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The Tattoo of the Elf [The Triplet Mermen Trilogy]

Page 8

by Casper Graham

  Baltic blushed. “I…I guess.”

  Jefferson snickered. “There’s no guessing it, sweetheart. I want you. Desperately. You’ve been in my mind every moment since the first time I bumped into you outside the library. I yearn to possess you and have you as my mate. Nothing will make me more ecstatic than that, but I’m going to do this right.”

  Baltic was quiet for a moment before responding. “What do you mean?”

  “I’m aware you’re a virgin. You may know what sex is theoretically, but I want…no, I need you to feel precious and treasured by me. Let me take you out on one more date. No more misunderstanding between us. The next time we go out together, you will know for sure that it’s a date.”


  Jefferson pulled Baltic even closer, making him gasp in surprise once again when he felt the elf’s generous erection throbbing against him. Jefferson simply smirked at him.

  “Don’t you ever doubt how much I want you, sweetheart. I’m not denying I’m obsessed with you.” Baltic shuddered when he felt Jefferson caressing his lower back. He could feel the warmth of Jefferson’s hands even through his shirt. “I’ve been craving you for a while now, but you need to experience one proper date with me. One fantastic date without any miscommunication between us. After that, if you’re still certain I’m the one you’re willing to give up your virginity and pearl to, I’ll be honored to have you as my eternal mate.”

  Baltic was astounded when he felt his eyes brimming with tears. Sirens never shed any tears. They were cold-blooded killers. He was even more astonished when his heart began to ache a little. He hadn’t experienced such a sensation in a century. He locked eyes with Jefferson before beaming at the elf.

  “If you’re willing to take a chance on me, it will be my privilege to go out on a date with you.”

  “Great. We can have our date soon. In the meantime, stay right here on my lap. Your weight is comforting.”

  Baltic nodded in agreement. Then, he pressed his forehead against Jefferson’s. For the next few moments, they inhaled and exhaled against each other. It was a simple form of intimacy, but he was satisfied with it. He couldn’t wait to go out on a date with Jefferson. He had a strong feeling it would be a date to remember.

  Chapter 8

  Jefferson never thought he could feel the way he did. He had existed for a few thousand years. He had gone out on dates with both ordinary humans and supernatural beings. He shouldn’t be as nervous as he was at the moment. He had used his magic to bring Baltic home the previous evening before he returned home to jerk himself off. Not that he lasted long. He was too aroused then. He only managed three short, fast strokes of his aching dick before he exploded all over himself. By the time he finished coming, his face and body were coated with thick and copious amount of his cum. He was able to fall asleep easily afterward.

  Then, he had spent the entire week brewing his potions or meeting up with his patients, doing his best not to think about Baltic during the day. He met up with Baltic in the merman’s bedroom every night, but it took everything in him not to give in to temptation and make love to the man, especially since Baltic in his siren form was very enchanting. Instead, they simply chatted with each other and enjoyed their time together. The one thing he noticed was how much calmer Baltic was as the days progressed. He had talked to Edwin about it. The phoenix shifter simply told him the siren’s hold on Baltic was weakening because the merman’s feeling was being reciprocated.

  He also accompanied Baltic to the other dimension one week later when Gavin was officially inducted as the new council member in charge of all water shifters to replace Miranda, who had been executed by Sombertooth for her crimes. After waiting for a week, he had no doubt left about his feeling for Baltic. Hence, he began planning for the ultimate date before he would propose to Baltic and request for the merman to become his mate. When the day arrived, he was filled with the adrenaline and excitement of his upcoming date with Baltic. He hoped Baltic would enjoy it. The preparation had been rushed, but he did his best. However, he was starting to doubt the wisdom of taking his car to fetch Baltic from the house he shared with Caspian.

  He was startled to notice Edwin leaning against the door of the house, smirking at him, while Drake and Caspian approached him with steely determination in their eyes. The two mermen greeted him. They sounded friendly enough, but he could feel the tension in their voices. He knew what was coming. He was right. Caspian stood in front of him. The two of them were only three, four inches apart. The merman glared up at him, and he had to admire Caspian’s courage. After all, he was an elf who had more magical power in one of his fingertips than Caspian probably had in his entire body, but the merman was fierce and pulsing with energy everywhere. He gazed into Caspian’s eyes and waited patiently.

  “Listen to me, Jeff. I have a strong feeling about your plan for Balt this evening. Elf or not, if you hurt Balt, in any way, shape, or form, even if you hide in the most remote corner of the earth or in a different dimension, I’ll find you. I’ll cut your balls off and also make sure you can’t ever jack your dick off in the future. If you doubt that, try searching for that motherfucking snake shifter who broke my baby brother’s heart. Last I heard, that bastard was still trying to heal himself from the time I burned him with my fire. Are we clear?”

  Jefferson nodded. “Crystal.”


  Jefferson then turned toward Drake. “Are you going to threaten me, as well?”

  Drake snickered. “I don’t waste time with words, Jeff. Just don’t do anything to cause Balt any pain and the two of us will be just fine. Did Balt or Ed ever tell you that I can see into the future?”

  “Yeah. They both did actually.”

  “I’m sure you know how much advantage I have over you then.”

  “Absolutely. You don’t have to worry. Balt is precious to me. I’d desired him from the first time I laid eyes on him. He and I talked a little about his past over the last few nights. I would rather cut my arm off than to cause him any additional grief.”

  Drake’s expression softened. “Great. We will get along just fine then.”

  A moment later, Baltic ran out from the house. “Holy fucking seahorse turd on a stick. Cas, Dray, what did you say to Jeff?”

  Caspian faced Baltic and chuckled. “Nothing important. Just having a short chat with him. The three of us have come to a mutually satisfying understanding.”

  Baltic narrowed his eyes at both Caspian and Drake. “You two dropped water on my shirt on purpose. You were stalling me, so you could—”

  Drake shook his head. “You’re being overly suspicious. Why would we do something like that?”

  “We’re triplets. I know what you two are like. You—”

  “Balt, sweetheart,” Jefferson interrupted because he couldn’t wait for them to proceed with their date. “We’re on a time crunch here.”

  Baltic threw Caspian and Drake one final glare. “We will have a really long chat later.”

  Jefferson reached for Baltic’s hand and led his date to the car. They were about to reach the vehicle when Edwin yelled out.

  “Hold on, Jeff.”

  Jefferson turned around and let out an exasperated sigh. “What, Ed?”

  “The sun is about to set. Dray has given Balt a bit of his blood earlier, but you need to get yourself ready for the change.”

  He grasped the message that Edwin was attempting to convey. He knew Edwin was worried about him and Baltic, but he was still furious at his best friend, especially when he sensed his date stiffening next to him. He clenched his other hand into a tight fist and breathed in and out slowly in order to calm himself down. He also noticed Caspian and Drake gazing at him and Baltic with concern in their eyes.

  “I had thought about that last night. Guys, don’t worry. My car has no magical barrier, but Baltic will be fine with me. I’ll make sure of that. I promise you.”

  Having said that, he wrapped one arm around Baltic and kissed the me
rman on the forehead to reassure the man that he wouldn’t change his mind. He was relieved when Baltic relaxed almost immediately.

  “Thanks, Jeff.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m serious about us. I’m aware of what you need. Don’t worry. Everything will be just fine.”

  Baltic beamed at him before getting into the car. “Okay.”

  He closed the door before rounding the car toward the driver’s seat. He and Baltic bade farewell at Caspian, Edwin, and Drake before he started the engine and drove the car away from the curb. He also grabbed tightly onto Baltic’s hand and entwined their fingers together as he held on to the steering wheel with his other hand.

  “Just relax. It will be all right. You’ll see.”

  Baltic nodded. “Where are we going anyway? You only told me to dress casual for the date. I know nothing else about it.”

  Jefferson grinned at Baltic. “It’s a surprise. It’s nothing nasty. I promise you’ll have fun.”

  “Okay then. So, how was work earlier today?”

  It wasn’t the greatest topic to get into, but he figured it was better than Baltic pushing for more details about the date. “I had a few patients. The damn sorcerer was up to no good again.”


  Baltic sounded so alarmed next to him that he had to gaze into the merman’s eyes to make sure that nothing was wrong. “Yeah. Have you heard about him?”

  Baltic hesitated briefly. “I…I had an encounter with a sorcerer a while back. I’m not sure if it’s the same one, though.”

  This time, it was his turn to be astonished by the unexpected information. “Why didn’t you tell me about him?”

  “Cas and Dray didn’t seem too concerned about the sorcerer. Besides, I managed to warn him off.”

  Jefferson could feel his hackles rising. “What did he do to you?”

  Baltic shuddered. “Let’s just leave it at his magic felt yucky to me.”

  Jefferson gripped tighter onto the steering wheel as he felt his fury burning hotter deep inside him. “He used his magic on you?”

  Baltic squeezed his hand gently. “I’m fine, Jeff. He did something with his magic. It felt as if it was trying to penetrate my pores, but I called upon my siren magic to crush his heart and temporarily fill his lungs with water. He backed off immediately. Besides, it happened before Miranda’s attack on me and my brothers.”

  Jefferson breathed in and out a couple of times before giving Baltic an apologetic smile. “I’m a little bit of a control freak. I’m also possessive and protective, especially when it’s someone important to me.”

  Baltic beamed in return. “Noted. Anyway, what did this sorcerer do?”

  Jefferson had no idea how to explain the situation to Baltic. At least not in a logical manner. “There was no rhyme nor reason to the things he did. He appeared to assault different groups of supernatural beings at random.”

  “Did he kill them?”

  Jefferson shook his head. “But it was a near miss every damn time. There was no pattern, except for the method itself.”

  “The magic?”

  Jefferson nodded. “Mental magic to be exact. Based on the conversations I had with my current patients and the past victims I managed to interview, the sorcerer seemed more intent on inflicting mental rather than physical wounds.”

  “Hmm, I think that was what the sorcerer wanted to do to me, as well. He called me out as a merman. He didn’t fully succeed in using his magic on me, but I had a strong feeling it would be related to one of my weaknesses as a merman.”

  “Like what?”

  “A heartbreak. I thought I recognized his dark magic, but my heart was already frozen over a hundred years ago when I…you know.”

  Jefferson smiled at him. “You don’t have to clarify it, sweetheart. I get it.”

  Baltic leaned against the back of the chair before continuing. “Thanks. Anyway, there was something familiar about the magic, but I couldn’t be sure. After all, my heart is already cold and hardened.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  Baltic pondered for a brief moment before responding. “It’s like asking a block of ice if the block of ice next to it feels cold or warm. Am I making any sense here? Both blocks have the same temperature. They are also solid and firm. Neither of them will know what it means to be warm and soft because they have yet to experience those things. I think the sorcerer was attempting to give me a heartbroken sensation, but I’m already a siren from sunset till sunrise. I can’t remember exactly what it feels like to be warm and loving. The siren magic in me blocks such feelings. I may yearn for them, but I won’t be able to describe to you what they’re like. It’s as if I’ve always been unfeeling and cruel since the day I was born. I believe that was the reason why he failed when he used his magic on me.”

  “I think I can sort of comprehend what you’re trying to say. May I ask you something?”

  “You just did.”

  Jefferson rolled his eyes. “Smart ass.”

  “I always do my best.”

  Jefferson chortled. “Seriously, though, I’m wondering if you know what it’s like to lust after someone.”

  “Of course. Lust is a baser instinct. The siren magic only prevents me from knowing what love, warmth, and affection truly feel like.”

  “So, nothing lovey-dovey?”


  “How can you be certain about your feeling for me then?”

  “I…I don’t know how to explain it. The blood from my brothers is a complicated form of magic. It’s blood magic after all. It couldn’t stop the ice from enclosing my heart back then, but the blood magic stopped it from turning into a whole block of ice. There are only two surefire ways to transform a siren back to his or her original form.”

  “The love of a mate and the pearl from the mate of a merperson.”

  “That’s right. The pearl can’t be stolen, though. It has to be given freely. The purity of love will definitely break the siren’s hold. What Miranda did was barbaric. The blood was forcefully taken from those poor mermen and mermaids.”

  Jefferson nodded before lifting Baltic’s hand closer to his lips and kissing the back of the merman’s palm. “Let’s change the topic. It’s getting rather depressing.”

  Baltic snorted. “True. By the way, are we almost there?”

  “A few more minutes. Impatient much?”

  Baltic squeezed Jefferson’s hand much tighter. “It’s…it’s the siren magic in me. I’m not sure I can hold it back much longer.”

  That was the moment when Jefferson noticed that Baltic was perspiring profusely. “Oh, shit. A little bit more, sweetheart.”

  “Hurry, Jeff. You’re beginning to smell really wonderful to me. I’m tempted to either feed on your blood and magic or enchant you with my song.”

  If Jefferson had ever doubted he was a masochist, the present moment would erase all of it. He noted Baltic’s icy-blue eyes becoming more enticing as they shone more brilliantly. Baltic’s naturally ethereal glow as a merman seemed to be more intense by the second. Instead of being turned off by the siren, he had to grit his teeth in desperation as his cock went from limp to hard as a diamond inside his pants in less than five seconds. The siren within Baltic was beginning to take over the merman’s consciousness.

  Jefferson could feel his arousal spiking to its peak. He was seconds away from pulling over and tearing their clothes off before burying his dick inside Baltic and fucking this beautiful man until they were both sated. Aside from luring their victims to their deaths by singing to them, sirens also fed on lustful energies before killing their victims with their claws and fangs. Jefferson knew he had no alternative. He called upon his magic and grasped onto Baltic’s hand with a little more force than before.

  “I’m sorry, sweetheart. This is going to hurt. Forgive me.”

  He unleashed his light magic. Baltic screamed out in pain before slumping back against the chair and losing consciousness. Jefferson stopped by the curb for
a moment to check on Baltic, making sure that his future mate was all right, before continuing the drive. He hoped Baltic wouldn’t be too pissed off at him when they reached their destination and the merman eventually awakened.

  * * * *

  Baltic groaned softly as he opened his eyes and adjusted his sight to the lighting. He could tell that it was nighttime, but there were strange, bouncing lights everywhere. He blinked a few more times before he realized that those weird lights were actually fireflies. He glanced around him and noticed the massive trees surrounding him. All of a sudden, Jefferson’s grinning face appeared above him. He stared at Jefferson’s ears. They were elongated. Jefferson was in his original form as an elf.


  “Hey, sweetheart. Welcome back to the land of the living.”

  He rolled his eyes, but the movement caused the back of his head to pound a little like a mini migraine. “Where…where are we? Why are you in your original form? Are we near a waterfall or something? I can hear the sound loud and clear.”

  Jefferson gave him a hand and pulled him up to his feet gently. He took in the trees, flowers, and the clear evening sky. There were millions of stars shining brightly. He gaped in amazement. Then, he noticed the giant body of water, along with a humongous waterfall on the other end. He relaxed instinctively when Jefferson wrapped both arms around his chest.

  “I’ve reverted back to being an elf because we’re within the realm of the land of the elves. Welcome to Ofezra, sweetheart.”

  His heart thudded in surprise and he turned his head a little to face Jefferson. “This is the land of the elves?”

  Jefferson nodded. “One of them. It also happens to be where I was born thousands of years ago. We’re in the forest at the edge of the city where my people reside in. What do you think?”

  “It’s…it’s incredible. Some of the insects, animals, flowers, and other plants are unfamiliar to me.”

  “They don’t exist in the mortal world. I’m sure there are plenty of things in the ocean I’ve never seen either.”


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