by Max Boot
Cao Van Vien, 525, 566
Caputo, Philip, 475
Caravelle Hotel, xxxiii, 335
Caravelle Manifesto, xxxiii
Carbonel, Jean, 247, 278–79
CARE, 435
Caribbean Survey Group, 280–81, 397
Carnegie, Andrew, 49
Caro, Robert, 425, 439
Carson, Christopher “Kit,” 55
Carter, Jimmy, 586, 589
Carter, Marshall, 381
Cassidy, Butch, 4
Castañeda, Mariano, 123
Castelbarco, Wally, 151
Castries, Christian de, 194
Castro, Fidel, 168, 232, 333, 360, 378
and Bay of Pigs invasion, 377
books on, xlvii
CIA acronym for, 380
planned assassination of, 390–92, 410, 423, 577, 578, 580, 581–82
RFK’s determination to go after, 380
U.S. attempts to topple, xxvii, xlii, xliv, xlviii, l, 38, 259, 360, 376, 380, 382, 384–86, 387, 388, 397–98; see also Bay of Pigs invasion
U.S. hysteria about, 385
Castro, Raúl, 391
“Catalyst Team for Vietnam, A,” 438
Catherwood Foundation, 138
Catholics, 202–3, 206, 207, 445, 480
allegedly tortured by Vietminh, 223–25
as North Vietnam refugees, 221, 223
CBS, 464
CBS News, 520, 577
Cebu, 307
Central Highlands, 454, 553, 562, 567
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), 38, 139, 141, 144
and alleged bribe to Thé, 259, 260
assassinations planned by, 390
Bay of Pigs invasion planned by, 376–77
blamed for Cambodian uprising, 329–30
books on, xlvii
change in South Vietnam policy of, 297–98
civic action teams funded by, 252
and Diem coup, xxviii, xxxiii
and Diem’s power consolidation, 275
Directorate of Operations, 41
Division D of, 390
downfall of, 575
EGL hired to, 100
EGL mocked by, 383
EGL’s failure to get work at, 312
EGL’s work for, see Lansdale, Edward Geary, as CIA operative
embarrassing revelations about, 576–77
establishment of, 97
Father Hoa armed by, 357
Free Philippines financed by, 162
French supported in Vietnam by, 183
Guatemalan coup orchestrated by, 153, 218
hiring process of, 100
against Huk Rebellion, 168
Iran coup orchestrated by, 152–53, 218
and Kennedy assassination, xliv
Lovett’s criticism of, 149
Magsaysay’s successor and, 309
military support needed by, 315
Nhu backed by, 282
and 1953 Philippines election, 162, 218
Operation Gold and, 390
and Operation Mongoose, 382, 383, 384, 386
profit made on propaganda by, 226
propaganda used by, 127
Saigon office of, 454
weird plots against Castro planned by, 386–87
Wisner made deputy director for plans of, 98–99
Central Park Zoo, 22
Chapin, Vinton, 108
Chaplin, Charlie, 172
Cha Tam Church, xxxvi
chemical warfare, 385
Chester, George, 100
Kangleon’s firing ordered by, 113
Chhuon, Dap, 329
Chiang Kai-shek, 165, 280
Chicago Tribune, 434
Chile, elections in, 281
China, 37, 42, 56, 108, 134, 152, 168
Cambodia as client state of, 571–72
Communist movement in, 106
Communist takeover of, 301, 428
Mao’s revolution in, 176
Nationalists in, 106
Nixon’s visit to, 552
North Vietnam aided by, 49
and possibility of U.S. invasion of North Vietnam, 573
Soviet split with, 437
Vietnam influenced by, 201
Vietnam invaded by, 572
Vietnam-U.S. alliance against, 598
Chinese, as squatters in Malaya, 129
Chinese Americans, 14
Choate, Charlie, 466
Cholon, Vietnam, 203–4, 262, 263, 265, 266–68, 270
Christian Democratic Party, Italy, 136, 137
Christianity, 202
Christian Science, 13–14, 24, 27, 155, 187, 192, 259, 465, 467, 537, 538, 555, 596
Christian Science Monitor, 13–14, 141
Chu Lai, Vietnam, 458, 459
Church, Frank, 385, 577, 579–80, 583
Church Committee, 385, 575, 577, 578, 579–85, 586, 587
Churchill, Winston, 93, 150, 421
CIA and the Cult of Intelligence, The (Marchetti), 576
Citadel, 516
Citizen Kane (film), 292
Citizens’ Military Training Camp, 20
Citizens Party, Philippines, 143
“civic action,” 128–29, 130, 287, 369–70, 594
ELG’s possible coining of term, 126
in Vietnam, 218, 442
Civic Action Commission, 251–52
Civil Air Transport (CAT), 222, 229–30
Civil Guard, 401
Civilian Conservation Corps, 21
Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support (CORDS), 504, 542
civil rights, 439, 448–49
Civil Rights Acct (1964), 425–26
Civil War, U.S., 601
Clark, James, 57
Clark Field, Clark Air Base, 53, 63, 144, 154, 167, 180, 195, 591
Clausewitz, Carl von, 369
Claw, 18–19, 20
Cleopatra (film), 292
Cleveland, Grover, 49
Clifford, Clark, 504, 521, 524, 529–30
Clifton, Charles V. “Ted,” 442
Clinton, Bill, 481, 598
Clive, Robert, 55
Coast Artillery Corps, 83
Cochin China, xxv, 171–72, 255
Cojuangco, José Chichioco, 71
Colby, William, xxxviii–xxxix, 99, 335–36, 341, 469, 576, 577, 580, 605
Church Committee testimony of, 581, 583
at EGL’s funeral, 595
pacification policy of, 542
at Vann’s funeral, 554
Cold War, 13, 42, 50, 98, 338
containment in, 93–94
end of, 598
start of, 88
Cold War liberals, 435
“Cold War Program for Defense, A,” 317
Collins, J. Lawton “Lightning Joe,” 233, 289, 355, 370
background of, 237–38
and Battle of Saigon, 267, 269
Cao Dai leaders castigated by, 260–61
on committee to study military assistance programs, 327–28
desire to make Diem ceremonial figure, 265, 269
desire to pare back South Vietnamese forces, 238
disciplined meetings of, 238
EGL’s pacification memo for, 245–46
Lansdale’s disagreement with, 238–39
made ambassador to South Vietnam, 237
oratory of, 237–38
and Phillips’s observation of Operation Liberty, 249
replacement of, 274
and uprising against Diem, 263–64
Collins, Michael, 333
Colombia, xlv, 601
Columbia University, 523
Committee for a Free Asia, 138
Committee on Public Information, 28
Communism, 189
Communist bloc, 152
Communist International (Comintern), 175, 178
Communist movement, in China, 106
Communist Party, Chinese, 176–78
Communist Party, French, 175
ommunist Party, Italian, 136–37, 138
Communist Party, U.S., 21
Communist Party, Vietnamese, 174, 175, 213, 332
darkest period of, 283–84
Communists, xxxviii, xlv, xlix, 38, 42–43, 63
EGL’s view on, 95–96
as spies in U.S., 38
see also Cold War; Huks
Communist University of the Toilers of the East, 175
Community Action Program, 425
Conboy, Kenneth, 230
concentration camps, 49
“Concept for Victory in Vietnam,” 436–37, 441, 442, 443, 447, 537
Conein, Lucien “Luigi,” xxxiii–xxxv, xxxvi, 214, 265, 359, 448, 578, 587
agents in Germany run by, 217
An’s friendship with, 231
and attempted assassination of EGL, 278–79
background of, 216
in Battle of Saigon, 268
called “spook deity,” 466
Church Committee testimony of, 581
cynical about EGL, 241
in departure from SLO, 493–94
at EGL’s funeral, 595
expelled from Vietnam, 447
as “expert liar,” 216
fingers lost by, 217
French homes bombed by, 279–80
on Hong Kong trip, 496
Japanese forces infiltrated by, 216–17
lack of knowledge about EGL’s activities in Vietnam, 483
North Vietnam infiltrated by, 227–30, 546
in plot for Diem coup, 406, 465
and threat to Ellsberg, 482
at Vann’s funeral, 554–55
and Vietnam coup, 414–15
Confucianism, Confucianists, xxvi, 206, 404, 461, 476
Cong Ly house, 475, 481, 492–93, 494, 498, 506, 507, 508, 515, 517–19, 523, 526, 528
Congo, xxvii
Congress, U.S.:
Diem’s address to, 296
LBJ given authority in Vietnam by, 431–32
Congress for Cultural Freedom, 127
Congressional Research Service, 190
Connally, John, 419
Connell, William, 441–42, 443, 520
Connery, Sean, 389
Constituent Assembly, elections for, 288–89, 497–500, 501
Constitution, U.S., 281, 529
containment, 93–94
contras, 590
Coolidge, Calvin, 17
Cooper, Chester L., 453, 551
Coordinator of Information (COI), 34
Corregidor, 51, 163
Corsican Brotherhood, 216
Cottrell, Sterling J., 397
Coughlin, Charles, 21
counterinsurgency, 6, 16, 110, 168, 244–45, 319, 362, 368, 380, 594
army’s failure to focus on, 412
army’s throwing out of lessons of, 599–600
coining of term, 321–22
political side of, 129
Westmoreland’s lack of interest in, 430
CounterSpy, 584
Cowen, Myron, 107, 130, 134
Craig, William H., 386, 387
Cranbrook Academy, 468
Creel, George, 28
crisis of confidence, 565
Cronkite, Walter, 520
Crook, George, 55
Crosby, Bing, 136, 567
Cruzen, Richard, 163
Cuba, xxvii, 49, 232, 280, 376–99, 410
EGL’s concept of operation on, 383–84
EGL’s plans for revolt in, 384–85
exiles from, 480
U.S. agents in, 392–93
see also Bay of Pigs invasion; Operation Mongoose
Cuban Missile Crisis, 395–97
Currey, Cecil, xlvii, 588, 596, 597
Czechoslovakia, 429, 528, 533
Dai Viet, 229, 283
North Vietnamese penetration of, 230
Dalat, Vietnam, 294, 295
Dallek, Robert, 348
Da Nang, Vietnam, 215, 450, 499
Dang Tuyet Mai, 477
Dauphin, Claude, 292
Davis, Spencer, 73
EGL informed of Vietnam coup by, 414
EGL’s eulogy delivered by, 596
D-Day, 39, 319, 369, 430
Declaration of Honolulu, 487
Declaration of Independence, xlv, 11, 178, 497, 529, 559, 580, 598
Defense Department, U.S., xlviii, 393
State Department vs., 338
see also Pentagon
Defense Intelligence Agency, 358, 413
De Gasperi, Alcide, 136, 137
Degushi, Kinoje, 59–60
Delaney, Michael, 506–7
Deliver Us from Evil (Dooley), 223–25
democracy, xlv, 539–40
Democracy Party, Vietnam, 540
Democratic Alliance, Philippines, 76
Democratic National Convention:
of 1948, 439
of 1968, 533
Democratic Party, U.S., 139
in election of 1968, 522
democratization, 280–81
“Denounce the Communists” campaign, 283
Denver, Colo., 91–93, 100
Denver Post, 96
Denver Public Library, 92
détente, 386, 584
Detroit, Mi., 5, 26
Deutch, John, xlix
Deutch, Michael J., 466, 467, 484, 494, 495
Devlin, Martha, 516
Dewey, Thomas E., 88
Dickerman, Sherwood, 551
Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam, xlix, 185–86, 193, 514
creation of, 184
education of, 206
fall of, 193–94, 196, 208, 295
fortification of, 185
diGenova, Joseph, 582
Dinh Thach Bich, 528
Directory, 478
Disneyland, 302
Disraeli, Benjamin, 147, 602
District Eight, 506, 519, 523–24
Dixiecrat Party, U.S., 439
Dodd, Christopher, 453
Dodd, Thomas, 452–53
Doi Moi, 598
Dominican Republic, xxvii, 504–5
domino theory, 340
Donovan, Bill, 34, 35, 36–37, 99, 151, 164, 271
grave of, 595
Dooley, Thomas, 223–25, 227
Dornan, Bob, 589
Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 552
Douglas, William O., 207, 208
Dower, John, 56
Downey, John “Jack,” 231–32
Draper, Theodore, 377
Draper, William Henry, Jr., 327
Draper Committee, 327–30, 415
drone strikes, 601
Duarte, José Napoleón, 590
Dulles, Allen, 99, 101, 143, 148, 159, 191, 353, 421, 603
background of, 150–52
and Battle of Saigon, 265
Bay of Pigs planned by, 376–77
in Defense meeting on Vietnam, 190
EGL advised by, 153
EGL sent to Saigon by, 194
EGL’s Philippine holiday approved by, 284
EGL’s protest about Diem to, 289
Heath replaced by, 237
National Security Medal won by, 164
and North Vietnamese refugees, 222
and Philippine election of 1953, 160
and uprising against Diem, 264
Dulles, Eleanor, 152
Dulles, John Foster, 148, 150, 152, 190, 194
and Battle of Saigon, 268, 269
death of, 330
and EGL’s duty in Vietnam, 190–91
EGL’s Philippine holiday approved by, 284
EGL’s protest about Diem to, 289
grave of, 595
Heath replaced by, 237
on need for support for Diem, 273
on Orient’s need for single head of government, 282
and plan to make Diem ceremonial figure, 265
on uprising against Diem, 264
Dunkirk, N.Y., 25–26, 69
Dunn, John Michael, xxxvi
Duong Van Duc, 248, 249, 250
Duong Van Minh (Big Minh), 428
in charge of Vietnam, xxxvii
in coup against Diem, xxxvi, 568
Diem’s promotion of, xxxiv
made president, 426, 568
replacement as president of, 445
Durbrow, Elbridge, 374
background of, 337, 350
desire for transfer of Nhu, 336–37
replacement of, 355
Durdin, F. Tillman, 291
Durdin, Peggy, 201, 291
Dutch East Indies, 40–41
Dutch rubber plantations in, 50
Dylan, Bob, 482
Earhart, Amelia, 29
East Berlin, 369, 389–90
Eastern Construction Company (Eccoi), 466–67, 518
Eastern Europe, 93
Easter Offensive, 553, 554, 561, 565
Ebuen, Benito, 307, 308
Economic Development Corps (EDCOR), 129, 149, 359
Eddy, Mary Baker, 3, 13
Ed Sullivan Show, The (TV show), 302
Eglin Air Force Base, 599–600
Egypt, 47, 234, 312, 504
Ehrlichman, John, 547
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 51, 284, 363, 504
CIA review requested by, 149
Collins made South Vietnamese ambassador by, 237
committee on military assistance programs created by, 327–30
desire to destroy Binh Xuyen, 269
desire to intervene at Dien Bien Phu, 193
domino theory of, 340
Dulles brothers given foreign policy responsibilities by, 152
EGL congratulated on Philippines election by, 163
EGL sent back to Philippines by, 191
Erskine supported by, 315
field officers introduced to, 153
Hinh’s proposed coup opposed by, 236
intelligence of, 189
lack of interest in Vietnam, 353
Lodge as campaign manager of, xxix
lost in Pentagon, 314
in 1952 election, 143, 152
and 1956 election in Vietnam, 280
placid international scene presided over by, 301
and plan to make Diem ceremonial figure, 265
Eisenhower administration, 538, 545
and Battle of Saigon, 267
coup against Diem considered by, 275
coups launched by, xxvii
and Soviet invasion of Hungary, 295
in Suez Crisis, 295
El Alamein, Battle of, 319
elections, Italian, 136–38
elections, Philippines:
of 1907, 50, 157
of 1935, 157
of 1946, 112
of 1949, 105, 139
of 1951, 134, 137–38, 139, 140, 161
of 1953, xlviii, 134, 140, 142–44, 148, 149, 152, 157–64, 165, 180, 183, 218, 274–75, 285, 424
of 1957, 307
elections, South Vietnam:
of 1956, 280
of 1966, 497–500, 501, 540
of 1967, 509–10, 512
of 1971, 540
elections, U.S.:
of 1896, 157
of 1948, 424
of 1952, xxx, 143, 152
of 1960, 340, 498
of 1964, xxx, 405, 429, 440, 445, 522–23