Jasmine stood. “Are you asking me to break you out of Arcadia? Are you mad! I can lose my job and be trapped in one of those eight-by-eight cells they put dreamwalkers in. You know we don’t need sleep or food to survive. However, to be trapped in a cell that small with nothing but my mind to communicate with would make me go mad.”

  “You will not get caught Jasmine.”

  Jasmine shook her head. “I will not do it, Kristian. No.”

  Kristian felt his entire world crash when she said no. He knew that he could not get out of here without help from Jasmine. She was the only person who could help him get out. The other guards would rather watch him die before helping him show the world the truth. Raven was alive, he always knew that, but now Jasmine knew it for herself. She knew that his mate lived with a slayer killer and he would do anything to get her away from Alec. Anything.

  “I’m sorry, Kristian, but what you ask of me I cannot provide. I give you food. I give you the sleep you need. I can even give you updates on your mate now that I know that she is alive. The one thing I cannot give you is your freedom.”

  “What about a trial? You know I’m innocent.”

  “I know nothing of that. I cannot place myself in a situation where I stand up for you. They would think that we had some type of relationship and I, no disrespect, would never tarnish my race by sleeping with anyone beside a dreamwalker. We do not date outside our race as many of you do.”

  “None taken, but I really wish you would reconsider it, Jasmine. Raven is my mate and to know she has been alive for all these years when no one believed me was torture enough. To now have to live with you knowing that she is alive and knowing that you could probably get me out of here is worse than torture.”

  “I get nothing for letting you out of here, Kristian. Nothing. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I could get life in prison for helping you escape but that’s about it and that’s a deal I’m not ready to work for.”

  Kristian stood and walked up to her. Not close enough to be in her space, just close enough so he could look into her eyes.

  “You get the joy of knowing that an innocent person doesn’t have to spend two hundred years of his life in prison. You will bring together two mates. All you have to do is lower the shield on the left hand side just a little. Enough that I will not pass out if I run through it.”

  Jasmine closed her eyes briefly and he thought that she would agree. “I can’t do it, Kristian. I understand your need to be with Raven. She is your mate. First, think about this, Kristian. Raven does not remember you. She does not remember the love you two shared. She will think of you as a threat to her and the moment you go near her, she will try to kill you. She’s a slayer and that’s what she does. If Alec has reprogrammed her brain, I’m sure he has made her believe that you are a major threat to her and to kill you on sight. I can’t live with that or with the fact that you may be lying to me about everything. The injections. All of it. Raven is a slayer and I never knew of anyone being partnered with a slayer.”

  Kristian walked away from her. “Jasmine, times change. Yes, Raven is the first slayer to be mated with a vampire. I feel that slayers are going to have long living mates because they are immortal. Think about it, how many slayers live past the age of one hundred? I think they give up on life because they have no one in it. They can date humans but have to leave them after a few years because they never age and can’t have anyone noticing that they don’t. Raven is my soul mate and there is nothing anyone can do to change that. She was made for me. Only me. I need to be with her like humans need air. I need to get out of here, Jasmine. I need to be with Raven. I know that I can make her remember me. I just did it and I know I can again.”

  Jasmine raised an eyebrow at him. “I didn’t think of this before, but how did you get her to remember you when the force field around Arcadia prevents any type of mental communication?”

  Kristian stared at Jasmine for a moment before answering. “Jasmine, what we vampires have is a blood bond which is much stronger than any mental connection. We are tied by blood. Her blood is mine and vice versa. No magical force field could take that away.” Kristian began to pace. “The love we share is unconditional. Being single you cannot understand, but you do know what love is. With a vampire and their mate, it’s magnified times ten. I sit here day in and day out trying to connect to my mate who does not remember who I am. When we sleep it is when I feel the link is open with her and that is how I was able to get inside. I love Raven and would do anything and I mean anything to be with her again. Raven is my heart, my soul, the reason why I live now. I don’t care what Alec did to her—I know I can reverse it.”

  Kristian watched as Jasmine’s eyes softened. He did not know how his words had affected her, but he hoped it was enough for her to lower that force field and help him escape. If Raven and Alec had moved back to her hometown, he had to get to her before they left again. If he could get Raven away from Alec, the Council should be able to help him find out what Alec has done to Raven. Everything was reversible and he would not give up on the only person he had ever loved. Raven was his heart and his soul. He needed Raven in his life again.

  “As much as I want that for you, Kristian, I can’t give you what you ask of me. You will stay here and live out your sentence. End of discussion.”

  Tears stung his eyes at the thought of not being able to see Raven anytime soon. Jasmine did not understand how much mates need each other. If one mate died, the other one would surely take their own life just to be with them in the afterworld. Dreamwalkers did not have mates—they made partnerships as vampires had done for so long. Vampires found a person in their lives and hoped that they would make it until the end of time. It mostly worked out and the two end up together for a very long time. Then, there were times where the two didn’t get along and broke up. What had developed in their world was something no one could explain. Mates were now being born to each other. Now, you didn’t have to worry that your partner and you would make it to the end of time because the magical pull you both felt made certain of that. Raven would live for a very long time and once he got out he could go to her, but what if she got lonely and decided to take her life? He could not live without her. He had for ten years now and each day he wanted to take his own life but the will power and the thought of being with Raven again kept him alive.

  For years, Kristian walked around this world unhappy with women. He did not love anyone because he never felt a connection. With Raven, that all changed and he needed her in his life again to feel connected. Just one touch from her brought back so many memories. They were together for a short time before being torn apart. He had many years to make up for with Raven, but he also had many years to be with her. If Jasmine did not let him out of here soon, God forbid, he’d have to make his own way out. If he had to go that
route then he would do things that would definitely get him a life sentence in prison.

  “I’m sorry, Kristian,” Jasmine interrupted his thoughts. “I will help you as much as I can to keep you comfortable, but that’s all I can offer.”

  Kristian nodded. “I understand and thank you so much for what you do for me.”

  Kristian would not argue or beg anymore. He didn’t want what little she did do for him to stop. She might give up and help him in due time. It took her almost a year of talking to her daily before she brought him blood. He remembered how nervous she was the first day she fed him. She worried that he would tell or let others know what she had done. When he gained her trust she fed him more and even let him sleep. He had patience—and he would wait until she was ready to give in to her need to help him.

  Jasmine smiled. “You are welcome, vampire. Now, drink up the last of this blood, no need for me to keep it. Then back to the cell you go. It’s almost lights out and you can finally get some sleep.”

  Kristian laughed. “You know how hard it is for vampires to sleep at night.”

  “Yes, but you will get used to it sooner or later.”


  After he finished the last cup of blood, Jasmine took Kristian back to his cell. He lay on his cot thinking of his love, Raven. He knew his earlier dream of them together was real. Raven remembered him. Remembered their love. Everything.

  Kristian sighed, and decided to send out a mental call to her, but the link they had formed had broken again. With all the powers of Arcadia it shocked him that he could send out a mental call. Well, he couldn’t send one to any of his friends but only his mate. Maybe, Arcadia’s power could not stop love. Kristian sighed again when he could not reach Raven and decided he would call out to her every waking moment like he had before. He would not give up on his mate. Raven loved him and he loved her.

  He closed his eyes, reached out for his mate and drew in a deep breath when he touched her, felt her inside of his mind. Raven was still connected to him in some way. The connection to her was now open. Her memories were locked away, she did not remember him, but he could pull her inside of his thoughts.


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