The Road Not Taken
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Page numbers listed correspond to the print edition of this book. You can use your device’s search function to locate particular terms in the text.
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
abortion, 565
Abrams, Creighton “Abe,” 504, 521, 524–25, 541, 595
Abueva, José, 142
Acheson, Dean, 47, 97, 134, 504
Magsaysay’s meeting with, 140
worry about deteriorating Philippines, 107
Adams, Samuel, 10–11
advertising, 28
Afghanistan, xlvi, 601, 602
elections in, 281
nation building in, 150
rules of engagement in, 437
African Americans, 9
Agee, Philip, 576, 584
agricultural towns, 335
Aguinaldo y Famy, Emilio, 49
Air America, 222
Air Force, U.S., 81, 90–91, 93, 94, 145, 314, 363, 366
Air Force Intelligence School, 91
Aitape, 39
Alabama, 91
Albania, 152
Alcedo, Maxima, 70
Alexander the Great, 47<
br />
Alexandria, Va., 536
Algeria, 246–47, 335, 401
All About Eve (film), 292
“Alleged Assassination Plots Involving Foreign Leaders,” 581–82
Al Qaeda, 400
Alsop, Joseph, 99, 565
Alsop, Stewart, 99, 565
Amami Oshima, 59–61
America First, 434
American Archives, 10
American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 366
American Friends of Vietnam, 293
American Friends Service Committee, 435
Americanism, 11
American Radio Service, 567
American Revolution, 10–11, 13, 17, 598, 601
American Security Council, 434
Ames, Robert, 313
An Cuong 2, Vietnam, 459
Anderson, David L., 266
Anderson, Dillon, 327, 415
Anderson subcommittee, 327–30
Anderton, John, 282
Andrade, Dale, 230
Angkor Wat, 329
Anglo-French Suez Canal Company, 295
Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, 152
Anti-Imperialist League, 49
Anzio, Italy, 180
Ap Bac, Battle of, 402–4
Aquino, Benigno S., III, 71
Aquino, Benigno S., Jr. “Ninoy,” 71
Taruc’s negotiations with, 167–68
Aquino, Benigno S., Sr., 71
Aquino, Corazon “Cory,” 71
Arabia, 55
Arabian Nights, The, 68
Arafat, Yasser, 313
Arbenz, Jacobo, 153, 218, 264
Arellano, Oscar, 242, 339, 546
Ariana Park, 214
Arlington National Cemetery, 420, 554, 595–97
Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, 441
army, Philippine, 104–5
enlargement of, 130
Army, South Vietnam:
buildup of, 369
desertion from, 525
Army Civil Affairs School, 299
Army Forces Western Pacific, 54
Army-Marine Field Manual on Counterinsurgency, 319
Army-Navy Junior Cotillion, 187
Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN), 401, 402, 404, 511, 542, 553, 566, 574
desertion from, 566
in 1975 battle, 567
Seventh Division, 403
Army Signal Corps, U.S., 230
Army Transportation Corps, 40
Army War College, 319–20
Arnett, Peter, 551
Arnold, Elliott, 92
Arthur, Comandante (Taciano Rizal), 125
Arundel, Arthur “Nick,” 228, 587
eroticism and, 67–68
U.S. involvement in, 3, 5
Asia Foundation, 138, 231
Asian Americans, 91
Asia Society, 308
assassinations, 390–92, 577, 579–84
Associated Press, 403, 414, 581
Athens, 584
atomic bomb, of Soviets, 94, 95, 301
Aurell, George, 149, 159, 309, 312
nation building disdained by, 398
Australia, 30, 519
automobiles, 4, 8
Ba Cut (Le Quang Vinh), 202, 257, 259, 273, 391, 546
Baez, Joan, 482
Baker, Howard, 581
Baker, Joe, 247, 465, 587, 595
Bancroft, Mary, 151
Ban Me Thuot, Vietnam, 567
Banzon, Jose “Joe,” 128
as envoy to South Vietnam, 249
Bao Dai, Emperor of Vietnam, 173, 203–4, 234
collaboration with sect leaders by, 262
Diem’s departure from Vietnam demanded by, 271
Nguyen Van Vy made to repudiate, 271–72
referendum on, 288
seen as French puppet, 262, 271
U.S. aid sought by, 208
Barefoot Contessa (film), 292
Barkley, Alben W., 102
Barkley, Mrs., 102
Barrio Aglao, 126
Bataan, 146, 147
Bataan Death March, 78
Batak tribe, 41
Batcheller, Nellie, 26
Batcheller, Russell, 26
Batcheller, Willard Oscar, 26
Batista, Fulgencio, 280
Battalion Combat Teams, 130, 133
“Battleground in 1967, The,” 500
Bay Bridge, 29
Bay of Pigs invasion, 360, 369, 376–78, 385, 388, 398, 465, 575
EGL’s opposition to, xliv, 376–77, 380
planning of, 354
Bay Vien (Le Van Vien), 260, 270
retirement of, 273
Beatles, 546
Bedouins, 258
Beer Hall Putsch, 17
Belafonte, Harry, 502
Belgium, 436
Belin, David W., 578, 579
Bell, Daniel, 108
Bell, David E., 484
Bell, J. Franklin, 49
Bellow, Saul, 452, 547
Ben-Gurion, David, 297
Berg, Morris “Moe,” 35
Berle, Milton, 88
Berlin tunnel, 389–90
Berlin Wall:
erection of, 369, 372
fall of, 421
Bernstein, Richard, 68
Best and The Brightest, The (Halberstam), xli, 228
Bigart, Homer, 201
Bill of Rights, xlv, 497
Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam, 169, 251, 252, 512
Binh Hung, Vietnam, 345, 352, 357
Binh Xuyen, 203–4, 254
in Battle of Saigon, 265–71, 272–73, 275, 277
EGL threatened by, 270
rifles taken from, 344
troop strength of, 261
in uprising against Diem, 260, 261, 262, 263
biological warfare, 384–85
Birch, John, 42
Bird, Kai, 313
Bismarck, Otto von, 540
Bissell, Dick, 390
Black, Ed, 413
Black Patches, 481
blowback, 153
Boer War, xxxviii, 49–50
Bogart, Humphrey, 292
Bohannan, Charles T. R. (Bo; Boh), 115–16, 270, 312, 465, 550, 578
background of, 115
death of, 591
on EGL’s affair with Kelly, 303
Filipino officers’ visit to, 121–22
firing of, 483
on lost opportunities in Vietnam, 572
on Magsaysay, 124
as Magsaysay’s CIA liaison, 284, 285
Philippine housing of, 118
as quarrelsome, 482–83
Vietnam strategy papers of, 436–38
Bohannan, Dorothy, 116
Bohlen, Charles “Chip,” 99, 368
Bohol, 165
Boland Act, 590
Bolivia, 406
bombing runs, xxiv
Bond, James (char.), 388–89, 576
Borah, William, 580
Boston Bar Association, 466
Bowie, Beverly, 38–39
Bowles, Chester, 377–78
Boyle, Peter, 164
Braddock, Edward, 181
Bradlee, Ben, 425
Bradley, Omar, 101
Magsaysay’s meeting with, 140
Braestrup, Peter, 515
Brando, Marlon, 292, 326, 327
Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, 323
break-ins, 577
Breslin, Jimmy, 320
Brethren, 506
Brigade 2506, 377
Bright Shining Lie, A: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam (Sheehan), xlii, xliii, 403, 554
British Petroleum, 152
Brochot, Elyette, 279
Brodie, Bernard, 468
Brodie, Ginger, xlviii
Bronxville, N.Y., 8–9, 22
Bronx–Whitestone Bridge, 22
Brooklyn–Battery Tunnel, 22
Brooks, Horatio, 25–26
Brooks Locomotive Works, 26
Browne, Malcolm, xxvi–xxvii
Bruce, David, 38, 148–49
Bruce, Evangeline, 149
Buckley, Tom, 513–14
Buddhism, Buddhists, xxxviii, 202, 445
Diem accused of bias against, xxvi, xxvii, xxviii, 404–5, 408
raiding of pagodas of, xxvii, 404–5
self-immolation by, xxii, xxvi–xxvii, xxx–viii, 404
South Vietnamese generals’ opposition to, xxviii
uprising of, 499
U.S. Saigon embassy’s work with, 453
Vesak Day protest of, xxvi
Bui Diem, 478, 540, 570, 595
Bundy, McGeorge, 353, 375, 453, 484, 500
ELG disliked by, 448
and Executive Action capability, 390
on Harvey, 394
options in Vietnam written out by, 449
and plots against Castro, 582
on revival of Mongoose, 397
on “sustained reprisal against North Vietnam,” 449
Bundy, William, 484
Bunker, Ellsworth, 504, 507, 513, 514, 518, 519, 526, 538, 540, 567
background of, 504–5
made ambassador to South Vietnam, 504, 505
military junta embraced by, 510
in Tet Offensive, 516
Burdick, Eugene “Bud,” 323–24, 325
Burger, Warren, 565
Burke, Arleigh, 462
Burma, xlv, 56, 197, 320
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 10
Burton, Richard, 292–93
Burton, Richard Francis, 68
Bush, George H. W., 597–98
Bush, George W., 400, 436
Bush (George W.) administration, 602
Buu Loc, Prince, 198
cabinet, 471
Cadillac Automobile Company, 7
Cai Doi, Vietnam, 345
Caine, Michael, 292
California, 90
California, University of:
at Berkeley, 534–35
at Los Angeles (UCLA), 18–20, 534
Ca Mau Peninsula, 248, 249, 250, 251
Cambodia, 329–30, 427, 437, 503, 542, 547, 598
Communist infiltration from, 371
creation of, 215
fall of, 569
Ho Chi Minh Trail in, 334
killing fields in, 571
refugees from, 572
secret U.S. bombing of, 542
South Vietnamese troops in, 542, 543–44
Vietnamese invasion of, 571–72
Camp Makabulos, 106
Camp Murphy, 119–20, 122
Canbo (dog), 531, 536, 549, 559, 588, 591
Candaba Swamp, 154
Candidate, The (film), 164
Canfield, Cass, 536
Cannon, Robert M., 154
Cantrell, Ted, 537
Cao Dai, xlviii–xlix, 202, 254, 255–56, 273, 446, 478, 480, 527
troop strength of, 261
and uprising against Diem, 260–61